Planks On Other Major Issues IN ADDITION to the planks on foreign policy, postwar economy, and reconversion to peace, the platform adopted by the Progressive convention calls for the following...
...Support of taxation according to ability to pay and opposition to sales taxes...
...Extension of public power through such agencies as TVA and REA and the encourage-ment of public ownership on the municipal level...
...2. Adoption of a sound program of health insurance.3. Generous and equitable old age pension system on a national basis...
...Construction of the St...
...Lawrence water-way...
...Adequate financial support for education and measures to guarantee the preservation of full academic freedom...
...9. Adequate support prices for farm products...
...Strengthening of the pure food laws...
...5. Extension of civil service and liberalization of retirement laws for civil servants...
...Continuation of the sehool lunch program...
...6. Support of family-type farming as against factory-style...
...Support and extension of the soil conservation program...
...8. Drastic action to break monopolistic control of farm markets...
...A conservation program putting greater emphasis on soil and water conservation and advocating an intensive reforestation project in postwar years...
...Support of measures to eliminate poor housing conditions...
...7. Support of the Farm Security Administration and the Food Allotment Plan...
...Broad highway construction program for postwar years...
...4. Public control of credit and government owned and operated central banks...
...Planks On Other Major Issues IN ADDITION to the planks on foreign policy, postwar economy, and reconversion to peace, the platform adopted by the Progressive convention calls for the following program: 1. Extension and liberalization of the present social security laws...
...A constitutional amendment providing for the initiative and referendum...
...Opposition to tariff policies favoring industry over the farmer...
...Support of a paid up life insurance poliey for every member of the armed forces...
...Protection and extension of the right of collective bargaining for labor and strict enforcement of laws affecting the health, safety, and welfare of the working man...
...Support of the G. I. bill of rights with generous benefits for war veterans...
...Extension and strengthening of producer and consumer cooperatives...
Vol. 8 • May 1944 • No. 21