Rauschenbusch, Walter
A Prayer For Newspaper Men and Writers By WALTER RAUSCHENBUSCH (From "The American Magazine") OTHOU great source of truth and knowledge, we remember before thee the writers of books, the...
...Suffer them not to drug the mind of our people with falsehood and prejudice...
...Since the sanity and wisdom of a nation are in their charge, may they count it shame to set the baser passions of men on fire for the sake of gain...
...Make them realize that they have a public function in the commonwealth, and that their country may be saved by their courage and undone by their cowardice and silence...
...GRANT them the heart of manhood to cast their mighty influence with the forces which make the people strong and free, and if they suffer loss, may they rejoice in that as proof to their own soids that they too have been friends of the common man and servants of the higher law...
...Grant them a determined love for honest work and a staunch hatred for the making of lies, lest they pervert the judgments of our nation and teach its to call light darkness and darkness light...
...A Prayer For Newspaper Men and Writers By WALTER RAUSCHENBUSCH (From "The American Magazine") OTHOU great source of truth and knowledge, we remember before thee the writers of books, the newspaper men, and all whose calling it is to gather and winnow facts and to inform the people...
...GRANT them boldness to turn the unwelcome light on those who love the darkness because their deeds are evil...
...Put into their hands the shining sword of truth, and make them worthy sons of the champions of the people in the past who held truth to be a holy thing for which men should die...
Vol. 6 • June 1914 • No. 24