Follette, Belle Case La
Home and Education Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE Mother and Daughter MOTHER AND DAUGHTER; what a pre-cious relation! Perhaps a boy was wanted, but the shadow of disappointment only deepens...
...It has been well said that "Good health and abounding vitality are the foundation of all excellence...
...Most of their wrong tendencies will be corrected by greater freedom rather than by more watching and restraint...
...The knowledge of the physical change from girlhood to young womanhood should not be imparted to a girl as a fearful secret nor should she be taught to regard this period as one of illness and limitation, but as one of great growth and development on whose healthful fulfillment depends her highest happiness and usefulness...
...It sounds so silly...
...We can hardly estimate the unnecessary suffering children undergo on this score...
...These are palatable and very efficacious as laxative foods...
...Those whose plan of living makes it possible for girls to feel they are really "helping mother," have an advantage over those who must employ help where children's assistance in household duties is something of a disciplinary nature...
...And now that she is grown, is she to stay at home to be our comfort and support or our pet and idol according to our needs and circumstances...
...BRAN MUFFINS 1/2 cup flour 1 cup bran 1/2 cup sour or buttermilk 2 1/2 tablespoons molasses 1/2 teaspoon (level) of soda 1/4 Teaspoon salt 1 egg Bake in hot gem pans,—6 gems...
...From babyhood to maturity there is no truer test of wise care and training than whether it makes for the girl's health and constitutional upbuildment...
...Probably it is with like feeling that the father welcomes a son...
...Much less known are his social and hygienic writings, though it is a great pleasure to read them...
...At this age there should be much tact in the mother's attitude toward the daughter...
...Where Anti-suffrage Arguments Sound Silly By ANNA CADOGAN ETZ MISS Alice Katharine Fallows, author and associate with her father, Bishop Samuel Fallows of Chicago, in philanthropic work, has returned from a visit to California with her anti-suffrage convictions in rags and tatters...
...A normally healthy child may be coddled into a weakling...
...THE LESSON Which life repeats and constantly enforces is "Look under foot...
...Rum-ford established in Munich the first organization for the improvement of popular nutrition...
...Usually the little fads and notions about dress that the sweetest of girls in their teens will sometimes take on, may be gotten around without much conflict or irritation if in dealing with them we just recall our own past experience...
...Blessed are girls with mother like mine, who from earliest childhood had the absolute confidence of her children...
...More than a century has passed since that, and many improvements have taken place here and there...
...It is a time when nature inspires the girl with confidence and a desire for independence...
...The taste for dolls has nothing to do with the maternal instinct...
...I get right into them myself and they are soon settled...
...If they go into the work of the world they have the great advantage of truer understanding of human nature...
...It is a mistake to segregate girls from the companionship of boys...
...If We have been wise in the years of nurture, we shall have prepared ourselves as we have prepared our girls for the time when they are to take their part in the work which belongs to the coming generation...
...Hints to Home-makers Note: Bran cookies, etc., usually taste like baled hay...
...His first aim was to procure for the lower classes better opportunities to earn money...
...But I rejoice that we are outgrowing the excessive emphasis on dolls for girls...
...The mother who is wise enough to clothe her young lads in jumpers and overalls and let them play in the sand and make mud pies, knows that if her girls are to have abounding health and vitality, they too must have the same freedom in dress and opportunity for play...
...BRAN COOKIES 2 cups bran 1 cup whole wheat 1/2 cup strained honey 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup seeded and chopped raisins 2 eggs 1 scant tea spoon salt Cinnamon 2 rounding teaspoons baking powder...
...When a principle is involved, however, like high heels or a tight waist, the mother's judgment must control...
...In the matter of friendships, if our daughter has a friend whose influence we question, but against whom there is no valid objection, the best way to meet the situation is to encourage other friendships of which we do approve...
...Nevertheless, I have a friend who has two maids, who has been very successful in teaching her four girls housework, by dividing it up in regular assignments and passing the various duties on from one to another, according to their age and taste, until all were learned...
...Girls brought up in this mutual companionship are not likely to be foolishly sentimental...
...Tradition and sentiment stay with us and cause many mothers, quite unconsciously, to believe that the daughter —at least until she is married—belongs to the family...
...It sometimes happens that the dearest of mothers dread unfolding the genesis of life to their girls, often because they themselves were not wisely told...
...They should attend the same public school, and I am firmly convinced of the wisdom of co-education in college...
...of how at her first appearance at a luncheon she launched forth her opinions as to a woman's place being at home, etc., etc., of how her sister took her one side afterwards and said, "Believe what you said, if you have to, but do keep it to yourself out here...
...found them learning tolerance and self control...
...There are still some foolish mothers who sacrifice their young children's health and happiness to their clothes and looks...
...In our intense desire that she shall do exactly right, we may fall into a habit of constant correction that seems to her nagging...
...Nor is this from vanity, but rather from a good motive in dress—a desire not to be conspicuous...
...The little girl who helps with the dishes, the cooking, the dusting, the laundry, is not only acquiring most valuable elemental knowledge, but is gaining habits of industry and a spirit of gladly doing her part of the world's work, which is priceless...
...The great opportunity is where you are...
...It is better to overlook much that we should like to have different in order to strengthen our influence for things that are vital...
...Then Miss Fallows in her trip over the state found the women keen over questions of schools and city housekeeping...
...Children should be consulted as to their likes and dislikes in clothes and allowed to select their own where it is possible...
...He made use of barley and of the potato in forming cooking receipts which furnished good and cheap food...
...We are trustees, not proprietors...
...And in conclusion she states that what women will do with the vote she is not prepared to say, but that what the vote has done for them already in California in increasing their human efficiency is what has made her a believer in votes for women...
...Sure enough, the mother is there studying agriculture with her daughter...
...Most of the effort should be directed to making the environment right...
...Through various circumstances he entered the British service...
...A mother who is not well, must guard against depriving her girl of the play and exercise that will fortify the daughter against the mother's tendency to invalidism...
...I once heard a brilliant woman say she had so much confidence in the coming generation that she was going to follow her girls instead of asking them to follow her...
...Every place is under the stars, every place is the center of the world.— John Burroughs...
...I well remember, when not more than six years old an ugly pair of shoes, which wore interminably, but about which I made no complaint, because I early knew the cost of things...
...Do you suppose a woman is any less womanly just because she votes...
...Take some of those extra flannels off and bathe her chest in cold salt water every morning...
...Simplicity and ease in dress in early childhood is the basis of good sense and taste in the girl's choice of clothes later...
...You are always nearer the divine and the true source of your power than you think...
...By this name he is well known in the history of physics...
...While we needs be serious at times, it is all wrong to be so tense and apprehensive as we sometimes are about our children's conduct...
...But most women have advanced beyond that stage...
...One of the most helpful suggestions that ever came to me in my young motherhood, was that of a wise family doctor, who, when I begged him to tell me what more I could do to keep my baby from catching cold, laughingly said, "You are trying too hard...
...Perhaps a boy was wanted, but the shadow of disappointment only deepens the mother's tenderness, as she reflects that the baby girl must take the woman's place in the struggle of life...
...Unless milk is very sour use less soda than amount given...
...I recall a neighbor girl not more than eight, who confided to me the awful dread she had of seeing people, because her mother made her dresses button in front, while all other girls had theirs buttoned in the back...
...From infancy wo parents should guard against any sense of ownership of our children...
...He also turned against the excessive flesh diet of the English, and recommended to the better classes the use of rye bread, macaroni, noodles, barley and potatoes...
...Once firmly grounded in this distinction we shall avoid the unhappiness that comes to many mothers in their adjustment from the old to the new idea of the girl's freedom to work out her life and position in the world...
...A sense of humor, a certain ease of mood and exercise of judgment as to what is transient and what really goes to the making of character, will solve the problem of the management of healthy, well-occupied children...
...Count Rumford THE FIRST man to whom we owe a thorough study of the nutrition of the lower classes was an American, Thompson, born near the city of Boston...
...Sometimes in the matter of color, length, style, or ornament we may after discussing the subject, yield our own judgment to the girl's...
...His second was to improve the technique of cooking, its cheapening, and the introduction of foreign food stuffs before unknown in Bavaria, such as the American maize...
...Only recently I heard a mother lament because her college bred daughter who had distinguished herself as a student of sociology and economics, did not wish to have a coming-out party and make her debut like other girls...
...The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive...
...The knowledge of sex should never be regarded as a subject of awesome revelation to be made to children all at one time and avoided ever after...
...but, in general, public interest in this question has been aroused only occasionally to disappear again quickly...
...Once when I was bemoaning the fact that children would quarrel, a bright young woman, the mother of four growing children, spoke up and said, "Oh, I really enjoy my children's scraps...
...In our righteous crusade against child labor in factories and sweatshops, there is often confusion as to whether children should work at all...
...He looks forward to a more intimate understanding of the boy as the mother hopes for closer sympathy with the daughter, each influenced by knowledge of their individual experience...
...One of her girls is now a nurse, another is a social worker, a third is studying agriculture in a western university...
...I have city friends who have made many sacrifices to change their residence to the country because they realize that they can not bring up their three young children normally in an apartment, no matter how complete it may be with modern conveniences...
...Running, jumping, climbing, skating, rowing, bicycling, riding, dancing, are play and sports that girls should be encouraged to love...
...The spontaneous joy of childhood play is hardly more needful in development than a certain amount of wholesome work under normal conditions...
...We never feared to ask her questions and she never feared to answer them truthfully...
...Do not despise your own place and hour...
...She seems to have grasped the Montessori principle of making work interesting and educational...
...Children who have plenty of opportunity for outlet of their energy and activity are seldom really naughty...
...They may well be a part of their play, especially for rainy days, but they should not be all of it...
...His life falls in the time when the real food values of the various food stuffs were not yet known, but what he did for the improvement of the people's nutrition, is to this day remarkable...
...There could be no more mistaken idea...
...E. M. Nash...
...It is a matter of temperament—whether a girl is naturally quiet and imaginative and satisfied with sedentary occupation or whether she is vital and rebellious of being housed...
...They do not regard every man as an Adonis and if they marry from among their old playmates or college friends, whose disposition and character they well understand, there is much greater probability of lasting happiness...
...It is assumed in the beginning that the son shall be an independent unit...
...found them less interested in bridge whist, and after a three months' observation she found herself at another luncheon defending woman suffrage with all her might to one of the few "antis" still to be found there...
...Boys and girls should play together in groups from childhood...
...She frankly tells the story of her change of heart...
...Every girl and every boy for that matter, who likes a doll or a Teddy Bear should have one or more...
...A child with a delicate constitution may be made strong by a certain amount of judicious hardening...
...It should never be forgotten that next to children's own inner souls, there is nothing about which they are more sensitive than what they wear...
...There is never any danger of disclosing gradually the mystery of life to our girls as one of nature's phenomena...
...He went to London, and from there to Munich, where he entered the Bavarian administrative service under the Elector Charles Theodore, attained a very high position, and was elevated to the title of Count of Rumford...
...The function of motherhood should be told a girl as early as she has any understanding, not later than six or eight years and after that much that she should know, may be taught indirectly, without making her fearful or selfconscious...
Vol. 5 • April 1913 • No. 17