THE WAR IN REVIEW WITH the exception of the inland fighting in China, where the Japanese continued to imperil the position of the desperate Chinese, the great Allied Summer offensives were picking...
...To many American people who have heard the virtues of "brave, debt-paying" Finland extolled by the present Administration and by the very newspapers who are now crying for hard measures against the small, northern republic, the new belligerency came as a shock...
...Reports from Stockholm insisted that von Ribbentrop had found it necessary to threaten the Finns with occupation by force should they decide to discontinue fighting, and that the Finns had yielded only after the Nazis had shown what was in store for them if they did not succumb to Nazi demands...
...Finnish Relations Broken In the Pacific, American Marines and infantry were battling desperately to break the Japanese hold on Sai-pan...
...Meanwhile, the .shrewd Dr...
...Goebbels continued to exploit the weakness in the Allied political armor...
...American troops, having wiped up Cherbourg, had turned east again and at mid-week were reported to have launched another offensive against the Nazi line guarding the road to Paris...
...The Russian advance was said to be proceeding at a rate that surpassed the swiftest German progress when the Wehrmacht drove into Russia...
...The intensity of the fighting gave a clue to the strategic importance of the island...
...Fighting through some of the most difficult jungle and swamp terrain in the entire Pacific area and against fanatical resistance, the Yanks were pushing slowly across the island...
...Indeed, Adolf Hitler himself, in his first public utterance since Jan...
...The defeat of the Axis was certain, but there were no signs that would warrant a slackening of all-out effort...
...Losses on both sides were unusually heavy...
...The outstanding political development of the week was the announcement by Secretary of State Cordell Hull that diplomatic relations had been severed between this country and Finland...
...There is still a tough fight ahead of us," they declared...
...Whether Hull's charge that the Finnish Government was dominated by Germans could be sustained was not immediately clear...
...H. H. Arnold, Army Air Force Commander...
...In battle, the enemy was still fighting with grim determination and there appeared no evidence that his will to resist had been weakened at home...
...Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal declared this week that its capture would permit the projection of surface and air operations against the Japanese mainland...
...At mid-week the forces of Soviet Russia stood only about 100 miles from the border of East Prussia...
...False Optimism Assailed Here in the United States the growing attitude that the war "is as good as won" was sharply assailed by Gen...
...This aid was said to have been offered by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop...
...The Red Army had smashed ahead in its thundering offensive to take strategic Minsk, last German stronghold in White Russia...
...Admiral Ernest J. King, Chief of Naval Operations, and Gen...
...Agreeing with Hull that "Finnish operations (against Russia) have a direct bearing on the success of the Allied effort," some commentators nevertheless pointed out that Russian trade relations with Japan had "a direct bearing on the success of Allied operations" in the Pacific and frankly expressed their bewilderment at the difference in the treatment accorded the two countries...
...George C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff...
...The success of Allied arms, though unmistakable, was engendering a dangerous and utterly unwarranted optimism at home...
...In a report to the President on their observations on the Normandy front, the military leaders expressed concern over "a state of mind in this country against which we believe the public should be warned...
...The break, according to reports, was the result of the recent action of the Finnish Government in obtaining aid from Germany in its war against Russia...
...The big military news of the week was shared by the Russians on the east and the Anglo-American forces in Normandy...
...In a note that bristled with belligerent language Hull branded the Finnish Government nothing more than "a puppet of Nazi Germany" and therefore an enemy of this country and the United Nations...
...THE WAR IN REVIEW WITH the exception of the inland fighting in China, where the Japanese continued to imperil the position of the desperate Chinese, the great Allied Summer offensives were picking up slow but steady momentum in every theater of war this week...
...U. S. Attitude Puzzling Referring to the "esteem in which the American people have held the people of Finland," Hull declared that the action of the United States Government was nevertheless dictated by the realities of the war...
...To the German people he addressed these words this week: "We are not exaggerating when we say we fight for a bare existence, for the enemy will destroy us root and branch in order to solve the German problem once and for all...
...30, this week expressed confidence that "national fanaticism" would bring ultimate victory to Germany...
...Fighting in Normandy was centered around Caen, where the British were encountering stiff Nazi resistance in an effort to take the city...
Vol. 8 • July 1944 • No. 28