Follette, Belle Case La
Home and Education Cmndzxcted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE Mr. Hughem on Wommn Suffragm CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, the Republican . candidate for President of the United States, has committed himself...
...Perhaps he needs a more carefully supervised diet and an open-windowed sleeping room to make him strong to resist not only tuberculosis, but all disease...
...but it is a question which affeets the whole country, the composition of onr Electorate...
...I have some that has been kept three months, and it is seemingly as good to-day as when first prepared...
...Does she run and play with the other children...
...It will give to a rice pudding, or to a baked custard, an elusive but delicious flavor...
...I did not deal with it in making my formal response to the notification of my nomination...
...It is shaped largely by guess, and is pointed and turned up at the toe...
...The carpenters, painters, bricklayers and other building trade workers, the miners, the printers, the cigar makers and many other male workers through the strength of their unions had been able to make this gain...
...In using peroxide of hydrogen it is always necessary to remember that while it is a disinfectant it is not a healing remedy at all, as it is acid in reaction and stimulating, rather than healing, to wounds...
...It will give zest to apple-sauce at the season when apples are a bit tasteless...
...Take Care of Children's Feet MANY troubles that can make life miserable come from feet that were neglected in ehildhood...
...I speak with reference to the America of the future, and the great importance that in our preparedness we should deal with real political issues and not have our political life sidetracked by a great and determined movement made by determined opposition, with regard to the composition of our Electorate...
...I further believe that it is a matter affecting the whole country...
...She shust not feel so good...
...Always remember that boric acid is non-poisonous in any ordinary quantity usually used, while bichloride of mercury and carbolic acid are exceedingly poisonous...
...They should never wear any foot covering at any time that in any way distorts the toes or any part of the foot, or that interferes in any way with its normal growth and development...
...and therefore I believe that the 1 eral Amendment should be submitted and should be ratified...
...Any reform in the shape of shoes must begin with the shoemaker's last...
...It is exceedingly efficient, safe and economical...
...The Foundation recently made a survey of industrial conditions in Springfield, Illinois...
...From Judge...
...Without word, without question save that which made the great brown eyes so haunting in their appeal, she obeyed him with silent diffidence, making no protest when he put strange instruments into her mouth, looked keenly at the tiny hands which he held in his, felt of shoulder blades and spine, and listened to heart and lungs...
...The only rational last is made from a plrster cast of the foot while bearing weight, and the mold can be made only of some semi-solid material that hardens when cool or dry...
...School teachers, generally, have long appreciated the civic importance and value of .equal suffrage...
...I see nothing but danger to our security, to our unity, to our proper attitude toward political questions in continued agitation of this subject...
...The nurse will tell you what to do and then she must come each week so that we can treat the child successfully...
...One felt that a little tragedy was being uncovered...
...And it is always ready...
...and I would take the shortest cut to its solution...
...0, she not so sick...
...But their wives and sisters and daughters, whose physical resistance to the strain of industrial occupations is less than theirs, and who besides generally have home tasks after their exhausting day outside, for the most part were working in Springfield factories, stores, and laundries from nine to ten hours per day...
...In fact I have already found a dozen ways of using it, and I expect to find more...
...I take that position because, reiterating what I have already said, I believe this question should be promptly settled...
...Boric acid in solution makes an excellent gargle for sore mouths or a lotion for sore eyes, and as it is not at all expensive a pound box of it should form part of the domestic supplies of every family...
...And so I want to say, women, if they are to have the vote, as I believe, they are to come in as citizens with men...
...Lemons may be grated easily after they have had the juice pressed out...
...EXPEDIENCY is man's wisdom...
...Now I did not state last night my attitude with regard to the Federal Amendment...
...It is so easy to do, and so satisfactory, that it is well worth trying...
...There is little hope of getting a rationally shaped shoe until the wooden last is totally discarded...
...Honrs of Women Workers THE NEED for organization among women workers, the same as for men workers, has been strikingly emphasized by the Russell Sage Foundation...
...Bo the Antis' talk makes father mad, 'Twould be rather hard on poor, old Dad, To express these views with one ballot small, Since he's Democrat and hates them all...
...I base that conclusion upon a consideration of our economic conditions...
...And at a recent speech before the Women's New York Committee of the National Hughes Alliance, Mr...
...Boric acid is mild and safe in its action, promotes rapid healing of wounds, can be used as a dressing powder or, dissolved in water, as a cleansing solution...
...It is one of those matters where we must have a uniform policy...
...Poor Dad ("Man represents Woman at the Poll*") GRANDMA'S a Prohibitionist, A Socialist is Nan, Mother's Progressive through and through, Sue's a Republican...
...And all that many of them need to make them rugged and strong is plenty of fresh air and proper food,'' said the doctor...
...Yet, as she heard the strange words, dictated by the doctor to his assistant for record of the case, a strange terror came slowly into her eyes...
...I keep a tumbler of each, ready...
...The doctor completed his examination and over again the story of lack of nourishment had been told him by the child who had spoken no word...
...How long has your little girl been sick7" he asked the mother...
...One reason for this undoubtedly was the fact that women workers were almost entirely unorganized...
...Suffrage Notes and News By Anna Cadogan Etz MR GEORGE CROMWELL, of Richmond, when interviewed in Chicago by suffragists is reported to have said that he was opposed because he "could imagine no more desperate situation than where the cook and the laundress were of different political faiths...
...Tested, and Found Good By ABBY HEDGE CORYELL IV...
...And so little Five-Year-Old was added to the line of boys and girls who each week report at the Milwaukee free dispensary for the treatment by which doctors and nurses and the charitable people who support the dispensary are seeking to save them...
...They declared that in their contest for re-election next November they would be seriously embarrassed if the House Judiciary committee persisted in blocking the Susan B. Anthony woman suffrage amendment...
...That matter was not stated specifically in the Republican platform...
...There's a lesson for you in this little story...
...The same may be said of adults...
...Rescuing the Little Tots By LOUISE F. BRAND ROUND-EYED and grave, the little Five-Year-Old looked at the strange Doctor Man...
...So, if you chance to know a home where there are both tuberculosis and children, will you not make it your business to see that the little ones are not sacrificed to ignorance and carelessness that fail to recognize the danger of infection...
...Hughes stated at greater length his attitude as a candidate toward votes for women...
...Near by, the mother sat with toil-worn hands tightly clasped, the fingers working over each other nervously as she watched the doctor's face with dumb, awe-stricken intensity...
...Teachers Approve, Again AT ITS recent convention the National Education Association adopted the following resolution : "Resolved, That the National Education Association again declares its belief in equal suffrage for men and women and urges upon its members the support of such measures as will hasten Hie consummation of this end...
...I desire to see them not organized on a sex basis, developing sex antagonism, but with the responsibilities of citizens and coming in as men do, and, in connection with the great questions of the day, to exert their powerful influence according to their convictions on these questions...
...No normal foot is so shaped...
...And so I stated that I favored woman suffrage...
...But the orange skin, being more delicate, is better grated before peeling...
...In its preliminary report it has this to say concerning the hours of women workers: "It was clear from our investigation that a much larger proportion of male than female workers in Springfield were enjoying an eight-hour day...
...It is a white power, and makes the best dressing for wounds that modem doctors have ever discovered...
...That is a matter that is fundamental...
...Shoemakers do not seem to be, able to get away from form and beauty in shaping it...
...I think it is impossible...
...Today, in answer to a telegram from Senator Sutherland of Utah, I stated that consistently with the principle and view I announced last night I was in favor of the Federal Amendment...
...Your child is very sick, madam...
...For disinfecting and deodorizing drains, the crude or unrefined carbolic acid is one of the best agenta obtainable...
...That being my conviction I deprecate most deeply sex organization, based upon sex and not upon the general obligations of citizenship borne by alL "I view with a great deal of misgiving a continuation of the agitation, which I am sure will grow more and more intense, as this movement meets determined opposition...
...Questioned by Senator Sutherland of Utah in a telegram as to his "present position," Mr...
...The country must decide on what that policy should be...
...It told her nothing...
...Hughes replied at once: "The proposed Federal amendment relating to woman suffrage * * * Bhould be submitted and ratified and the subject removed from political discussion...
...IN CONGRESS the Congressmen from equal suffrage states have appeared in protest before the Judiciary committee...
...A teaspoonful of either will give a fine flavor to a simple cake...
...An Excellent Disinfectant APHYSICIAN writes to Farm and Fireside saying: "That the very best disinfectant known to science does not seem to be known to some people at alL "I allude to boric acid, or, as some people call it, boracic acid...
...In this speech he said: "I have come to the conviction that the granting of a vote to woman is inevitable...
...The protesting delegation numbered twenty-eight Representatives from districts where, so they said, the impression must be removed that the Democratic party was blocking the Federal Suffrage Amendment, and they appealed for an immediate and favorable vote...
...Arthur R. Reynolds, former health commissioner of Chicago, writes: "Children should go barefooted at all times while indoors and through the summer...
...And if, for any reason, your child is listless and unwilling to play, remember it is best to play safe by taking him to your physician and insisting on a thorough examination...
...Hughem on Wommn Suffragm CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, the Republican . candidate for President of the United States, has committed himself unqualifiedly in favor of a Federal amendment granting suffrage to women...
...Discussing the Care of children's feet in the American Magazine, Dr...
...As the examination proceeded in a little room of a free dispensary in the city of Milwaukee, to which every Saturday morning are brought children who have been exposed to tuberculosis in the homes of the poor or who attract the attention of the visiting nurses in their daily rounds of duty, the keenness of the physician seemed to change subtly...
...but I confess I do not understand how any candid mind can examine the tendencies of our life and reach a conclusion that permanently votes will be denied to women...
...I have indicated my belief as to what it should be...
...Orange and Lemon Flavoring ONE of the best things which I have discovered recently, is that the grated peel of either oranges or lemons, mixed with granulated sugar, will keep nicely just put in a tumbler or cup and covered, for weeks...
...You can add to your original lot, as you use more lemons, or more oranges...
...Most times she lie by the couch...
...We must start with our Electorate and then discuss the matters with respect to which- they are to act according to their convictions...
...It will add an extra charm to your mince pies...
...There may be those who disagree with that view...
...Doing right is God's.—Geobgb Meredith...
...He did not touch on the desperateness of a disagreement between the butler and the furnace man...
...It is safe to assert that good-looking and non-deforming shoes can be made without it...
Vol. 8 • August 1916 • No. 8