Stafford, Jane
YOUR HEALTH: Here's How! By JANE STAFFORD THIS time of year brings to parents the annual worry over infantile paralysis. The worry is not likely to be less in view of a recent unfavorable report...
...Health departments will get the preventive, called immune globulin, on application to the American Red Cross here...
...The method of treatment consists, essentially, in cleaning out the cavity with zephiran, which is a wetting agent with antiseptic properties, and applying a sulfa drug...
...Consequently this must be considered a preliminary report and final judgment regarding the effectiveness of vitamin P as the treatment of rheumatic fever withheld until a larger number of cases have been studied...
...Mary S. Sherman, of the University of Chicago, which I have just seen in the Journal of the American Medical Association, should, however, bring some reassurance...
...The worry is not likely to be less in view of a recent unfavorable report on the Kenny treatment for the disease...
...Rinehart said...
...This rate is greatly accelerated in rheumatic fever, and a slowing of this rate is a gauge of improvement...
...Eigen believes, although he says more study will be needed to clear this point, that the action of the two drugs is more than additive...
...Sherman states...
...These patients are examples of the natural course of infantile paralysis, Dr...
...One little girl had both arms and both legs paralyzed and was expected to be bedridden or at least confined to a wheelchair for life...
...Seven patients who had severe weakness had their early activity supervised by physical therapy specialists...
...If nutritional deficiency of vitamins C and P prove to be conditioning factors which prepare the soil for rheumatic fever, prophlylaxis can be carried out...
...Science Service Reports Vitamin P And Rheumatic Fever SAN FRANCISCO—Rheumatic fever, dread cause of heart disease in children and young adults, may yield to a chemical found in red pepper and lemon peel...
...Measles Preventive To Be Available WASHINGTON, D. C.—Within 30 to 60 days, health departments can have for free distribution to children everywhere in the nation the measles preventive obtained as a by-product from blood donated by the American people to the Red Cross for our fighting forces...
...This condition is an inflammation of the tooth pulp which contains nerves and blood vessels...
...The plan for its distribution has been set up, and ample supplies of the globulin are on hand, ready to be packaged and shipped...
...It acknowledged that the wide publicity given the Kenny method has stimulated doctors generally to reevaluate known methods of treating the disease and to treat it more effectively, * * * Hope For Paralysis Victims No one can tell whether there will be an outbreak of infantile paralysis this Summer, nor has any specific preventive yet been found...
...Kenny packs, splints, or special apparatus were not used...
...Rinehart noted...
...According to a report by Dr...
...It seems improbable that improvement noted in these cases was coincidental...
...The price for a vial containing enough globulin for one adult or two small children will be $1.07 to $1.10...
...Physical activity, with early active exercise under water, was started as soon as the fever and pain subsided, and the patients were got up and encouraged in the normal use of their arms and legs as quickly as possible...
...New Treatment For Dying Teeth CHICAGO—Teeth in their "dying throes" which ordinarily would have to be pulled are now being saved by use of a sulfa drug plus a relatively new antiseptic, zephiran, Dr...
...The costs of processing and shipping will be paid by the health department or other suitable agency to whom the Red Cross gives a permit for purchasing the material...
...Six of the group died of the disease...
...that even starting the Kenny treatment very early does not prevent or minimize the degree of permanent paralysis...
...A report by Dr...
...All cases showed a slowing of the rate at which the red blood cells settled out from the blood serum...
...In some cases of pulpitis treated successfully, there had also been infection at the tip of the tooth root and pain which extended into the ear...
...The effects of the treatment were not dramatic but appeared consistently favorable, Dr...
...Eigen has tried this treatment in more than 100 cases of pulpitis...
...The committee also disagreed with Miss Kenny on the use of braces and respirators...
...Ten of the 19 cases studied had shown persistent activity of the rheumatic process for periods ranging from six to 17 weeks prior to treatment...
...From what they saw, they conclude that the difference between the Kenny treatment and "orthodox" treatment in the number of patients helped to recover without paralysis is not so great as Miss Kenny has stated...
...Complete control of streptococcic infections, such as sore throats, is not possible at this time...
...Sherman reports the outcome of infantile paralysis in 70 persons attacked by the disease in Chicago last Summer...
...They were kept at absolute bed rest with as nearly normal a diet as possible...
...Neither can the manufacturers or anyone concerned with its production or distribution make any profit...
...The committee reported seeing several cases in which paralysis progressed after the Kenny treatment had been started and pointed out that some features of the Kenny treatment, such as muscle reeducation, have been known and used for many years...
...No charge for the preventive can be made to the patient getting it, the Red Cross stipulates...
...James F. Rinehart, professor of pathology in the Medical School on the San Francisco campus of the University of California, a plant pigment, flavone, known as the permeability factor or vitamin P, has shown considerable promise as a treatment for the great disabler, rheumatic fever...
...M. Eigen, dentist of Arlington, Va., reports in the forthcoming issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association here...
...About 10 per cent of pulp deaths occurred in Dr...
...As urgent as the need may be for an effective treatment for rheumatic fever, an even greater one exists for a preventive," said Dr...
...Ei-gen's series of 100 cases...
...Of those who survived, all but seven are leading normal lives...
...During the past two years they visited 16 clinics in six cities and examined 740 patients, about 650 of whom had been treated by Miss Kenny's method...
...Their treatment was essentially the same as would be given in any acute fever...
...She is now back in regular school, and while most of her muscles are weak, she walks without a limp and is able to keep up with the other children without special privileges...
...In some cases, zephiran alone succeeds in clearing up the trouble but the addition of the sulfa drug seems to give better results...
...He thinks that one actually potentiates the other, almost algebraically, to greater action than either would have alone...
...It is recognized, however, that rheumatic fever tends to run an unpredictable course and that spontaneous remissions may occur at any time...
...The report was made by a group of specialists in orthopedic surgery appointed by the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, and the American Orthopedic Association...
...that continuous hot packs for all patients with minimal evidence of "spasm" is of questionable value and an unnecessary waste of manpower and hospital beds...
...Most of the group were children under 15 but there were 12 over 15 years...
...To date 19 cases (15 children and four young adults) have been treated for periods of one month or longer by administration of vitamin P," Dr...
Vol. 8 • July 1944 • No. 28