. . . THE PEOPLE'S FORUM . . . Reply To Miss Utley Dear Sirs: It must have come as a shock to many readers to find The Progressive publishing such drivel as that contained in Freda. Utley's...

...It is enough to state here that no student in that field should be allowed to speak above a whisper or write above three lines on the general subject until he has read and digested Progress and Poverty...
...In present retail stores, salespeo-le are busy only part time and their wages amount to about 10 per cent of the goods sold...
...Clarence Johnson Watertown, N. Y. * * * Two Books Dear Sirs: It appears that some of your subscribers and writers are American Firsters...
...That point does not need to enter into this discussion, I think, because the democratic Rochdale principles of the consumers' cooperative can hardly be called a new religion—they are merely the workable ideas that have, I believe, accounted in part for the good growth that the co-op movement has had...
...I doubt if any Diamond Dick novel or detective story is more interesting than these two books...
...Any one acquainted with the dark methods of the private utilities immediately comes to the conclusion that "their boys" have taken care of that little bulletin...
...Stalin may be a gracious host who with a smile in his face still harbors a curse in his heart...
...When this holocaust is over, the real battle must be won—the battle which cannot be won today by the sword...
...And, I have seen people at even co-op gatherings of this kind who didn't act "a bit sick," but as if they were really having a good time, and they weren't "Old Faithfuls" either, but non-members who later became members...
...Common Language Dear Sirs: Since your publication of my letter regarding the international language question, I have received so many requests for the address of the International Auxiliary Language Association that I am submitting this letter with address of the I.A.L.A...
...that henceforth the West and the East can live only on terms of equality and free choice...
...We can obtain better results by offering them a helping hand than by taking charge of their countries and trying to force them to do our bidding...
...Hilda Tash Paso Robles, Calif...
...He made the "Old Faithfuls," of whom I am one, sound very stuffy and ridiculous, and I can't let him get away with such treatment without mildly remonstrating...
...Our own press, handmaid of what we prefer to have told us, has vilified them throughout this experiment...
...And we...
...This bulletin contained valuable statistical matter and was a great help to students of the power industry, regardless of the nature of the research...
...And wouldn't the press be mad...
...It is high time you and all true Americans speak first for America...
...Roosevelt," by Quincy Howe, in the Sept...
...About 13 to 15 per cent is overhead...
...You see, I believe that the average citizen wants something a little better than just a dollar and cent way of living...
...So-Called Peace Plans' Dear Sirs: The fundamental foundation of our great democracy is being shaken by the misuse of truth by leaders who are intrusted with protecting the sovereignty of our government...
...I am not familiar with Miss Utley's background, but from her recent writings I suspect that she was once a "starry-eyed" liberal, who finally became "disillusioned," and joined the ranks of other "disillusioned" writers who deserted the progressive movement for one which paid better in dollars and cents...
...Our writers, speakers:—above all, our politicians—know this, and profit by it, Our mode of government somewhat especially furnishes opportunity and reward to any self seeking gentleman not too squeamish...
...Referring to the present day Europeanization of the world, he declares, "Unless the Empire breaks itself, the issue of empire will break the Allies and the peace conference and render futile all that men are dying for today...
...1 issue...
...Time To Organize Next to the problem of winning the war, is the problem of winning the peace and the preservation of our democratic processes in government...
...I like your magazine and I like its contributors...
...It must come from a better method of handling goods...
...It is the responsibility of government to keep the people in this condition, instead of allowing private corporations to let the transportation systems, factories, and the people themselves deteriorate to the condition they were in a few years ago...
...This rotten situation is a stern challenge to Congress — to every member who believes in an intelligent citizenship and fair play...
...After all, our President is only one being, upon whom the eyes and hopes of the world are turned for justice...
...Thank you, Freda Utley, for you have told the whole truth and nothing but the truth...
...C. A. Reichen Portland, Ore...
...Some of the text is strong meat, obviously much too strong for the stomachs of most of the reviewers...
...W. T. O'Connor St...
...Breath Of Fresh Air Dear Sirs: Your publication comes to me like a breath of fresh, clean air in the midst of many confusing trends...
...An excellent illustration of this point was made by Aldanov in his book The Fifth Seal...
...Louis, Mo...
...Part of this is sometimes held back for future use which is justifiable, but sometimes overdone...
...Besides it is a volume of nearly 1,000 pages and costs $2...
...Our Self Esteem Dear Sirs: This letter might be worthy of interest 75 years hence, as a glimpse backward at today's perplexities...
...If our leaders have any intentions of following out a plan that will pledge the people of our country to back England or any other nation in its efforts to continue domination over any nation that desires self-rule, it is time that we are being informed of it...
...Miss Utley repeats as facts rumors which never have been supported by a, grain of evidence...
...If our democracy is to survive, it will not be by the effort of the politicians or bureaucrats, but it must be by the intelligent action of the common people...
...I like especially your free, forward Americanism and The People's Forum...
...Hesseltine's plan is adopted and when Burnham's decentralized government materializes, we will have gone a long way toward achieving true democracy...
...Stalin always speaks first for Russia...
...ELIHUu BOWLES Prosser, Wash...
...He warns us that the face of Peace will be hidden from us until she knows that we love her and not the harlot, Power...
...Who knows ? R. H. Knapp Saginaw, Mich...
...And if we divide everything, we will be reduced to a living standard like India's...
...Davies And Miss Utley Dear Sirs: I was much interested in Freda Utley's reply to Harry Elmer Barnes on Stalin...
...Congress has sometimes done good work in straightening out crookedness of this kind...
...I am thinking of our "founding fathers," to us sacrosanct and inerrant, and the Constitution they devised...
...1. They are going to demand jobs, and it is up to the common people to make provisions for them to have jobs...
...Challenge To Congress Dear Sirs: Beginning with 1902, the U. S. Census Bureau published a bulletin on the "Electric Light and Power Industry" every five years up to and including 1937 when it was suddenly dropped...
...Our State Department, obediently at the service of the gospel of grab which we hug to ourselves under the name profit system, has used various means to hamper it...
...When Prof...
...As a soldier, I am grateful that there is a Progressive in America, my beloved country, that now seems so very far away...
...18) "Progressives and the Peace" was a "beaut" —a broadside that fairly and squarely slammed home...
...He said that the average citizen is not the least bit interested in adopting a new religion...
...World Federation Dear Sirs: I certainly enjoy every issue of The Progressive in spite of the fact that I am the only one of my household who does...
...Louis F. DlLGER Hyattsville, Md...
...We pin our faith to the findings of spokesmen for humanity far back in the dim past, refusing to consider changed conditions and the fresh knowledge that supplements or contradicts much of which they were sure...
...How long are educators and statesmen going to ignore the fact that there cannot be permanent peace or a warless world so long as the earth, the planet upon which we live, is in the grip of monopoly...
...We should hang our heads in shame that we have now become part of the British Empire...
...Charles S. Seely Chicago, Ill...
...Certainly it must be disheartening to everyone who believes in truth and fair play to find such silly but trouble-making nonsense in The People's Forum...
...This, of course, is sound but the same objection could be offered against the senior Sen...
...We must speak our minds now through our United States Senators...
...Lin Yutang's 'Strong Meat' Dear Sirs: A book as superfine as Lin Yutang's Between Tears and Laughter cannot be reviewed too often by its friends...
...The two incidents that he mentioned as symbolic of the movement—the beer episode and the chance remark of an "Old Faithful," I would say were simply chance incidents and in no way symbolic...
...And India's fighters for freedom are in jail for the crime of fighting for freedom...
...Utley's letter headed, "Barnes' Romanticism On Russia," in the Forum of your Nov...
...J. T. Fidler Topeka, Kan...
...There are a multitude of evils practiced upon the people by a few greedy individuals who seem successful in persuading Congress to legalize one of the most gigantic, unreasonable, and abortive monopolies of our economic rights, and that is our present money and banking system—the most glaring, aggressive, oppressive, and heartless of absolute monopolies of that essential requisite of civilization— a medium of exchange...
...Truman's report on big advertisers at Uncle Sam's expense, I wish to suggest a U. S. tax on advertising...
...What a brave new world our grandchildren and great grandchildren will have...
...The government could furnish the necessary employment by operating these essential industries without taxing the rest of us to support those on relief work, and in a much more satisfactory manner to all concerned...
...It is always good...
...Our young people have had maturity thrust upon them...
...Roy E. Buren Farmington, Mo...
...And the fact that this inexpensive bit of information was smothered just at the time the public power movement was making rapid progress, looks extremely suspicious...
...13 issue was a fine article, inspired by true patriotism...
...Of course, it would be expected that one who is directing the editorial policy of a paper like The Progressive, would offer something that would be quite substantial...
...I would, therefore, suggest that those who are engaged in formulating public opinion adopt the advice of John Kieran, who in his foreword of a recent publication of Progress and Poverty said: "The worth of this work as an economic exposition may be debated elsewhere...
...It no doubt is true that few readers of The Progressive are so lacking in intelligence that they will take Freda's space wasting trash seriously, but apparently there are some...
...They have taken this on fumblingly, at times cruelly, as seems a necessity with this strange primate, man...
...It is very true as you say that "we must put our own economic house in order and make our own democracy a model for all mankind before embarking on any global assignment to reform the rest of the world...
...Such meetings are not peculiar to co-ops alone...
...A. Mote R. 3, Box 71 Bellingham, Wash...
...La Follette, Sr., at the close of the last war on which you make the comment: "Here was a resolution that was proposed to commit America to rooting out some of the major causes of war, harsh indemnities, territorial expansion, monopoly and economic privileges and imperialism...
...His is the heaviest load that any man has ever been asked to shoulder...
...If we keep our people as well employed, fed, and skilled as they are now, we need never fear any invader...
...Today we find our country in a gigantic global war through no fault of the people...
...Blanche Watson Clayton, Ga...
...The author's line of reasoning is clear, to wit, that Asia is determined to erase all marks of imperial dominance imposed by European arms...
...These companies cannot be expected to invest their capital in new factories and equipment needed for modern warfare and keep them up to date if another war does not occur for 20 years...
...Julius Bassi McNabb, Ill...
...It is none of these, for this Americanized Chinese is one of the wisest, best-informed, and most courageous writers being published today, and he has given us a book that deserves to be clashed with Shridharani's Warning to the West...
...In an eight-hour day an average store could easily handle enough goods so that the labor cost, and maybe the entire overhead, would be only five per cent...
...One of the most important is the question of international collaboration with other nations to bring about a lasting peace when the war is won...
...A 'Beaut' Dear Sirs: That article (Oct...
...We shall be confronted with many sugar-coated propositions advocating the establishment of some world Utopia...
...We sit at home while they go out to die and our political big leaguers fix things up to suit themselves meantime...
...Other nations cause and start wars and we begin by paying the bills and doing the fighting...
...Roosevelt and Mr...
...and these blatherskites have told us how good we were till there has been engendered within us an overweening conceit of ourselves...
...If my countrymen are wise they will not trust those reviewers who (for cash on the barrelhead) have characterized it variously as bitter, angry, overstated, or unbalanced...
...Why should we be the only people in the world to put vital interests last instead of first...
...A world political union in my humble opinion will be a guaranteed sure-fire war breeder...
...It is one of those rare pieces of writing that come at long intervals and as such cries out to be read—and believed...
...They will wonder how we permitted this to happen...
...Good for you, Morris H. Rubin...
...It is high time that liberals and others who are looking toward a world of common understanding and brotherhood should realize the urgency of a common international language as a means of simple intercommunication...
...Set The Pattern Here Dear Sirs: Morris H. Rubin's article, "Progressives And The Peace" in the Oct...
...I was greatly impressed by the front page article in the issue of October 11 by Mr...
...They take the profit from the owner and give it back to the consumer...
...The Progressive is to be congratulated for this new contribution to radical thought...
...In Defense of Mr...
...No doubt if we can set them a pattern that will work for the benefit of the people of our nations and show a friendly spirit and willingness to cooperate with them, they will gladly follow our plan...
...It happens that I am now reading Mission To Moscow by Joseph E. Davies, and have just concluded his report of the trial of the traitors to Stalin, which Davies sums up as having been more than fair to the revolutionists, and now along comes Freda Utley and knocks it all into a cocked hat...
...Many of these people are now chewing their fingernails because they realize that they made a mistake when they deserted Russia in her time of need...
...The Russians, hitching their destiny to an idea, have gone on from triumphs to triumphs—triumphs economical, triumphs ethical, triumphs spiritual, triumphs militant —till an incredulous world is finding itself forced to recognize their government as a success unequaled elsewhere in the history of human relations...
...It has come to the Russian people to discover and apply to themselves a new civilization...
...Remonstrates With Rodell Dear Sirs: I read Mr...
...Marshall K. Smith Turners Falls, Mass...
...He bombards stupidity, ignorance," cupidity, and greed in high places, and he mentions names, as witness the chapter entitled, "Pericles and Churchill...
...Hesseltine's Idea Dear Sirs: Prof...
...18 issue leads me to write a friendly criti-cism in a little different vein...
...Bad timing there...
...Thanks, Miss Utley Dear Sirs: We all should be profoundly indebted to Freda Utley for her splendid and timely letter in answer to Mr...
...We are also glad to note that these editors and people dare to say what some of us have known for some time...
...It will help keep alive the things for which we fight...
...One and all they are thinkers...
...You have an able body of contributors and the salvation of our vaunted American rights depends upon just such advocates as The Progressive...
...I have been in a retail food store for 20 years and I am firmly con-vinced that a properly run co-op should save the consumer 10 or 15 per cent in retailing alone...
...and he reminds us that there is still time to cry out loudly, "Peace, go not away . . . we all want you to stay, whatever your terms, for we want you to live with our children and bless them with your gentleness and your plenty...
...just world citizens striving for the best interests of humanity...
...I want to say again that the I.A.L.A...
...F. R. Burch Seattle, Wash...
...18 issue was another masterpiece...
...Finest Dear Sirs: Allow me to extend my sincere thanks to you and the staff for publishing this finest of all papers...
...Retail mark-up usually runs about 18 to 20 per cent in foods...
...Your staff and readers should take warning from this incident not to weaken their influence by subterfuge...
...But this again is only wishful thinking that must be reduced to a definite program...
...John H. Bates 1605 31st Street Milwaukie, Ore...
...Is it going to be a Four Freedom proposition for all nations, small and large, or is it to be a continuation of domination by a few of the large...
...Saul S. Klein Los Angeles, Calif...
...Is it not their right...
...18, "Progressives and the Peace...
...The best current public document on the subject, is the "Directory of Electric Utilities" by the Federal Power Commission, but this is only a directory, has almost no summaries, is not suited to quick and comprehensive conclusions on the various phases of the subject...
...America First Dear Sirs: It's a welcome surprise to know that some editors and many people are now beginning to find out that Lord Churchill gets what he wants when he visits the United States...
...Churchill may have reformed this ruthless dictator, but even with that, his nefarious past will remain an abomination to all high thinking men...
...In my opinion America is worth more to humanity, to say nothing of the American people, than any empire ever was, and its just rights should be discussed frankly and fairly without fear or favor...
...And we have a strange habit of thought...
...Tax Advertising Dear Sirs: In accordance with Sen...
...S. W. Rogers Westwege, La...
...Now suppose that the consumer bought all his needs at the co-op store, and that the store was geared to serve a certain number of families and no outsiders and that consumers, trusting their co-ops, would have their orders written out on paper for a clerk whose time would be taken up only by filling the order—or self-service could be tried...
...Hesseltine's suggestion that the State Department be abolished, is the most constructive plan since James Burnham (in The Machiavellians) put forth the idea that de-centralized, short term administration by the people, is the only true form of democratic government...
...Mayer's fears may be justified, he should not have allowed them to drive him to inconsistent expressions...
...The co-ops do only one worthy service...
...We are faced with great decisions...
...I believe, too, that if the average citizen, who is approached as a prospective member, is reminded of these principles with perfect honesty and sincerity — in a manner that certainly doesn't need to be "dull, insultingly clubby and strangely smug" that he will respond with more interest than if he is approached merely with another money-saving scheme...
...There is a kind of consistency in the columns of The Progressive that makes it worthy of the high purpose described in its masthead, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free...
...Rodell's article, "Coops, Cults, And Consumers", with much interest and amusement...
...Since 1937 the Census has given out only fragmentary information on the power industry...
...It is evident that Mayer's incurable distrust of any "promises" of the "English speaking nations" makes it impossible for him to see anything but the extension of the "stinking status quo" resulting from any such promises...
...Mayer's Subterfuge Dear Sirs: I want to express my appreciation for the reply you permitted Ely Culbertson to make to Milton Mayer's severe criticism of his World Federation Plan...
...It is indeed a treat and a privilege in these days to have the opportunity of being a subscriber to a paper that not only dares but is perfectly willing and able to publish the unvarnished truth...
...Definite Program Needed Dear Sirs: I read with interest Morris H. Rubin's article in The Progressive of Oct...
...It appears to me that it is high time that the real progressives should be vitally concerned about the post-war world, for when peace does come and the demobilization of the boys in the armed forces takes place, they are going to demand something more than the privilege of selling apples and poppies on the street corners or living off the bitter bread of "charity," as happened after World War No...
...Will Congress meet this challenge and force the return of this valuable little bulletin...
...The present system follows conventional methods of distribution and pays a patronage dividend of around five per cent...
...Even the best paid of the professional Russia haters have abandoned that yarn as no longer effective...
...I do not expect it, but I would like a world federated state when this madness is over, modeled on our national government, with each nation as it now is, with the power of one of our 48 states, and a supreme power, probably at Geneva, a power to rule over each small state...
...Jo Cantine Woodstock, N. Y. * * * Let Youth Decide Dear Sirs: Recently I renewed my subscription to The Progressive for five years, with full confidence that if there is anything left of the social structure of this world by 1948, it will be The Progressive...
...I salute you all...
...publishes many books and pamphlets on the language question...
...The address of the International Auxiliary Language Association is 415 Lexington Avenue, New York City...
...The yarn about the Russian government threatening the families of the soldiers is an example of this... promoting a vastly important project which has the support of linguists and educators from all over the world...
...It was high time that some one took the initiative to attack these fumes of fancy about Joe Stalin and Soviet Russia...
...Let's get together on this...
...However much Mr...
...But if we join his world tribunal, how do we know there exists this international unselfishness which will prevent them from fighting over the last bone, and then coming across to see if we gave them everything... you...
...Churchill always speaks for England first...
...Ironically enough Soviet Russia, which claims a "people's government," supports ambassadors who outdo the "representatives" of other nations in hypocrisy, snobbishness, and double dealing...
...And as The Progressive is the one publication devoted to the dissemination of progressive ideas, I believe it would be a good idea to have study clubs in each community and use The Progressive as a guide post, for the purpose of crystallizing the progressive sentiment into a real progressive working organization and endeavor to formulate plans to meet the problems that will inevitably arise in the post-war world...
...There may be such a thing as the liquidation of ambassadors by the Stalin method after this war...
...Frances Meyer Schenectady, N. Y. * * * A Plan For Co-ops Dear Sirs: Fred Rodell's friendly criticism of the co-ops in the Oct...
...And what is the matter with open meetings and "Kaffee Hatches...
...Are the nations going to expand their generosity to allow those youths a deciding voice in the peace they have fought to gain...
...La Fol-lette's resolution as that which has been suggested in this letter...
...Barnes on the question of Russia...
...I am not thinking of the religions that obsess us...
...This is the amount that usually goes to the owner of the store...
...Certainly we must cooperate with the nations of the world, not by tariff walls and immigration restrictions, but by building on the ideal of a world community...
...Justice William O. Douglas...
...She even digs up and repeats as the truth the long buried fascist lie about a "man-made famine" in Russia, a lie which is as clever as anything Hitler or his agents ever invented, to impose on Progressive readers...
...The best way to put the Four Freedoms into operation is for the Allied nations to formulate their plans and put them into operation at home to set an example to the rest of the world and then offer their assistance to help them institute our plan in their countries...
...We might better join in a concerted drive on Congress to keep and operate the factories the government built for the war, and purchase the motor and chemical works and transportation systems so that we may be prepared to defend our country with the best and most modern equipment instead of having to await the pleasure of the big corporations when danger threatens our shores...
...After reading the glowing reports of Joseph E. Davies on Russia and the good eats and entertainment given the foreign representatives, I had about made up my mind to apply for some official post of this kind myself, but Freda's letter has discouraged me...
...E. L. APO 960 San Francisco, Calif...
...It is here that the saving must be made...
...The Price Of Peace Dear Sirs: Vice President Wallace was right in suggesting that some combination of foreign powers may gang up against us to take our wealth away from us if we do not divide up with them...
...These two departures, plus a certain amount of "social security" will do more toward establishing a decent, healthy, social order, than wars of "liberation," (by bombs and starvation...
...While we are occupied in putting our vast resources and our greatest energy to work in prosecuting the war toward victory, we must not lose sight of the fact that we may lose some of our precious heritage—a heritage that required generations to establish...
...H. H. Ophus Erskine, Minn...
...Charles R. Eckert Beaver, Penna...
...Of course Comrade Stalin's contact with Mr...
...Chester Wafford Santa Ana, Calif...
...He has the intelligence to search out truth and the courage to speak it, as when he tells us, flatly, there is but one issue in this war and that is Empire versus Freedom...
...However, the best authority is Winston Churchill himself, whose vicious attacks on Soviet Russia are notorious, but unknown to the misinformed public...
...At a peace conference to which representatives, chosen by the popular vote of their comrades-in-arms and representing every nation in this world, let there be no Axis or Allies...
...Let us consider how...
...Most Heartless Monopoly Dear Sirs: I consider The Progressive the leading exponent of our economic rights and liberties...
...It occurs to me, however, that general statements such as, "The part that progressives would play in a resolution that would strike at the cause of war and which would guarantee to all nations access to the riches of a generous and abundant earth," are too general in character and ought to be much more specific and definite...
...Miss Utley uses several paragraphs of valuable space for "military experting," and thereby exposes her ignorance of military matters, a pit-fall she could easily have avoided had she not been so anxious to discredit the Soviet Army—an army which, unhappily for her standing even among nit-wits, was winning one of the greatest battles of history when her letter was published...
...C. B. Ballard, Appleton, Wis...
...Those who are sincere and who, I believe, are being unwittingly used to serve an ulterior purpose, should read two most interesting books recently published: See What I Mean by Lewis Browne and Under Cover, by John Roy Carlson...
...The Departments of State in all nations are merely the perpetua-tors of the old feudal "aristocratic" ruling class idea...
...While the co-ops have done much in the line of getting merchandise to the consumer at a saving of five or six per cent, I believe the sights should be raised...
...I want to warn my fellow Americans that the hasty approval by the people of some of these so-called peace plans can only result in the creation of a world super government in which a people's government will lose its power...
...It is well to criticize and point out the abuses that exist in our legislative and executive departments of government, but we should bear in mind that the personnel of these departments is but the reflection of the intelligence or ignorance of the voters who are responsible for them being there...
...But When it is used by an obvious nit-wit not only to attack our great ally against fascism, Russia, but also to try to discredit one of the very best contributors to The Progressive, I feel that a protest is in order...
...We are eaten up with self esteem ! Why should we not be ? Like the rest of humanity, we are readily responsive to flattery...
...These are the darkest days of the civilized people, and one cannot remain silent while people are being propagandized with high sounding words of self-seekers who would enslave the world for political expediency...
...You speak of the resolution that was offered by Sen...
...I think that it is about time that we stop, look, listen, and ponder as to the direction in which we are going and how far we are going in this war and our post-war plan...
...I consider The People's Forum one of the very best features of The Progressive...
...That letter could not possibly do any good, and it will do at least some harm...
...This five per cent saving could be raised to 10 or 15 per cent by radically changing retail methods...

Vol. 7 • November 1943 • No. 46

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