THE WEEK IN REVIEW 'A Dead Corpse'? The trend away from the Roosevelt Administration became more pronounced than ever last week when voters in New York, New Jersey, Kentucky, and the city of...
...A critical shortage of doctors available for civilian practice, constituting "a threat to adequate medical service and to maximum war production," was reported to the U. S. Public Health Service last week...
...In the former state, Joe R. Hanley defeated Lieut...
...Jerry Voorhis, California Democrat, charged in Congress last week...
...In nearby Philadelphia, Republican Bernard Samuel won the mayoralty over William C. Bullitt by 65,197 although the President took a hand in behalf of Bullitt in the closing days of the campaign...
...Douglas MacArthur 30, Gov...
...The culprit returned the diapers to the mother, who had left them in the washroom...
...Harry Sauthoff, Wisconsin Progressive, has introduced an amendment to the Constitution calling for the election of federal district judges...
...Hoover called the practice of shipping food into Germany for prisoners of war while civilians are allowed to starve inconsistent with the humanitarian ideals of the United Nations...
...Names And Notes In The News Oil Trust...
...The trend away from the Roosevelt Administration became more pronounced than ever last week when voters in New York, New Jersey, Kentucky, and the city of Philadelphia voted for Republican candidates in the face of frantic Democratic appeals that support of the GOP would be regarded as a repudiation of the Roosevelt regime...
...The New Deal is through...
...Appearing as a witness before a Senate committee, Hoover, who administered Belgian relief in World War I, said he had been attempting for more than two years to organize food distribution in occupied countries...
...The contract raises the basic wage scale from $45.50 for a 42-hour, six-day week, all of it actual production time, to $56.74 for a 51-hour week, three hours of which will be nonproductive portal-to-portal time...
...Edwin C. Johnson, Colorado Democrat, pronounced the New Deal "a dead corpse" and summoned his fellow Democrats to nominate Gen...
...The miners shaved 11/2 hours from this nonproductive time by agreeing to cut their lunch time from 30 to 15 minutes...
...The Kentucky electorate, however, kicked over the traces and elected Simon S. Willis, Republican, over L. L. Donaldson, his Democratic foe, by 4,301 votes...
...Analyzing these election returns and the GOP sweep of 1942, Sen...
...WLB approval of the contract was widely regarded as a major triumph for Lewis and the miners...
...UMW Wins Increase The United Mine Workers, led by John L. Lewis, reached the end of their long and bitter struggle for higher wages last week when the War Labor Board approved, 11 to 1, a contract signed by Coal Administrator Harold L. Ickes and Lewis...
...Voorhis also warned that Standard Oil of California was still operating the Navy's most valuable oil reserve at Elk Hills...
...Voorhis, who exposed the Elk Hills oil scandal last Spring, told the House that Petroleum Directive 70, issued by Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes, gave the representatives of the big oil companies "the greatest charter of power ever given to a group of essentially private citizens, directly connected with the most powerful natural resource monopoly the world has ever known, over the most vital single resource there is...
...Earl Warren of California 6, and Willkie 6. * * * Morale...
...A poll of Republican Congressmen disclosed that Wendell L. Willkie is the least popular among the major contenders for the GOP Presidential nomination...
...Robert A. Taft 10, Gov...
...President Roosevelt notified Atty-Gen...
...This is a time to draft men...
...Predicting that this would probably be the last Winter of the war in Europe, former President Herbert Hoover appealed last week for immediate action to feed starving civilians in German-occupied territory...
...The GOP also scored significant triumphs in populous New York and New Jersey...
...George C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, for President next year: "Even a child knows that a political revolution comparable to the Harding landslide is sweeping the nation...
...In New Jersey, Walter E. Edge, Republican, defeated Democratic Mayor V. J. Murphy of Newark for governor by 128,000 votes...
...G. W. H. Haskell for lieutenant governor by 350,000 votes...
...John H. Bricker of Ohio 12, Sen...
...In this grave crisis the Democratic Party owes it to the people to draft Gen...
...In Kentucky, for instance, Sen...
...The sea blockade of Germany should be relaxed now, he asserted, to permit the shipment of food to occupied nations...
...He was motivated, he said, "by the outrageous perversion of justice in recent months in criminal cases" involving great corporations engaged in war production...
...Thomas Dewey of New York received 89 votes, Gen...
...Marshall for President...
...The agreement is similar in many respects to the model Illinois contract which the WLB had rejected, except that the latter provided for 41/2 hours of travel time...
...If the Democratic Party persists in hanging on to its dead corpse, it will lose the Senate, the House, and the governors of every northern and western state in the next election...
...The principal obstacle had been the "attitude of governments," mainly the British, he testified...
...Are we now witnessing here without any substantial protest on our part, the complete cartelization of the oil industry of America under government sanction...
...The Petroleum Administration of the Roosevelt regime has turned complete control of the oil industry over to the big companies under an arrangement suggesting a worldwide cartel, Rep...
...Despite hardships at home, the Japanese people are firm in morale and ready to follow their leaders for at least another five years, according to AP correspondents recently repatriated from Japan...
...Lindsay Warren, comptroller general, had ruled that the order prohibiting a government contractor from discriminating against any employe on account of race, creed, color, or national origin, was a directive and not mandatory...
...Francis Biddle last week that his executive order requiring a "no discrimination" clause in all government contracts was mandatory and must be incorporated in all government agreements...
...The following notice was posted in the washroom of a Rock Island Railroad train by an irate mother traveling with her baby: "Will the party who pilfered my baby's pants please meet me in the club car to match and see whether I get the pants or she gets the baby...
...Alben Barkley, the President's spokesman in the Senate, appealed to the voters in his home state to elect the Democratic candidate because victory for the Republicans "would be interpreted through the nation and the world as a repudiation of the Roosevelt program in its entirety...
Vol. 7 • November 1943 • No. 46