Chamberlin, William Henry
A Timely Chronicle Of Canada DOMINION OF THE NORTH: A HISTORY OF CANADA, by Donald Grant Creighton. Houghton Mifflin Company. $3.50. Reviewed by William Henry Chamberlin OUR northern neighbor,...
...But within its self-imposed limits Prof...
...but he also discusses the fur trade and the fisheries and the general economy of Canada before the British conquest...
...London, Ontario, is on the Thames River and boasts a Regent Street...
...The CCF, Canada's farmer-labor party which has made appreciable progress in the provincial elections of the last years, is defined as follows: "In origin, the CCF stemmed from both the agrarian radicalism of the North American west and from the socialist philosophy of the labor movement of Great Britain...
...Creighton tells the story of his country from the time of the early French explorers to the outbreak of World War II...
...There is, therefore, all the more reason to welcome this carefully prepared history of the Dominion...
...and it grew up amid all the favorable influences of the New Deal in the United States...
...Creighton's work is excellent, reliable as to facts, easy and lucid in style...
...What Canada wants is to be a friendly neighbor, not an integral part of the vast republic to the South...
...Reviewed by William Henry Chamberlin OUR northern neighbor, Canada, grew up side by side with the United States, a friendly but separate state...
...UNLIKE the old-fashioned historians who try to describe a nation's history almost entirely in terms of its leading personalities, the author gives full attention to the economic and social forces in Canadian history...
...Few Americans know as much as they should about this friendly neighbor...
...Canadian democracy stemmed from the same roots as American: free land, abundant natural resources, a happy isolation (until modern times) from the wars that took the lives of subjects of the European states in battle and crushed them with oppressive taxes in time of peace...
...But, although Canada is infiltrated with American books and magazines, movies and radio broadcasts, the Canadians prefer their separate national existence...
...He does not overlook the heroes of early French Canada, the gruff, imperious Fron-tenac and the polished soldier, Montcalm...
...One would have appreciated a discussion of the very important consequences of the present war for Canada, and of the unbridged rift between English Canada and French Canada on the explosive issue of conscription for service overseas...
...They made this clear when they repelled the rather half-hearted and ineffective American invasions at the time of the Revolution and during the War of 1812...
...A well balanced narrative carries the Canadian national story through the main phases of the country's development, the avoidance of conquest and absorption by the United States, the gradual substitution of representative for colonial government in the middle of the last century, the achievement of confederation in 1867, the opening of the West and the turbulent era which began for Canada, as for the entire world, when the first shots were fired in 1914...
...The Canadian businessman, like the American, rotates with the Rotarians and roars with the Lions...
...But in general layout and living habits the Canadian town is more suggestive of Dayton or Omaha than of its distinguished English counterpart, or of a British provincial town of similar size...
...I suspect that the average educated American would flunk pretty dismally on a reasonable examination about the main facts of Canadian history, geography, government, and economics...
...Except when one goes into French Canada, with its picturesque inheritance of a conservative Old World culture and way of life, the American is conscious of little change on crossing the Canadian border...
...Creighton's last chapter is especially valuable as a background for present day Canadian political trends and moods...
...He gives a capable pen sketch of the Canadian Prime Minister, benevolent looking, astute Mackenzie King, who is much less of a radical than his grandfather, William Lyon Mackenzie, a stormy petrel who headed an armed revolt and was forced to take refuge in the United States for a time...
Vol. 8 • July 1944 • No. 28