News Worth Remembering UPON HIS return to Washington, Secretary of State Bryan laid before President Wilson the situation in California relative to alien land laws, as he found it. Following this...

...The country did not go Democratic in November...
...It is the purpose of this plan to close the gap and to leave no question to become a cause of war...
...Should any American manufacturer reduce wages on the excuse that the low tariff made it necessary, close his factory, or curtail operations, giving a similar reason, Secretary Redfield will act, under the direct orders of President Wilson...
...I will lend you a pair of my husband's...
...And they are so important that they themselves become the cause of war...
...Of course they would," came back the shout from all sides of the house...
...House Passes Tariff Bill The Democratic tariff bill was passed by the House of Representatives on May 8 by a vote of 281 to 139...
...Would our political fabric be strengthened...
...I bring them before you — a growing intelligence and increasing understanding of the doctrine of brotherhood, and a growing power of the people to control their destinies through the control of their government "This nation must be willing to extend its hand to all those who come from any direction in the interest of peace...
...It was impossible to go Republican because it could not tell which kind of Republican to go...
...I have exercised a great self-denial about New Jersey...
...Bryan said, "forces that work constantly and irresistibly, and every one of these forces makes for peace...
...Bryan Talks World Peace Secretary of State William JenNotes on the Present State of the Theater By THOMAS H. DICKINSON XIV THE THEATER is a great business...
...He declared that the new peace plan offered by President Wilson to all nations is the latest and longest step toward peace...
...find to exist...
...Bryan was introduced after the banqueters had drunk a toast to the King of England and the President of the United States...
...It has already started, acting under a section of last year's commerce appropriation bill, to investigate cost of production, living conditions and profits abroad...
...Misunderstood The charming wife of a French diplomat at Washington had never thor-oughly mastered the English language...
...Opponents of the measure, which it is estimated would have placed the ballot in the hands of six million women, made much of the violent acts of the small group of "militants...
...His excellency, Baron Chinda, has, on behalf of his government, presented an earnest protest against the measure...
...Sometimes it is thought that there is too much business in connection with the theater, that the investments which are required in keeping the business intact are almost inconsistent with the purposes of the art upon which the business depends, and that if the business were simplified the art itself might benefit...
...News Notes —The Wisconsin legislature has passed a bill providing for a legislative investigation of the white slave traffic in the state, and kindred subjects...
...More than fifty Irish Nationalists voted against it...
...Perhaps it is the unnecessary thing which is costing in these days...
...Gompers sentence was reduced from one year to thirty days, the sentences of Mitchell and Morrison of nine months and six months imprisonment respectively were changed to a fine of five hundred dollars each...
...On account of the tremendous expense involved it is a business which requires the continual application of expert financial minds...
...There were certain things which we want done, the country said, not certain persons elevated...
...A committee provided for in the bill will visit Wisconsin cities to take testimony on moral conditions...
...According to the government's expert accountant there appeared an apparent profit of $102,000 made by Mellen personally by trading in stock of the railroad company...
...that great system with a big snake-like 'S,' that great sneaking, whispering system had established itself in Trenton...
...That will be all right," she exclaimed...
...The President used a quantity of adjectives to describe the "gang" and charged that the system had been so corrupt as to permit grand juries to indict at strategic moments "and they can withhold grand juries from indicting when all is quiet and you know that the mastery of certain gentlemen in this state would be impossible if the things they did were subject to the dispassionate judgment of grand juries...
...Wilson declared that when the Democratic party in New Jersey three years ago had come into power, everybody wondered "if the old gang would run it, but it did not...
...Five Democrats voted against the bill and two Republicans voted for it Four Progressive party members supported the bill and fourteen opposed it...
...Now the Democratic party is going to have a try at making these things successful, and if not we're not going to have another try...
...It is the belief of the President that when the treaties have been made between this nation and all other nations severally by which there will be investigations before hostilities begin, war will become practically impossible...
...This will be followed by similar investigations here...
...Mellen advanced the money and the railroad company reimbursed him, he said...
...Would our social and do-mestic life be enriched...
...He also pleaded for the calling of a constitutional convention, pointing out that it was no longer regarded as a radical procedure to change constitutions in the United States...
...In the great ages of theatrical history the theater itself has been a simple thing, and the emphasis has been upon the play and the art of the player rather than upon the play-house and the personality of the actor...
...The nations affected by the proposed law are friendly nations — nations that have shown themselves willing to co-operate in the establishment of harmonious relations between their people and ours...
...He passes over questions affecting treaty rights, for two reasons, first, because the bill passed by the legislature is avowedly intended to conform to treaty obligations, and, second, because any conflict complained of would be a matter for the courts, but the President feels justified in expressing again his desire that action on the subject be deferred for this session, and he expresses the desire the more freely, because the legislature can be reconvened at any time if the welfare of the state requires it...
...Putting on his "war paint" as he described it, he made speeches at Newark and Elizabeth in behalf of the jury reform bill to take the drawing of juries out of the hands of the sheriffs and placed in the hands of non-partisan commissions...
...Once more that bulky form of the gentleman who used to personally lead New Jersey legislatures to disgrace reappeared on the very floor of the legislature...
...But I want to say a few words about the Democratic party...
...She was urging an American naval officer to attend a dinner, the invitation to which he had already declined...
...that contempt of a federal court was a criminal offense, and that the statute of limitations had run in the case...
...I did not believe it," he continued, "until I saw it...
...The crowd cheered and the President announced that he would be willing to submit the jury reform question to a referendum as had been proposed by the Nugent faction hut he knew, he said, that it would not be a genuine referendum and that the machine would count the vote at the polls to suit themselves, since the processes of the election law were controlled in certain counties by sheriffs in league with the political machine...
...The President applied his reference to the national election as indicating that if the Democratic party in the state did not redeem its pledges, including jury reform, the people might try another political party in the next election...
...The speaker said that when he was preparing to go to Washington from the governorship he was told that "the old gang would come back...
...It contemplates time for investigation and deliberation," he said, "and this makes the possibility of war remote...
...The bill is now in the hands of the Finance Committee of the Senate...
...He declared that the money had been used in political contributions in 1904...
...English Suffrage Bill Killed The woman suffrage bill in the English House of Commons was defeated on May 6 by a vote of 266 to 219...
...A week ago he went to New Jersey to fight against what he termed a "resumption of control by Jim Nugent and the old political machine...
...As you have before you but two alternatives, viz., to approve or to veto, it will avail nothing to recall to your attention the amendments suggested to the legislature, and as the President has already laid before you his views upon the subject it is unnecessary to reiterate them...
...The lady insisted that he must go, but the young officer said he could not possibly do so, as he had "burned his bridges behind him...
...The columns of newspaper advertising with catch phrases, the flaming billboards, the system of puffery and press agents, the exploitation of private lives of artists, the emphasis upon superficial display and magnificence in the production and in the theater itself—all these are inconsistent with the real life of the art of the stage...
...The committee is directed to frame legislation to meet the conditions they...
...One "independent progressive," Congressman Kent, voted with the Democrats...
...The Supreme Court of the United States will probably be asked again to review the decision...
...Gompers' Sentence "Too Severe" The jail sentences imposed on Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, the labor leaders, for their alleged violation of a court's injunction in the noted Bucks stove and range case were held to have been too severe in a decision handed down last week by the District Court of Appeals at Washington...
...he asked...
...Chief Justice Sheppard dissented, holding that the whole decision should be reversed...
...No nation shall outstrip us in its advocacy of peace...
...The "lesson" will come from the department of commerce...
...Would our legislative fabric be more respected...
...According to the Associated Press dispatches, "possibly the Nationalists fear that if they allow a woman's franchise bill to pass the second reading it will lead to a parliamentary struggle which may end in dissolution of Parliament before the home rule bill becomes a law...
...Let them shut down if they want to," was the attitude taken by the administration, "but the rank and file of the American people will be given an object lesson for the reason...
...It made all my pulses beat," said the President in his speech, "to think that I was to come to this great county of Essex that wants to govern itself, but does not...
...Fifty thousand dollars went to the Republican national campaign fund, and other amounts to aid Republican state campaigns in New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island, he said...
...Before Mr...
...If a postponement commends itself to your judgment the President will be pleased to co-operate in a systematic effort to discover and correct any evils that may exist in connection with land ownership by aliens...
...This action, he has been told, is intended to influence next fall's congressional elections...
...I have come therefore to speak not to you but for you...
...Certainly most of the agencies which have grown up in connection with the business of the theater are hardly harmonious with a simple and genuine art...
...The President is very greatly angered over reports which have reached him that in certain lines of endeavor there is already an understanding to close down factories in a spectacular manner as soon as the new law is in effect and blame the Democrats...
...He is fully alive to the importance of removing any root of discord which may create antagonism between American citizens and the subjects of oriental nations residing here, but he is impelled by a sense of duty to express the hope that you will see fit to allow time for diplomatic effort...
...But there is going to be a contest for governor in New Jersey next summer and I did not want anybody to think I wanted to boss the job...
...Any one who wants to know what I think can learn by asking...
...The business of the theater will always be an expensive thing and there is no necessary inconsistency between self-support and the higher purposes of good drama...
...No other nation is better situated or better prepared to set an example in the interest of peace than this, and I am glad on this occasion to make reference to the act of our President that embodies this thought in language, "Two weeks ago yesterday, at his direction, I summoned the representatives of thirty-six nations represented at Washington that I might for him simultaneously present through them to their governments a proposition in which the President expresses not only his willingness but his desire to enter into agreement with every other nation, great or small, that so far as our nation and that contracting nation is concerned there will be no war, no declaration, no commencement of hostilities until the question in dispute has been investigated by an international tribunal and its report made known...
...Underwood, author of the tariff bill, made the administration attitude plain, when, just before the final passage through the House of his measure, he said: "I give you notice now that if any manufacturer attempts in the interest of the Republican party to threaten labor there is a bureau in this government, the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce, created by the Democratic party, that will go into the factory, make a thorough investigation and ascertain the reason why...
...Following this he discussed with the President the formal protest filed by Ambassador Chinda of Japan...
...On Saturday, May 10, he sent the following telegram to Governor Johnson, notifying him that the Japanese ambassador had earnestly protested against the bill passed by the California legislature and urging that the Governor postpone action by withholding his signature: "The President directs me to express his appreciation of your courtesy in delaying action on the land bill now before you until its provisions could be communicated to the Japanese government and considered by it...
...nings Bryan spoke on the subject "Progress toward Peace" at a dinner given last week in New York in honor of the foreign members of the international conference that is arranging the celebration of one hundred years of peace among English-speaking peoples...
...Campaign Funds" Says Mellen President Mellen of the New Haven Railroad appeared in his own defense before the Interstate Commerce Commission recently to give an explanation of some of the figures that have been unearthed from the books of his railroad company in the investigation now in progress...
...Premier Asquith attacked the bill...
...Would our standard of manners — and by manners I mean the old-fashioned virtues of chivalry, courtesy and inter-dependence of the sexes on one another —be raised or refined if women were given the vote...
...In supporting the bill Sir Edward Grey, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, declared that nobody had greater reason to deplore the methods of the militant suffragists than those who desired the enfranchisement of women, but he argued that their outrages should not influence the decision of the House...
...Unlike previous decisions in this case which have been unanimously against the labor leaders the court was divided on this latest decision...
...We have three great forces at work throughout the world," Mr...
...Mellen appeared as a voluntary witness and Commissioner Prouty would not permit him to be sworn or cross-examined lest he might later claim immunity in federal proceedings now under way...
...The only hopeful and united instrument through which it could accomplish its purpose was the Democratic party...
...The time that will be allowed gives a chance for the separation of questions of fact from questions of honor, and it gives a chance also for the operation of public opinion, which is increasingly for peace...
...Threats by American manufacturers that they will close down their factories when the tariff bill becomes law because they "cannot longer operate profitably," were sharply answered from administration sources...
...It does not mean to take the place of arbitration treaties—make all you can, submit to arbitration every question which you can agree to submit, but when you are through you will find, at least we have found thus far, that there are certain questions that are excepted...
...Wilson Goes to New Jersey to Fight Bosses When President Wilson left the governorship of New Jersey to become President of the United States he intimated that he was going to keep his eye on New Jersey politics and if necessary take a hand in securing the reforms for which he stood sponsor...
...If you want to strike at the center and heart of corrupt politics," said the President, "see to it that you put the control of grand juries into impartial and non-political hands...
...There were certain things we want demonstrated, such as that the government of the United States cannot be controlled by private interests...
...So the order has been given to Secretary Redfield, a fund of $100,-000 for the purpose will be at his disposal in a few days, to be increased to one million if needed, and facts and figures to show that the tariff is not the reason will be quickly available...
...Now, I believe that this proposition is a long step in the direction of peace...
...I want everybody to realize that I have not been taken in by the results of the last national election...
...I'm going to New Hampshire next summer, but New Hampshire is in telegraphic communication with New Jersey...
...The lady misunderstood the expression...
...My great temptation in choosing a summer home was to pitch my tent where I used to...
...James Nugent of Essex county took charge of the legislature * * * Hissing began In the crowd and the President waited a moment and continued: "I don't know for whom those hisses are, but I hand them over to Jim Nugent to whom they belong—a sinister private agent openly conducting affairs on the floor of the legislature, who did not dare do it as long as some would go home and point him out as a man not commissioned to speak for the people and as the man opposing the processes of law to which he dare not submit...
...I have no candidate for governor, but I am opposed to whomever is desired by certain gentlemen...

Vol. 5 • May 1913 • No. 20

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