. . . THE PEOPLE'S FORUM . . . Oscar's Empty Chair Dear Sirs: We read with sorrow in the New York Times of the passing of the great crusader, Oscar Ameringer. Few men of our generation have...
...This amounts to 50 to 60 per cent of the employe's wages and is paid every three months...
...You have all that makes life livable, lovable, and secure...
...Writers such as Harry Elmer Barnes, Milton Mayer, Ernest Meyer, Frank Hanighen, John Haynes Holmes, Harry Paxton Howard, William Henry Chamber-lin, Fred Rodell, Isabel Bacon La Follette, and Morris Rubin are releasing much valuable information which can be appreciated by those who have followed political orators and writers and watched them pose as sacrificial reformers...
...Now, shall we covenant with the Allied powers to furnish soldiers to help maintain the status of England and Russia...
...silver, the same and in coins...
...Hanighen (saying: "While they slumbered, the Commies put through a resolution ordering all locals to distribute George Seldes' Communist newsletter In Fact to members") is as foul a piece of redbaiting falsehood as I have ever seen in the vermin press...
...The item by Mr...
...A Negro lawyer in the South has no chance, as he himself told me...
...A. J. Keck Denver, Colo...
...George Seldes, in In Fact, Nov...
...The Communist line at that time changed, and so did the policy of In Fact...
...It hasn't the unfortunate connotation of "follow the party line...
...Now is the time for the American people, more than ever before, to reject any proposition that would bind America to any alliance with any European power whatsoever...
...I was saddened by the news of the passing of Oscar Ameringer—-one who did so much and worked so long and faithfully to bring about the brotherhood of man...
...And hysteria too often beclouds the mental processes and blinds the victim to realities...
...Edward J. Gallagher Wichita, Kans...
...My amazement and disgust with its filthy smear is therefore all the more poignant and sincere...
...Fate seemingly will have it so...
...The captain told me that the pamphlets caused race riots...
...We witness the huge profits of the rich and the watchdogs over those profits, the War Labor Board, appointed by a professed friend of labor, using the Little Steel formula as a club, with a work-or-fight order and a demand for a conscription age of 65 years if one rebels...
...Randolph told me to take it up with the local chapter of the National Association For the Advancement of Colored People...
...C. E. Robel Lewiston, Idaho Hanighen And 'In Fact' Frank C. Hanighen, in the Nov...
...To say so is to print a lie...
...An Inspiring Challenge Dear Sirs: The death of Oscar Ameringer has left many of us with a deep sense of personal loss...
...The fact that it is locally owned and operated no doubt accounts for some of its higher qualities...
...Robert F. Skillings Portland, Me...
...It is one of the tragedies of the times that men of his caliber remain comparatively obscure, while many who rank as mental midgets in comparison, occupy the spotlight...
...Because of this, blanket endorsement of compulsory military training for all American boys in peacetime is ill-advised so long as we are in a state of war...
...We will emerge from these wars with a 5 to 1 naval superiority over any other nation...
...Dilling, the Dies Committee, and Eugene Lyons in the smear you published this week...
...This editor goes on the radio, billboards, and in news columns yelling about freedom...
...Frank C. Hanighen Washington, D. C. Agrees With Pewther Dear Sirs: I agree with J. C. Pewther in the Oct...
...The Post War World Council and the March On Washington Movement have done nothing about helping me to get the pamphlets back or to sue the city...
...And the management is not holding up production by hogging government contracts...
...Patton And War Dear Sirs: A recent article in a daily newspaper entitled, "Blood and Guts Patton, Toughest Man in Army, Believes War Is the Finest Enterprise of Man", inspired this communication...
...Mayer On Oscar Dear Sirs: I would like to thank Milton Mayer for his article concerning Oscar Ameringer...
...I showed them "Brother Jim Crow", "Freedom For India", and "Freedom For AH" published by the Post War World Council, New York...
...I know of no one who can sit in his chair...
...Impressionable young minds should be spared contact with such infamous rot as this...
...Edward Bellamy Springfield, Mass...
...I hope George will see my point—and at least cool off...
...In the controversy between Barnes and Eastman, each one asked what had happened to «the other...
...In Fact is endorsed by more than 800 labor union locals, AFL, CIO, and Railroad Brotherhoods...
...Now, I can't prove that George is a member of the Communist Party, nor that his organ is an official party publication...
...I would rather be the humblest barefoot peasant boy of France than to be that bloody butcher...
...This will be the nucleus for an impregnable system of hemispheric defenses if we are not again so foolish as to permit ourselves to be talked into junking ships while other powers merely tear up blueprints...
...It grieves me that we had finally to give Oscar up...
...This country has become a great nation because of its abundant and diversified natural resources, the ingenuity of its people, its comparative freedom from wars, and its unique global location...
...issuable and justifiable for no other purpose...
...I did and a Negro lawyer wrote to the City Manager but received no response...
...Bond Of Common Language' Dear Sirs: Winston Churchill and scores of English emissaries with honeyed tongues have stressed that "bond of common language" until it has come to be a band of iron...
...The most objectionable feature of the proposed plans for universal military training is that these would make a gap between high school and college of a year or more...
...Sylvesta Gibbs La Crosse, Wis...
...I did not answer the Eastman piece because I expected him to stoop to some low form of libel after I exposed him as not only a renegade radical but one who would smear those aiding the Spanish loyalists (as he did in his Reader's Digest article...
...La Follette's~ "Room Of Our Own" is always inspiring and comforting and Milton Mayer's articles and Morris Rubin's "Last Column" are a pleasure...
...He then wrote a three page statement out of the pamphlet, "Jim Crow In Uniform...
...I wrote the offending lines to point out the muddle-head-edness of a union...
...What Workers Need Dear Sirs: "The Last Barrier" in the Sept...
...For, as I have read and interpreted In Fact, it certainly seems to qualify for that designation...
...Dear Sirs: The day that the United States got into this war it seemed to me that the lights went out all over the world...
...While I have worked for a number of corporations, this is the first one in which I have found ample justification to sing its praises...
...We were nationally mortgaged 140 per cent...
...Because of this characteristic of human nature it reacts upon and changes the nature of the world around it...
...Where are we going to get one to unite the lesser political parties such as the American Labor Party, Socialist Labor Party, Communist Party...
...They still have them...
...No doubt our comical comrades expect to "pluck figs from thistles...
...The Nation had room for a cheap, scurrilous attack oil Lieut...
...Yet, he has never attacked the C. P. and fellow travelers with any such epithets, nor indeed ever attacked them at all in recent years...
...I am not a member of the Communist Party, nor of the communist movement, nor of any organization which I am aware is communist, nor what the smearers and liars call 'fellow travelers' to avoid a libel suit...
...He was one who truly was master of his own soul and we will never forget him...
...On the 20th an FBI agent talked to me in the sergeant's office and asked me a lot of questions about my life...
...It creates debt and accumulates and circulates that intangible and unreal wealth until we lose sight of how much we owe and to whom...
...As to being flattered by being mentioned in company with Stalin, I cannot speak for Norman Thomas, but for myself I quote Robert H. In-gersoll on Napoleon's greatness...
...What noble words...
...All through history war mongers have been mankind's arch enemies...
...From this nucleus, in conjunction with our sister republics, can be built a defense of the Western world not only against military aggression, but also against political and economic invasion as well, which is just as important...
...One A. Lincoln once said, "Let us have faith that right makes might...
...6 issue speaks of a "rich man's war and a poor man's fight...
...A well known foreign owned corporation is having plenty of trouble getting sufficient help because of the generous proft sharing scheme at Beech-craft...
...For it assumes that fellow travelers assay any new development of the Communist line and decide of their own free will and intelligence to "travel" the same way...
...True religion can never be reconciled with the repulsive idea that slaughter of one's fellow men is a fine thing...
...Lewis R. Kimberly Fort Thomas, Ky...
...Praise For A Corporation Dear Sirs: As The Progressive well knows, I am a perennial critic of corrupt corporations...
...I have read a little about Russia—articles by Anna L. Strong, C. S. Seely, Hewlet Johnson, Joseph E. Davies, and others, about the great progress that has been made there in all line of activity...
...It strikes me that Mr...
...War has always been a wholly hideous, degrading, uncivilized business...
...Human behavior has changed in the past, and it will change in the future, or all problems concerning it will be very definitely solved when it ceases to exist along with human nature and humanity itself...
...Perhaps this is possible in the "brave new world" the Hagues and others are building, but I have my doubts...
...What of Heroism, what of Eternal Light was in a man and his life,, is with very great exactness added to the Eternities, remains forever a new divine portion of the Sum of Things...
...Human Nature Dear Sirs: It is evidence of the muddled thinking that still exists in the world today regarding social and economic problems that many persons still advance the argument that the present social system can't be changed because human nature can't be changed...
...The one thing that can be said about human nature without getting bogged down in endless religious and metaphysical discussions is that it resists destruction—tries to preserve itself...
...the people, not for financiers, circulated by certificates, ultimately at approximately its industrial market value...
...Fearless I like your paper because it does not fear the truth...
...The friendly feeling that at last developed between all the nations of this hemisphere, with the exception of one, might suggest to us what a high state of cooperation and prosperity could be attained if we would cease to mix up in European affairs and attend to our own sadly neglected economic problems...
...Should we aid England to keep in subjugation the people of India, help Russia to form her buffer states, or to restore the king to his throne in Greece as Churchill desires...
...Patton says he has studied and loved war since his childhood...
...Elmer Davis has said that a test of a Communist lies in his attitude towards the war preceding and following the German attack on Russia...
...In Fact strenuously opposed our entrance into the war and all measures leading thereto — up to late June, 1941, when Germany attacked Russia...
...A. Loan (mortgage) money to replace Federal Reserve notes...
...The seed he planted will in time bear fruit...
...H. H. Gunn Rockford, 111...
...Dear Sirs: George Seldes, whom I have known well and favorably in the past, objects in rather violent terms to my reference to his publication In Fact as a "communist newsletter...
...Helen H. Harris Waban, Mass...
...I wrote several letters to Norman Thomas and Philip Randolph of the March On Washington Movement...
...Intelligent Minority Dear Sirs: I enjoy The Progressive more than I can tell you...
...But I think perhaps I've been guilty of only an in-accuracy^ I wonder if George would object if I called In Fact a "fellow-traveler" publication—one in close agreement with the views and attitudes of the Communist publications...
...EDITOR'S NOTE: Neither the Nation nor the New Republic, liberal weeklies published in New York, carried a line about Oscar Ameringer's death in the two issues afterwards...
...It is time to show the door to Russian haters like Freda Utley...
...Your readers "belong to the camp of the minority, but they are more particular as to what kind of material benefits their intelligence...
...The fallacy of this argument lies in confusing human nature with human behavior...
...the People's Forum...
...Here is a question I would like to ask those who have nothing but criticism for Stalin and Russia: Whether Stalin is a great statesman or a ruthless dictator, whether Russia has been run according to their approval or not, if Russia had not stopped Hitler's war machine, and with the greatest sacrifice finally sent it reeling toward tho west —what would have happened toM ? A. P. Bailey Elyria, O...
...You alone of all the countries of the earth have neared the land of promise...
...I certainly didn't intend it as such...
...8 issue, states that the Shipyard Workers in convention slumbered while "the 'Commies put through a resolution ordering all locals to distribute George Seldes' Communist news-letter, In Fact, to members...
...The police told me to give them all the pamphlets and to come with them to talk to the captain of the police...
...He no doubt is correct...
...All these parties pretend to be labor's friend and to be working for his interest...
...Many employes are paid while going to school and others attend college at no expense to themselves so as to better fit themselves for the job at which they work...
...E. Rodebaugh Meadville, Penna...
...If someone called me a "Progressive Party fellow traveler", I wouldn't object...
...But the best way of all is to devise some method of protecting the homeland without resorting to European militarism in even a modified form...
...I surely enjoy reading your wonderful and truthful paper...
...Roosevelt's declarations...
...They are getting absolutely nowhere and will continue in that direction until they tear down their petty differences and unite...
...A less objectionable plan from this viewpoint would be to give each boy th^ choice between a year's intensive training and four years in some college or university with ROTC training as a requirement for graduation...
...However, I am always happy to give credit where credit is due...
...Following that change, In Fact began to support the preparation for war and before long was attacking isolationists...
...But whether you retract it or not, I must tell you that for years I have been advising my readers to subscribe to The Progressive (also the Nation and New Republic) because it was one of the few uncor-rupted publications in the nation...
...I told him in The Progressive...
...Will We Do It Again...
...Now "economists" dream of measureless material progress, offering no other means of financing that progress...
...But it was Thomas Carlyle who said, "The works of a man, bury them under what guano-mountains and obscene owl-droppings you will, do not perish, cannot perish...
...I also read the daily papers and magazines that have pointed out their failure in nearly everything...
...Shall we be so criminally foolish again...
...I was called before the captain and he told a policeman to take me home and get the rest of the pamphlets...
...When he calls my statement "foul", I must infer that he considers the C. P. and fellow travelers as "foul...
...We are all keyed to a high pitch and anxious to the nth degree to see to it that there will be no repetition of these present wars...
...Compulsory military ser-ice never stopped wars in Europe and Asia...
...Many Americans in "Union Now" are striving to make America part and partner of the British Empire...
...The NAACP here has a large membership but weak leaders...
...If we do, a very good way to go about it is for everyone to throw up his hands and yelp that you can't change human nature...
...A Question About Russia Dear Sirs: I have been much interested in the recent articles in The Progressive on Russia...
...They took my picture and fingerprints...
...4. Emergency money, "a pure-credit currency, to pay at least in part for wars and other calamities...
...Press Ignores Oscar Dear Sirs: Why is it that the daily press, whose publishers are fighting for liberty and justice throughout the world, ignore the death of Oscar Ameringer—the very one in these United States who fought his whole life long, not for a few freedoms but for all freedoms, mental and physical...
...D. Metallic money: Gold, held by the government for...
...Yet our marvelous material growth has been nurtured by these waters of intangible and unreal wealth...
...Circulating debt is the bane of economics and a major cause of social insecurity...
...I see nothing discreditable in that...
...M. L. Heller Londonville, O. Thanks Freda Utley Dear Sirs: Thanks to Freda Utley for exposing the basic fallacies in Harry Elmer Barnes' nonsense about Russia...
...Likes Our Writers Dear Sirs: A number of readers with whom I have been in contact are pleased by and are enjoying articles from the majority of your contributors...
...5. A financial commission or authority, with complete power over the above, subject to laws enacted by Congress...
...B. Improvement money, not to exceed one-half of government equities in self-liquidating projects...
...We chose to treat Germany the hard way 25 years ago, starving the people and giving them no aid for 10 years when their best minds tried to establish a republican form of government...
...John J, Stream Berwyn, 111...
...Marion Howard New York, N. Y. Oscar Ameringer Dear Sirs: With the passing of Oscar Ameringer the common man loses one of his truest friends and greatest teachers...
...J. J. Jones Houston, Tex...
...All this talk about human nature will get us nowhere...
...Theodore Moller Lakehay, Wash...
...George Seldes Editor, In Fact New York, N. Y. Will Fellow Traveler Cover It...
...These changes in the environment of human nature necessitate further changes in its reactions, i. e., in human behavior...
...To date there are three separate and distinct Communist parties in the U. S. and the most numerous Stalinist group is content to be and remain "the north end of the Democratic donkey headed south" and buddies of Mayor Hague et al...
...Did you ever hear of a war that was otherwise...
...Thus wartime is about the most inopportune time to consider problems concerning post-war life in this nation...
...practically, all debts except small personal accommodations should be doubly secured by tangible property, and should not be circulated...
...But will the substitution of European militarism for our former policy of voluntary military service solve the problem...
...Ask any tragic, heartsick mother whose beloved son may be or has been killed on some distant battlefield if she believes that war is the finest enterprise of man...
...Few men of our generation have possessed his revolutionary fervor, his zeal, and his emotional appeal...
...It may be that the books I have read have been just "Red propaganda...
...25 Progressive...
...I refer to the Max Eastman smear and the Frank Hanighen smear in the Nov...
...Mayer's Eulogy Dear Sirs: I hereby congratulate Milton Mayer on his eulogy of the late Oscar Ameringer, as well as his many other articles in The Progressive...
...Its contributors are the best informed and the most intelligent in the land...
...Donald Mitchell Detroit, Mich...
...We accepted a promise before the last election that our sons would not be sent to fight in foreign wars and elected what has now become known as a ruler...
...He asked me if I was a Communist or Socialist...
...Having read all this, I came to the conclusion that the article by Mr...
...8, says editorially: "I am not a Communist...
...2. Changing of credit deposits, unsecured, ill-secured, and indirectly secured, to security by direct mortgage of tangible property, 3. Value-carrying government-money...
...Please extend my heartfelt sorrow to his family...
...G. F. Fischer Centuria, Wis...
...Verpoorten Persia, la...
...I suggest moral control of material progress by: 1. Public ownership of banking as the basic public utility...
...Charles Weaver Los Angeles, Calif...
...Some time it will be a great crime to glorify war on the printed page...
...Well, if I have made a mistake, I'm sorry for having hurt George's feelings...
...Absentee owners seldom have a sincere interest in their employes...
...Here lies a mystery which I wish he'd clear up...
...Another pamphlet was "Jim Crow In Uniform", published by the "March On Washington Movement" of New York...
...C. Expense money, not to exceed one-half of the previous year's government expenditures...
...But I did not expect Hanighen, whom I had respected as an honest and ethical journalist, to follow Mrs...
...Doesn't he believe the Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill...
...War is a fine enterprise for a tiny minority, namely, the great manufacturers who are coining billions in profits while men's flesh, blood, brains are strewn over far-flung battlefields in the greatest mass carnage in history...
...Then he said that if I believed the pamphlet was right I should sign the statement...
...What an inspiring challenge...
...I d e a 1 * y , there should be no debt...
...In Fact is a non-partisan, non-political newsletter devoted to exposing the corrupt press and native fascism...
...Those who contradict this are called upon to prove that human behavior is the same in the machine age as in the stone age and that it is the same under feudalism as under chattel slavery...
...In the world to be, through education, we must worship other gods than war heroes...
...World War I produced an estimated 20,000 millionaires and thousands of dead and wounded poor men...
...What a paradox...
...It is possible that the peasants still work small patches of ground with wooden plows and harrows, that 90 per cent of the people are illiterate, and that the Moscow subway is just a hole in the ground...
...Liberal publications, please copy...
...The Progressive Party is, I think, for the welfare of the common people...
...What the laboring man and the farmers need in a political way is a candidate of their own ranks...
...In truth, I wish George would accept, or at least, not intemper-ately reject, my designation of "fellow traveler...
...The resulting disorganization made the rise of Hitler possible and, from a nationalistic standpoint, apparently necessary...
...I'm rather confused as to why George regards my statement as a "smear...
...It's up to us whether we want that kind of a solution...
...I have been reading In Fact regularly and have seen no communist line in it...
...I went along...
...Saddened By Oscar's Death Dear Sirs: The Progressive is indeed the greatest magazine...
...As a young man I felt great pride in that my country offered a refuge to the oppressed and exploited of all lands, and rejoiced when they threw off the oppressor's yoke...
...Do all these mean nothing to "Blood and Guts" Patton...
...the system in which he operates is a paragon of insecurity...
...It was a shock to note how many of our so-called liberal and radical journals could find little or nothing to say about the passing of a man who towered so far above them...
...I also like your entire staff of writers...
...Felix Morley Dear Sirs: Felix Morley's analysis of the Moscow Conference was a cool and competent job, and quite a relief after reading the hysterical praise of our native Communists and the mournful croakings of our Red-baiters...
...D. Bahnsen Watsonville, Calif...
...Philip F. La Follette, now serving his country in the Southwest Pacific, for an article on Great Britain by a person whose trip to England was bought and paid for by the British Ministry of Information, but had not a single inch of space to record the passing of a great American radical whose crime seems to have been that he opposed American involvement in World Wars I and II, This is "liberalism" in America today...
...Stalin's big-feet, small intellect hoys split from the Socialist party in 1919 and were going to have a world revolution the next week and establish Socialism...
...For the nominal sum of 50 cents an employe may join the employes' club, entitling him to free use of an 80 acre park with golf course, archery range, pistol range, rifle ranges, horseshoe pits, and other recreational facilities...
...I did...
...Freedom In Houston Dear Sirs: On June 15 the Houston police came to my home and asked me to show them the pamphlets I had been selling...
...But certainly, by Elmer Davis' test, In Fact must take its place at least under the category of fellow traveler...
...And if the plan that is being suggested to join up with the old world powers to police and control the rest of the world goes through the sun of democracy and peace may never shine again upon our hemisphere...
...This is the one thing that remains after the contradictory elements of all creeds have been eliminated...
...Walter H. Beech and relatives own a controlling interest and manage the plant...
...Last but not least, the Beech employes' incentive plan provides that profits be shared with the employe...
...Marie P. Richmond Benton Harbor, Mich...
...How stirring, how magnificent were those words you quoted from Oscar's autobiography, and the most compelling of all were these words which should be memorized by every progressive American: "Before settling the troubles of distant lands, settle your own...
...What are we going to do about it...
...Moscow in Six Weeks...
...I want a retraction and I do not want it buried ir...
...Patton says he is very religious man...
...Barnes was about right...
...If war there must be, make it a war to the knife against poverty, disease, and ignorance at home...
...And as far as I am concerned that applies to all the world officials at present...
...Three New Ones Dear Sirs: Every time I see in the People's Forum that some die-hard crank wishes to have his paper cancelled because there is something he doesn't like or can't take, it makes me feel like sending you another subscription...
...And when Hitler invaded that country, do you all remember what the papers said...
...Seldes Denies 'In Fact' Is Red Dear Sirs: I wonder what you would say of me if in the next issue of In Fact I were to publish an article saying that The Progressive is now a fascist weekly and to make libelous and slanderous remarks about you personally and your publication ? - Yet you have permitted your writers to libel and smear me and my newsletter...
...Stalin must be mostly big boots and feet and small intellect, otherwise he would not have been maneuvered into a position where it is reported 15,000,000 of his people already have died of one cause or other in the past three years...
...I received answers from both but no action...
...Minute and detailed instructions are given to supervisors to develop the best of human relations and to bring out the best performance on the part of the employe...
...I enjoyed seeing the picture of our Phil La Follette, and was happy to see him looking so well...
...Doesn't this modern disciple of Mars believe in love, in the brotherhood of man, in the dignity of man...
...Too many boys simply would not enter our institutions of higher education upon the completion of their "stretch" in the army with the result we would soon become a nation of half educated men...
...Unions throughout the United States have endorsed In Fact and have passed resolutions at local and national conventions endorsing In Fact...
...Here in Los Angeles we have a daily paper that claims to be democratic and fights for Mr...
...Therefore I am sending you three new ones...
...Opposes Peacetime Draft Dear Sirs: War inevitably engenders a super patriotism closely bordering on national hysteria...
...P. R. Davis Crown City, O. * * * Agrees With Seely Dear Sirs: I agree with Commander Seely...
...In Fact is not a communist newsletter...
...Hold fast to the words of the Carpenter: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' For life pays in kind, love for love, hate for hate, blow for blow, and song for song...
...What about the spirit of peace and good will among men...
...I am an employe in the accounting department of Beech Aircraft...
...I am a former Guardian reader and had a lot of respect for Oscar...
...J. F. Reynolds Washington, D. C. A Money Program Dear Sirs: Among the things that we unwisely take for granted are debt, the great curse, and credit, the great delusion...
...I know that about 75 per cent of all parts are manufactured by subcontractors...
...Back of it all, of course, were the warm and courageous heart and unerring sense of justice and the fire of the reformer...
...By his attitude, George seems to imply that he regards the Communist Party and fellow travelers as distinctly "bad...
...He goes on to explain how he and In Fact are just plain anti-fascist...
...E. C. Barney Los Angeles, Calif...
...Yet he said nothing about Oscar Amer-i .er's death...
...He asked me where I had seen the pamphlet advertised...
...Hanighen's name-calling may result from his jumping at conclusions and considering as true some smear of In Fact without bothering to read the sheet himself...
...The common banker is usually the stable man of his community...
...It is a pity people will actually pay to be consistently misinformed...
...They took the pamphlets—about $8 worth—and locked me up in a dirty cell in the city jail...
...Milton Mayer is yet a young man as a writer, and, when he has reached his steadi»r and more settled days of life, bids fair to emulate the life of the great Oscar Ameringer, whom he so warmly and deservedly eulogizes...
...He also asked me if I was a member*of the Post War Council...
...This same A. Lincoln, if alive today, would be one of your staff...
...and it that faith let the end, dare to do our duty, as we understand it...
...Few apostles of brotherhood have been blessed with such a delightful sense of humor...
...In 1935 we had $500 billion in debt claims against $350 billion in tangible property...
...Malcolm A. Green Austin, Tex...
...8 issue...
...Ask any boy who has returned home from foreign slaughter pens the same question...
...Not to be the richest, the most powerful, and the most feared nation on earth, but the torchbearer of all that is good, true, and beautiful on earth—that is the mission of America...
...The weakness of their army and air force was described by our experts...
Vol. 7 • November 1943 • No. 48