Sing a Song of Sixpence Americans are great chocolate enthusiasts. Between 300 million and 400 million pounds of it are consumed in the United States each year. We know it today in hundreds of...
...It is rich and fattening, but its nourishing vigor and delicious taste have made it a national favorite...
...Cocoa, which is-plain chocolate with the cocoa butter or vegetable fat removed, is less fattening and, we think, just as delightful...
...This is guaranteed to add pounds to your weight...
...It's good with breakfast, lunch or dinner, and it tastes best of all after exercise in the frosty air...
...The history of chocolate dates back to the cultivation of the cacao tree by the Aztec Indians in Mexico long before the Spanish conquest...
...The Aztecs had learned to transform the "fruit" of the small cacao tree into a rich, vigor-restoring beverage...
...Then add milk, or water if you prefer, and bring the mixture to a boil, remove from the fire, and beat un-tij frothy with an eggbeater...
...We know it today in hundreds of forms—cocoa, candy, frostings, cakes, souffles, pies, and on and on— but once upon a time the brown beans from which chocolate is made were accepted as money...
...On icy winter days, hot chocolate is a favorite beverage in most families...
...Children love it, and it's a good way to persuade the family's balky milk drinkers to consume more milk...
...This brew of chocolate, mixed with herbs, spices, and vanilla, was carried from the Aztec civilization across the Atlantic to Europe where, sweetened with sugar, it became a popular drink with royalty and in the fashionable salons...
...Xhis draws out the full chocolate flavor...
...A drop of vanilla, a pinch of cinnamon or salt—or all three—enliven the flavor...
...The French version of hot chocolate is made by melting and sweetening fine bar chocolate and then adding milk or water...
...Legend has it that Cortez, when he reached Mexico in 1519, found Montezuma sitting iii state, drinking "choco-latl" from a tortoise shell cup rimmed with gold...
...One of the best ways to make cocoa is to boil the cocoa with a very small amount of water for five minutes in the top of a double boiler...
Vol. 5 • December 1941 • No. 49