News Worth Remembering CALIFORNIA'S legislature was the center of international interest last week. Bills are pending in that body designed to prevent Japanese from owning land in the state. The...
...As all know, these servants of the people, elected or otherwise chosen to make, administer and to enforce the state laws in various ways come into official contact with carriers and in various capacities have official duties to perform touching the interests of carriers...
...It is my earnest wish that there may be cordial co-operation between the state department and the speaker in carrying out the policies of the administration...
...The practical effect of Japanese land tenure is shown by Japanese settlements in some of the most fertile portions of California...
...The exclusion laws undoubtedly would have been passed against the Japanese if their government had not entered into a treaty to provide against issuing passports to its laboring classes coming to America...
...Those in charge of the affair said Speaker Clark and Secretary Bryan ex-changed jokes and had a good time...
...The viciousness of the free pass practice," Commissioner Harlan declared, "man Meats itself strikingly in its political aspect...
...Proposed National Income Tax Aimed at the Rich Explaining the federal income tax provisions of the new tariff bill, the Ways and Means Committee of the House declares the proposed tax on incomes will place the greater part of the burden of taxation upon the backs of the rich, who have so long been escaping their just share...
...Owing to defeets in personal property taxation, the larger incomes of the United States have been able to escape with less than their general share of the burden of taxation...
...This inequality will be in part overcome by the plan now proposed...
...It is reported that the strike thus far has been marked by neither disturbances nor by special inconvenience to the general public...
...Exemption is also given to labor, agricultural, horticultural, fraternal, beneficial, mutual benefit religious, charitable and educational organizations...
...The railway witnesses when asked to state the grounds on which passes had been given to particular individuals frankly explained that it was because of 'political services.' Whatever satisfaction possession of a free pass may give to a state official, they cannot fail to know and feel as the record in fact, shows that the carrier expects from them a quid pro quo in some form...
...Not only has this been the case, but the record shows that where passes were not volunteered they were asked for by public officials...
...between $50,000 and $100,000 four per cent To reach the tax dodger who resides abroad the new law makes all citizens of the United States, no matter where residing, subject to the tax...
...The forty-two Democrats who voted for the 15 per cent...
...West Virginia—Brown...
...We may admit, if we choose, that the Japanese are, in some particulars, our superiors...
...Basing the federal income entirely upon customs and internal revenue duties," said the committee in explaining this provision of the bill, "is a system of taxation which inevitably throws the burden of supporting the government on the shoulders of the consumers...
...To a thoughtful student of the situation there can be no assumption of superior-ity as lying back of- the racial question...
...The same reasons were cited as objections to the Japanese...
...No wage earner who receives less than $4,000 a year is subject to the tax...
...The committee changed its mind about making the tax apply to President Wilson, although all of his successors will have to pay...
...He declared the President had a right to make suggestions to Congress relative to the tariff, but the bill as a whole met with the chief executive's approval when he first read it as it came from the committee...
...The President desires rac to say," Mr...
...Bryan prevented his nomination...
...Out of 4,000 and more items in the bill," said Underwood, "the President only made two suggestions, those affecting the sugar and wool schedules...
...He did not have the same ideals of commercial integrity and his social attitude was much more offensive...
...We stand for the rights of the people...
...Following is his letter in full: "To the Progressives in Congress: I greet you, the men of stout and firm faith who dare to stand up to your colors and fight the people's contest...
...A SERIOUS CONDITION of the stage today, particularly for the small town, is the gradual hut certain collapse of the one night stand...
...Raw Wool Wins Raw wool is to be kept on the free list in the Democratic tariff bill...
...Bryan and Clark "Shake" Speaker Champ Clark and Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan have smoked the pipe of peace...
...The assembly bill, by which aliens "ineligible to citizenship" would be prohibited from owning land, is regarded as the more stringent...
...Texas — Burgess, Calloway, Dies, Hayden, Slayden and Stephens...
...Secretary Bryan, in a prepared statement, said: "If my language at Baltimore created any impression that I was charging Mr...
...The record shows that judges, state officials, members of the legislature, county and municipal officers, including mayors and alder-men, have very generally made use of passes...
...It seems to me we should accept those suggestions from the President of the United States...
...The exemption clause affects the "present President during the term for which he has been elected, the judges of the supreme court of the United States and of the inferior courts of the United States now in office and the compensation thereof...
...Where the rights of the people can only be...
...As for the Republicans, their present position is the exact negation of the attitude of Abraham Lincoln and the men of Lincoln's days... valorem on raw wool...
...Another suggestion would be the re-establishment of the old stock company system in a group of several towns, whereby the expense of production might be reduced...
...That bill limited ownership to citizens and to those who had declared their intention to become citizens...
...He says: "Chinese exclusion was based on economic and social reasons...
...This was decided last week in caucus by a vote of 190 to 42...
...The white people shun these sections...
...As Kent Puts It The attitude of Californians toward Japanese residents of the state was set forth in a newspaper interview by Congressman William Kent...
...The expenses of production, including traveling expenses, actor's fees, authors' royalties and the star's salary, make it difficult for the small town to support a high grade company at the rate of charges that the play must demand...
...We cannot deny, however, that, taken racially, they are different from this white race...
...secured through the exercise of the national power, then we are committed to the doctrine of using the national power to any extent that the rights of the people demand...
...Piske or Marlowe and Sothern to leave the circuit of the three or four largest cities of the country, as these could support them year after year...
...He insisted that this was the judgment of the Ways and Means Committee before President Wilson saw the bill and suggested a change...
...President Wilson and Secretary of State Bryan have urged the California legislature to weigh carefully the international aspects of the proposed legislation...
...Lincoln declared that the people were masters over both Congress and the courts, not, as he phrased it, to destroy the Constitution, but to overthrow those who perverted the Constitution...
...But in working he kept out white labor and thus demoralized our social status...
...The Com mission's investigation developed what Commissioner Harlan deelares "violactions of an extraordinary scale...
...A great strike of workingmen in Belgium was declared last week and it is estimated that 200,000 men throughout the country had quit work...
...At a private luncheon in Washington last week, arranged by Clark adherents, these two Democratic leaders met, shook hands and issued public statements declaring they had put aside their differences growing out of the Baltimore convention...
...An established success in New York and Chicago can easily run throughout the season or more...
...The workers have taken this means to force the government to grant manhood suffrage...
...The law is also extended to the Philippines and to Porto Rico...
...Verification of their income must be made by all citizens and furnishing of fraudulent lists shall be penalized by an addition of 100 per cent, to the tax, in addition to the person being subject to the present penal provision against perjury...
...It is a curious fact that the Japanese persistently de that, in their case, a race problem is involved and refuse to recognize this as a vital element in the whole contention...
...between $20,000 and $50,000 it will be 2 per cent...
...New Mexico—Fergusson...
...North Carolina—Doughton, Gudger, Page and Small...
...So far as known it is the first time the men had met since the Baltimore convention...
...The privileged classes in California —the landowners and great employers of labor—may clamor for this cheaper labor, but the vast majority of Californians look forward to a great state wherein similarity of population will make an enlightened democracy possible...
...Being anxious to preserve and strengthen the long-standing friendly relations existing between this country and the nations of the Orient, he very respectfully, but most earnestly, advises against the use of the words 'ineligible to citizenship.' He asks that you bring this view to the attention of the legislature...
...The lines are drawn between two measures...
...Notes on the Present State of the Theatre By THOMAS H. DICKINSON XI...
...Rhode Island—O'Shaunessay...
...Representative Dies said, "Any attempt from another branch of the government to dictate or interfere with the right of Congress to originate revenue measures should not be permitted by this body...
...In Congress you will find the odds against you very great, but among the people at large I firmly believe that the changes are steadily in your favor...
...In June, 1912, it was found that 7,000 trips were made over one railroad on passes—and all by persons ineligible under the law," said the report...
...This of itself sunders us from the Democratic party, for the Democratic party must either be false to its pledges —and you can trust no party that is false to its pledges—or else it is irrevocably committed to the doctrine of some fifty separate sovereignties, a doctrine which in practice means that the powers of privilege can nullify every effort of the plain people to take possession of their own government...
...Bryan, in his public statement, has done what he can to remove the injurious impressions that were created by his Baltimore speeches, I feel that we can all the better co-operate for the good of the administration...
...We stand for the right of the people to have their well-determined wish become part of the fundamental law of the land without permitting either court, legislature or executive to debar them from this right...
...It is practically unnecessary for John Drew, Maud Adams, Mrs...
...Representative Dies of Texas offered an amendment to place a duty of 15 per cent...
...The language of the Senate bill restricts ownership of land to citizens of the United States or "aliens who have declared their intention of becoming citizens...
...Speaker Clark said: "The loss of the presidential nomination was a small thing as compared to the injury done to my requtation in the eyes of the world...
...Even judges have not hesitated to pursue this course...
...He was found to have a much less valuable economic quantity than the Chinaman...
...Bryan's message read, "that, while he fully recognizes the right of the people of California to legislate according to their judgment on the subject of land tenure, he feels it his duty to urge a recognition of the international character of such legislation...
...It defines in minute detail and at great length just what shall be considered income, leaving no apparent loophole for argument on this line...
...We cannot amalgamate with either of the old boss-ridden, privilege controlled parties...
...Suggestions are already being made for circuits of one night stands which shall guarantee a certain number of weeks to the best attractions...
...Louisiana—Broussard, Dupre, Elder, Estopinal, Lazaro and Morgan...
...Introduction of permanently defined groups of non-assimilable population must necessarily create bitterness and misunderstanding and hamper the development of democracy...
...Above $4,000 and up to $20,000, the new tax will be about one per cent...
...If the Chinese did our work without demoralizing our democracy there was no reason why he should not do it...
...It correspondingly exempts the men of larger income, whose consumption of the ordinary necessities of life is subject to tariff taxation in a far less aggregate degree than is that of the smaller income earners, who expend the greater proportion of their resources for the necessaries of life...
...Roosevelt Greets Bull Moosers in Congress In a communication to the Bull Moose organization of the House of Representatives recently, Theodore Roosevelt declared that "We cannot amalgamate with either of the old boss-ridden, privilege controlled parties...
...In a telegram to Governor Hiram Johnson, Secretary Bryan expressed the view of President Wilson that the assembly bill might be construed as a violation of treaty obligations with Japan, while the senate's measure as drawn would not be objectionable if alien land legislation were to be enacted at all...
...Underwood warmly defended both the Committee and the President...
...Ohio—Ashbrook, Bathrick, Claypool, Francis, Post, Sharp, Whitacre and White...
...News Notes —On April 14 Duluth came under ' commission government with what is said to be the most liberal charter ever approved by a municipality...
...Speaker Clark's friends have always said Mr...
...The report tells of a record of 36 passengers on one train, twenty-two of whom were deadheads...
...They cannot be assimilated into our population...
...Montana—Evans and Stout...
...An "Orgy" of Free Passes Astounding relations of an "orgy of petty graft," by judges, state, county and municipal officials, and members of the legislature in accepting passes oyer Colorado railroad lines, have been made in an Interstate Commerce Commission's investigation at Denver of the extent of the "free transportation evil" in Colorado and the Commision's demand for indictment of the Colorado Fuel & From company, Victor-American Fuel company, Colorado Portland Cement company, United States Portland Cement company and the Great Western Sugar company, for accepting such favors and of the Colorado and Southern, and the Denver and Rio Grande railroads for granting of passes prohibited under the anti-pass provisions...
...New York—Metz and Underhill...
...The economic reasons were fallacious...
...Clark with being in sympathy with any of the reactionary forces I am glad of the opportunity to correct any such misconstruction of my words or acts, for I did not intend to reflect upon either the personal or political integrity of the speaker...
...Between these two conditions the town which can support a standard attraction for only one night is beginning to suffer... valorem duty on raw wool were: Indiana—Adair, Barnhart and Cline...
...He believes the senate bill, as telegraphed to the Department of State, is greatly to he preferred...
...This will enable governors of all states and state officials generally to escape the tax...
...But now that Col...
...This may and may not be due to the prejudice of white neighbors, but California, this far, has been a white man's country and it is the intention of the people of California to keep it so...
...Personal requests by judges for passes are disclosed by the record, accompanied by expressions of their sense of obligation for such favors granted to them, both before and after they went on the bench...
Vol. 5 • April 1913 • No. 17