News Worth Remembering THE California legislature last week passed the Webb land bill which prohibits aliens ineligible to citizenship from owning land in the state. The bill is now before Governor...

...In any event it is not likely that the law will become operative for more than a year and a half since the referendum will be tnvoked to secure an expression of sentiment from the voters of the state...
...put your linger on these millions of beating pulses...
...He was nominated for railroad commissioner of the state of South Dakota in 1896 on the Democratic-Populist-Fusion ticket and was elected, receiving the largest number of votes of any candidate...
...I have been preaching for thirty years his proposition No...
...During that period he and his sons began the publication of the Missouri Valley Journal, a leading weekly of that state...
...The parade was perfectly policed...
...As passed the bill was amended to allow three-year leases of land by aliens...
...All see the EFFECTS with their physical eye, but only a few can see beneath the surface to the CAUSES with their mental eye...
...there, charmed, exhilarated, humanized, vitalized...
...Most people want to punish criminals, but only a few people are interested in wiping out conditions that create crimes and criminals...
...Instead of requiring that the national banks secure treasury deposits exclusively with United States or provincial government bonds they will be allowed in future to secure seventy per cent...
...My investigations as a congressman have convinced me that the news trusts are under control of the money power and that they do not give vital facts to the public which the public ought to know...
...Davies, "I feel a strong sense of personal loss...
...Try to conceive all the vast audiences of our countrymen at this moment assembled in all the theaters and music halls of this kingdom..., melting and sobbing over some scene of domestic pathos...
...Those Republicans who had been so long in power that they ceased to be conscious to the trend of public thought which enveloped them are not the natural leaders of those Republicans who were never asleep...
...With such a source of wisdom as he has had in constant access to Senator Lodge, I am surprised he did not learn the facts earlier...
...Chandler Urges New Leadership for G. O. P. Former United States Senator Wil-liam B. Chandler of New Hampshire in a published statement expresses the belief that the Republican party's paramount duty is to abandon the old leadership that caused its defeat and to go forward under new leadership along the lines demanded by the millions of citizens who compose the party...
...H. Taft and Theodore Roosevelt—and who by petty personal differences divided and destroyed their party...
...or has accepted security other than government bonds except in periods of financial stress...
...Lafferty charges the existence of "news trusts...
...It will be useless to try to revive it under any name with Taft or Roosevlt in leadership...
...there, grinning and chuckling at some half-veiled indecency...
...He held the office lor four years...
...In this work he was associated with National Committeeman Joseph E. Davies, whom President Wilson has just appointed Commissioner of Corporations...
...I am glad to see this truthful acknowledgment by Mr...
...This bill proposes to submit an amendment to the Constitution to authorize the legislature to enact laws by which widows and deserted wives shall be entitled to three dollars a week for each child...
...1, No...
...Senators Lewis and Sherman of Illinois filed their final statements of campaign expenses last week, which show that Senator Lewis spent $4,850 and Senator Sherman $9,640...
...Multiply row after row, tier above tier, crowd upon crowd, at this moment listening, watching, laughing, weeping, hushed, applauding...
...She has no physical eyesight...
...All see crime...
...Chinese Republic Recognized Uncle Sam has given formal recognition to the new Chinese republic...
...Furnishing news service to independent papers at a reasonable price and the consequent furnishing of reading matter to the public at a reasonable figure is not my sole object in offering this bill...
...This new policy was announced last week by Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo...
...At the White House newspaper men were given to understand that the settlement of private business disputes in the Latin-American countries by the United States Government is not to be the policy of the present Administration...
...In 1876 Mr...
...Senator Chandler writes: "A Republican Confession of De-served Defeat in 1912—-Republican Representative Augustus P. Gardner of Massachusetts, in the national House on April 23, showed commendable political frankness...
...Consider how enormous, how Far-reaching, how operative, not only upon manners, but upon conduct and character, must be the effect upon them of what occupies their evening hours of leisure...
...Though unfamiliar with the republican form of government, the Chinese people are yet fully convinced of the soundness of the principle which underlies it and which is so luminously represented by your glorious commonwealth...
...It merely means the application of Golden Rule in a practical way to the affairs of men...
...Until Secretary Bryan reaches Washington on Thursday of the present week President Wilson will make no further comment upon the situation...
...through the faithful execution of all established obligations...
...In July, 1908, he was nominated for lieutenant governor of South Dakota on the Democratic ticket, but the Republicans again swept the state...
...In the death of William T. La Follette, my friend," says Mr...
...Then the common people will have their innings in the election of officers, in the passage of laws and in the enforcement of laws...
...Schedule K Passed Schedule K of the Democratic bill was passed in the House on May 3 by a vote of 193 to 74...
...All of us have committed the Golden Rule to memory...
...In 1871 Mr...
...He was born Dec..., peering and leering at a ballet girl's skirts...
...It expresses all the instincts of that society, high and low...
...This power will be broken if my bill becomes law and the press of the country will be set free...
...Progressive Republicans criticised the Democratic measure on the ground that it contained gross discriminations...
...News Notes —Secretary of the Interior Lane has named Professor Adolph C. Miller of Berkeley, California, to be first assistant secretary of the Interior Department...
...He remained in Madison, active in his private business and participated in the recent Wilson campaign...
...Then special privilege will be eliminated and every man who works will be able to buy with his earnings a comfortable living for himself and family, take a vacation of at least thirty days each year in the mountains or at the seashore and lay by a little for his old age besides...
...But the right name for it is justice...
...10, 1847, in the state of Indiana...
...The English dramatist, Henry Arthur Jones, has pictured the theater's influence as it is in relation to the life of the time...
...Again for a moment survey these myriads of amusement-seekers...
...The associations cannot legally plead future fulfillment of 'existing contracts' under the clause of the constitution which prevents congress from passing any law impairing the obligation of contracts, because these contracts are with members of the associations themselves and are not with third and innocent parties..., tasting the fine flavour of a choice Shakespearean passage...
...Janes had been sent by the Taft Administration to act as arbitrator between the government of Ecuador and the Guayaquil & Quito Railroad Company, an American Corporation, in a claim dispute...
...The following December Mr...
...Others close their ears to the cries of the poor and weak...
...This would be impossible if we had a free and untram-meled dissemination of news...
...To bring about this revolution is the object of my bill...
...Lafferty, the purpose of this bill is to require a "free dissemination of the news" to all newspapers...
...Senator Chamberlain of Oregon offered a resolution last week in the Senate to repudiate both the Clayton-Bulwer and Hay-Pauncefote treaties as a means of ending the controversy over England's right to use the Panama Canal on the same basis as the United States...
...For example, while the wealth of the United States is $125,000,000,000, making us the richest country in the world, it is also true that fifty men own 40 per cent...
...The money power has controlled elections for fifty years and has controlled legislation and enforcement of laws after elections...
...It is announced that Governor Johnson will certainly sign the bill...
...Bryan Democrats and La Follette Republicans are working for this...
...McAdoo, "With the banks paying interest on government deposits the Secretary may be justified in keeping larger balances in the national banks, thereby increasing the volume of money in circulation and to that extent reducing the amount locked up in the treas ury...
...According to Mr...
...She is blind...
...with state, city and county bonds acceptable to the Secretary of the Treasury to be taken as security at seventy-five per cent...
...2. The country desired a revision of the tariff much farther reaching than the Payne law...
...Banks Must Pay Interest on Government Deposits National banks will no longer be permitted to use vast sums from the United States Treasury without paying any interest to the government..., mystified and awed by the tricks of the scene-shifter...
...Following is the message of President Wilson: "The government and people of the United States of America having abundantly testified their sympathy with the people of China upon their assumption of the attributes and powers of self-government, deem it opportune at this time, when the representative national assembly has met to discharge the high duty of setting the seal of full accomplishment upon the aspirations of the Chinese people, that I extend, in the name of my government and of my countrymen, a greeting of welcome to the new China thus entering into the family of nations...
...In 1903, Mr...
...Yet she has become educated, taken degrees from colleges, is a well known magazine writer, and a convincing public speaker...
...The third party members who voted with the Democrats were Murdock of Kansas, Kelley of Tennessee, Chandler of New York and Bryan and Falconer of Washington...
...Others see, with their physical eye, the suffering and poverty around them, and give relief...
...La Follette was prominent in public life...
...Speaking before the legislature Secretary Bryan explained that President Wilson had sent him to California in a friendly spirit of advising with the governor and the legislature upon the international aspects of the pending land legislation...
...La-Follette removed to Madison and became business manager of La Fol-lette's Weekly, continuing that work until May 1910, when he resigned...
...there, startled and impressed by some searchlight flash into the human heart...
...Dollar Diplomat Recalled Another indication of the rejection of dollar diplomacy by the new Administration was the recent recall of Henry Janes from Ecuador...
...there, working themselves into a frenzy of vicarious valour by the cheapest jingo bluster...
...In my association with him in the last few years I came to know him well...
...I nominate as a candidate for President one who has never been unconscious of the trend of public thought —that pioneer, Robert M. La Follette...
...Summon them all before you...
...In 1850 the family removed to the Town or Primrose, Dane county, being among the earliest settlers of that town...
...The Republicans and not the Democrats are responsible for the political revolution—the overwhelming and annihilating character of the destruction being caused by those noble twin brethren to whom Republicans had confidingly given control of the government for eleven years—William A Blind Prophet By HAROLD C. KESSINGER SOME PEOPLE have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear...
...While other considerations are important, an equally important consideration is that of making absolutely independent all newspapers not in the news trusts...
...The hands of the workers must be filled...
...The expression of greet-ing and welcome which it conveys adds another brilliant page to the history of seventy years of uninterrupted friendly intercourse between China and the United States...
...La Follette went to the Black Hills, Dakota territory, and moved his family there in 1882...
...Said Mr...
...They send the insane to the asylum and the criminal to the penitentiary...
...Governor Johnson announced that this leasing provision was inserted in the bill not as a concession to the federal administration but to the farming and business interests of his state who, he said, wanted time to adjust conditions to the new law...
...Josiah La Follette became chairman of the town, but died in l856, and William remained on the farm...
...Others declare it Progressive doctrine...
...The huge crowds that lined either side of the avenue were orderly and good natured and at times broke into hearty cheers...
...The sole aim of the government which they have established therefore is and will be to preserve this form of government and to perfect its workings to the end that they may enjoy its unalloyed blessings, prosperity and happiness within...
...At the same time it was intimated that persons in the diplomatic service who might have large property or financial interests in the countries in which they are resident probably would not be retained in those places...
...La Lollette left the republican party...
...He admits that there were two sound reasons for dismissing the Republican party from power: 1. We stubbornly resisted reasonable reforms...
...But in this as in all other fights affecting the welfare of the great majority of common people I expect support to come to members of congress from the rank and file that will overcome the power of the big newspapers...
...Many want to alleviate suffering, but only a few seek to cure it...
...He was railroad commissioner in South Dakota before returning to Wisconsin to make his home...
...The California law makers insist that none of the provisions of the bill can be said to conflict with any treaty obligation...
...A mothers' pension bill was passed by the Michigan legislature...
...Woodrow Wilson and William J. Bryan did not do the fatal deed...
...catch the echoes of their 'innumerable laughter...
...When they see a hungry man, they feed him...
...Miller has been a professor of economics and commerce at the University of California since 1902 and is a widely known writer on economic subjects...
...of this wealth, leaving only 30 per cent...
...She told about the hands of the workers who build cities yet have no place to lay their heads...
...She is blind physically, but not mentally and spiritually...
...Yet as a whole its mass effect is generally for the good, for it always provides exercise even where it may not provide uplift...
...This is the first time in history that the Treasury Department has called upon the banks to pay interest on what are known as active deposits...
...for 91,800,000 people...
...If it had not been for No...
...Consider for a moment," he says, "the millions of our citizens living sedentary, monotonous lives in their little, drab, square brick boxes...
...All see poverty...
...W. T. La Follette is Dead William T. La Follette, only brother of Senator La Follette, died on April 30 following an illness of several months of heart disease...
...The bill may be tested in the federal courts...
...Some shut their eyes and refuse to see wrong and injus-tice...
...there, watching some vivid sketch of character...
...Gardner really places no blame except upon the malefactors of great wealth and their cowardly servants...
...At two per cent...
...She died at Madison in January, 1911...
...To Regulate "News Trusts" Congressman Lafferty of Oregon will introduce in the House a bill declaring the Associated Press and other news services to be common carriers and as such to be subject to the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission...
...She has accomplished all these things under a great handicap...
...per annum upon deposits of the government At the same time, Secretary McAdoo authorized an immediate increase of ten million dollars of gov-eminent deposits in the national banks, making the total $52,649,964...
...What was declared to be the greatest parade in the history of the woman suffrage movement in this country marched two and one-half miles on Fifth Avenue, New York on May 3. Estimates of the number of marchers vary from 15,000 to 30,000...
...In a recent interview he said: "My bill putting the Associated Press, the United Press, the Hearst News service and all other press associations squarely under the jurisdiction of the interstate commerce commission, defining them as common carriers and making it mandatory that they shall furnish their news service to all newspapers desiring, the same upon equal terms and at equal price, will be introduced at the opening of the extra session next month...
...La Follette settled on a homestead in Clay county, Nebraska, where they resided for five years...
...And Helen Keller, blind, with her sightless eyes, inspired by her love for humanity, can see with prophetic vision the day that is dawning when justice shall reign and all honest labor shall be rewarded...
...You can't please some people.—Ex...
...Clerk—The long wait, sir...
...The bill is now before Governor Johnson, who has announced that he will withhold his signature for "a reasonable time" in order that Secretary Bryan may have time to return to Washington, make his report to President Wilson, and, if desired, make further recommendations to Governor Johnson...
...base and refined...
...1 and was driven out of the Senate therefor by the Boston and Maine Railroad...
...By that vote the Republican substitute for the entire schedule was rejected...
...Some call it Socialism...
...I hope to secure its passage at the December session, if not at the extra session...
...with government bonds and the remaining thirty per cent...
...Some people with perfectly good eyesight are blinded by ignorance, superstition and prejudice...
...of their market value but not to exceed par...
...The great majority of them have toiled during the day at desks, at looms, in shops, and warehouses and offices, at some mere routine task, which instead of quickening their powers has rather clogged and deadened them...
...La Follette returned to the publishing business when he and his sons purchased the Mitchell, South Dakota, Gazette, continuing its publication until 1909..., catching a moment of responsive rapture from some heroic sentiment...
...That the hands which create all should remain empty is unjust and ridiculous...
...Very few of us have committed it to life...
...His father was Josiah La-Follette, born in Kentucky in 1817, and his mother, Mary Ferguson La-Follette...
...During the Bryan movement in 1896, Mr...
...This deplorable condition has been brought about by special privileges...
...of this wealth...
...Now the dreary routine of the day is over, and these millions have gone forth to search for relaxation and amusement...
...I will ask you to enlarge the spaces of imagery in your minds until they contain seating capacity for hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions...
...through union of law and liberty and peace and friendship without...
...La Follette may be said to have been a pioneer of three states: Wisconsin, Nebraska and South Dakota...
...For the great majority of them the hours of the day are dull and lifeless with mechanical, uninspiring labor—it is only in these two or three evening hours that nine-tenths of our population can be said to live at ail...
...She sees with prophetic and crystalline vision the motives of men, the causes of poverty, and the conditions that create crime...
...The contention of the Administration is that the bill as passed is in violation of the treaty with Japan of 1911...
...In 1890 he was appointed receiver of public moneys at the Chamberlain, South Dakota, land office...
...If the bill becomes a law it will be effective from the start...
...He was renominated in 1900, but went down with the Republican landslide...
...President Yuan Shi Kai's response was as follows: "In the name of the republic of China, I thank you most heartily for the message of recognition you have sent me "through your honored representative in this capital, the sentiments of amity and good will which it bespeaks...
...At the close of the parade the leaders of the anti-suffrage association gave out caustic statements about the procession...
...They jail the drunkard and fine the prostitute...
...there, rolling and roaring over some piece of stale buffoonery...
...The Wisconsin legislature has passed and Governor McGovern has signed the Hull bill providing that any one guilty of discrimination in the buying and selling of commodities or who shall for any reason attempt to destroy competition shall be fined not less than $200 nor more than $5,-000 or may be imprisoned for not more than one year...
...A Finical Customer Grocer—What was that woman complaining about...
...Near the close of the war he enlisted in Company C. Forty-seventh Wisconsin regiment, January 1, 1867, he was married to Olevia C. Soverns, Fayette, Wisconsin...
...the whirlwinds of their applause...
...The money power today controls the dissemination of news and indirectly exercises powerful influence on the editorial policy of all newspapers...
...It is further true that 200,000 men own 70 per cent...
...The hands which produce foodstuffs for the world yet remain empty...
...McAdoo also announced a radical change in the character of securities which the Treasury Department would accept for government deposits...
...interest, the government will earn in interest on these deposits the substantial sum of $1,053,-ooo annually...
...Let the delinquents be modest and remain in quiet retirement, but true to their party they killed..., being stupified, im-brutened, coarsened and vulgarized...
...In taking this step I entertain the confident hope and expectation that in perfecting a republican form of government the Chinese nation will attain to the highest degree of development and well being and that under the new rule all the established obligations of China which passes to the provisional government will in turn pass and be observed by the government established in the assembly...
...Press dispatches state that the Japanese government is not satisfied with California's action and will request the assistance of the Federal Government in modifying this action so as not to discriminate against Japanese in a way that is declared to be in violation of their rights under existing treaties...
...That the passage of my bill will not be easy, owing to the power of the press associations affected, I fully realize...
...and Mrs...
...This delay is meant merely as an act of courtesy...
...He was strong, staunch and true—one of the finest men I have ever met...
...There is in America a wonderful young woman, not many years over thirty...
...They give clothes to the naked and drink to the thirsty...
...2 would not have seriously injured the party...
...Notes on the Present State of the Theater By THOMAS H. DICKINSON XIII MORE THAN any other form of intellectual activity the theater reflects the society which brings it forth...
...No other amendments were offered...
...The hands which erect mansions for others, but have no shelter for themselves...
...Beginning June 1. all government depositories, whether active or inactive, will be required to pay interest at the rate of two per cent...
...Not by confiscation— nor revolution, not with something unearned and unmerited, but there must remain in the hands of the workers a just share of what they create...
...Recently she wrote an article for the American Magazine, entitled "The Hand of the World...
...Grocer—And only yesterday she was kicking about the short weight...

Vol. 5 • May 1913 • No. 19

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