The Cooperative Movement WHILE IMPERIALISTIC ambitions and selfish exploitation continue to mark the relations of this country's big business with Latin-America, a substantial contribution to...
...They also operate their own grocery store, milk distribution, laundry service, credit union, and other facilities with service totaling well over a quarter of a million dollars annually...
...The Cooperative Movement WHILE IMPERIALISTIC ambitions and selfish exploitation continue to mark the relations of this country's big business with Latin-America, a substantial contribution to hemispheric solidarity and good neighborliness is being made by the program of the cooperative movement in our sister republics on the other side of the Rio Grande...
...In his address Voorhis referred to the economic chaos that would ensue in the post-war crisis...
...This amount spent in government projects will not solve the crisis unless the people learn to do things for themselves...
...Progress In Latin America Participants also heard Valery J. Tereshtenko, director of the New York WPA Cooperative Project, report on the rapid development of cooperatives in the Latin-American countries...
...The cooperators operate their own cooperative power plant which has demonstrated the effectiveness of a small unit in providing electric light and power more cheaply than does the giant power company...
...Brazil, Tereshtenko pointed out, has 399 co-ops with a membership of 48,000, while Chile's 57 consumer groups boast membership in the National Federation of Cooperative Societies with 63,000 members...
...Argentina, Tereshtenko said, has already built 355 cooperative housing units serving 2,500 persons...
...The development derives its name from the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union, which has sparked the cooperative housing drive since its establishment 12 years ago...
...Departments of cooperation have been opened and two special Institutes of Cooperation have been established...
...Presidents of four Latin-American countries have made outright endorsements of the cooperative movement, Tereshtenko reported, and colleges and universities in several of the republics have added courses on co-ops to their curricula...
...Jerry Voorhis, California Democrat and cooperative supporter, deliver the dedicatory address for the latest addition to America's largest cooperative housing project...
...Its facilities are not confined, however, to Amalgamated workers alone, as the plan follows the Rochdale principles of open membership faithfully...
...The program of cooperative expansion in both continents of the New World is helping to knit the peoples of the Americas into a pattern of common endeavor for common social and economic ends...
...New Housing Co-op Units Opened Three new cooperative housing units were formally added to the Amalgamated Cooperative Housing development recently when New York cooperators turned out to hear Rep...
...Government action will not be sufficient to meet the needs of America...
...There are also 70 electric co-ops with 114,000 members and 618 general cooperatives with 334,000 members...
...The Argentine Federation of Consumer Cooperatives established a school for leaders in 1938...
...This phase of inter-continental unity was recently emphasized at a s round table conference of the Latin-American Economic Institute in New York, at which Wallace J. Campbell, assistant secretary of The Cooperative League of the U. S. A., urged the necessity of pushing a program of "cooperative expansion- in North and South America" to make the Good Neighbor policy a reality...
...The three new units add 48 families to the 638 already living in the Amalgamated Cooperative Housing development...
...A strong development of agricultural cooperatives and credit unions has grown up in Ecuador, Uruguay, Peru, and Venezuela, and an Institute of Cooperation has been established in Colombia, .he added...
...We can't and we won't get enough public works to alleviate the situation even if $50,000,000,000 is set aside for that purpose...
Vol. 5 • December 1941 • No. 49