Letters to the Editor Mistaken Identity In Anne-Marie Cusac's recent article ("Bullies at the Voting Booth," October issue), Kathy McKee of Protect Arizona Now erroneously states that the Urban...
...More often than not the articles and opinions that find publication here reflect my own personal views...
...The other is the barbaric practice of cutting or boiling lobsters while still alive in preparation for eating...
...With John Kerry's likeness gracing its cover last month, The Progressive made clear which candidate it endorsed to hold the nation's highest office...
...Gene Case Andover, Minnesota Stop Eating Animals The ordeals of divers who are trying to feed their families and the possible extinction of lobsters through overfish-ing are not the only evils perpetrated by this industry ("A Taste of Extinction," by Steven Dudley, September issue...
...Perhaps McKee is confusing us with another organization...
...All letters may be edited for clarity and conciseness, and may appear either in the magazine or on its web page...
...Hypocrisy is not conducive to righteousness...
...Alperovitz told The New York Times in 1995, "I think it can be proven that the bomb was not only unnecessary but known in advance not to be necessary...
...That's when we need to be able to mobilize quickly and get on the streets...
...Quoted in Richard Rhodes's Pulitzer Prize-winning The Making of the Atomic Bomb, Eisenhower said, "First, the Japanese were ready to surrender, and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing...
...Marc Schuler Denver, Colorado Atomic Propaganda Gene Mc Crimmon (September Letters to the Editor) relies on debunked propaganda, repeated endlessly, that the U.S...
...But I must admit to a growing sense of unease at the passive stance your magazine has taken toward Election 2004...
...It's a shame that Starrs and many Catholic bishops aren't as concerned for the born...
...In the places where the results look suspicious, we'll need masses of people who are willing to come out and say that they will not stand for a stolen election...
...Where was the concern for the defenseless victims of the sexual predators hidden by the Catholic Church for decades...
...Disgusting that the likes of Bishop Sheridan and others work so singlemindedly against abortion and birth control, while condoning the policies of an Administration that takes the lives of tens of thousands of innocents in far-off lands...
...The historical record contradicts this hoax...
...Kevin Paulich Seattle, Washington "The Bishops' Election Intervention" was disgusting...
...As I understand it, a Catholic politician has a moral obligation to vote for what she or he sees as the best government...
...Where were the people of goodwill when demented clergymen were bouncing from one unsuspecting parish to the next...
...After studying the attacks for decades, historian Gar Alperovitz has written two books about them, Atomic Diplomacy in 1985 and The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb in 1996...
...Census data was misquoted by another group...
...This is also the time and the place we should be organizing protest actions at local election boards...
...His only workable slogan seems to be "Vote for Kerry: He's Not George W Bush " But that hardly looks good on a bumper sticker, even though a fair percentage and perhaps the majority of the votes he receives will come for exactly that reason And while Kerry smiled at us from the cover of your last issue, only a few months earlier Molly Ivins's column bore the title of "Kerry, Sigh" (April issue) It seems your magazine is not calling upon us to act so much as acquiesce I don't know what Robert La Fol-lette would say if he were alive today, but I imagine he is turning in his grave at the thought that the best advice the magazine he founded can put forth is to take what Kerry offers because it's the best progressives can hope for Make no mistake: I want Bush out, and I will do what I can to help that happen I will bite down, swallow hard, and I will, come November, cast my vote for Kerry But I hope that in future elections your magazine will return to its roots and encourage discussion of true progressive ideals, rather than settle for the less anti-progressive of the two major party candidates Eric Brehm Stevens Point, Wisconsin Sad State of Democracy I appreciated Ruth Conniff's article entitled, "Democrats Fall in Line," in the September issue The American electoral democracy is a sad one Will the American people feel betrayed a month into the Kerry Administration when more troops are sent to Iraq...
...He has yet to find a message that resonates...
...That's the time when it could make a difference...
...Such a person may believe, for reasons of social stability or other reasons, that the best government does not make all immoral acts into illegal ones...
...According to historian Barton J. Berstein, Brigadier General Bonnie Fellers wrote in 1945, "Neither the atomic bombing nor the entry of the Soviet Union into the war forced Japan's unconditional surrender...
...The Catholic Church would do well to get its own house in order before attempting any moral judgment concerning any issue...
...Inauguration Day would be far too late for this...
...Or perhaps a politically neutral fact sheet on minority voters assembled by our research staff using U.S...
...What you failed to tell us, however, was why...
...Ardeth Baxter Santa Fe, New Mexico The editors welcome correspondence from readers on all topics, but prefer to publish letters that comment directly on material previously published in The Progressive...
...After Florida 2000, we all now have a good idea of the timing involved here...
...A Catholic politician may further conclude that abortion is the kind of immoral act that should not be prohibited by force of state...
...Dave Troup Fairfax, California Joseph Starrs of the American Life League makes an interesting argument that the Catholic Church "has a duty and a right to stand up for those people who aren't able to stand up for themselves"—most notably, "the unborn...
...A politician that votes pro-choice is not "promoting abortion" or "cooperating in evil" any more than one who opposes blue laws is promoting the violation of the Sabbath rules...
...The reality is that as long as they are supported by consumers, factory farming and commercial fishing will continue to exploit human and nonhuman animals, as well as the environment...
...Please include your city and state...
...It failed to explain the logic behind the pro-choice position of John Kerry and other Catholic politicians...
...The key time is going to be in the weeks immediately following the election...
...Even President Dwight Eisenhower called the bombings unnecessary...
...I have been happy to be a subscriber to The Progressive, and I continue to be so...
...John LaForge Nukewatch Luck, Wisconsin Where's the Progressivism...
...Kathleen Courrier Vice President for Communication The Urban Institute Washington, D.C...
...Letters may be e-mailed to: editorial@progressive.org...
...The best solution to all these abuses is to stop eating lobsters—indeed, to stop consuming all animal products...
...This is when we need to be actively mobilized...
...Letters to the Editor Mistaken Identity In Anne-Marie Cusac's recent article ("Bullies at the Voting Booth," October issue), Kathy McKee of Protect Arizona Now erroneously states that the Urban Institute is involved in voter registration in Arizona...
...The debate between Democrats and Nader is a real one, one that should continue to be covered by The Progressive Suzanne Husami via e-mail Morality Play I was disappointed by Carl Kozlow-ski's article entitled "The Bishops' Election Intervention" (September issue...
...But can we, as progressives, vote for Kerry...
...The Urban Institute is a nonpartisan research center based in Washington, D.C., that participates in no election-related activities whatsoever...
...The results will be announced and certified within days, maybe a week or two after the election...
...Post-election Protest Toward the end of "To Catch a Thief" (October issue), Barbara Ehrenreich quotes scholar Frances Fox Piven, who "recommends nationwide protests that are both 'nonviolent and disruptive,' possibly on Inauguration Day...
...Contrary to popular belief, lobsters possess a sophisticated nervous system and are quite capable of pain and suffering...
...Second, I hated to see our country be the first to use such a weapon...
...Many of us will, but not with a clean conscience...
...We know, of course, that under no circumstances can we cast a vote for Bush...
...atomic massacres at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were committed to force the Japanese surrender...
Vol. 68 • November 2004 • No. 11