SEELY, Lt. Comdr. C. S.
Showdown In Europe By Lt. Comdr. C. S. Seely THE ease with which we crossed the northern Rhine is positive evidence that Hitler is groggy—punch drunk—and has no power left seriously to interfere...
...This may seem contradictory, but the position can easily be supported...
...It is now safe enough to predict that we and our Allies will not meet any more serious reverses in the European theater of war...
...And it probably is also safe enough to say that no more great battles will be fought there...
...We have already taken several great chances which turned out very well indeed for us, but I am not in favor of tempting fate too often...
...Apparently Hitler has used up his last reserves, and is now simply waiting—and hoping—for a "miracle" (a split within the United Nations) to save Nazism...
...Hitler simply does not appear to have the men to stage another great battle...
...And I recognize the fact that an "all-out" attack in Europe may be necessary in order to free our forces there for the attack on Japan before the Japanese dig in too deeply...
...A war of attrition can now beat Hitler just as easily •—except more time will be required—as an "all-out" drive toward Berlin without any thought of the cost can do it...
...But it seems clear that no more grave risks need be taken either in Europe or Asia...
...Certainly when we get 2,000,000 men on the east bank of the Rhine Hitler will be as good as "in the bag...
...The latter course seems the less desirable, but 1 have utmost confidence in our high command's ability to make the correct estimate of the situation...
...C. S. Seely THE ease with which we crossed the northern Rhine is positive evidence that Hitler is groggy—punch drunk—and has no power left seriously to interfere with our advance into Germany...
...The Rhine between Coblenz and Holland undoubtedly was Hitler's strongest line of defense in the West, and obviously it had to be held at all costs...
...But since it was not held, it is clear that it could not be held...
...As matters now stand it seems clear that the longer the war in Europe lasts the fewer the casualties there...
...The opinions and assertions expressed above are the private ones of the writer and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the Navy Department or the naval service at large...
...If Hitler could not hold us at the wide north Rhine he can not for long hold us at any other barrier...
...The end of the war in Europe now depends mainly upon how much we are willing to sacrifice in life and treasure to shorten the war...
Vol. 9 • April 1945 • No. 14