Seven Years ON MAY 14, 1906, an amendment to the railroad regulation bill pending in the United States Senate was offered by Senator La Fol-iiETTE to provide for physical valuation. There was so...
...Leading citizens and legislators in the states involved are coming to the support of this measure...
...Now For Lead Poisoning NOW THAT phosphorus poisoning has been abolished from the match industry, and the danger of the dreaded phossy jaw" removed, let us lose no time in driving out another unnecessary and ravaging form of occupational disease...
...Those in charge of the arrangements found it no easy matter to get the consideration and cooperation of the department to which they were entitled...
...It is largely a matter of ventilation, sanitation, cleanliness, simple protective devices and proper provision for clean work-clothes...
...My object was not to interfere personally with any one Senator, or another Senator, but, in accordance with what I believe to be the feeling of the Senate upon matters which the senate understands and comprehends * * * for one I propose, whenever an opportunity affords, to give the Senate a chance of laying the amendment upon the table, and thereby to end it...
...It was begun last week...
...NEARLY $1,000,000 is now on deposit in school savings banks in 1,149 schools throughout the United States...
...It was apparent that the police officials did not look with favor upon votes for women or upon this parade in behalf of that issue...
...There was so much confusion in the chamber that the chair repeatedly was forced to admonish the Senate to "be in order...
...It is not a world for the selfish greed of gain...
...By Nature—deaf to peace or feud— Seed, bloom and fruit alike are viewed: Mere atome which receive their meed From one all-just, all-yielding plenitude...
...That will not do...
...Achievements" OX PAGE FIVE is the concluding installment of Senator La Follette's story of the Wall Street panic of 1907...
...The committee should not cease until it has brought out every fact bearing upon the policing of these two big parades...
...No one will deny that men frequently are selfish, ambitious and reckless, but in order to sustain the theory that the panic of 1907 was 'engineered,' one must attribute to the 'engineers' not only the power, but some motive for their assumed achievements...
...No person with eyes to see and a mind to think watched that parade without sensing something of the bigness and vitality of the issue it represented, however little he may have understood its meaning or sympathized with those in the line of march...
...Is there in your state a lead-using industry...
...And it is inconceivable that the policemen and special officers who were placed—here and there—in front of the great crowd that lined either side of the Avenue, would have shown amusement, indifference, and worse, at the rough handling of the marchers by the un-rebuked crowd, if there had been any fear of the displeasure of their superior officers...
...And here, unlike the empty calm Of cabined sleep, there breathes the psalm Of fruitful earth and tide-slaked sedge: Shy benediction of the even-balm...
...A model bill has been prepared by the American Association for Labor Legislation...
...What the police officials of Washington may think of the suffrage movement was of no consequence as far as their duty on March 3 was concerned...
...also concerning both the power and the motive behind those "achievements" of 1907 in the realm of high finance...
...despite the jostling of the thousands who—taking their cue from the attitude of the police officers—left the curb and crowded in roughly against the marchers;—despite these difficulties the parade went through to the end, with credit to all who took part in it...
...During the suffrage parade the police were conspicuous only for their lassitude and their indifference to the actions of the crowd...
...Sleep: Under the Stars By RICHARD BUTLER CLAENZER A BOVE, the mild majestic blue Ensilvered with a starry dew: One sky of many skies and yet Its greater suns a countless retinue...
...And it is not a very difficult problem...
...Bring the pressure of public opinion to bear upon your legislature...
...They were held under identical circumstances...
...Washington's Shame PEOPLE may have different ideas as to the desirability of holding parades and pageants to promote a great public cause...
...When you have read "The Truth About the Panic of 1907" you will draw your own conclusions concerning the Morgan statement...
...Let us abolish these unnecessary industrial diseases as fast as we can get at them...
...They were the embodiment of courageous devotion to a Cause...
...The existence and prosperity of the lead-using industries of this country does not require the poisoning of those who work in them—any more than the "phossy jaw" was necessary to the profitable manufacture of matches...
...If so, the opportunity is now before you to help in protecting lead workers from the terrible effects of poisoning...
...And they welcome "an opportunity for us to state that, to the extent of our observation and experience, there is not even a vestige of truth in the idea that, in whole or in any part—the financial convulsion of 1907 was brought on through the design of any man or...
...But there can be no proper ground for disagreement over the conduct of the suffrage parade in Washington on March 3. That is a matter of fact...
...Major Sylvester should be held to a strict accounting...
...Major Sylvester himself must answer for the organization and activity of his department...
...but it was more than that—it was a most graphic object lesson...
...It was carefully and intelligently planned...
...The parade itself was a success...
...That is a matter of opinion...
...The failure of the police department to keep Pennsylvania Avenue free for the suffrage parade in the same way that it was so effectively cleared for the Inaugural parade the following day, is a disgrace to the capital city of the nation...
...The sub-committee of the United States Senate that is now investigating this fiasco of the Washington police department is securing important and damaging testimony, bearing upon the attitude of the police who were stationed along the line of march...
...It was pleasing as a spectacle...
...The Republican leaders arbitrarily strangled debate and killed the amendment...
...This should not be forgotten in the discussion that is raging over the disgraceful treatment of the parade by the police of Washington...
...WHO RELIES on his money prospers not— Luther...
...Only he shall be loved of God and honored of men, who is found to have accomplished something for human happiness and human good.—Roswell D. Hitchcock...
...IT IS NOT a world for men to take their ease in...
...nor the selfish struggles of power...
...Thus in the crucible of night Corrosive pride is melted quite And dawn's first glow reveals at rest A head, that bows before the gift of light...
...On February 24, 191:5, the Senate of the United States, still with a Republican majority, passed the La follette physical valuation bill WITHOUT A SINGLE DISSENTING VOTE...
...In a recent letter to the Pujo committee of the House that investigated the Money Trust, J. P. Morgan & Company vehemently denied that "in large measure the panic of 1907 was actually due to the machinations of certain powerful men...
...And the eight or ten thousand women and girls, and men, who marched down Pennsylvania Avenue carried themselves with dignity, sincerity and high purpose...
...but a world for generous self-abandonment, for sacrifice and heroic toil...
...They are paid to do what they neglected to do that day...
...Enlist your friends...
...The head of the police department has shown a disposition to throw whatever blame there may be upon these individual policemen...
...despite the almost impassable condition of the street...
...During the Inaugural parade the police were conspicuously active and aggressive, and kept the crowd easily in its place...
...As a result in those countries there is only one case of poisoning for every eight or nine in this country, where the law does not step in...
...In those countries the manufacturers are compelled by the government to do away with conditions of work that make it almost impossible for their employees to escape being poisoned...
...but a world for work...
...Out of 165,841 army recruits in 1911, all but 24 could read and write...
...Germany and England recognize this...
...ILLITERACY is practically banished in Prussia...
...They "regret that a belief so incredible, so abhorrent and so harmful to the country should for a moment have found lodgment anywhere...
...Senator Hale, who acted for the Old Guard, took it upon himself to state...
...nor the selfish pantings of ambition...
...An effort is being made to secure the passage of a uniform law in all the states where there are lead-using industries...
...Despite the police difference, inactivity, buffoonery and insolence...
...It is lead poisoning...
...Below, a lawn of softest green, An orchard's orderly demesne, With fragrant apple-trees where once A forest spread its wild and tangled screen...
Vol. 5 • March 1913 • No. 12