Books In Brief THE BATTLE IS THE PAY-OFF, by Ralph Inger-soll. Harcourt, Brace. $2. The former editor of PM, before he entered the Army, made a cosmic case out of his altercations with the...
...ATTACK CAN WIN IN '43, by Max Werner, Little, Brown and Company...
...Now he is a captain, and the Army is lifeblood to him...
...It relies for effectiveness on a straightforward, factual presentation of the relation of the conscientious objector to the law and the administration of the law...
...The House of Exile, by Nora Wain (Pocket Books, 25 cents) ; The Farm, by Louis Bromfield (Grosset & Dunlap, 50 cents...
...Exciting stuff, and his summary of the vital synchronization of details that go into warfare is ably handled...
...Among the new reprints of old favorites or former best sellers are: Ashenden, by W. Somerset Maugham (Avon, 25 cents) ; Suez to Singapore, by Cecil Brown (Halcyon House, $149) ; Dragon Seed, by Pearl Buck (Sun Dial, $1) ; Guadalcanal Diary, by Richard Tre-gaskis (Blue Ribbon...
...In The Battle Is The Pay-off, Ingersoll traces the intricate planning, details, work, and human factors that must intermesh when a battle is fought...
...However, the report presents a forthright indictment of the slip-shod and, in many cases, almost criminal treatment of these people in this war...
...John Day...
...In this book Julien Cornell, counsel to the National Committee on Conscientious Objectors of the American Civil Liberties Union, freely admits that the status of the pacifist has been immeasurably improved since this nation's last venture into the slaughter pens...
...and The Raft, by Robert Trumbull (Garden City, $1...
...The former editor of PM, before he entered the Army, made a cosmic case out of his altercations with the selective service authorities...
...Perhaps this reader is influenced by the fact that Max Warner has been right so many times in the past while other military experts were establishing records for wrong guessing, but this is a very persuasive plea for a major Anglo-American offensive on the European continent this year...
...It is also perishable, and Ingersoll persists in preaching...
...For a book that was published in June it has some remarkable forecasts concerning the present Red Army offensive, begun in July...
...This particular battle, in which Ingersoll participated, covered a two day flanking movement in the Tunisian campaign, when Rangers and Engineers climbed mountains above El Guettar in darkness and emerged behind the funnel gorge on the road to Sfax, opening the way to the Mediterranean...
Vol. 7 • November 1943 • No. 46