THE WEEK IN REVIEW AMERICA'S first wartime Presidential campaign since 1864 was in full swing this week as Chicago cleaned up after the Republican National Convention of last week and prepared to...
...Conscientious objectors have aided the Army in its battle against influenza and pneumonia, the War Department disclosed last week...
...His running mate is Gov...
...Every meal they eat at our table will be a premium of the very safest form of insurance against another war...
...D. Worth Clark, Idaho, Democrat, had been defeated for renomination...
...The treaties of peace should be just...
...The nation's four major radio networks have banned the new song "Don't Change Horses," for at least the duration of the political conventions...
...Usher L. Burdick trailed in third place...
...In the blistering Chicago Stadium where he accepted the nomination, Dewey received only a mild "ovation" and was rarely interrupted by applause as he set the theme of the GOP campaign with his assertion that "this election will bring an end to one-man government in America...
...Privately, Warren is reported to have told his political friends that he felt the 1944 GOP slate was in for a terrific drubbing, and he wanted no part of it...
...Wrote Shaw in a message of good will for the campaign in Britain for the feeding of the hungry children of Europe: "We must realize that the Anglo-American alliance will come out of this war with a terrifying reputation, not only in enemy countries, but in Allied ones...
...It condemns "the freezing of wage rates at arbitrary levels and the binding of men to their jobs as destructive to the advancement of a free people...
...Another provision in the GOP platform called for "the prompt extension of relief and emergency assistance to the peoples of liberated countries" and the "immediate feeding of the starving children of our Allies and friends in the Nazi-dominated countries...
...The fact that this horror has been forced upon us by circumstances may excuse us...
...The domestic planks of the platform cover a multitude of subjects and constitute a curious collection of liberal and reactionary ideas...
...Dewey Gets Mild 'Ovation' T te near unanimous vote for Dewey was hardly an accurate reflection of delegate sentiment...
...Earl Warren of California, the convention keynoter, who was slated to get the Vice Presidential berth, but Warren refused to accept...
...That agreement was clearly expressed by the Republican Mackinac declaration and was adopted in the foreign policy of this convention...
...Such action would be "in accordance with the full intent and purpose of the Balfour Declaration," the plank pointed out, adding: "We condemn -the failure of the President to insist that the mandatory of Palestine carry out the provision of the Balfour Declaration and of the mandate while he pretends to support them...
...There are only a relatively few who believe it would be practical for America or her allies to renounce all sovereignty and join a super-state...
...He pointed out—almost as though he were^needling Dewey who had taken a similar position—that he had made a covenant with the people of his state to serve out his term as governor...
...Foreign Policy Plank In its final form, the foreign policy plank accepted by Dewey called for the attainment of "peace and freedom based on justice and security" through "organized international cooperation and not by joining a world state...
...5. An immediate Congressional inquiry into racial and religious prejudice, especially to "ascertain the extent to which mistreatment, segregation, and discrimination against Negroes who are in our armed forces are impairing morale and efficiency and the adoption of corrective legislation...
...The sole dissenter was Grant Ritter, Beloit, Wis., farmer, who refused to succumb to the demands for "unanimity" and who with several other Wisconsin delegates pledged to Gen...
...Our air warfare strikes friends and foes alike...
...4. An immediate, just, and final settlement of all Indian claims between the Government and the Indian citizenship of the nation...
...It should promote a world opinion to influence the other nations to right conduct, develop international law, and maintain an international tribunal to deal with justiciable disputes...
...Douglas MacAr-thur, expressed extreme displeasure with the steamroller tactics of the GOP leadership...
...First away in the race, the Republicans were decked out this week with a new team of candidates and a shiny new platform...
...We favor responsible participation by the United States in postwar cooperative organization among sovereign nations to prevent military aggression and to attain permanent peace with organized justice in a free world...
...Names And Notes In The News Reputation...
...Clark lost by a scant 216 votes to Glen Taylor, a cowboy...
...If we do that again, we shall deserve the worst that may happen to us later on...
...THE WEEK IN REVIEW AMERICA'S first wartime Presidential campaign since 1864 was in full swing this week as Chicago cleaned up after the Republican National Convention of last week and prepared to welcome the Democratic National Convention next week, beginning July 19...
...This plank condemned "the New Deal Administration for its failure, in the face of humanitarian demands, to make any effort to do so...
...It was Gov...
...3. Passage of legislation against lynching...
...Discussing foreign policy, Dewey declared there was already "a large, growing area of agreement" on American international policies...
...From this nothing can save us but a conspicuous humanity in all our dealings with the victims and the vanquished...
...See The Last Column...
...and instead of gaining rich cities and liberating industrious populations, we reduce the cities to heaps of rubble, and leave those of their inhabitants whom we do not kill without the means of practicing their industries...
...With Warren's refusal to take the number two spot, the Party leaders turned to Bricker, the Ohio governor who emerged from the convention with increased stature...
...In the field of farm legislation, the platform supports "the principle of bona fide farmer-owned and farmer-operated cooperatives," calls for the "consolidation of all Government farm credit under a non-partisan board," recommends development of rural roads and rural electrification, and supports the principle of "an American market price to the American farmer and the protection of such price by means of support prices, commodity loans, or a combination thereof, together with such other economic means as will assure an income to agriculture that is fair and equitable in comparison with labor, business, and industry...
...Such organization should develop effective cooperative means to direct peace forces to prevent or repel military aggression...
...Liberal And Tory Ideas The Republican platform also pledged to keep the American people "informed concerning all agreements with foreign nations" and to seek the consultation of "the gallant men and women in our armed forces, who have a special right to speak with authority in behalf of the security and liberty for which they fight...
...In 1918 we maintained the blockade after the Armistice and starved millions of children...
...Although unwilling to fight or take life, these CO's volunteered enthusiastically for special projects which involved being infected with influenza and primary atypical pneumonia, a serious disease not curable by sulfa drugs, the War Department pointed out...
...Thus, the platform emphasizes the role of private enterprise in the job of reconverting industry to peacetime production, denounces Government spending and deficit financing, advocates reduction of taxes after the war, and assails the trend toward federalization of power...
...But I stand firmly with the overwhelming majority of my fellow citizens in that great wide area of agreement...
...the nations which are the victims of aggression should be restored to sovereignty and self-government...
...7. The opening of Palestine to the unrestricted immigration and land ownership of "distressed Jewish men, women, and children driven from their homes by tyranny...
...One person of every five in Rome has tuberculosis, the Allied Military Government's public health section disclosed last week...
...2. Enactment of a Constitutional amendment prohibiting the payment of a poll-tax as a condition of voting in Federal elections...
...Pending this, we pledge continuing collaboration with the United Nations to assure these ultimate objectives...
...George Bernard Shaw, noted Irish author, sounded a warning recently which was almost totally ignored in the United States...
...The nomination of Dewey on the first ballot by a vote of 1056 to 1 represented the almost faultless execution of a "draft Dewey" scheme which had been in the making since 1942...
...John Moses was unopposed for the Democratic nomination for Nye's seat...
...Stalin was described as being "most cordial" to Johnston, who only recently issued a statement from Moscow denouncing American Communists for their divisionist tactics...
...20, inauguration day, the Government would have a Cabinet of the "ablest men and women to be found in America...
...and terror breeds hatred and brings us into martial danger of a world combination to deprive us of our vast destructive power...
...Meanwhile, final returns in another photo-finish election showed that Sen...
...He promised that, beginning next Jan...
...Nye, whose quest for reelection was opposed by the Union for Democratic Action and Eastern internationalist groups, held a fragile lead of 648 votes at mid-week, with the final outcome to be determined apparently by the ballots distributed to but not yet received from soldiers at home, and abroad...
...Its members will receive full delegation of powers of their office...
...John Bricker of Ohio, who sought the Presidential nomination until almost the last moment, withdrawing in time to second the Dewey nomination in the interest of harmony...
...On the other hand, the GOP platform calls for the "extension of the existing old-age insurance and unemployment insurance systems to all employes not already covered...
...I certainly would not deny those two extremes the right to their opinions...
...High praise for the U. S. war effort was voiced last week by Marshal Josef Stalin in an interview with Eric Johnston, president of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce...
...but it does not lessen the terror of it...
...A total of 94 of the 122 men became ill, some seriously, but all recovered, Army officials reported...
...legislation affecting Puerto Rico, insofar as feasible, should be in harmony with that realization...
...and the organized cooperation of the nations should concern itself with basic causes of world disorder...
...6. Action to provide Hawaii and Alaska "with the fullest measure of home rule looking toward statehood...
...Photo Finish...
...It recognizes that "the nation owes the workers of America a debt of gratitude for their magnificent productive effort in support of the war...
...Regarding Puerto Rico, the platform said: "Statehood is a logical aspiration of the people of Puerto Rico who were made citizens of the United States by Congress in 1917...
...Ask Probe Of Jim Crow Army Other planks in the Republican platform called for: 1. A Constitutional amendment limiting Presidential tenure to two four-year terms...
...Running second was Lynn U. Stambaugh, a former national commander of the American Legion...
...Their newest hope to unseat the "Champ"— Franklin D. Roosevelt—is Gov...
...We believe, however, that peace and security do not depend upon the sanction of force alone, but should prevail by virtue of reciprocal interests and spiritual values recognized in these security agreements...
...8. Extension of reciprocal trade agreements, subject to approval of Congress...
...Thomas E. Dewey of New York, the 42-year-old ex-gang buster who insisted he was not a candidate until the moment he accepted the nomination...
...There are only a few," he said, "a very few, who really believe that America should remain aloof from the world...
...The authors protested the song had nothing to do with politics and belonged to the "Don't Leave Your Sweetheart" school of jazz tunes...
...Many felt little confidence in the New York governor's ability to lead a successful assault against the 12-year Roosevelt Administration, but it was obvious before the opening convention gavel that it was too late for them to make a new stand—wandering about, as they were, without effective leadership...
...Gerald P. Nye, North Dakota, was leading this week by a slender margin in a photofinish race for the Republican nomination for U. S. Senator...
Vol. 8 • July 1944 • No. 28