. . . THE PEOPLE'S FORUM . . .
. . . THE PEOPLE'S FORUM . . . Let's Have Action Now | Dear Sirs: I wish to express my appreciation of your paper, to which I have just recently subscribed. Its sane approach to our national...
...B. E. Weber Philadelphia, Penna...
...I do hope you can help to keep us out of the European war...
...I haye changed mine...
...and as the crass ingratitude of our late brothers in arms became manifest, Americans seemed to be virtually unanimous in the conviction that we had been duped...
...It not only bolsters up the morale of a people who are afraid to get out to fight their own battles, but it saves the woodpeckers the trouble of boring through felt and feathers or whatever it is that your hats are made of...
...Give us a constructive program for the future and keep hammering on that...
...The feeling of the individual must always be submerged in the issue at stake...
...Two Copies You know I am filled with admiration for your splendid body of columnists...
...The Equitist Way Dear Sirs: How eagerly I await and read your paper and feel America has not lost the battle for our rights as independent American citizens so long as your work for that freedom continues...
...As the Allies made a peace at Versailles which violated every principle for which we had...
...It is encouraging to know of the Progressive youth taking the stand they have for a constructive program against war...
...Surely with those of you working with them for the objective of America's self-interest above that of intervention in a foreign war, we may escape the dictatorship now so close upon us...
...Please, permit me to point out that the Communists base their theory on similar premises...
...He claims to haye discovered that men working where there is no competition are less efficient and less ambitious than people who are encouraged with the prospect of obtaining a greater reward...
...The draft board had arbitrarily refused to recognize his objections to service because of conscience...
...This is now generally recognized in Europe, as witnessed by the following quotation from a recent speech by the Archbishop of Canterbury in the House of Lords: "We are now comrades of the Russian army and people, not only in resisting the unscrupulous and reckless ambitions of Hitler but also in a deeper struggle against the power of evil and mass misery...
...The question can be partly an- / swered, at least in so far as some people are concerned...
...The working people still believe that Franklin D. Ro«sevelt is the greatest friend they have ever had in the White House and I believe they would -still be for him if he would take them into his confidence, at least that is true in this section...
...22, 1941, which I would like to have mailed to my address...
...Without any personal animus, but with fear that you isolationists are putting us in deadly danger, I hope you will quit giving aid and encouragement to Hitler—whether unwittingly or not— and wait until the emergency is over to sate your hate and jealousy of our Comnian-der-in-Chief...
...I have read with satisfaction the letter of Louise Margot Richardson on constitutional money...
...malevolently marching towards the new Armageddon...
...May I hear from any Progressive readers who would care to take this up...
...And what's more—I find no fault with it...
...Milton Shrader New York, N. Y. * * * The Truth Dear Sirs: Enclosed find check for $4.50 to pay for a three-year subscription renewal for The Progressive...
...We see and hear evidences of war madness all about us...
...We believed that we had made a costly mistake, but, by the grace of God, we vowed that we would never fall into the same abysmal depths again...
...It is good enough for me...
...It is precisely because Germany has accomplished this marvelous freedom that the British and American bankers are so rabid against her...
...So I am renewing my subscription for another year...
...However, there seems to have developed another cause for international controversies since the first World War, for ever since that period England has been conniving for the destruction of Russia, because Russia's non-profit economic order was a direct threat to the private profit capitalism, and the "economic royalists" of finance capitalism could not peacefully submit to having their profit racket disrupted...
...Why has he fallen into the very pitfalls which' he warned against...
...When I read of Christian ministers, like Bishop Hobson and Manning, stoking the fires of hate, I feel somewhat bitter...
...Joseph J. "Konus Pittsburgh, Penna...
...It is certainly the crying need of the whole world to be free of the octopus hold of the international bankers—the private bankers in general...
...The people are fed up with lies and half-truths...
...When our leaders warned the great Finnish nation, rumor calls it a democracy, to quit picking on the helpless Russians, did we not relinquish all claims to democratic principles...
...Roosevelt's present attitude...
...You shouldn't have lost control of your temper...
...A few years before that war, Leslie M. Shaw, Secretary of the Treasury in the Theodore Roosevelt Cabinet, had this to say about the cause of wars: "When our factories grow bigger than the United States there will be war...
...America can stop this war if she has a leader with the same enthusiasm for peace as Roosevelt has for war...
...AEF Next Dear Sirs: We certainly endorse your fine magazine and we pass it on to friends when we are through reading...
...Instead of the four freedoms, American boys are going to get Blood, Sweat, Tears and Embalming Fluid...
...Not so long ago he was saying things which we non-interventionists are still saying today...
...Keep Hammering Dear Sirs: ' Enclosed is my renewal to The Progressive...
...Hans P. Petersen Merrill, Wis...
...More—their caustic wit contains cold facts...
...In going over the things that Hitler has done, we find that he said that he only wanted to change the boundary a little in his favor...
...The Greenback Party is making plans to this end and there are at least two good papers, Money and Freedom and Plenty, which stand for constitutional money...
...American Party Wanted Dear Sirs: I am renewing my subscription to your good paper...
...No doubt it is being planned already but we parents will have to put up the hardest fight ever if we save them from such an awful fate, and we can win if we all do our part...
...Better AH the Time Dear Sirs: I am glad to send herewith my subscription for two years because your paper is getting better all the time...
...H. P. Miller I Osseo, Mich...
...For years England groomed Hitler for the war with Russia and helped, with the aid of France and the U. S. A., finance and furnish Germany with much of the neede'd material to build Hitler's war machine...
...Uncle Sam, beware...
...Probably The Progressive would give us space...
...Dollie Adams Revere, Mo...
...I am willing to act as volunteer secretary for a time for such a group...
...A "Seaman's Law" drawn by landlubbers who did not know the difference between the stem and stern of a row-boat turned our ships into floating hells that no man who knew the sea would put foot on if he could possibly get to his destination any other way...
...War-Madness Dear Sirs: In the years following the first Armistice Day, 23 years ago, there was widespread disillusionment over the discovery that we had not fought "a war to end all wars" oi^ "a war to make the world safe for democracy...
...We need your support to keep our country out of war, and we know it will be a hard fight because Roosevelt and his clique of hand-picked war-mongers are de termined to plunge us into war in spite of the will of the overwhelm ing majority of our people...
...let Europe and England do what they wish . . . that is their affair, not ours...
...his radio address given lately is good straight talk with a workable plan...
...The America First conglomeration is, in my opinion, a false front for a maniacal baby-killer named Hitler, and has drawn into its orbit many sincere—I hope—but hopelessly dumb individuals and erotic wo men, as well as peanut politicians, spies, and traitors...
...Today I take up my pen to tell you that I enjoy your paper very, very much, for it gives me true liberalism without insult to my Christian religion...
...Also, keep America First Committee growing, for out of that we want a political party, The American Party, for peace, liberty and prosperity, constitutional money and a United States of the people, by the people, and for the people, instead of the foreign war-mongers...
...If he is correct it must be'because all business and industry are dominated by bankers, and this seems to be substantiated by the fact that approximately 100 men holding prominent positions in nine or 10 of the largest banks of the United States form the interlocking directorates of some 400 of the largest corporations of this country...
...Or, on the other hand, is it the quiet silencing of all preachers who may be inclined to remember the command, "Thou shalt not kill...
...The very fact that the American people are not behind the President is proof that a leader with guts and clear vision can call our present war government to a halt, demanding that our government serve the will of the people or get out and make room for those who can and will uphold the true democratic ethics...
...an American destiny forged and maintained on this continent...
...As a matter of fact—when we consider the tremendous duty on imports, I am surprised that you were able to sneak your opinions past a customs official without sacrificing a substantial portion of your annual income...
...Congressman Jerry Voorhis of Southern California has a bill even now in the House...
...We just listened to a man talk from Ottawa, Canada, who said an AEF was absolutely necessary if this war was to be won by Britain...
...When I observe how far the war-madness has gone, I am stunned...
...Everything is tedious in comparison with The Progressive...
...Truth Once a Week When I take The Progressive I feel assured of reading the truth once a week...
...I have not shown these articles to anyone that did not agree with Philip in: "The sin of the war party is not that they advocate or want war...
...America is the only nation left capable of seeing that, a sane and fair peace is written...
...It slaps us in the face in the motion picture theatres, and—heaven help us!—it even flows in a noxious stream from some of our pulpits...
...Today is Thanksgiving Day, and I am truly thankful for all the blessings which the Lord has bestowed upon us for, so far, we have received far more than we have deserved...
...In the absence of any proof to the contrary, we shall have to take your word for that...
...The 1942 election will give us the opportunity to do something about it...
...Taken with the material written by the staff it makes a weekly of more than top-flight excellence...
...Caustic Wit Dear Sirs: It's woman's prerogative to chang^ her mind...
...when it's not at the postoffice in the morning, I don't mind making an extra trip there for it even on a rainy night...
...Isabel B. La Follette for her articles...
...I can easily credit that statement...
...William H. Lees Seattle, Wash...
...This powerful group—for there are at least twenty millions of Americans opposed to our present foreign policy—should demand that no American boys be sent overseas, and that all war equipment and supplies manufactured from now on be for the use of American troops within the confines of these United States and her protectorates...
...Began visualizing how much valuable reading, condensed in pungent articles, that I would miss— also friends to whom I pass on The Progressive...
...It is called the "Fumigated Room" by Formel-da Hyde...
...Why cannot some concerted action be possible between all those of isolationist conviction, putting aside all differences on minor matters, and combining our numbers and resources in a massive drive to stop the war party...
...Everything he did was done to keep out of war, but he was always preparing for war...
...But that leadership must be honest and above reproach...
...We must let our voices be heard in Washington if we are to save our boys—and we will have to make it in strong language...
...John Campbell . Chula Vista, Calif...
...Mamie Schellenberg Arkansas City, KanFake or Fact Dear Sirs: In The People's Forum, Nov...
...It is likewise disgusting to see the low level to which the advertising of Hobson's "Fight For Freedom Committee" has sunk as a result of this cheap emotional appeal...
...It can be truly said that it was planned that way...
...While we can attribute most of the war hysteria to human gullibility, how can we explain Mr...
...Leo M. Stratz Fond du Lac, Wis...
...My Progressive comes on Friday...
...Common Sense seems to be about the only other magazine that is forward-looking these days...
...Some of these are the armaments and munitions manufacturers who make multiplied millions in profits out of wars...
...Uncle Sam, Beware Dear Sirs: God help us if we depend - on promises of British "aid" if we become involved in a scrap with Japan (or any other nation or combination of nations...
...Peter Vredenburgh Beachwood, N. J. * * * Thanks for La Follettes Dear Sirs: Thank you for making The Progressive such a worthwhile paper to read...
...The warmongers are working overtime in their efforts to spill American blood, and thus cause a national emotional upset that will drive us into active participation in Europe's aimless slaughter...
...You stated that you take off your hat to the English...
...If she becomes involved in Europe, then the peace treaty that follows will be just another scramble for power with America as one of the lusty ones around the so-called peace tables...
...Unlike Dorothy Thompson's attitude (she calls American mothers in a New York Times write-up "crawling black cockroaches") we know these men are human and will defend us and ours...
...Sophie ter Linden Plainfield, N. J. * * * Hopes We Win Dear Sirs: I think you, and all others that, are with.you, have a lot of courage to keep on fighting for what is right...
...Give a copy away!—why hardly...
...George F. Curry Martins Ferry, O. * * * High Cost of Food Dear Sirs: We would rather be without eggs than do without The Progressive...
...When I renew I plan to take two copies weekly—one to keep, one to spread the good news with...
...And would it not be a pretense on our part to persist in kicking the "Four Freedoms" so hard that they might bounce back and knock us colder than the proverbial herring...
...What need would there be then for wars to get these bounties of nature in ownership of different nations...
...May their tribe increase in numbers and power...
...After the first World War, Wood-row Wilson, then President, attributed wars to "industrial and commercial rivalry...
...Judging by the quality, however, and your manner of expression, the above statement seems quite logical...
...Sidney Weise West Los Angeles, Calif...
...Every promise made by their present leader has been broken with utter, cruel disregard for honor, Give us a leader worthy of the name and watch the people march forward to the fulfillment of their destiny...
...It glares at us from newspaper headlines...
...I look to see the greatest, most, disastrous war in the history of the world...
...Is there a La Follette to lead the way...
...J. George Dages Beach Haven, N. J. Blames Isolationists Dear Sirs: The honorable, far-sighted, and truly American stand of Wendell L. Willkie is the right and proper one...
...So he is just as-antagonistic against the Soviet's way of life as ever, but since Russia is the only nation giving pause to Hitlerism, he is willing to aid Russia...
...Jessie Dean Chicago, 111...
...Every step taken in the past two years has been put over on us by the same fraudulent methods practiced by the European dictators...
...This group should demand that England and Germany make peace, or fight it out alone to their mutual exhaustion if they will...
...After that he wanted a little more of something else, promising that he would not ask for anything more and claiming that he would never go to war and at the time always getting a step closer to 7ar and always having a good excuse for it...
...The next step now that the Neutrality Act has been changed will be an AEF...
...You stated that the British were brave to the point of idiocy...
...j. Siemens Denver, Colo...
...Enclosed find a check for $2.15...
...Everything possible is being done to drag us in against the will of the people...
...being paid enough to buy back what he produces...
...The sin is that their only answer to the menace of Hitlerism in Europe is step by step to create Hitlerism in the United States...
...M. S. Alderton Palo Alto, Calif...
...I am afraid I might miss something very important by Sen...
...So it turns out that the so-called democracies are more interested in saving capitalism than in preserving democracy...
...If only there were more homes getting your paper and learning the truth...
...A little error on your part, my dear...
...F. L. Suttles Greensboro, N. C. * * * Crying Need Dear Sirs: Of all the fine things that Philip La Follette said in recent issues, it seems to me the most important is this: "There is the need to overhaul our money and banking system to make it our servant and not our master...
...I could not get along without a paper that always gives us the truth, and is edited by people that know what is best for all of the people and have the best interest of all of the people at heart, instead of just a chosen few...
...Encouraged Dear Sirs: I enjoy the paper from beginning to end, and it gives me courage to know that others believe in keeping America independent of European affairs...
...Bernard Raymond Worthington, O. One Step at a Time Dear Sirs: Why should the one who condemns Hitler the most take lessons from him on how to become a great dictator...
...Unless we offer a constructive program of equitable exchange in man's service with his fellowmen we will have with us unrest and slavery of one class with the domination of owners of man's labor...
...You can be proud of the straight thinking your paper circulates...
...Why is the cost of food so high...
...That Col...
...as it became apparent that the sordid purposes of the war had been, primarily, the outcome of the clashing appetites of rival imperialisms...
...Frightened England is willing now to aid Russia in order to save her own hide...
...supposedly fought...
...Following Hitler's methods, he would say that there was one more little thing that he forgot about that was need-ei...
...But as long as it brings the truth, it cannot be far wrong...
...The "Equitist way" gives this in education of a monetary unit of exchange which embodies an hour of service for another hour of service of Ijpman adult work...
...I am in favor of full aid to Russia because their economic order and their way of life are much more nearly in accord with the teaching of Jesus the Christ, than is the way of life of any of the so-called democracies, and the cry of "Godless Russia" is only a smear that stinks to high heaven...
...A parting injunction: Before you attend another public gathering, and on the chance that you may meet more of the "Black Cockroaches" you might find it profitable to read a very illuminating work on vermin and the methods of combating such...
...Louise N. Wheelwright Blowing Rock, N .C...
...George Heffner Pasadena, Calif...
...15, a very wise and learned guy, Sidney R. Reed, of the Angelic city in California, alleges that you advocate Communism (I wish it were so), and he protests against such delinquency...
...A La Hitler Dear Sirs: Some few days ago a young.Meth-odist of Redlands, Calif., was sentenced to two years in prison for objecting to submit to compulsory military service...
...It will be a war for markets and all the nations will be in it for they are all seeking for markets for their surplus products, with none abroad to buy and not enough home to consume, because the laborer is not...
...and where emulation takes the place of competition...
...The thing that we have been promised many times would not happen has happened...
...Churchill indicated as much when he announced England's determination to aid Russia, when he said he had not one word, of all his accusations against Russia, to detract...
...The articles "What Next For The United States...
...and that fact explains why, today, the forces of ignorance, hypocrisy and reaction, in the press, on the rostrum and with the panzer batal-lions, are brainlessly and...
...Now the word is released that the Department of Justice is placing those ministers under surveillance (a la Hitler...
...are very good right at this time...
...Ben Unruh Ness City, Kan...
...I do not want to miss an issue, for it is certainly essential that the people have one paper, at least, that they can rely on...
...We, the mothers of America, are with them 100 per cent...
...Cause of Wars Dear Sirs: In a recent issue of The Progressive, a contributor to the Forum charges the bankers with being the cause of wars...
...Actions speak louder than words...
...The 15 cents are for three copies of The Progressive for Nov...
...That transformation has already been accomplished on one sixth of the land surface of the earth...
...Several ministers, along with a bishop, upheld the young man's stand and protested when he was taken to the concentration camp at Terminal Island...
...Henry Nelson Superior, Wis...
...Letter to D. T. Dear Dotty Thompson: I greatly fear that the cause and the group you represent have not profited much by your behaviour at the Chicago meeting...
...This is the vital issue at present—will remain so until we take hold of it and settle it...
...Germany has led the world in many social improvements and this we must acknowledge in our calm moments...
...But it seems that our only hope is that The Progressive can still show him the way...
...I hope you will win...
...Americans, wake up...
...Anyway, let's have action now—tomorrow may be too late...
...The moving of our national capital to Buckingham Palace by the English was not bravery on their part but idiocy on the part of certain leaders and sniveling sycophants in our Social Register and fawning satellites who, like jackals, follow in the lion's wake on the chance of sniffing the carrion in his path...
...Let me remark here that it is not being pro-Nazi to acknowledge this fact...
...all they need is leadership...
...Remember, my dear woman, the cause is the thing...
...We wish to express our gratitude to Senator La Follette and his brother for their courageous, untiring fight to bring to us the truth, thus helping to save this country from war and destruction...
...Have three friends who have forgotten how to even smile since the Neutrality Act was emasculated and Ernest L. Meyer's and McAlister Coleman's mirth-provoking articles ought to produce hearty laughs...
...The people are waiting...
...Keep up the great work, for in this Dark Age we need the truth— not foreign propaganda...
...True Liberalism Dear Sirs: Last week I renewed my subscription to your wonderful weekly...
...La Follette, Philip La Follette, Stuart Chase, Harry Elmer Barnes, or John Chamberlain...
...On the other hand, England expects us successfully to transport men, equipment, and supplies 3,060 miles by water, land them on a hostile coast, and conduct a successful invasion of the continent, but claims that it would be "foolhardy" for her, with 2,000,000 men under arms and only 25 miles away even to attempt to make such an invasion...
...Its sane approach to our national problems, and its utter lack of propaganda are a relief after wading through our daily papers with their paid columnists exuding doctored news...
...However, England knows full well that if Germany wipes out Russia, England has small chance of survival...
...It is thoroughly nauseating to read that Bishop Hobson exhorts his fellow-war-mongers to "appeal to the emotions instead of the intellect...
...I thank Mrs...
...Usually our so-called liberal or progressive journals (now gone to hell anyhow because of their pro-war attitude) give you poison with their liberalism, that, is they cannot be liberal without being insulting to religion or Christian spiritual values...
...Straight Thinking Dear Sirs: First of all please extend my sincere thanks to both Senator and Philip La Follette on the patriotic stand they took in behalf of our Neutrality Act...
...Raymond Hauser Woodhaven, N. Y. * * * Planned That Way Dear Sirs: The President's road to peace has led straight to war—right where it was intended to lead...
...The question being asked on all sides is: Are we to be treated to some of the vicious scenes which placed such indelible blots upon the name of the United States during the reign of the unspeakable A. Mitchell Palmer...
...You say that you have never been paid for your opinions...
...It is the result of an unreasoned fear, a fear engendered by scare stories peddled by people who, I suspect, do not believe the stories themselves...
...What then has happened to ., shake this resolve...
...Surely there must be differences of opinions and views in a democracy, so naturally a paper cannot please everyone...
...Now it is reported that a Canadian "contingent" has been landed at a Russian port in the Arctic, which is just another demonstration of the British policy of staying away from locations where actual fighting is going on and sending someone else to do it...
...It blasts its way over the radio...
...And unless your face covers as much or more blank space than does that of most Anglophiles, you may later, in case the "Black Cockroaches" become "Gold Star" mothers, have some difficulty in saving it...
...They realize that the vast majority of people have no prospect of ever bettering their position under our private ownership system, so they advocate joint ownership of the sources of wealth, whereby the fruits of industry and efficiency will equitably accrue to each individual in proportion to services rendered...
...Charles Augustus Lindbergh, who, outside of being an expert gas engine mechanic and being the first to fly>the Atlantic solo has only distinguished himself by changing overnight from "Silent Slim" to "Gassie Gussie," is one of the highlights of America First, condemns the whole puerile show I consider the wreck that is our railroads today directly due to their having been made a political football and turned over to the ineompe tence of a bunch of lame ducks who never knew the difference between a caboose and a calaboose...
...Here in the good old U. S. A. we have Roosevelt who asked for one more little thing that would keep us out of war, while he was trying to get us into war unprepared, undeclared, and unprovoked...
...H. P. Van Guilder Ashland, Wis...
...We people should get together to make a working party for this purpose...
...Why worry about the status of religion in Russia or Germany...
...I am passing your paper on to others so it will spread your wonderful work...
...If the preachers of the word of Jesus Christ are men of such shallow faith, how can we expect their followers to be good Christians...
...to keep us out of war...
...Britain made the same promises to Poland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, France, Greece, Yugoslavia, and now while the hitherto despised Russians, who are doing more than has yet been done by any one to "smash" Hitler, are begging England to create a diversion on the western front while Hitler is busily engaged elsewhere, she gets a point blank refusal of any aid, except vocal, from her British "ally...
...I find it difficult to believe that with the object lesson of World War I, we can still swallow the same bitter pill...
...The writer feels, however, that the time is short, and that those who favor the isolationist viewpoint are not doing enough...
Vol. 5 • December 1941 • No. 49