Puffs and Punches "A Letter From a Friend" I think La Follette's is the best paper of its kind printed. It's like receiving a letter from a dear friend and indeed it is a letter from a dear...
...Dollar Diplomacy Your Dollar Diplomacy article on first page stares every reader in the face (as it ought) in good large type...
...You can buy shoes for the baby...
...P. N., Nathrop, Colorado...
...Helpful, Instructive, Interesting" I find La Follette's very helpful and instructive, as well as interesting.—J...
...The teacher she can't do nothing...
...This is the secret of helping the masses, not letting them know that you are doing so and especially not teaching them...
...An Improvement Noted I wrote you two weeks ago about the poor print and paper of La Follette's...
...They ain't always pickin' on you because you don't know things in a factory...
...La Follette's and Everybody's...
...The children don't holler at ye and call ye a Christ-killer in a factory...
...La Follette's gives so much of value in the political realm that it is of more real service to those that want to keep posted as to what is what, than all the newspapers printed...
...R. A., Chicago, Illinois...
...You can give your mother yer pay envelope...
...Yer folks don't hit ye so much...
...It makes a big difference.—C...
...You never understands what they tells you in school, and you can learn right off to da things in a factory...
...An Excellent Department" Your excellent department for the home covers such a wide and comprehensive field that you have opportunity to do much good all unsuspected by the people...
...I am glad to see an improvement lately and I wish I hadn't complained for I don't want to be a "knocker...
...I am one of the women voters of California and I want to be informed of what is being done and also of what should be done or undone.—Mrs...
...I can hark back for forty years, Mr...
...B., Superior, Wisconsin...
...Because it's easier to work in a factory than 'tis to learn in school...
...You can go to the nickel show...
...S., Arlington, California...
...Begging the Question The Star—Honestly, what do you think of my acting in my new play...
...They're good to you at home when you earn money...
...I think I can safely say that this is the first time in American history that so caustic a criticism on actual conditions of government has been placed before the American people in a way that all may understand...
...Of Real Service" I could not live and feel myself a good citizen without taking those two magazines...
...The Holy Father he can send ye to hell, and the boss he can take away yer job er raise yer pay...
...The Critic—Don't ask me...
...D. V., Chicago, Illinois...
...D. B. C, Covelo, California...
...A. W., Escondido, California, * * * "For Honest Progression" With much pleasure I thank you and the Senator for the good work done for honest progression through La Follette's, one of many channels of education and publicity, and a most important one.—C...
...It's like receiving a letter from a dear friend and indeed it is a letter from a dear friend...
...Our boss he never went to school...
...R. P. C, Pasadena, California...
...Wishing you continued success in your efficient labors...
...Why Children Work" AMONG the answers to the question why they quit school which Helen M. Todd put to Chicago factory children are the following taken from "Why Children Work" in McClure's: "Because you get paid for what you do in a factory...
...The boss he never hits yer, er slaps yer face, er pulls yer ears, er makes yer stay in at recess...
...Editor, and during all those years can not recall of ever having read so much in so little space...
...They don't call ye a Dago...
...I Want to be Informed" I could get along without La Follette's as I have so many papers and magazines, but I believe I will have a surer and better review of the present administration if I have your paper...
...School ain't no good...
...I heartily commend your judgment in locating said article...
...You can't never do t'ings right in school...
...You're younger and so much stronger than I am.—Brooklyn Life...
...A Big Difference" I am glad to see the higher grade of paper used for La Follette's...
...Am so glad there is one editor of a paper in the United States who has the audacity to tell the truth on the first page of his paper in large type.— C. H. T., Spring Valley, Minnesota...
Vol. 5 • May 1913 • No. 19