The Wisconsin Primary Voters Uphold Progressive Cause and Progressive Leadership PROGRESSIVES all over the country have shown keen in terest in the result of the Wisconsin primary election on...
...There is every indication that (with the Corrupt Practices Act weakened by judicial construction) money was poured into this campaign, in the same-sized golden stream that used to flood the state in "those good old days...
...How Wisconsin voters perform at the ballot box has come to be a matter of real concern to the whole nation...
...That is the important news to progressives throughout the nation...
...There has never been a primary, or an election, in Wisconsin, when the progressive voters had to face heavier odds—unless it was in the very first campaign against the entrenched railroad-political machine, fifteen years ago, the -winning of which gave rise to the progressive movement in state and nation...
...With the issues drawn more sharply between progressives and reactionaries in the SENATORIAL contest than it was possible to draw them in the campaign for the governorship, THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS PLEDGED ANEW, BY AN OVERWHELMING VOTE, THEIR SUPPORT OF PROGRESSIVE PRINCIPLES AND PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP...
...This time, the Insurance, the Railroad, the Waterpower, the Liquor, (which interest is exploiting and "using" the small dealer quite as shamefully as it is "influencing" legislation through its corrupt and corrupting lobby), the Income Tax-dodging interests, the Impure Food Manufacturing interests,—all these and other interests with the same sordid antagonism to the kind of government that PROTECTS THE PLAIN CITIZEN, got together in a desperate attempt to overturn everything of civic good that has been gained for the people of Wisconsin...
...Yet, what happened...
...SENATOR LA FOLLETTE, against whom the most bitter fight was waged, EMERGED VICTORIOUS...
...The daily newspaper organs of these powerful interests (and the state is filled with such) crowded their editorial and news columns with flagrantly dishonest statements and with shameless distortions of fact...
...All the stock influences of old-time corrupt politics were drawn upon...
...Grossest falsehoods were spread broadcast...
...This time, the reactionary interests were confident...
...An exceptionally light vote was cast, yet Senator La Follette secured 100,396 votes, while his opponent, Malcolm G. Jeffris, received only C6,569...
...Encouraged by the "fluke" of 1914—when a MINORITY Governor was elected because the MAJORITY progressive strength was divided and scattered among five candidates— the forces of reaction within this state drew into the struggle all the powers at their command...
...Money was spent with a lavish hand...
...The Wisconsin Primary Voters Uphold Progressive Cause and Progressive Leadership PROGRESSIVES all over the country have shown keen in terest in the result of the Wisconsin primary election on September 5. Forward-looking citizens have been writing urgent requests for the real meaning of this vote...
...The big interests, who are in politics for profits, mobilized all the strength at their command in this Wisconsin campaign because they felt certain of making a clean sweep—THIS TIME...
Vol. 8 • September 1916 • No. 9