Ajay, Stephen
Poem Voting: the Presidential Election of 2004 "You can't tell the children there isn't any hope. " —James Baldwin A pebble moves at the bottom of a fast river; it breaks loose from place after...
...He loves his place, cherishes becoming slimmer and slimmer, being wedged in the tiniest space and then a cloud passes over the luscious surface of the river...
...At first raindrops plunk down on the river face and then the sun streams through a cloud and high above the gleaming pebble many small birds portion out the air...
...Stephen Ajay Stephen Ajay has published two books ofpoetry, entitled "ABRACADABRA" and "The Whales Are Burning, "from New Rivers Press... breaks loose from place after place without thinking...
...This pebble, more like a wafer, is on its way somewhere even he has not been, thin but shining, even more, polished...
...He teaches in the Creative Writing program at California College of the Arts in Oakland, California...
...The old pebble has seen most of it before...
...There are no other pebbles to help this one, the others are too busy holding on—the babbling is huge underwater: forecasts, railings, prayers...
...The pebble is blind in the darkness of the deep water...
Vol. 68 • November 2004 • No. 11