News Worth Remembering THE FIGHT for direct election of United States Senators has been won. By ratifying the constitutional amendment submitted by Congress to the states, the legislature of...
...Chinese Greet the World The Congress of the Republic of China made an address to the world last week which is declared by officials in the Department of State at Washington to be in reality a declaration of independence, in which is reflected the influence of the young Chinese members who have been educated in American colleges...
...When vacancies happen in the representation of any state in the Senate the executive authority of such state shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies...
...No woman employed by this company hereafter will receive less than $7.50 a week for the fifty-hour working time...
...There were policemen in automobiles, policemen on horseback, policemen afoot—policemen everywhere...
...In brief the final action of the conference is as follows: Organization, embracing representatives of every branch of the food and clothing producing men of the nation, is made permanent, the next session to be held in Chicago...
...The Secretary of State has made the request that the countries on the American Continent act concertedly in extending this recognition...
...Following is the amendment: "The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, elected by the people thereof for six years, and each senator shall have one vote...
...This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution...
...It is easier for the American women seeking emancipation than is the work of convincing every voter...
...of the value of the land on a mortgage made out to the secretary of the treasury, at not more than 4 1/2 per cent...
...There are 282 women now employed...
...Time after time in the last generation the House has acted favorably upon this proposal, but always it has died a musty death in the pigeon holes of the System-controlled Senate...
...A national amendment acts as a stimulus to backward legislatures...
...Federal Loans on Farm Lands Proposed in Bill Government loans on farm mortgages at low interest rates were proposed in a bill introduced in Congress by Representative Batherick of Ohio...
...Emmeline Pankhurst was released from jail after having served only nine days of the three years' sentence...
...therefore it be "Resolved, That the national and state governments and other agencies should give immediate consideration to the provision of adequate means by which farmers may secure loans under favorable conditions...
...The p'int is, did he hit him...
...His assailant, after firing one shot without injury to the King, was overpowered and placed under arrest...
...Bills were introduced in Congress providing for e q u suffrage in national elections...
...News Notes —President Wilson has chosen his summer home...
...Who of Us can dare to be neglectful of his duties...
...Resolved, That we would urge upon our national government the rapid extension and improvement of our parcel post as a very potent factor in reducing the cost and facilitating the distribution of the products of the farm to ultimate consumers...
...A Technical Point Lawyer—Your honor, I ask the dismissal of my client on the ground that the warrant fails to state that he hit Bill Jones with malicious intent...
...Applications for loans would be made to the commissioner, who would certify to value of the property, to be ascertained by the owner and appraisers appointed by the commissioner, to the secretary of the treasury, who would loan not to exceed 60 per cent...
...Between 600 and 700 acres of rolling farm land and fragrant pine groves give the estate the seclusion desired by the President Near by is an artist colony...
...Now, therefore, we unite to form this assembly and presume to publish our aspirations...
...they become the pivot upon which the prosperity of the state is made to turn...
...Eighty-six years ago a resolution was introduced in Congress tor direct election of Senators...
...The letters which the messengers carried, one addressed to each congressman, read: "We ask you in behalf of the women of your district to work for the national suffrage amendment in the coming special session of Congress for the following reasons: "Some state constitutions are practically impossible to amend owing to the necessity for a majority vote of all the qualified voters...
...In this frank statement there lies the reason for the comparative dinginess of the standard house and for the brightness of the vaudeville house in the ordinary small American city...
...Trusting that the righteousness of our appeal and the wisdom of immediate action in the matter will be understood by you, I am, etc...
...She was removed at once to a sanitarium...
...Awaiting the women in the rotunda of the Capitol were many Congressmen who had been identified with the woman suffrage movement...
...May our five races lay aside their prejudices...
...In the group were Senators La Follette, Sutherland, Ashurst and Brady and Representatives Raker and Bryan...
...By ratifying the constitutional amendment submitted by Congress to the states, the legislature of Connecticut last week completed this great reform...
...These houses, the majority of which charge low admission fees, are uniformly the best types of theatrical buildings...
...In this way seats in the United States Senate began to be filled with Senators who rebelled against the oligarchy that had so long been in control of that body...
...Suffrage Petitions Carried to Congress in Parade Another woman suffrage parade was held in Washington at the opening of Congress April 7. There were 500 advocates in the line of march laden with petitions to their Representatives and Senators demanding that Congress enact a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote at all national elections...
...It appeared for a time that the honor of being the thirty-sixth state to act favorably upon this amendment was to go to Florida, whose legislature met this month, but Connecticut legislators hastened their action...
...May ours be a just government...
...The managers have spared no expense and pains in their efforts to secure comfortable, commodious and cleanly accommodations which shall satisfy the requirements of their patrons...
...May the scholar be happy in his home and the merchant conduct his trade in peace...
...J. Lees Laid-law and Mrs...
...Marketing Bureau Urged Presure is to be brought to bear upon he federal government to establish a bureau of effective marketing...
...The "Oregon system," too, met with approval—a system whereby candidates for the legislature signed a pledge either for or against abiding by the popular vote on United States Senator...
...Henceforth the people will elect their own United States Senators just as they elect any other representative...
...Resolved, That we favor organized co-operation, both of consumers and producers, under proper supervision...
...they hold the reins in behalf of the nation to govern with severity or leniency, with parsimony or extravagance...
...In conspicuous contrast to the parade of March 3 was the police activity...
...The monarchy, so long corrupt proved unworthy of the grave responsibilities intrusted to it by the will of the people, but with the introduction of popular government the representatives of the people must share the likes and dislikes of the people...
...For the success or failure, safety or danger, adversity or good fortune, theirs is the merit or the blame...
...The secretary of the treasury would be authorized to raise funds for loaning to "bona fide tillers of the soil" on farm mortgages by the issue of government bonds at not to exceed 4 per cent...
...This action was the first modification to be made of the bill reported by the Ways and Means Committee...
...There was not a repetition of the scenes of the other parade, when the crowds swept unhindered from the curb into the street against the marchers...
...The country came generally to understand that the one obstacle standing in the way of the democratization of the United States Senate was the Senate itself...
...It is no greater interference with the theory of state's rights than is the national amendment for the election of senators or the income tax...
...The Crane Company of Chicago recently established a minimum wage for its women employees...
...Wisconsin applied direct nominations to Senators and legislators were regarded morally bound to abide by the popular nomination...
...An organization in every state in the Union is being perfected for the purpose of working out a system of marketing, crop raising and farmers' credits...
...Shoe machinery was put on the free list by the Democratic caucus of the House last week...
...It was a long struggle...
...The new Summer Capitol commands a view of the Connecticut River Valley and of the Green Mountains...
...was proposed...
...The plan outlined is to attain the same object as the "rural credits" system proposed by President Taft...
...One manager has said, "I don't need to fix up my standard house for if the people wish to see a legitimate attraction they will come anyway...
...She went on a "hunger strike...
...It is Harlakenden House near Windsor, Vermont, the home of Winston Churchill, the novelist...
...Beatrice Forbes Robertson Hale...
...All that now remains to put direct elections into actual practice throughout the Union is (1) the formal proclamation by the Secretary of State, which will be made as soon as all of the states ratifying the amendment have sent official notification of the fact, and (2) the enactment in each of the states of laws governing the election of Senators in conformity with the new provision of the federal Constitution...
...That the hundreds of millions of the people possess the authority of the state is not proclaimed now for the first time...
...Following is the text of the address: "On the eighth day of the fourth month in the second year of the Republic of China, the date fixed for the first opening of our permanent national assembly, the members of the senate and the house of representatives, having met in these halls to celebrate the event, now make this declaration of their sentiments: "The will of heaven is manifested through the will of the people...
...Provided, that the legislature of any state may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct...
...And the deference and courtesy exhibited by the policemen to the marchers was the subject of comment of the goodnatured and respectful crowd...
...Congress is called upon to pass a currency system that will permit farmers to obtain currency on their land in much the same manner that national bankers obtain currency by depositing bonds as security...
...They are to give expression to the desires and voice the will of the people...
...Thus may the glory he spread abroad and these our words be echoed far and wide, that those in distant lands who hear may rejoice, our neighbors on every side give us praise, and may the new life of the old nation be lasting and unending...
...Other states accepted that system...
...The loans would be made on farms on which at least one-half must be under cultivation...
...Demanded that the government make crop reporting a public matter and take it out of the hands of "stock gamblers...
...At the close of the First National Conference on Marketing and Farm Credits at Chicago, a committee was appointed to represent powerful organizations of farmers, farm magazines and other businesses...
...The electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislatures...
...May no duty of government he unfulfilled and no hidden wound go undressed...
...The bill would provide for the establishment of a treasury department bureau of farm lands, with a loan commissioner appointed by the president... vaudeville house must be the best of its kind in order to flatter my patronage...
...Miss Alice Paul, chairman of the congressional committee of the American Suffrage Association presided...
...It does not prevent state action...
...Rural Judge—This court ain't a graduate of none of your technical schools...
...also, organized co-operation properly supervised for securing more advantageous systems of rural credit...
...Violence of the militant suffragists continued during the week in and about London...
...Resolved, That the executive committee be authorized to arrange for the holding of an international congress on marketing and farm credits in San Francisco in 1915, under the auspices of the Panama exposition...
...The Administration will undoubtedly give formal recognition to the Republic of China within a short time...
...Yet through great tribulation the spring comes to prosperity, and former bad management and anxieties are a means to happiness...
...When will the people demand that their art shall be as well housed as their variety...
...In other words, the people have the power and the people get what they want and demand...
...It is a natural evolutionary step in American constitutional history...
...It indicates clearly who are the final rulers of the American theater...
...King Alphonso of Spain once more narrowly escaped death at the hands of an anarchist...
...The bill would exempt from taxation both mortgages and bonds issued under the act, and proposes an appropriation of $100,000 for the installation of the plan...
...Can we be otherwise than anxious...
...In fact it is a principle that whatever may be the character of the standard house of a city, the vaudeville house will be the most comfortable and pleasing type a manager can secure...
...With the advance of the progressive movement, individual states passed laws to bring the election of Senators more closely under the control of the voters...
...The passage of the resolution calling for this constitutional amendment in the United States Senate a year ago was tremendously significant of the extent to which public opinion was beginning to find an echo in the Senate...
...I don't care what he hit him with...
...The sentiment of the Conference is given expression in the following from the report of the Resolutions Committee: "Whereas, The small farmer is at present unable to secure for sufficient time, at a reasonable rate and under favorable conditions, the capital with which to purchase a farm, or to procure the equipment and materials necessary to the most effective and economical operation and improvement of his farm...
...May rain and sunshine bring bounteous harvest and cause the husbandman to rejoice...
...In the lively discussion over this change it was pointed out that all duties should be removed from shoe machinery in order to let in competition, the shoe machinery of this country being under the control of a trust, —Final returns from the Michigan elections of a week ago showed that equal suffrage had been defeated... promote efficient distribution, economical marketing, and reduce expenses between producers and consumers...
...and in the new bill a reduction of 25 per cent...
...Preceding the parade there was a mass meeting in the Columbia Theatre, where speeches of encouragement were made by leaders, among them Janet E. Richards, Mrs...
...At present shoe machinery is taxed at 45 per cent...
...Notes on the Present State of the Theatre By THOMAS H. DICKINSON X. THE WAY in which the vaudeville houses of the several circuits in the United States are today managed is full of suggestion...
Vol. 5 • April 1913 • No. 16