
Bonczek, Michelle

Poem Absolution Chapter one: she contemplates, chooses. Chapter two: broken glass and flames, red clouds burning blue like blood on her doctor's smock the day before the appointment. Something...

...Few protesters this time...
...Chapter five: she raises him on Chapter six: baseball, burgers, and Chapter seven: bugs in jars...
...Something has decided she has no choice but to have and name him...
...She kisses his head and he grows tall, likes girls...
...Her poetry has appeared in a number of literary journals and was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize...
...Chapter thirteen: Marshall sits still for his injection...
...Chapter eight: he likes guns and ropes more than girls like him...
...Chapter three: ripped tissue and stitches, her uterus bursts and is scooped out...
...Michelle Bonczek Michelle Bonczek is the co-director of Writers on The Edge (www.writersontheedge.org) and a co-founder and co-editor of Redactions: Poetry & Poetics (www.redactions.com...
...Chapter eleven: one girl plus one rope plus one gun plus three bullets equals he's fifteen...
...Chapter four: her breasts wither...
...Chapter twelve: someone decides he knew what he was doing...
...Finally, rain...
...She holds an M.A...
...His mother lets it drip from her eyelashes and wishes she were Chapter fourteen: the fertile earth taking him back...
...in Literature from SUNY Brockport and completed an MFA at the Inland Northwest Center for Creative Writers at Eastern Washington University...
...Chapter ten...
...Chapter nine...

Vol. 68 • October 2004 • No. 10

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