. . . THE PEOPLE'S FORUM . . . 'Socialized' Medicine Dear Sirs: While we must admit that medical science has made great progress during recent years, we are still confronted by the fact that the...
...But perhaps if we mail this nice paper to the WPB, air mail, it can be transformed into a cartridge case in time for the next beachhead...
...American nationalist-capitalist democrats will not forget nor forgive the CP its infamous past...
...What is there to do about this unsolicited 8 by 10 booklet from the Ch . . . ler Corporation...
...And, "There is rarely if ever any urgency for the bowels to act via laxative aid...
...I get more information out of it than any other paper...
...Sager, each executive of a corporation wants to increase production, reduce costs, increase sales and profits as you say...
...Sweden's cooperatives destroyed the light-bulb and other trusts there...
...It is expressed in the word progress, which appears to mean that the American people should continue to give their support to the tradition of greater production of material goods, and enlarge their capacity for consuming these goods by accelerating the speed of waste...
...The clip we have already added to the tin-can donation...
...The whole atmosphere is one of straight Americanism with a due regard for our place in the world but without any desire to force the rest of the world to remake themselves in our image—or what we fondly imagine is our image...
...Altogether, Mr...
...Presumably, and Mr...
...When there are no domestic metals left to mine, we will use plastics—and wash and blow away, say, two times the farms now so destroyed every day in the year growing the vegetable matter to make the plastics...
...You people are doing a wonderful job putting it out...
...Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge & Caroline Singer New York, N. Y. * * * The Farcical Reds Dear Sirs: A change of name, an adoption of a new line, and a few pseudo-American phrases: the Communist Party of America becomes the American Communist Political Association...
...Ronald Points Crosby, N. Dak...
...F. L. Suttles Oreensboro, N. C* * * Economic Slavery Dear Sirs: Let our optimistic postwar planners not forget that land and natural resources are still privately owned and largely monopolized...
...C. F. Janson Memphis, Tenn...
...There is greatness and genius in American business, but the needs of the community are ill served when business men themselves remain blind to the changed conditions of the time and talk like pioneers of the 1850's...
...b. COs are forced to work 8 1/2 hours a day and are on 24-hour call...
...It always has...
...S. D. Alrich Los Angeles, Calif...
...The following quotations from British sources support Mr...
...Even if we donate this poundage to the Government, will it not return advertising some other Corporation tomorrow...
...Over 50 years ago, Daniel De Leon, professor of law at Columbia University, discovered the principles to end this social maladjustment...
...Indeed, he seems to me to be spelling out an earlier demise for capitalism in the United States than even its enemies had hoped for...
...If it becomes necessary, to socialize medical and hospital services to make them available to John X. Worker, go ahead and socialize them...
...B. Nazi prisoners of war are required to work only 8 hours a day, and this of course on non-war work...
...Well, they would be taking a huge chance, for the little nobody might page an investigation or send an S. O. S. to recall Thurman Arnold...
...With Kaiser representing capital and Reuther labor, both could run the country so that nightmares of inflation, unemployment, and insecurity would be things of the past...
...Medical and hospital service should be made accessible to all our citizens, not in the form of charity, but as a right...
...The advertising boys have finally got us down...
...The copper, lead, and zinc resources of the country will probably be gone when the war ends...
...American ingenuity will win out in the end...
...Harding when he says: "Absolutely nothing, deleterious or otherwise, is absorbed from the large bowel unless its mucous membrane has been destroyed...
...Of soft coal there is an abundance, but the better grades are being rapidly depleted...
...Nobody can be happy until we realize the value of our vote on election day...
...D. The Nazi POWs are enemy aliens...
...21, 1927, Churchill said: "If I had been an Italian, I should have been wholeheartedly with you (the Fascists) from start to finish in your triumphant struggle against the bestial appetites and passions of Leninism...
...The reserves of lumber are nearly gone...
...Vote to bring a better system of society, then human behavior and even human nature will be able to show what it has been trying so hard to be...
...Policy Toward Germany Dear Sirs: What is to be done with Germany by the victors is of momentous importance to the future welfare of the world...
...First of all, that the population of the United States is rapidly approaching a maximum in numbers...
...d. The COs are loyal American citizens...
...S. O. Jenssen Coupeville, Wash...
...Kaiser And Reuther Dear Sirs: Why not Henry Kaiser for President and Walter Reuther for Vice President, a team that really would go places in a crucial election year...
...Portland, Oreg...
...John G. McDonald San Francisco, Calif...
...George F. Curry Martins Ferry, O. COs And Prisoners Dear Sirs: I respect and admire Milton Mayer, but unfortunately it would seem that in the eyes of the law he is worse than a Nazi because he is a Conscientious Objector...
...And again on Page 170, "One may dislike Hitler's system and yet admire his patriotic achievement...
...The conditions he lays down for the success of American business in the future do not promise much...
...Only results count...
...And "A study made at Ft...
...Paul Brinkman, Jr...
...Pressure is being applied to members of Congress to encompass the defeat of such "pernicious" legislation...
...Mayer's attitude: In Step By Step Churchill writes of Hitler thus: Page 296: "The Fuehrer, the great leader of the country who has raised it so high and I admire him for that...
...This leads to war...
...This indisputable fact must be recognized before we can even get started toward world peace...
...Yes, we have got to lick Churchill too, and that means those of his ilk in this country as well, for let us not forget, Churchill is half American by birth...
...To uphold the thesis of an expanding economy in a land where the net reproduction rate of the population has fallen below the replacement level is a feat for a magician...
...The hope of the business community is the same from top to bottom...
...The desolation and destruction now wasting the earth and mankind is partly the fruit of what we did to Germany after the last war—e...
...The only manner in which the other 90 per cent of the world's inhabitants who are victims of the selfishness of the 10 per cent can free themselves is to start indulging in intelligent participation in politics...
...The ultimate was reached this morning...
...Common justice demands that every American man, woman, and child has free and unlimited access to those very necessary services, even if that objective can be accomplished only by committing the great crime of "socialization...
...I like the articles of Harry Elmer Barnes and Harry Paxton Howard, and I was especially interested in those of Sens...
...Amos Culp Pinehurst, N. C. Harding's 'Bunk' Dear Sirs: T. Swann Harding's effort to debunk the advertising of laxatives is to be commended, but his attempt to debunk the keeping of oneself clean internally is quite another matter...
...Let us start intelligently by realizing, strictly speaking, every one whose major income is derived from either their mental or physical labor belongs in the working class...
...In fact those who were purged were sick longer than those who were not...
...Europeans are fed up with the scheming and secret treaties for plunder which have brought this war upon them and upon us...
...THE PEOPLE'S FORUM . . . 'Socialized' Medicine Dear Sirs: While we must admit that medical science has made great progress during recent years, we are still confronted by the fact that the benefits thereof, like the benefits of our wonderful technological progress, are available only to those who are able to pay the price demanded...
...You cannot prevent autointoxication or intestinal toxemia because there just are no such things...
...A pamphlet published in London a few months ago entitled Stepmother Britain, by Oliver Brown, M. A., indicates that Milton Mayer's views on Churchill and British imperialism are not exclusively American...
...And would discarding it be polite—what with the personal engraved calling card of the President of the Ch . . . ler Corporation attached with a wire clip...
...All can be paid according to their social value as producers...
...If our country were defeated I hope we should find a champion so indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations...
...Surely they would not deprive the war effort of this money and, in fact, make us pay for such literature as this 128-page book ourselves...
...Doctors and hospitals are being supplied with stacks of handbills which are prominently displayed on the tables in their waiting rooms... strengthen the forces inside Germany which are committed to freedom and international cooperation . . . Corrective and precautionary measures are to be taken to end the menace of Nazism and militarism of Germany...
...Yet we have men who wish to repeat this incalculable blunder only in a "bigger and better" way...
...Harold E. Fackert Jersey City, N. J. British View Of Churchill Dear Sirs: Milton Mayer and his fellow Progressives in America are not the only ones who think that Churchill has to be licked as well as Mussolini...
...that the war is not being fought in the least to change that condition, the fundamental cause of all our economic slavery and exploitation...
...Annex, New York, N. Y. You will find that the record will show that liberal reforms have helped to extend the life of capitalism with its ever recurring wars, that capitalism has long passed the stage of usefulness to society and is today a curse...
...E. G. Adams Portland, Oreg...
...The best way for the 90 per cent to gain their normal pursuits to happiness and peace is to take more interest in the reforms that Bob La Follette, Jr., Norman Thomas, and those who stand firmly opposed to reaction have tried to bring to us...
...Here is something that sounds more like humanity and civilization...
...Consequently any estimate of the Empire's future must take into account the sinister forces he represents...
...Space does not permit proper outlining of this scientific program, economic and political...
...These principles still stand, challenged many times, but never refuted...
...C. These same Nazis have deliberately killed many of our American soldiers, etc...
...the estimated total reserves are good for a generation more, at the most...
...It comes from human behavior...
...In other words, good men like Milton Mayer would be better off as a Nazi prisoner of war than as a CO...
...There is room in the world for all when all do their honest part to help produce the necessities of life...
...Leon Coloutes Struthers, O. Reply To Sager Dear Sirs: This is in reply to J. B. Sager in the People's Forum in the June 19 issue...
...Mrs... fact it is awful now, because John is "permitted" to choose any doctor or hospital he can get, if any, at the price he can afford to pay, regardless as to whether or not it would be the one he would prefer...
...Drug stores also make handbills easily accessible to their customers...
...Waves of words pour over us from all the old mailing lists and a lot of new ones...
...It is nonsense to believe all will be on a common level...
...J. W. BUDDERMAN Roberts, Wis...
...A. Nazi prisoners of war are provided with food, pay, and clothing...
...Americanism Dear Sirs: Everything considered, yours is the best magazine I read...
...Therefore this class as a whole produces all wealth, and, morally, should own its total production...
...Carthage was destroyed as Cato wished, but the strange whirling of time brought its inevitable revenge, and Rome was destroyed by the vandals whose capital was Carthage...
...However, they are easily obtainable in low cost pamphlet form through the New York Labor News Company, P. O. Box 1076, Church St...
...Truly kindred minds think alike...
...Opposition is based on certain presumptions...
...Or am I wrong...
...After the war and the victory we shall go right on paying all we can stand for the privilege of living on and from the land — until we get sense enough to restore our land as •public property by collecting the rent for the public treasury to take the place of all taxes...
...It is spending huge sums of money for full page ads in various publications...
...The story of oil is the same...
...In its efforts to defeat this Bill, AMA is resorting to the traditional methods used by all monopolists under the same conditions...
...Exploitation of labor for profit by the capitalist class is its sole means of livelihood and as it cannot use it all, it must find foreign markets for the surplus...
...We feel that here is the truth...
...Yes, Mr...
...How about an editorial on this sometime...
...As 1 see it, there's not only one nation to blame, but all of them, including the good old U.S.A...
...E. E. Coleman7 Grand Rapids, Mich...
...Farrar & Rinehart, New York... enable the people of Germany to find for themselves the necessary economic conditions for a good life...
...There is no evidence whatever that either cathartics or enemas make the colon contents less toxic...
...30,' 1931, Churchill said: "The loss of India, however arising, would be final and fatal to us...
...Externally your movement has rendered a great service to the world...
...That will be awful, too...
...And, as the old saying goes, "A man inherits his leading characteristics from his mother's side of the family...
...Won't some qualified reader reply to Mr...
...That cannot be true— full-page ads by the same firm explain how patriotic they are...
...Second, America's natural resources are rapidly being depleted...
...After Europe gets rid of its counts of no account and its king and queen puppets of these cartel-ists, Europe will then without much trouble arrange its own affairs...
...We feel as futile as did King Canute...
...Davis' Proof Dear Sirs: In reply to Neera Gokhale: The best possible proof that capitalism is the cause of unemployment can be found in the book, Capitalism And Its Culture, by Dr...
...Furthermore, it is usually raw material they try to corner like nickel, tin, other metals, rubber, drugs, and oil...
...The Cartels Dear Sirs: This is just another of the many compliments you are receiving for the splendid political articles appearing in The Progressive...
...We tie up all yesterday's newspapers and old envelopes to help the war effort...
...c. COs are willing to do all they can to help constructively any American...
...With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you again," is the record of history and the law of all life...
...You cannot flush out toxins that way for they just don't flush, the colon not being a plumbing pipe...
...I hope this war will be over soon...
...A very readable account of the workings of big monopolies can be found in The Coming Showdown (Little Brown, 1942) by Carl Dre-her, himself an engineer for 20 years in the employ of General Electric and R. C. A. Two decades after he left them he wrote this very valuable volume...
...The working class of no country ever wanted war...
...Fred E. Waitz Des Moines, la...
...They are the only principles upon which world peace can be established...
...Kaiser Behind The Times Dear Sirs: Henry J. Kaiser is, without a doubt, one of America's leading businessmen, but when he talks about postwar planning he uses the language of business everywhere...
...They will not forget that the Communists are still representatives of Red imperialism, nor that they seek to destroy our capitalist democracy...
...Fred Buckler 322 1/2 Kirby St...
...One is that, under the provisions of the Bill, "medicine will be socialized...
...The Truth Dear Sirs: Your magazine is appreciated above all other papers or periodicals in our home...
...Here are a few facts which cause me to say this and which I feel should perhaps be called to the attention of all who believe in justice and civil liberties...
...Do you suppose they would, permit any person not concerned at their secret meetings where they plan market and price control...
...Surely these beautiful two-color pictures on heavy coated stock, laying bare the anatomy of airplane engines, cannot be lightly tossed aside—128 pages of them, not including cover...
...The rich iron deposits of the Mesabi, we have been told, will probably not outlast the war...
...Jerome Davis...
...a. COs are not provided with either food, pay, or clothing — these must all be provided by the CO himself or by his religious organization...
...If it hadn't been for the Soviet Union so completely frustrating the designs of these international "philanthropists" this world a few years hence would be developing into one grand and glorious and warring fascist country with headquarters either in London or New York...
...Well does Brown in Stepmother Britain remark, "It is unfortunately true that the overshadowing influence in English politics at this moment is that of Winston Churchill who holds the position of the English Fuehrer...
...What we need is more people willing to risk their own cash in promoting business for the people instead of taking the monopolies from crooked business men and giving them to crooked politicians...
...The medical monopoly known as the American Medical Association, of which Dr...
...Not that I am not in favor of treating the prisoners of war as just as we are now doing...
...J. Schneider , Minneapolis, Minn...
...Well, won't that be awful...
...Opposed to him and the spirit of revenge and vindictiveness is a group called "The Council for a Democratic Germany," whose policy can quickly be seen from these following expressions of theirs: "The discipline Of Germany because of the crimes she has committed should not be controlled by a spirit of vindictiveness but by a concern for European recovery and peace...
...Morris Fishbein is the sparkplug, is in a state of mortal terror because the profits of its members are seriously threatened by the provisions of the Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill...
...But to follow a course suggested by Rex Stout would be only to further the very substance of Nazism and to prepare the world for doom...
...Speaking of India on Jan...
...D. C. Bond of Alhambra, Calif., says in the June 19 issue, "The remedy for the evils inherent in private owned monopoly is public ownership, the same as the postal system . . . ." But unless we get the right managers, a government monopoly is just one more step toward tyranny...
...Hitler, speaking on the same subject as reported in the Observer on Oct...
...Two World Wars in one generation should be enough to open the eyes of all who suffer because of them...
...and Hitler...
...I am sure that most readers know from experience that these statements are bunk, that is, if they have ever tried a saline purge and then only unsweetened fruit juices for two or three days, or a saline purge immediately followed by a hot bath and equal parts of hot water and lemon juice for a cold that is starting...
...g., Versailles arl Clemenceau...
...its ruling class forced it upon them...
...Curse Of Capitalism' Dear Sirs: The article, "Attack The Dominant Heights," in your June 12 issue by McAlister Coleman, carried an implied warning in the last sentence: "The time has come for us to do something about them" (principles of capitalism...
...Now, we are the people who respond to all the entreaties of our Government to save paper...
...Another notion, publicized for public consumption, is that John won't be "permitted" to choose his doctor or his hospital...
...They cry, "Germany must be destroyed" as Cato cried, "Carthage must be destroyed," years ago...
...Los Angeles 42, Calif...
...Kaiser offers the suggestion, when we have a surfeit of that sort of thing here we are asked to be bold enough to undertake and do all over again for the heathen abroad what we have been doing for ourselves...
...The system of society under which we live, teaches us to live this selfish way...
...Government Monopoly Dear Sirs: Dr...
...It is going to take the American people a long time to learn two very important facts about themselves and their country...
...Carol L. Cook Brooklyn, N. Y. Value Of The Vote Dear Sirs: The mess the world is in today does not come from human nature...
...But don't the parallels drawn above make the treatment accorded the COs seem quite a miscarriage of justice, especially in a democratic country...
...Kaiser's promise of a permanent peace based on the free enterprise logic of produce more, use j more, and waste more looks rosy indeed...
...I am...
...Paper Salvaging Dear Sirs: Isn't there something you can do about paper salvaging and our morning's mail...
...William Locke Jacksonville, Fla...
...Also, the scarcer a commodity is, the higher the price it can command...
...2, 1938, said: ''If the Indians seceded from the British Empire, it would be a terrible blow to me...
...It also indicates that those who denounce Milton Mayer do not speak for the common people of Great Britain...
...The picture he paints of American business is not good...
...The Best Dear Sirs: The Progressive is the best paper I get...
...It is not an individual corporation that wants to create the scarcity, but the cartels and monopolies—far beyond the corporations...
...It comes from the misbehavior of kings, emperors, dictators, politicians, diplomats, and bankers, who consist of only 10 per cent of the world's population...
...Kaiser does not appear to me as being the bold and far-sighted business man I had believed...
...On Jan...
...The upholder of Cato-Clemeneeau policy today in America is one Rex Stout, chairman of the War Writers Board...
...Indeed it will...
...Because they will not do direct war work they are penalized in these various ways...
...Prediction Dear Sirs: I predict that the efforts of Norman Thomas and the Peace Now crowd will become more frenzied the closer Germany approaches defeat...
...Yes, for it is still Josef Stalin's instrument of imperialism...
...Benning, Ga., showed that neither castor oil nor salts helped young fellows coming down with colds...
...The more the government owns, the stronger political machines the parties build up against the people...
...Only a captious mind would suspect that some of this solicitation to buy things not for sale might be a subterfuge on the part of advertisers to escape taxation by adding to overhead...
...Bone, Kilgore, and La Fol-lette exposing the international cartels...
Vol. 8 • July 1944 • No. 28