THE WEEK IN REVIEW THE House of Representatives was the scene of an historic revolt last week, but it went almost unnoticed in the rush of invasion hews. The dramatic parliamentary development came...

...In a speech defending the basic Allied strategy to knock Germany out of the war first, President Roosevelt asserted this week that we can force the Japanese "to unconditional surrender or to national suicide much more rapidly than has been thought possible...
...Although Farley gave no hint of his plans or purpose, seasoned political experts emphasized his opposition to a fourth term and his unwillingness to aid in any way the further ambitions of the man he helped greatly to elect to the Presidency...
...Red Target...
...Connally Eastland George Gillette Hatch Hill Maybank McClellan McFarland McKellar O'Daniel Overton Russell Stewart Thomas (Okla...
...Educational deficiencies have deprived the armed forces of 240,000 registrants, while war casualties are 201,454...
...The one sure beneficiary of the amendment is the textile industry, which is already nine times as profitable as in peacetime...
...Speaking over the combined radio networks on a program launching the $16,000,000,000 fifth war loan drive, Mr...
...A Selective Service bulletin revealed this week that the Army is losing more inductees to educational deficiency that it is in battle casualties...
...In a hard-hitting attack on American Communists, which significantly cleared the severe Soviet censorship in Moscow, Eric Johnston, president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, asserted that U. S. Reds "lack originality and realism...
...The pending bill would extend the present law under which prices, wages, and rents are controlled by the Government...
...Walsh (N...
...The only answer, the Committee asserted, is "a much greater gross national production than this country has ever produced in peacetime...
...If you have indigestion, they belch...
...Roosevelt Administration lieutenants were also dismayed last week when the Mississippi Democratic Convention followed a precedent set by the Texas and South Democratic branches of the party by threatening to bolt entirely unless certain minimum demands are met...
...Germany, he said, now has "her back against the wall—in fact three walls at once...
...Clark (Idaho), D., for and Glass, D., against...
...Wilson's chief, Bowles, disputed this conclusion...
...Specific demands were: (1) that no plank calling for Federal action to repeal the poll tax be included in the platform...
...The result was an overwhelming victory by votes of 153 to 64 and 170 to 44...
...Ball Brewster Bridges Burton Kilgore Lucas Maloney Mead Murdock Radcliffe Thomas (Utah) Truman Tunnell Wagner Wallgren Walsh (Mass...
...Even if 2 or 3 million men are retained in the armed forces, the Committee pointed out, full employment must be available for between 54 and 56 million persons, as compared with the pre-war peak of about 46 million employed, reached in 1929, 1937, and again in 1940...
...John Bricker has 65 votes pledged, but he does not seem to be the hope of the "stop Dewey" crowd...
...Nevertheless, a combination of 20 Democrats and 19...
...As adopted in the Senate, the Bankhead amendment would direct the OPA to base its textile prices upon the sum total of: (1) The parity price of raw cotton...
...Nye, R., for and Hayden, D., position not stated...
...Last week the Rules Committee arrogantly overreached itself...
...J.) Wheeler Republicans—12 Cordon Danaher Davis Ferguson Gurney Tobey Vandenberg Wilson Progressives—1 LaFollette PAIRS Brooks, R., for and Tydings, D., against, Bailey, D., for and Green, D., against...
...They still follow and imitate what they think is your current [Soviet] policy...
...Walter George, Georgia Democrat, in behalf of his Special Postwar Planning Committee...
...Thomas E. Dewey will go into the Republican National Convention next week with 391 pledged delegates, or 138 short of the required majority...
...The controversial Bankhead amendment, sponsored by Sen...
...If you take pepper, they sneeze...
...Dewey's managers are expected to exert tremendous pressure to corral the needed votes to elect their candidate on the first ballot because they fear that he might lose ground after the first roll call, as he did in 1940...
...The Banking and Currency Committee had spent months in painstaking study of price control problems and had drafted a bill to extend the expiring price control act—with a number of modifications...
...4) that the party favor requiring a member of the Supreme Court to have the same qualifications as those for President...
...Republicans wrote the Bankhead amendment into the bill over the opposition of 22 Democrats, 12 Republicans, and one Progressive...
...Robert Taft of Ohio may emerge as the dark horse threat against Dewey...
...They annoy our trade unions more than they annoy our employers...
...But York L. Wilson, OPA's chief accountant in the textile division, cracked back with the statement that the Bank-head amendment was not inflationary...
...Speaker Rayburn left his post as presiding officer to lead the fight against Smith and the Rules Committee...
...Roosevelt said our original strategy of eliminating Germany first and then concentrating on Japan can hasten the day of victory on all fronts...
...Reynolds, D., for and O'Mahoney, D., against...
...There is no assurance that it would help the cotton farmer," Bowles said of the Bank-head amendment...
...The dramatic parliamentary development came in the midst of bitter debate over nrice control legislation when a majority of the House, urged on by Speaker Sam Rayburn, defied the tyrannical Rules Committee for the first time in many years...
...Political observers in Washington and throughout the nation report a general falling-off in Dewey support, although they do not see the anti-Dewey forces uniting behind one strong contender...
...The latter agreed to give the critically needed legislation the green light—but attached as a rider a hodge-podge of anti-labor provisions cooked up by labor-hating Rep...
...Republicans—19 Aiken Austin Bushfield Butler Capper Hawkes Holman Million Moore Reed Robertson Shipstead Taft Thomas (Idaho) Weeks Wherry White Wiley Willis AGAINST THE AMENDMENT—35 Democrats—22 Barkley Chavez Downey Ellender Gerry Guffey Jackson Johnson (Colo...
...Names And Notes In The News Prophecy...
...But the House majority asserted its independence...
...2) "A generally fair and equitable allowance for the total current cost" of manufacture and marketing, and (3) "A reasonable profit on such item...
...President Roosevelt may be Commander-in-Chief but the War Department regards itself as boss on questions of military security...
...Leaders of the Democratic Party were greatly concerned by a number of events, including the resignation of James A. Farley as chairman of the Democratic State Committee of New York...
...Senate action was completed last week when that body passed the extension legislation, but only after approving an amendment which, if left in the final version, might result in a Presidential veto...
...The amendment would require the OPA to make any price ceiling adjustment necessary to conform within 60 days after enactment, starting with the premise that raw cotton is at parity...
...It would not put low-priced cotton goods back on the' shelves...
...A grim warning that business and industry in the United States must employ 8 to 10 million more people than ever before when the war ends was contained in a report presented to the Senate this week by Sen...
...Smith, D., for and Byrd, D., against...
...Howard Smith, Virginia Democrat...
...The feeling persists in many quarters that even though he doesn't have a delegate formally pledged to him, Sen...
...Although the President tempered his burst of optimism by conceding that we "still have a long way to Tokyo," his speech was generally far more bullish than the comments of other high officials in the United States and Britain...
...Here is the roll-call vote by which the amendment was adopted: FOR THE AMENDMENT—39 Democrats—20 Bankhead Bilbo Caraway Chandler Clark (Mo...
...John Bankhead, Alabama Democrat, was adopted in the Senate after sharp controversy by a vote of 39 to 35...
...In its highhanded regimentation of the House, the Rules Committee has often flouted the will of other committees and balked the efforts of progressive groups to force a showdown on major legislation...
...2) that the rule requiring a two-thirds majority to nominate candidates for President and Vice President—the provision which used to give the South a veto over the convention—be restored...
...This country never has had and never will have prosperity without full employment," the report declared, adding that the huge number of jobs that must be provided "presents a challenge almost as great as the challenge of war...
...Here's what happened: The House Rules Committee, dominated by a Tory clique of Southern Democrats and Northern Republicans, "ias assumed arbitrary power in recent years in determining what the House" shall and shall not consider in 'che way of legislation...
...Bankhead Amendment The price control legislation itself touched off bitter debate in both houses of Congress...
...The State Department passed the buck to the War Department, and there the brass hats refused to comply...
...The report urged establishment of an Office of Demobilization to coordinate all Government agencies dealing with demobilization, enactment of legislation to assure speedy, fair termination of war contracts, and a host of other provisions designed to facilitate the transition from a war to a peace economy...
...When its legislation was ready for debate and action, the Banking and Currency Committee sought a "rule" from the Rules Committee...
...3) that a racial equality plank be left out of the platform...
...Dewey Lacks Majority New York's Gov...
...The bolt would be accomplished by having the state's Presidential electors cast their votes in the Electoral Colleges for a candidate other than the one selected by the Democratic National Convention...
...This amendment, the Office of Price Administration has charged, will add at least $250,000,000 to the country's annual clothing bill...
...Ohio's Gov...
...Chester Bowles, boss of the agency, denounced the proposal as "calculated to shatter the entire structure of stabilization...
...Strife In Democratic Ranks Although the invasion of Europe chased most of the nation's political news from the front pages, a number of developments during the past week underscored the imminence of the national conventions...
...A. J. Ellender, Louisiana Democrat, said that the amendment "is a textile industry amendment, and not one to help the cotton farmer," but Wilson replied that the Bankhead proposal, if "properly administered, will hot increase mill profits one cent...
...That law will expire June 30 unless reenacted in its present or modified form...
...McCarren, D., for and Pepper, D., against...
...Split Within OPA The fight over the Bankhead amendment brought a sharp split within OPA...
...Asked at his press conference to approve release of the secret Allied-Italian armistice terms in view of the fact that Rome had fallen, the President agreed that there was no longer any excuse for delay...

Vol. 8 • June 1944 • No. 25

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