Patri, Angelo
Our Children By ANGELO PATRI /-VNE WOULD NOT believe that a boy of 17 would plan to leave home and school and all belonging to him, to get away from his parents who kept thinking of him as a small...
...Just as soon as a child outgrows a regulation lift it for him...
...Responsibility must accompany all growth...
...Eat your cereal and drink your milk,' although I am eating a hearty breakfast...
...You ean't go to the school party because you must be in bed at nine,' although I am a college freshman...
...Privileges, the release of restrictions, when accompanied by responsibility for them can only strengthen the adolescent's growth...
...I'm going to chuck and get out on my own...
...Accord the privileges of growth promptly and allow responsibility for those privileges to put added power into the growth...
...By that road he becomes self-sufficient, useful and intelligent...
...Don't delay this recognition...
...Mother—and father is just as bad—thinks I'm Bruce's age, nine years...
...Don't Delay Recognition...
...Just as soon as a child can help himself in the least he should be allowed to do so, even though his efforts are clumsy and his results none too good...
...you're too young,' although I am past 17...
...The younger ones are not being deprived of any of their rights or privileges by this acknowledgement of the older ones' increasing stature...
...But that is what Frank planned to do...
...It is a mistake to insist that all the children keep step through their days...
...Our Children By ANGELO PATRI /-VNE WOULD NOT believe that a boy of 17 would plan to leave home and school and all belonging to him, to get away from his parents who kept thinking of him as a small boy in need of a small boy's tendance...
...They cannot do that, and insistence that they do the impossible ends in disaster...
...They have something to look forward to, and at the same time, they have the wholesome discipline of their acceptance of things as they are...
...Add a half hour to a child's day when his growth and health allow it, and pay no attention to the grumblings of the younger one who has to go to bed at his bedtime...
...He was still to go to bed with them and live according to their schedule although he had outgrown them altogether...
...Nothing so lifts a child's spirit as this recognition of his growing power...
...Add articles to the child's diet as his growth and health permit regardless of the complaints' of the younger ones who must continue to accept their simple diet...
...Responsibility Accompanies Growth This happened because there were three children younger than Frank...
...I don't like this girl business...
...Why do you want an allowance ? Don't I give you whatever you ask for?' when I just cannot bear to keep asking for carfare, lunch money, frat dues, money for the things the others do...
...I can't stand any more of it...
...It's 'Wipe your feet,' although my shoes are clean...
...Father and mother were so accustomed to thinking of them1 all as children in need of care that they overlooked the growth of their oldest son...
Vol. 5 • December 1941 • No. 49