Why Not Hillary?
Clinton, Kate
Unplugged Kate Clinton Why Not Hillary? OK, I did not leave on the four-year gay cruise that sailed down the Potomac on January 21, nor am I planning to leave the country. I already live in the...
...Kate "Squarepants" Clinton is a humorist...
...Women are always given the most impossible cleanup jobs...
...Hillary in 2012...
...That she is a pretender to the throne...
...That darned Aspermative Action...
...outrage over Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings caused women to seek and win political office...
...Lordie, lordie, where are my vapors...
...According to the WHP, women leaders bubble up from other positions of power...
...My only hesitation, other than that I don't like her politics, is that she will reactivate all those rabid Hillary haters...
...Those numbers make me swoon, too...
...hi-tech entrepreneurial culture created businesswomen who write political checks...
...The actual state, not whatever sorry state of the union George read to us about...
...In his speech to an academic conference, the president of Harvard offered that women may be innately unsuited for math and science...
...And I know, according to Lawrence Summers, I am way over my head here even dealing with percentages...
...I'm woozy...
...As a gay friend of mine said, "She's the only Democrat with the balls to run and win...
...Women are woefully underrepresented in those positions: 14 percent of the Senate, 14 percent of the House, 18 percent of governorships...
...And Jeb ("Meet This Focker") Bush, sent on tsunami tour to raise his profile, may be next in line...
...No one has mentioned record levels of caffeine consumption, but my research people are looking into it...
...I'm as outraged as the next sister, but you can be sure I will be using "The Suddenly Last Summers Rationale" as an excuse if I ever get an IRS audit...
...It is still mind-boggling to me that we have not yet had a woman President or Vice President...
...The prominence of women is attributed to several factors: Early women pioneers engendered abiding respect for women's contribution...
...HOHs are still talking about the Bride of Clintonstein...
...That a Hillary Presidency would be a dynastic horror show...
...Long enough to cause such a shift in the paradigm that one young boy asked her, "Can a man be president...
...But the state of Washington looks mighty tempting...
...As the White House Project has been asking for ten years: Why not a woman...
...She is a great campaigner...
...the state's weak party structures don't foster strong old-boy's networks...
...Oprah doesn't seem interested in buying the Presidency, so why not Hillary...
...In short, she's got what it takes to be president...
...I just wish she wouldn't run in 2008...
...He can have the mess...
...In Finland or maybe it's Sweden (and I am a little geographically challenged, but hey, I'm not the President), they have had a woman president for five years...
...Washington State's governor and both Senators are women...
...That her history is "littered with mysterious deaths, immoral behavior, and shady financial dealings...
...Nationally, 50 percent of bachelor's degrees in math and science are earned by women, but they make up only 10 percent of those college faculties...
...That Hillary will run as a moderate to win and then do whatever she pleases...
...I already live in the tiny island nation of New York City...
...Summers suggested that one of the main obstacles to their tenure tracks was their biological clocks...
...I was dismayed to see all those upstate lawns pinioned with Lazio signs, but Hillary ran a listening tour and I swear she shook hands or shared a food product with every single upstate voter...
...But online, I found that Haters of Hillary really have never stopped...
...In addition to the trifecta at the top, 44 percent of their Supreme Court Justices and 33 percent of their state legislators are women...
...When she ran for Senator, against Rick Lazio, I was visiting my family in Syracuse...
Vol. 69 • March 2005 • No. 3