Follette, Belle Case La
Home and Education Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT The Nutrition of the People THE February Journal of Home Economics publishes an address delivered before the...
...Defective nutrition of the masses, and its social dangers lie in the fact that the food does not keep the body in a normal or average condition...
...I am convinced that if we could determine the weight of whole nations, we would find that this weight has decreased with the industrialization of labor...
...Hints to Home-makers A RED HOT RELISH A friend furnishes this recipe, which she has tested: 24 ripe tomatoes 8 large onions 32 bell peppers...
...All persons are accordingly warned by the United States Department of Agriculture not to eat pork, or sausage containing pork, whether or not it has been inspected by federal, state, or municipal authorities, until after it has been properly cooked...
...and I then thought that the community would be best served by the votes of that sex which, by experience and character, might be expected to have the better judgment on economic questions, and to be less moved by undue emotion...
...Cook Pork Well CASES OF ILLNESS sometimes occur from eating uncooked or insufficiently cooked pork which is infested with a microscopic parasite, commonly known as trichina or flesh-worm...
...That this school has justified itself and the efforts of its founders is evidenced by the fact that there are students in the cellar, in the attic, and hanging on to the eaves...
...The money now goes to the saloons...
...Society Needs Women's Votes FOLLOWING are extracts from an address at a legislative hearing on woman suffrage in Massachusetts, by Louis D. Brandeis: "It is thirty years since I was first called upon seriously to consider the question of woman suffrage...
...No method of inspection has yet been devised by which the presence or absence of trichina...
...and the demands for its graduates is never supplied...
...There are many sidelights, however, which may be easily gathered from these extracts I have made...
...Industrial factory work requires strong men not so much as persons who can perform with skill the many small tasks which machines have so far not been able to perform...
...Many are the causes of this reduced bodily efficiency of the inhabitants of large cities...
...The converse may be true, that this training is the one essential necessity to make the 'Utopia' practical and possible...
...The Stout Institute (In publishing this extract from a personal letter to me from a citizen of Menomonie, for whom I have high regard, I wish to express my sympathy with its sentiments...
...See what has already been done by women for social and industrial betterment, under all their handicaps...
...Milk was largely used as a food and the excess of production was placed on the market...
...This is a very serious condition, which attracts attention and which must be combated by all possible means...
...If we are to attain the American ideals, it seems clear that they can be attained only through perfect democracy and the co-operation of all parts of the community, and that women cannot be relieved from a share in the responsibility aud work of governing the State...
...The milk producing regions of the Bavarian highlands and of Switzerland had formerly an extremely healthy, strong, and temperate population...
...We find them also among the better classes, where lack of exercise, professional mental exertion and the effects of school life, are rightly mentioned as causes...
...Insufficient food leads to a decrease of the cells of the body, to a loss in muscle power, in consequence of which, at least in many trades, work cannot be accomplished except by extraordinary effort and by overstrain leading to anaemic conditions, to loss of spirit, to discontent, to class hatred...
...When transmitted to human beings, tri-ehina...
...Since the development of the industries by machinery, the valuation of the human working power has changed...
...Society needs her aid...
...There you run the greatest hazard of being deceived...
...The bodily strength and endurance of dwellers in large cities, and especially of factory "orkers are decreasing among adults as well as among children...
...may cause serious illness, sometimes resulting in death...
...The population, especially of the large cities, suffers in many ways from abnormal nutrition which manifests itself in a reduction of the size of the body, and of the bodily development, with all its unfavorable consequences...
...Does not this indicate very much as it should not be—and should it not teach us that, in the performance of the great work of democracy, we should call to our aid not only every man, but every woman...
...Hundreds of bills are now before this Legislature, bills emanating from well-meaning citizens, which seek to remedy the existing situation...
...The milk producers are paid in cash for their product, but a poor and insufficient food takes now the place of a former healthy one...
...In the course of years the communities gradually established central dairies, in which the fat is withdrawn from the milk by means of centrifugal machines to produce cream and butter...
...A temperature of about 160 degrees Fahrenheit kills the parasite, therefore pork when properly cooked may be eaten without any danger of infection...
...Home and Education Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT The Nutrition of the People THE February Journal of Home Economics publishes an address delivered before the International Health Congress in Washington, D. C, September...
...It is a joyful thing for us all in civilized countries, to see the general mortality more and more decreasing...
...This school was developed at great expenditure of time and money by our beloved public servant and citizen, Senator J. H. Stout...
...Fresh pork should be cooked until it becomes white and is no longer red in color in all portions of the piece, at the center as well as near the surface...
...Peel and cut tomatoes, chop onions and peppers...
...A pamphlet giving information on the subject may be obtained on application to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. * * * SUFFER ME to recommend to you one of the most useful lessons of life—the knowledge and study of yourself...
...Physical deterioration in such districts becomes more and more pronounced, reaching finally a low level...
...I have noticed a very unfavorable influence of urban food requirements on the milk producing districts of some regions of Switzerland and Germany, which is so characteristic that it deserves consideration...
...c. l.) "BEING familiar with the work in your de15 partment of La Follette's devoted to home education and domestic science, I take it that you know much about the work of Stout Institute, and fully appreciate in all its bearings, the influence this school is having, and will have in greater degree, upon the public school training of the children of the 'common people...
...The potato conquers a new territory...
...A careful study of this contribution to the science of nutrition is necessary for an understanding of its profound underlying theme, "The Nutrition of the People...
...The harmfulness of some of these changed conditions has been recognized and people try to balance the lack of paid muscle work by work for hygienic reasons, by play and sport...
...The question which interests us in this connection is, not so much whether industrial workers possess a sufficient development for their work as whether their bodily condition is weaker than is consistent with the requirements of health...
...Hence the tendency to employ children, half-grown persons, and women...
...This is, from a hygienic point of view, to be regretted, though this sounds rather paradoxical...
...Operating as we have in America, under the most favorable conditions, we have nevertheless allowed social and economic conditions to creep in which are a disgrace to our civilization...
...If we consider the population from the point of view of their work and their working capacity we shall find that the country people represent the stronger and the city dwellers the weaker, portion of the people...
...Most conservative as to the food question, is the farmer, though in the country, too, many changes arc taking place...
...The impoverished milk is partly returned to the farmer...
...The number of those who do little manual work increases...
...My purpose in writing you is to secure your influence for the support of this school, and for securing from the present legislature the much needed appropriation which the trustees are asking...
...Boil all together one hour and add 4 tablespoons salt 4 teaspoons cloves 4 teaspoons cinnamon 8 tablespoons sugar 4 teaspoons ginger 8 cups vinegar Cook all, stirring carefully till well thickened...
...Insufficient food may produce wasting in infants, and in adolescents, a retarded growth which cannot be regained at a later period...
...Out of about 15,000 cases of trichinosis recorded in medical literature, most of which occurred in Europe, 830 resulted fatally...
...I have already shown that this source is shrinking more and more on account of the migration of the population to the cities...
...IT IS of the greatest importance in these days of book-deluge to keep out of the salt swamps of literature and live on a little rocky island of your own, with a spring and a lake in it, pure and good.—Ruskin...
...I have never been able to place the argument for woman suffrage on the ground of woman's right, or, specifically, woman's need...
...But gradually I became convinced by experience that the State would be best served by combining the votes of men and women...
...Dry-salt pork, pickled pork, and smoked pork previously salted or pickled, providing the curing is thorough, are practically safe so far as trichinosis is concerned, but as the thoroughness of the curing is not always certain, such meat should also be cooked before it is eaten...
...Training for service and citizenship is the antidote for the present day clamor for socialism...
...Want of food reduces mental energy in children, and renders education more difficult...
...I have found that not only no class but no part of the community can be safely trusted to govern another...
...So much the more must we consider the protection of rural population against the loss of its food supply...
...In all civilized countries the country population represents still the healthiest types of man, whose conservation is absolutely necessary...
...With the extension of commerce, the demand for office workers has increased...
...I should prefer to rest the suffrage on woman's duty...
...The bodily qualities of the worker have been forced by the employer more and more into the background of valuation...
...for a certain amount of bodily labor is advantageous to the organism, as it strengthens the muscles, the respiration, the lungs, blood making and heart action...
...But in Stout Institute he left a priceless legacy to his people,—a monument which will ever express through its training for service and citizenship, his love for humanity, his sense of the trusteeship of human life and the obligation of citizenship...
...Will you help the cause...
...He has frequent contact with the city, but he has still plenty of food material though not always quite suitable to the purpose...
...in short, the change of diet is exactly such as we find with the poorer working population in the cities...
...The conclusion which I then readied was that the granting of suffrage to women was not necessary or desirable...
...Leave seeds in half of them...
...It has also justified the wisdom of the investigating committee of the last legislature which accepted gratuitously this splendid school...
...The people of the state and the present legislature should not fail to appropriate the necessary means to bring this school up to its highest state of efficient service...
...The great problems of the day seemed to me then, as they do now, to be largely economic...
...1912, by Max Rubner, Professor of Physiology and Director of the Physiological Institute, Berlin, Germany...
...Man needs her aid...
...The central idea of his philosophy was 'the sane and sure way to help humanity was to help them to help themselves.' His slogan in education was 'bring the schools of training to the masses.' He gave lavishly of his time and money to the public welfare, and his untimely death was a serious loss to the cause and to the state...
...An average of 1 or 2 per cent of the hogs slaughtered in the United States are infested with this parasite...
...Instead of the butter which was formerly used, cheap fats are now bought...
...in pork can be determined with certainty, and the government meat inspection docs not include inspection for this parasite...
...A reduction of general mortality is not at all proof of an improvement of the somatic qualities of a people, and yet this ought to be the final aim of all hygienic effort...
...In my judgment, and I have had good opportunity to observe, there is no school for the training of teachers in the state or elsewhere (and they are all splendid) which means more for the 'masses' and for the future industrial prosperity and good government of our country, than does the Stout Institute...
...While 1 have no knowledge of the Stout Institute other than that which comes to one generally interested in the new and broader education, I am often impressed with the evidences that come within my observation and reading, of the great influence it has wielded, not only in Wisconsin, but in the world of education generally.—b...
...Self love and partiality cast a mist before the eyes, and there is no knowledge so hard to be acquired, nor of more benefit when once thoroughly understood.—Abigail Adams (to her son...
...I have been deeply interested in this school from its very inception, not as a politician, or for the pecuniary benefit I might derive from having it located in my town...
...The effects are exactly the same...
Vol. 5 • March 1913 • No. 12