Using Wisconsin Methods THE INDIANA legislature recently enacted a public utilities law. This law went into effect last week. From the Indianapolis News we quote the following interesting bit of...
...A commission representing the various states and the national government is making a firsthand study of European systems of rural banking and finance...
...The Indianapolis News was favorable to the bill...
...John Lee Coulter, expert special agent for agriculture in the Bureau of the Census at Washington...
...THE LIFE of the called is not a happy life, if happiness consists in selfish enjoyment...
...Indiana did not build in all respects as Wisconsin has builded, yet had she not drawn so intelligently from Wisconsin's experience it is altogether probable that the public utility lobby would have found the sledding not quite so rough...
...The public utility interests opposed it, bringing to bear all the well known stock objections, among which, of course, is always found the one "that it will drive capital out of the state...
...The Wisconsin idea and the Wisconsin methods are to be the basis of the activities of the Indiana commission except where the methods conflict with the wording of the Indiana law, some parts of which are different from the law of Wisconsin...
...other states where the theory of public utility control has worked out successfully in practice...
...Coulter recently gave an address before the Wisconsin State Board of Agriculture on the subject of "Rural Credit or Farm Finance...
...They should have credit facilities adequate to their needs just like other business men...
...It was said during the consideration of the Indiana bill that the articles in the News upon the administration of the Wisconsin law had more influence in shaping this legislation than any other one thing...
...THE SCHOOL AUTHORITIES will lose a splendid opportunity if they continue to confine themselves to a bookish program and fail to take a position of leadership in the great social movement now going on throughout the country," declares J. D. Eggleston, chief rural-school specialist of the United States Bureau of Education...
...with both its feet on the floor, announced a policy of future action that if carried out, will place the new commission immediately on a par with the commissions of Wisconsin and...
...Experience is a good teacher for states as well as individual—if drawn upon wisely...
...From the Indianapolis News we quote the following interesting bit of news: "The public utility commission of Indiana was born today and...
...The most interesting action taken by the new commission at its first session behind closed doors at the statehouse this morning was the vote by which it was agreed that all of the rules, orders, methods, blanks, forms and report blanks of the Wisconsin commission should be used in the transaction of the business of the Indiana body...
...No sooner will the farmers awaken to their true situation than they will make an effective demand for improvement...
...Lewis found: "How Utility Laws Were Made Good," "Utility Man Has Gained Wisdom," "Utility Law Gives Securities Value...
...whether ignorantly or wantonly, however, the time has now come for restitution...
...There is a sacred moral obligation involved in the taking of them...
...It is a clear presentation of the need for and uses of cheaper and more easily obtainable credit for the farmer...
...Coulter's expert knowledge of farm problems, particularly from the economic side, makes this a most timely and valuable contribution to a subject now in the foreground of the nation's mind...
...This action was discussed almost as soon as the commission convened...
...The News sent one of its principal writers...
...This report recalls the important part played by Wisconsin's experience in bringing about the passage of the Indiana law...
...What is called civilization has pillaged the land, mostly through ignorance...
...If the nation again fail of its duty in this regard, there seems to be no question that it will be awakened to it again...
...Credit for the Farmer HOW to supply the farmer with working cap-ital at reasonable rates of interest is one of our most important social problems...
...It would better not trifle any longer with so serious a condition as that which is revealed by the recurrent inundations.—Christian Science Monitor...
...CONSERVATION of existing forests, the replanting of denuded forest areas, the opening of better channels for the passage of flood waters, the impounding of these waters where this is feasible, the diversion of headwaters into natural or artificial reservoirs— all these are first steps, and they can all be taken together...
...And upon the passage of the Indiana bill, the News published interviews with members of the Wisconsin commission entitled: "Good Commission is Now Great Need...
...Catch 'em Early MOW THAT the season of the typhoid fly is again upon us" it is well to keep in mind the fact that one pair of flies exterminated in the spring may mean several million less in the fall...
...From his series of articles, which the News published prominently, we take the following headlines, giving a suggestion of what Mr...
...It was a novel proceeding to have the legislative action of the state of Indiana reported from the capital,of the state of Wisconsin, yet that in effect is what was done...
...All these deviations, however, will be unimportant, it is said...
...The article on page five is taken from this address...
...nevertheless it is a blessed life, if blessedness consists in consciously filling a place in the army of the faithful, and the fellowship of that Spirit which animates all the brave and good.—F... its recent report on co-operative credit the Wisconsin State Board of Public Affairs says, "So little has hitherto been seriously attempted in the United States in this matter that the American public is generally unfamiliar with the great benefits co-operative credit associations bring to the farmers and laboring men in most European countries...
...As Cartoonists View the Democratic Tariff Revision Program...
...H. Hedge...
...Farmers are business men...
...One of the national representatives on this delegation sent to Europe under the auspices of the Southern Commercial Congress is Dr...
...E. I. Lewis, to Wisconsin to prepare a series of articles upon the working of the public utility law in that state...
...Lawyers who Hang to Technicalities or Those Who Have Not Modern Viewpoint Not Desirable...
Vol. 5 • May 1913 • No. 19