Union, Consumers
Your Dollar By CONSUMERS UNION Canned Tomatoes CANNED TOMATOES are a good food buy. They're rich in Vitamins A, Bl, and C as well as minerals. And Grade C tomatoes give you just as good food...
...Although aspirin is about the safest known pain killer, its use is not entirely without danger...
...2 1/2 can...
...Aspirin All aspirin tablets, whether marked N.F., U.S.P., or just plain aspirin, are required by Government regulation to meet the same high standards of purity...
...But the law does not require this statement...
...Rialto, 10c...
...Don't try to apply dye yourself, CU advises...
...But if the pains persist, see a doctor...
...or not you are sensitive —and the skin test should be made each time the dye is applied...
...Kroger's Avondale, 12c...
...2 cans, 1 lb., 3 oz...
...Take it as a temporary relief for aches and pains...
...Farmdale, 12c...
...Incidentally, one off-stand-ard brand was Tabloid, the highest priced...
...Use of the dye by such persons may result in severe injury...
...Iona, 10c...
...The Bayer claim of shorter dissolving time is meaningless, since even the toughest tablet will disintegrate by the time it reaches the small intestine where it is absorbed...
...Go to an expert hairdresser who knows how to get best results...
...No hair dye is both safe and effective...
...Here are some of the reasonably priced brands, as reported by CU (prices, except where noted, are for No...
...But for some persons, they are highly poisonous...
...2 1/2 can...
...Ecco, 14c...
...And the hair itself gets a dead, dull appearance...
...Coal-tar "dyes" such as Golden Glint, Lovalon, and Nestle Colorinse are harmless, but they do not last...
...Third and most important, aspirin must not be used as a substitute for medical attention...
...And don't permit any dye whatever to be used on your eyebrows or lashes...
...All of them are dangerous to the eyes...
...But some hair dyes are better than others, and for the benefit of those who must color their hair, CU rates the most important types...
...Willow Brook, 11c...
...Amine-type dyes such as Eternol, Lakro, Loxol, Rap-1-Dol, and Roux are most effective...
...Finast, 16c for No...
...Metallic dyes are the most common variety, but they also are dangerous...
...You get exactly the same aspirin in brands selling for 7c or 12c per hundred as you do in Bayer's at 59c, Squibb at 49c, or Tabloid at 85c...
...Metallic hair dyes often carry labels stating that they contain a metallic salt...
...The colors are off-shades, quite different from natural hair Coloring...
...Gibbs, 10c...
...Phillips Delicious, 15c...
...And CU found in tests of 48 brands that all but a few did meet these standards, and even these few deviated so slightly as to be acceptable...
...And Grade C tomatoes give you just as good food value as Grades A or B. There's no need to buy a high quality brand, if you're going to use the tomatoes in a soup or a sauce where wholeness doesn't matter...
...Secondly, aspirin, if taken for a long time in large doses, may cause injury...
...Most brands are not grade labeled, and in its tests of 31 brands CU found little relation between price and quality...
...Red & White, 21c for No...
...Apte, 10c...
...Therefore you should never use any amine dye without a preliminary skin test to determine whether...
...Hurlock, 12c...
...Your sensitivity may change between times, and so may the composition of the dye...
...2 1/2 can, 1 lb., 12 oz...
...Grade A: Jack Sprat, 14c...
...Trupak, 20c for No...
...Grade C: Richmond, 12c...
...Iona Grade C at 10c was a Best Buy...
...Furthermore, they produce poor results...
...Hair Dye Don't dye your hair unless you have to, CU advises...
...This was the only brand tested found to be Grade A. Grade B: Dellford, 15c...
...But Premier, Del Monte, Sweet Life, and Yacht Club, samples of all of which were rated Grade C by Government graders, cost more than many brands of better quality...
...It contained 5.7 grains of aspirin ipstead of 5. Since all brands are the same quality, says CU, there's no point in paying extra for a well-known name...
...In the first place, some few people are sensitive to it, and suffer from skin eruptions and other unpleasantness when they take a dose...
Vol. 8 • July 1944 • No. 28