The Whip of Democracy (From Uncensored) AS WASHINGTON relaxes after the unbearable tension preceding House passage of the Neutrality amendments, the full story of the Administration's pressure on...
...The Whip of Democracy (From Uncensored) AS WASHINGTON relaxes after the unbearable tension preceding House passage of the Neutrality amendments, the full story of the Administration's pressure on Congress is emerging...
...Speaker Rayburn toiled ceaselessly among Southern Democrats...
...In two days, practically every vacant postmaster-, ship was filled...
...hardly any vacant federal judgeships, remained unpromised...
...Threats of prosecution for income tax violations were successful with some members...
...Though the chairmen of 12 important Congressional committees voted against the amendments, a-handful of top Democratic leaders were able to jam them through...
...In addition to these approved high-pressure methods, the Administration, in its extremity, resorted to threats...
...The most common report is that a total of 12 judgeships were definitely allocated during the process of persuasion...
...Tarver of Georgia, after making a flaming speech opposing the bill, inexplicably voted for it...
...Representatives are saying that they have never seen such cracking of the whip...
...Reporters in the House press gallery are convinced that all these methods were responsible for more than the 18 votes necessary to strangle the Neutrality Act...
...It is also reported that the Administration gained votes • by producing evidence of Hatch Act infringements, specially gathered by the Department of Justice...
...He dissuaded Representative Sumners of Texas, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, from making a speech against the bill, though Sumners voted against it...
...sudden approval was given to federal construction projects that had been kicking around Washington for months...
...Ed Flynn, Democratic>National Committee Chairman, was called down from the Bronx and was seen in the House lobbies all day calling out such recalcitrant Democrats as Congressman-at-Large Matthew Merritt of New York...
...From Brooklyn, Boss John Kelly was on the phone all day talking to Democratic Representatives from his area...
...he was promptly -dubbed by fellow-members "Judge" Casey...
...Flynn is credited with reconverting at least six Congressmen from New York who threatened to oppose Neutrality revision...
...Casey of Massachusetts, who had been listed an opponent of the amendments, emerged from a White House conference in favor of them...
...In one case, it is said, the President promised the same judgeship to two Congressmen...
Vol. 5 • December 1941 • No. 49