Pamphlet Parade PAN AMERICAN PRINCIPLES FUNDAMENTAL TO WORLD COOPERATION, by Florence Brewer Boeckel. People's Mandate Committee For Inter-American Peace And Cooperation, Hay-Adams House,...
...Public Affairs Committee, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y. 10 cents...
...25 cents... Prof...
...The author concludes that about one-fourth of the synthetic rubber manufacturing facilities should be maintained and that America can have a secure rubber supply "without resorting to costly protection of a big war-built industry...
...13 short essays by labor's leaders and friends, including Prof...
...Institute of Pacific Relations (for United China relief...
...Edward C. Lindeman of the New York School of Social Work at Columbia University...
...People's Mandate Committee For Inter-American Peace And Cooperation, Hay-Adams House, Washington, D. C. 25 cents...
...2. THE RIGHT TO SECURITY: A Survey of New Plans, by Orlie Pell, Research Assistant...
...RUBBER AFTER THE WAR, by K. E. Knorr, economist...
...41 pp...
...10 cents...
...Food Research Institute, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif...
...If we eat less meat for a time, and more soy beans and potatoes, the authors think America can take eare of national .food requirements and part of the world's war and postwar food needs...
...50 cents...
...1 East 54 St., New York 22, N. Y. 25 cents...
...LET'S TRY CHINESE, by William D. Allen and S. T. Shen...
...F. F. Hill and F. A. Harper, agricultural economists at Cornell University...
...13 pp...
...A clear and elementary primer on the Chinese language...
...A timely summary of American principles and how they could be applied to the problems of postwar settlement...
...National Service Board for Religious Objeetors, Washington, D. C. A partial record of statements made by religious and minority leaders before Senate and House committees on the role of conscientious objectors in this war: * * * Labor Education Service, Inc., 437 W. 59th St., New York 19, N. Y., offers two pamphlets: 1. 1926-1943 YEARBOOK OF WORKERS EDUCATION...
Vol. 8 • May 1944 • No. 21