THE WEEK IN REVIEW THE hope for favorable action on the long kicked-around bill to outlaw the poll tax as a requirement for voting was crushed in the Senate this week when that body shunted the...
...His once powerful hold oyer his Congressional district has been greatly weakened by the influx of war workers, many of whom have been organized by the militantly anti-Dies CIO...
...The word, she said, should do away with the controversy over "isolation" and "intervention...
...ILO Adopts Social Program The three weeks session of the 26th International Labor Conference ended at Philadelphia last week with the unanimous adoption of a declaration of social principles submitted by the United States...
...we were attacked because we were already...
...Chief determining factor, of course, will be the extent of casualties when the invasion is launched against Hitler's European Fortress...
...Eastland (Miss...
...Attacking New York's Gov...
...Jackson (Ind...
...and economic sanctions were acts of war clearly understood by the Axis, however much misunderstood they were by thei American people..., on the sides of Great Britain and China...
...1 from the pool of men under 26 and those reaching the draft age each month...
...M.) Gillette (Iowa) Hayden (Ariz...
...Wiley (Wis...
...Brooks (III...
...Davis (Pa...
...Washington commentators were virtually unanimous in their belief that Dies was quitting partly because he faced stiff primary opposition...
...Union Flays U. S. Withdrawal The turn of events pleased none of the parties to the dispute...
...D.) Langer (N...
...Pepper told the Senate that when Florida abolished the poll tax as a requirement for voting, the size of the electorate increased by 140 per cent...
...Smith (S, C.) Stewart (Tenn...
...Downey (Calif...
...Chavez (N...
...Both Parties Blamed There were cries of "politics" on both sides as the Senate voted to proceed to other business after rejecting cloture...
...Meanwhile, Edgar G. Brown, president of the National Negro Council, insisted that "President Roosevelt must accept the major responsibility for scuttling the bill and its abandonment by a tricky parliamentary maneuver...
...Maloney (Conn...
...O'Mahoney (Wyo...
...Wagner (N...
...C.) Bankhead (Ala...
...McClellan (Ark...
...Y.) Walsh (Mass...
...Claude Pepper, Florida Democrat, who has just been renominated despite the attempt to defeat him because he was said to be for "racial equality...
...7. Provisions for training and transfer of labor...
...Tydings (Md...
...Johnson (Colo...
...6. The effective recognition of the right of freedom of association and of collective bargaining...
...Only Senator from the South to vote for cloture was Sen...
...The new rules released by Hershey provide: 1. Physically fit men from 18 to 25 will almost certainly be called...
...The declaration, suggested for inclusion in the peace treaty, cites seven matters as being "of international concern and should be among the social objectives of international as well as national policy...
...Caraway (Ark...
...Cordon (Ore...
...5. Provision for a regular flow of income to all those whose employment is interrupted by sickness or injury, by old age or by lack of employment opportunity...
...Martin Dies, whose six-year investigation of "un-American activities" has been a storm center of American politics, announced last week that he would not seek reelection because he was "tired out" and did not "feel up to a strenuous campaign...
...Lewis B. Hershey, draft director, announced a new series of regulations based on the premise that the manpower needs of the armed forces probably can be met through Dec...
...Burton K. Wheeler, bitter critic of the Roosevelt Administration's foreign policies, called on the President last week, at the invitation of the White House, for the first time since 1938...
...D.) Hawkes (N...
...The seizure of the plant has been a farce...
...Meanwhile, President Roosevelt accused American newspaper and radio commentators of suppressing the real story of the Montgomery Ward's defiance of the Government...
...The Federal Government, which had seized the mail order house 13 days before, promptly returned the property to its owners and Sewell L. Avery, chairman of the company, marched back as boss...
...The two men conferred for 45 minutes, purportedly on telegraphy and "world communications...
...In addition, the approved program makes the governing body of the International Labor Organization a watchdog of worldwide empleyment...
...Brewster (Me...
...Hill (Ala...
...7, 1941, she declared: "We were not in because we were attacked...
...Walsh (N...
...Philip Murray, president of the CIO, characterized Dies' decision as the "greatest single contribution he has made to the welfare of this country...
...Referring to the national situation before Dec...
...Avery announced that he would comply with the law and negotiate with the union, but, he .added in advance, he will not consent "to a contract which provides for maintenance of membership or any other form of closed shop...
...The states which still exact the poll tax as a device for keeping Negroes and poor whites from the polls, are Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas...
...Russell (Ga...
...Ferguson (Mich...
...Participation.' Rep...
...THE WEEK IN REVIEW THE hope for favorable action on the long kicked-around bill to outlaw the poll tax as a requirement for voting was crushed in the Senate this week when that body shunted the measure aside after' refusing to limit debate...
...An election of Ward employes conducted by the National Labor Relations Board gave the United Mail Order, Wholesale, and Retail Employes Union (CIO) a decisive victory...
...Although she was a strong, pre-Pearl Harbor believer in intervention, the Connecticut Congresswoman declared that the attack on the United States "was the greatest foreign policy failure in our history to date...
...Kilgore (W...
...The court held that "if the effect of the employer's words is to intimidate, coerce, or otherwise influence his employes in the exercise of their own free will, the employer would be committing another offense and he must take the consequences...
...Chandler (Ky...
...Danaher (Conn...
...Pre-Pearl Harbor Lend-Lease...
...Burton (Ohio) Capper (Kans...
...Dies' withdrawal from Congress is almost certain to result in an end of the investigation by the committee which bore his name...
...Bushfield (S...
...Connally (Tex...
...Revercomb (W...
...Faced with clear-cut victory of the union in the plant election...
...Walter White, secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, denounced "the whole performance" as a "farce...
...REPUBLICANS—1J Aiken (Vt...
...The roll-call vote by which the Senate refused to adopt cloture—a move to limit debate and prevent a filibuster—follows: FOR CLOTURE—36 DEMOCRATS-^17 Barkley (Ky...
...Thomas (Idaho) White (Me...
...3. Men 30 to 36 in the same activities will have indefinite deferments and perhaps would not be called at all...
...Hershey repeatedly emphasized that the draft picture depends on the "fortunes of war" and is subject to adjustment as needs in the armed forces change...
...At his first press conference since returning from his vacation in the South, the President read a three-page memorandum defending the Government's seizure of the company property...
...Wherry (Neb...
...Ward Clash Unsettled The past week saw a series of rapid-fire developments in the spectacular Montgomery Ward & Company case, but an actual settlement of the bitter controversy seemed as remote as ever...
...Green (R...
...James G. Pat-ton, president of the National Farmers' Union, declared that "the air smells sweeter already...
...Thomas (Utah) Tunnel...
...Maybank (S...
...We are in an awful position," said the president of the local...
...C.) McCarran (Nev...
...The House last week passed legislation increasing the national debt limit from $210,-000,000,000 to $240,000,000,000...
...Clark (Mo...
...Overton (La...
...Officials of the CIO union- were elated over their victory in the election, but were dismayed at what they said was an 11th hour abandonment of their cause by the Government...
...BUbo (Miss...
...This reservation throws the controversy back to its point of origin, not only to the outbreak of the most recent clash, but to the beginnings of the dispute in 1942 when Avery accepted the "maintenance of membership" clause only after being ordered to by President Roosevelt...
...3. Establishment of minimum standards of employment to prevent exploitation of workers, whether em. ployed or self-employed, whose opportunities for high wage employment are limited...
...J.) Millikin (Colo...
...Wilson (Iowa) PROGRESSIVE—1 U Follette (Wis...
...H.) Buck (Del...
...Radcliffe (Md...
...Gerry (R...
...2. Raising standards of living to provide adequate nutrition, housing, medical care, and education...
...Francis Heisler, counsel for the union, said: "I cannot understand why the President withdrew his hold over Ward's at the 11th hour when his help was needed so much by the union...
...Shipstead (Minn...
...Thomas E. Dewey for-refusing to support the motion for cloture although he claimed to be opposed to the poll tax itself, White asserted that Dewey's "characteristic failure to take a forthright stand on this bill plus the outright opposition of the Senate Republican leader contributed materially to the debacle...
...Names And Notes In The News Dies Quits...
...Byrd (Va...
...REPUBLICANS—18 Ball (Minn...
...I.) Guffey (Pa...
...Luce asserted, is worldwide thinking and "participation of our nation in the affairs of the world in order to safeguard our position in it...
...Lucas (III...
...Clare Boothe Luce, the shrewd phrasemaker who gave the language "globaloney," curged last week the use of the word "participation" as the key word for American foreign policy today...
...D.) Reed (Kans...
...2. Men 26 to 29 "necessary to and regularly engaged in" war or war supporting activity will not be called for at least six months, perhaps longer...
...McKellar (Tenn...
...These are: 1. Opportunity for useful and regular employment to all persons who want work, at fair wages or returns, and under reasonable conditions, with provision for protection of health and against injury in all occupations...
...I.) Hatch (N...
...New Ceiling...
...He dismissed the Government's suit asking for an injunction to protect its occupation of the property on the grounds that Government return of the company left the court without an issue...
...Nye (N...
...4. Provision for child welfare...
...In Federal Court, which was to have been the scene of an historic legal battle over the Government's authority to seize a plant of the Montgomery Ward type, Judge William H. Holly refused to rule on the issues involved...
...But he does have the right of free speech and there is nothing in the Wagner Act to take it away from him...
...Mead (N...
...Taft (Ohio) Vandenberg (Mich.] Weeks (Mass...
...Y.) Mtirdock (Utah) Pepper (Fla...
...Avery declared that the abrupt Government return of the company property had deprived the company of a decision in the courts...
...Bridges (N...
...Negro voters will remember this at the polls in November, he added...
...D.) Robertson (Wyo...
...Gurney (S...
...Ellender (La...
...O'Daniel (Tex...
...What is needed, Mrs...
...Moore (Ark...
...Party lines were scrambled in the roll-call vote, 18 Republicans, 17 Democrats, and one Progressive voting to block the filibuster by adopting cloture, while 14 Republicans and 30 Democrats voted against cloture...
...McFarland (Ariz...
...J.) Wheeler (Mont...
...The war has cost the United States $178,500,-000,000 in direct expenditures to date...
...George (Ga...
...Draft Picture Clarified Selective Service injected a bit of clarity into the long baffling draft situation last week...
...In a unanimous decision in Philadelphia, the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the right of an employer to say what he thinks about labor unions under the constitutional guarantee of free speech...
...The vote against the anti-si filibuster motion for cloture was 44 to 36—a severe setback in view of the fact that a two-thirds vote was required and opponents of the poll tax were not able to muster a majority...
Vol. 8 • May 1944 • No. 21