Middleton, George
Snap Shots Books, Art, Drama By George Middleton PROBABLY the most interesting play of the past season, because of its novelty and high endeavor, was the very unusual Oriental drama by George C....
...It is said that he inherited his literary talent from his mother, a woman of exceptional attainment and brilliancy...
...That it failed in the commercial theater of the day was, no doubt, due to a variety of causes...
...The failure to achieve and hold the correct position in childhood is the cause of far reaching harm, many disturbances both acute and chronic being directly traceable to it...
...A REVISED and enlarged edition of W. T. Grenfell's Labrador: The Country and the People has just been published...
...For long haired and dark furs the Labrador environment cannot be excelled...
...It is The Posture of School Children issued by the Macmillan Company, April 2d...
...The impenetrable ice barrier which shuts Labrador in in winter has, so far at least, defied the entrance of rapid transit and its vast area of over half a million square miles, except for its fringe of population along the seaboard and its now roaming Indians, is still practically uninhabited...
...His latest book was The Touchstone of Fortune, published about a year ago...
...The authors of this play have not attempted rigidly to reveal the Chinese system as a literal fact but they have rather suggested its equations...
...That it should have won the admiration of all those who love the best in the theater was natural since it is a distinct contribution to the drama and had the merit of freshness and novelty...
...But the illusion is wonderful—and from humor at the start of the plat we find ourselves soon forgetting the conventions and thinking ourselves part of the tragic story and weeping with the mother over the little bit of wood which represents her child...
...Snap Shots Books, Art, Drama By George Middleton PROBABLY the most interesting play of the past season, because of its novelty and high endeavor, was the very unusual Oriental drama by George C. Hazelton, Jr., and J. Harry Ben-rimo...
...In addition there is a frontispiece portrait of Dr...
...It deals with universals but is told in the fashion of the Chinese theater...
...Nowhere in the world, he says, could a better place Be found for the preservation of animals which will undoubtedly become extinct unless some such a step is taken...
...Why not take steps that this devastation may cease, he asks, that, in other words, the natural resources of Labrador may be conserved...
...And here again do we find the advantage of the published play: it will serve to keep this little masterpiece of Oriental life alive...
...Perhaps one of the most interesting chapters in this remarkable book is the one on Conservation...
...Major had been ill for some time, and his death was not unexpected...
...MISS JESSIE H. BANCROFT, whose book, Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium, published a year or so ago was most cordially received, has recently completed a volume which promises to be of even more value to parents and educators...
...Brander Matthews points out, in his kindly foreword, there are certain conventions which all drama has but some specialized ones peculiar to certain countries...
...I heartily recommend this novel and moving play to those who have imaginations enough to exert it in an old art from which at times, by inference, makes a severe criticism of the over-elaborated tinselled stage productions of the present day...
...yet it is real because it is beautiful and it is moving because at heart it is human...
...Man, for example, who, to the Chinese audience, is supposed to be invisible—while to us as we see him he supplies most of the humor...
...A brief history of the animal life which follows this statement shows that almost every species has been greatly diminished...
...Genthe's well known photographic skill, have made a beautiful book of the text...
...We might add that the publishers, with the aid of Dr...
...The Yellow Jacket (Bobbs Merrill Co., Indianapolis) is a work of real poetry: it takes us away from the work-a-day work to the land of the spirit...
...He brings forward the interesting suggestion in this connection that there be established in Labrador a natural reserve...
...The authors' own words may be added to explain-their aim: "Primitive people the world over begin to build their drama like the make-believe of children, and the closer they remain to the make-believe of children the more significant and convincing is the growth of their drama...
...chief of which was that the audience had to give to it in order to get from it...
...It includes two new chapters, one Animal Life in Labrador, the other Conservation in Labrador, a new bibliography and a list of books on Labrador...
...Literary Notes CHARLES MAJOR, the noted author, died recently at his home in Shelbyville...
...Moreover the country can support enormous numbers of deer and thus yield a huge quantity of proteid food which is increasingly needed by the outside world...
...As Prof...
...Grenfell's boat, "The Strathcona...
...Also the Chorus has been introduced whereas the Chinese custom is somewhat Elizabethan and the change of scene is indicated by signs...
...The waters are ideal for shoals of fish which are more valuable now than ever...
...The seals can flourish in immense herds on the coast and still pay a reasonable tax without serious results, while aviation and motoring are making their pelts exceedingly valuable...
...But while its life on the stage was not long I venture to predict for it a large reading public, who, in the quietness of the library, can reconstruct some of the illusion of the production...
...Further, the time will surely come—when we have a repertoire system in this country—that we shall again see this fragment of Chinese life living and breathing to us its message of beauty and universal story of motherhood and adventure...
...Major was best known, perhaps, for Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall and When Knighthood Was in Flower, both of which have been dramatized with some success...
...Major before he gave himself over wholly to writing practiced law, but the stories which he turned out in the intervals when he was waiting for clients were so successful that he soon devoted himself to them exclusively... will give us a chance to study the rare and undoubted poetry in the lines themselves...
...This deals constructively with the maintenance of good posture in growing children, the term posture being used to denote the habitual carriage of the body, especially in the erect position...
...That there is much to conserve in Labrador is the author's firm belief and that the country's resources have been neglected and squandered is his argument...
...The application of pedagogical principles to the training of children in correct habits of posture and a working description of some of the new efficiency methods of ob-tadning correct posture are authoritatively presented and applied...
...To have seen it was to experience a real delight and to read it in its published form adds zest to memory...
...We have an exaggerated Property...
...Again its rivers and estuaries, if properly guarded, can afford a supply of salmon and trout far superior in quality to the warm water, fibrous fish of the North Pacific...
...There is no need of recounting the story of The Yellow Jacket...
...He was fifty-six years old...
...Grenfell with a facsimile of his signature and an attractive cover carrying as an insert a picture, of Dr...
Vol. 5 • May 1913 • No. 19