Patri, Angelo
Our Children By Angelo Patri THERE is no easy road to success in this business of child guidance, the new term for child rearing. No child has ever grown up without giving his parents plenty of...
...There are times when parents have to leave the plow in the furrow and go to the aid of their children...
...They must force them back into the right ways if need be...
...Angelo Patri explains how to deal with early speech defects in his leaflet P-2, "Stammering," obtainable by sending 5 cents (coin preferred) to him, P. O. Box 75, Station O, New York, N. Y...
...Ages ago one took what he could lay hands on and held what he could by force...
...When necessary we must throw our whole force of family opinion and family action into the battle and hold the child where he must stay if he is to grow into healthy and useful maturity...
...Nothing is more important than that the children of the nation shall be reared to be worthy citizens of the land of their birth, and nobody is more influential in that relationship than the child's parents...
...In this laudable effort we have almost lost sight of the stern law that makes each of us face the facts of life squarely, struggle with them and like Jacob, wrestle with them until they bless him...
...It is easier for a child to do the wrong thing than the right, oftener than not* The "good" way is usually thousands of years younger than the old, the wrong way...
...He is their first duty, their first and last responsibility...
...Facing The Facts Because so many pleasant, delightful ways of life have been found to be unacceptable to a good eon-science in men we try to train children to do the right thing and forego the wrong one...
...If your child stammers, remember it is a phase of learning to speak which some children go through...
...But many a child comes from a stiff-necked generation and refuses to be taken from his pleasures...
...Parental responsibility is becoming more and more an acute factor in the guidance of children...
...We have to tell them, and show them, and prove it to them...
...Nothing More Important Children do not know much about the law, about what is right and what is wrong...
...In this delightful land of ours, children are surrounded by love, given every consideration, shielded from every unpleasantness...
...The honest way, the respect for other folk's rights, is only a few thousand years old and has not quite taken hold on the conscience of mankind yet...
...No child has ever grown up without giving his parents plenty of trouble and worry and work...
...It is still easier for a child to pilfer than to keep hands off what does not belong to him although he covets it...
...Then he must be forced...
...We have sacrificed much to make children happy...
...Pilfering, for example, is an older way of life than honesty...
Vol. 7 • November 1943 • No. 48