Follette, Belle Case La
Home and Education Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE A Question of Democracy (The Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage concluded its hearings on an amendment to the Constitution, Saturday, April...
...But who questions the powerful influence the more liberal education of women is exerting on society today,—not only on women but equally on men...
...If occupations were substituted for lessons, the reasoning power would develop unconsciously and naturally, thus insuring a stronger, firmer, mentality...
...Fear of failure to meet requirements, fear of reproof or being deemed inferior, fear of any kind, weakens the will power and undermines character...
...Children should not consciously strive to know, any more than they consciously strive to grow...
...Indeed the club has many representatives of three generations...
...It is their mutual problem...
...This is very marked in childhood...
...state taxes...
...Talk about women not having time to vote...
...Fortunately the effort to make the exercise of suffrage decent for men, has prepared the way for women...
...When a Washington newspaper correspondent called me up to ask if I predicted certain success next time, I told him we had been in politics too long to make predictions, but that the one thing the Wisconsin idea does stand for, from my viewpoint, is to fight on until a cause is won...
...An Acknowledgment ATELEGRAM from Ada James of Richland Center, brought me the good news that the Wisconsin Legislature had passed the resolution submitting the question of equal suffrage to the voters of Wisconsin once more and that the campaign was now on...
...where they share with each other the solution of their common problems...
...Home and Education Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE A Question of Democracy (The Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage concluded its hearings on an amendment to the Constitution, Saturday, April 26...
...Opening up equal opportunities for women in education which cost a long struggle—as bitterly opposed as this for equal suffrage—did not suddenly change the status of society...
...At nine or ten the child may come into the use of books, not by having 'lessons' assigned, but for the pleasure of finding out what the book can tell—with the assistance of the teacher...
...She has worked for education, for growth and advancement...
...state education, state regulation of public utilities,—railways, telegraph, insurance and telephone services, industrial commissions,— directly affect the comfort and happiness of the home...
...The real issue in this struggle for equal suffrage is not, it seems to me, whether all women, or all men, are demanding the right to vote...
...I was thrilled with joy and my heart went out in gratitude, especially to this noble woman who has been such a modest, pa-tient, tactful and yet able and determined worker in the Wisconsin suffrage movement...
...Marietta L. Johnson, principal of the School of Organic Education at Fairhope, Alabama...
...If the great numbers of men who work make up the majority of our electorate, and can find time to inform themselves and vote intelligently, then surely women, however busy, can find opportunity to perform this same patriotic service...
...It has always seemed to me natural that men and women of the same family should hold somewhat similar political views, much as fathers and sons and brothers now do...
...Johnson's ideas may address her for further information at Fairhope, Alabama...
...He complained, saying, "These pants are tighter than my skin...
...Another aspect of this matter of time...
...Singing, dramatization, stories of literature and history, field geography and Nature study in the form of walks—observation and investigation, gardening, creative handwork, art work, and fundamental conceptions of numbers, may occupy the child from six to nine years of age, without the use of books, excepting where the child really desires to learn to read...
...Why not allow the children to move freely to the board if they desire to read what is Written there...
...For thirty years, Richland Center has had a woman suffrage club, in which Miss James's mother has always been an active member...
...If the child is bored, apathetic, unhappy, unwell, the environment must be changed...
...Ninety per cent...
...When he works under the will of another, his will is being weakened...
...If the occupations and exercises provided are in harmony with the demands of the child's nature, the response will be satisfactory—that is, the entire organism—body, mind, and spirit, —will be co-operatively active, and the child will be doing what he loves to do...
...Can the school be a place for acquiring more life when the conditions cause eyestrain...
...He needs no 'preparation' if he is mentally and imaginatively ready...
...In national affairs, I cannot think of an important piece of legislation that has occupied the attention of Congress in the last twenty-five years, that does not affect women equally with men...
...My basic reason for believing in equal suffrage is, that it will make better homes...
...Interest in the occupation, and the nature of the work itself, will afford sufficient 'discipline' so that the teacher need not fear 'disorder' if the desks are removed and the children be allowed to move about freely...
...Participation in government is just a question of patriotism, love of one's city, loyalty to one's state, interest in our nation...
...Mother had made Johnny's new pants too small...
...After I had finished speaking in a rural community in Wisconsin last fall a large, fine-looking Norwegian farmer, a leader among his people, said, "Well, a man gets about as much from his mother as from his father, and that is all there is of this suffrage question...
...In our fear that the child will not know the things he should in later life, we often dull or cripple the mind in the early years by forcing the learning of things for which the mind is not ready...
...At our school in Alabama," says Mrs...
...We serve every child the best we can at the age and condition he happens to be in...
...The Australian ballot, the primary election, proposed voting by mail, the initiative and referendum and recall, are instruments of a new political order that make the act of suffrage as sacred as its object...
...of the ten billion dollars paid out annually in the United States for food, clothing, shelter is spent by women...
...An Experiment in Education HUTCHINS HAPGOOD reports, in the New York Globe, an enlightening interview with Mrs...
...Sons share with daughters the benefit of the broadened view and widened experience of mothers and teachers...
...The home is the foundation of society...
...Who constitute the great body of voters in this country,—is it men of wealth and leisure...
...Why then should little children be obliged to sit in rows of desks with folded hands waiting for orders...
...She has been satisfied with results and has not known discouragement or failure...
...You know how Lincoln defined government at Gettysburg—and are not women people...
...Not until then will government be an intimate part of the family life, loved and understood as it must be, if democracy in its best form is to endure...
...It is this spirit of tradition, devotion and sacrifice that Ada James has contributed to the woman suffrage movement in Wisconsin...
...In modern complex life, government affects its every phase...
...Equal suffrage is bound to come...
...One great value of placing on women their share of responsibility in government, is that they will be compelled to read and think and be informed about public affairs...
...where they have the widest range of common interests...
...Your committee has been very generous and patient in giving time to the extended discussion of this question in all its phases, but I wonder if, after all has been said, you Will not agree that it resolves itself into a simple matter of common sense...
...I can sit down in my skin and I can't in these pants...
...Government is not alone a man's, nor a woman's problem...
...Think of the enormous waste of time, effort, and nervous energy on the part of women who have been taught by tradition to believe these are personal questions they can settle by haggling, their grocer and haunting the bargain counter...
...It is a question of democracy...
...No home tasks and no examinations need be given...
...The child of slow development has as sacred a right to that slowness as the quick developer has to his rate of growth...
...No part of the effort is lost...
...Oh, yes, it can," insisted Johnny...
...It is to the general uplift that we must look for the ultimate advantage of equal suffrage...
...Nearly all the problems of township and of city government are problems of public housekeeping...
...All the while we are preparing for a more intelligent and patriotic use of the ballot...
...But women should also have a knowledge and an interest in the great economic questions...
...We must keep on working until we have it...
...Any one who is interested in Mrs...
...Her general idea that the child's needs should be studied and the system serve the child rather than the child the system, is familiar...
...Schools, roads, streets, car service, gas and electric lights, markets, are all subjects in which women are primarily interested at least equally with men...
...Every thought is accompanied by an impulse to act...
...What is true of the city is true of the state...
...Indeed government touched the common life very little then, except as it gave title to the land, demanded military service, and taxed the people to pay the expense of war...
...And only when women are given their share of responsibility in the solution of public questions, will the affairs of government be brought into the home for discussion...
...He goes into the high school when he reaches that stage, no matter how much or how little he has learned previously...
...but whether it is in the interest of the home, of society, and of government that the people as a whole shall participate in the making of the laws that govern them as a whole...
...Hosts of Wisconsin women love her and call her blessed...
...Women do the buying...
...For the school is to serve the child...
...If the tariff in any way affects the price we pay for what we eat and wear, if the trusts and combinations have anything to do with the high cost of living, because the prices of the great staples like beef, sugar, oil, cottons, woolens, are fixed by monopoly, women should understand about it...
...C. L.) AFEW YEARS ago the probability of securing amendments to the constitution for the income tax and the popular election of United States Senators was not as great as is the probability today of securing the amendment now under consideration...
...In pioneer days, when everything was made in the home, when women wove and spun and prepared the food and made the candles, the home was an independent unit...
...When we purchase a gallon of oil, a pound of sugar, a yard of cloth, we are up against an economic problem just the same as when these subjects are under consideration by you in the Senate...
...for the only radical way to right the Wrong is through national legislation...
...Miss James's leadership has embodied this idea...
...the most to think about, to talk about...
...We believe you— Don't let any one deceive you, Saying, "You're mistaken there...
...But she expresses it freshly and gives some telling concrete illustrations...
...Johnson, "we have no requirements or marks...
...It will surely hurt you—if it's last night's air...
...If, when their fathers are busy, we mothers are able to give intelligent answers to our boys' questions regarding public men and measures, do you question they will be better prepared for the duties of citizenship...
...I am very happy to acknowledge my appreciation of her telegram on this page...
...When I was there speaking in the campaign last fall, a little granddaughter of a charter member gave a five dollar gold piece which had very precious associations to her, for the cause...
...Oh, no, dear," said his mother, "that can't be...
...Government exists for society...
...When the child desires the results of his work he will endure hardships for those ends, thus developing will power of the highest order...
...This is why when the referendum failed in the last election, I believed we should try to secure favorable action from the legislature, submitting the question again...
...In the ten minutes allotted me I presented my point of view as follows.—B...
...A Common Mistake "Night air's harmful...
...One fundamental reason for equal suffrage, is, that it will arouse homemakers of today to a realization that they can only do their part—the part their mothers and grandmothers did—for the home, when they use the ballot to secure these standards of cleanliness and healthfulness for the municipal home which were established in earlier times for the isolated home...
...I am not one of those who expect that equal suffrage will bring about any great immediate radical changes...
...Strain and anxiety—desire to 'keep up'—causes nervousness and destroys true interest...
...Quite naturally women have directed their indirect influence through their clubs and various other organizations, to the pure food law, conservation of national forests, preservation of Niagara, the Children's Bureau, and Child Labor...
...He says that in this day of general doubt as to the soundness of the fundamental methods and principles of our school system, the ideas of a woman who has conducted a school of what may be called revolt, are of interest...
...Why women waste more time in this fruitless effort to make ends meet than it would take to vote every day in the year and post themselves on all of the great public questions before the country...
...We have too long confused the purposes of government with its machinery...
...For instance: "Why," she asks, "when there is an increasing tendency to become nearsighted, do we continue to require children to loot at the white marks on a black board at the distance now prevailing...
...This indicates how women's direct vote will supplement the work of men and make government more regardful of the general human welfare...
...Activity is a law of childhood...
...Home, society, government are best when men and women keep together intellectually and spiritually...
...It is needless to suggest that favorable action by your committee and by the Congress of the United States will place the movement for woman suffrage on a high plane, and advance the cause tremendously...
...It is unwholesome to force self-consciousness by calling attention to either retarded or rapid development, so that one child becomes egotistical, or another lacking in self confidence...
Vol. 5 • May 1913 • No. 19