Ships Are The War's Crux
Ships Are The War's Crux By OSWALD GARRISON V1LLARD EVERY DAY THAT passes makes it clearer that victory for one' side or the other in this war may depend wholly upon the question ! of cargo...
...Stewart (Tenn...
...Russell (Ga...
...I.) Walsh (Mass...
...Thomas (Utah) Downey (Cal...
...It is true that we did do that in the last war and seized the Dutch and Norwegian fleets as well—in connection with the British...
...He estimates that the British have just bought 100,000 tons more from us and that posr" ~.j 30 new cargo vessels aggregating 675,000 tons may be built in American yards...
...When these rights are violated strikes are called if all other means of settling the disputes fail...
...We could not seize them without grossly violating international law...
...It is understandable if, for reasons of keeping up their own people's morale and especially that of the sailors, they are mini- i raizing their losses, perhaps by excluding those in the Indian and Pacific ; Oceans...
...Tt is only the exceptional cases where negotiations break down and where strikes are called that make the headlines...
...It is hard to give the exact answer...
...Clark (Mo...
...Frey-'s report raised a first-class storm in the legislature...
...It is the docks which are their objec- i tive, and returning travelers tell of the dock havoc wrought in Liver-| pool, Hull and other English harbors...
...Green (R...
...The writer recently overheard an elderly woman exclaim, "All those darn damnable strikes are attempts at sabotage promoted by 'foreign agents...
...McFarland (Ariz...
...Heil for failing to act on his recommendations, urged that in addition to firing Corcoran, the state should institute proceedings for ''malfeasance in office...
...In very few cases do those who talk about strikes know anything about the subject...
...D.) Wiley (Wis...
...Sir Arthur Salter of the British Ministry of Shipping says j that he needs from 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 tons just as fast as he can > get them—if the Germans are right he will need much more than that, j We're Far From Building Ships At World War Pace * NOW HOW CAN THIS amount be supplied...
...Conserva Hon Uproar Yields Bigger Muddle Wisconsin's muddled conservation situation was, if anything, more muddled than ever last week following a series of sensational explosions which made headlines but proved nothing...
...Schwartz (Wyo...
...Wallgren (Wash...
...Pair Wagner (Dem., N. Y.) for the bill...
...Lucas (111...
...McKcllar (Tenn...
...Nazis Know That Ships Are The Vulnerable Spot NONETHELESS, THERE is such a grave discrepancy between the German and the British reports that one begins to wonder whether the English are really telling us the whole truth...
...In the first place, the German reports include ships heavily damaged or "believed to be sinking," and in many cases the damaged ships reach port safely to take their places in the long line of ships waiting to be repaired . Again, there is an unevenness in the reporting because Berlin is notified immediately by its bombing planes and its submarines or surface cruisers when they have sunk ships, lest they be themselves sunk or destroyed before they reach home...
...Langer (N...
...Assemblyman Lyall T. Beggs, Madison Progressive, demanded legislative in-| vestigation of Frey's snoopers' bureau...
...the British believe they will be able to detect and to sink the bulk of Hitler's new submarines...
...Miller (Ark...
...Nye (N...
...There are many other things at stake for workers beside wages, in our complex industrial society...
...Johnson (Calif...
...Herring (la...
...Burton (Ohio) White (Me...
...The bill provides that $4,500,000 would be used to relieve counties of the 20 per cent share of old age pensions they now carry...
...C.i Bone (Wash...
...J.) Caraway (Ark...
...There are, however, some factors to be considered in this connection...
...Shipstead (Minn...
...Overton (La...
...H.) McNary (Ore...
...Byrd (Va...
...McCarran (Nev...
...The balance of the $13,000,000 raised under the new tax bill will be appropriated for educational aids to reduce general property taxes...
...Radcliffe (Md...
...Ball (Minn...
...Already it is stated that in some ports ships have to wait a month to be unloaded, overhauled and sent I to sea again...
...Finally, Mr...
...Glass (Va...
...American experts calculate that sinkings during 1941 will reach 5,000,000 tons and this calculation is on the basis of the lower losses of j last year...
...C> Kilgore (W...
...August Frey, director of the Heil administration's $100,000 snoopers' bureau, touched off the fireworks with a 123-page report to the state legislature urging dismissal of 16 state officials, 10 of them employed by the conservation commission...
...Bulow (S...
...A. H. Smith, commission counsel...
...Mead (N...
...D.) Vandenberg (Mich...
...Holman (Ore...
...Lodge (Mass...
...Hard points out that if we repeal our neutrality law and send all our American cargo ships that can be released into the North Atlantic trade we could not add more than 500,000 tons of vessels...
...Republicans—17 Aiken (Vt...
...Maloney (Conn...
...I want an investigation of the investigators," he demanded, adding that it would be "no inquisition...
...Capper (Kan...
...AGAINST THE BILL—31 Democrats—13 Adams (Colo...
...The series, sponsored by the Call, official publication of the Socialist Party, will deal with domestic and world affairs...
...Probably the first main feature of the bill is the lowering of individual income tax exemp-tipns, in order to broaden the tax base...
...A. J. Connors, Rice Lake Progressive, blasted away at Frey as the man who stole $17,000 while employed by the Harley-Dav-idson Motor Company, Cracking back the next day, Frey denied that he had stolen funds from his farmer employer and produced a letter from Walter Davidson, the motorcycle executive, corroborating his denial...
...Thomas (Ida...
...Secondly, it is true that the British are believed to have one year's supply on hand, enough food to keep the British people going on bare subsistence rations for 12 months, but the British could not afford to approach too near the end of that period...
...Clark (Ida...
...Tobey (N...
...It is true that the English reports differ radically from the German and there is a natural and justified predisposition to believe that the Germans are lying...
...It is a mistaken notion that all strikes are called because the union asked for wage increases...
...Lee (Okla...
...One factor concerning labor unions which rarely receives mention in the daily press is that an overwhelming majority of unions bargain collectively and reach satisfactory agreements with their employers wdthout any strikes...
...That is a justified inquiry because during the last World War the British systematically lied to us and to their own people, which they have frankly admitted ¦ since that War...
...Half of the tax program is in the disposition of the funds...
...Harrison (Miss...
...Independent—1 Norris (Neb...
...Often the Oswald G Villard^n^^s^ ^ave no confirmation of these losses for days or sometimes weeks until they hear from a few -of the rescued men, if there are survivors, or give the ships up...
...Biggest State Assembly Passes Record-Breaking Budget The largest budget in the history of Wisconsin passed the state assembly last week by a vote of 62 to 33, after the Republican steamroller had flattened out 44 amendments in a row...
...Davis (Pa...
...Brown (Mich...
...Bilbo (Miss...
...HERMAN SEIDE, president of the Wisconsin State Federation of Labor, has just issued a statement answering charges that strikes were aimed at the "nation- i al defense program" by saying, "The main reason for strikes these days is to stop the practices of 'chiseling employers...
...Y.) Tydings (Md...
...That's what most farmers think...
...Tunnell (Del...
...Connally (Tex...
...Reynolds (N...
...Barbour (N...
...Security in their jobs, seniority rights, and decent working conditions are all of basic concern to the working man of today...
...Byrnes (S...
...Barkley (Ky...
...January Jobless Up By 729,000 Unemployment in the United States bounded up by 729,000 during January as a result of seasonal factors, the National Industrial Conference Board reported this week...
...Farmer Labor Relations • • • =By WALTER H, UPHOFF=^ ARURAL READER of this column recently wrote: "Could you use 'strikes' as a topic for your column and show that all -striked aren't for wages...
...Not Voting and Not Paired Thomas (Dem., Okla...
...Wheeler (Mont...
...Brooks (III...
...Here's Senate Roll Call On Lease-Lend Bill Here is the complete Senate roll call on final passage of H. R. 1776, popularly known as the Lease-Lend Bill: FOR THE BILL—60 Democrats—49 Andrews (Ela...
...Danaher (Conn...
...All of this is one reason why the keenest observers believe that the outcome of this war may be decided within the next four months, or even less time...
...Twenty -five stations have oeen signed up thus far for the broadcast series...
...and Col...
...They are bombing British harbors in order to make it impossible for British merchant j ships to find wharves to tie up to...
...Taft (Ohio) Progressives—1 La Follette (Wis...
...The reason is that if we did so the English would seize the Dutch ships precisely as they se;zed some ex-German ships, although they were sailing under the American flag, during the last war...
...Chavez (N...
...Pepper (Fla...
...Murdoch (Utah) Republicans—10 Austin (Vt...
...Sheppard (Tex...
...Ellender (La...
...But it is impossible for us to buy the Danish ships in our harbors, for example, and to use them to replace American vessels to be put under the Panama flag and hired to the British...
...Claude Lyons summarized the tax program as follows: "Briefly, the bill is designed to raise an extra 13 million dollars in new revenue through a revision of the exemptions under the normal state income tax law and through adopting a new form of income surtax...
...Bridges (N...
...Bailey (N...
...Willis (Ind...
...Hughes (Dela...
...C.) Chandler (Ky...
...Writing in the Reader's Digest, William Hard says that the English may perhaps get 500,000 tons by withdrawing ships from colonial routes and that if the British shipyards are not bombed they may produce 500,000 tons more...
...They include stations at Akron, Boston, Denver, New Haven, Louisville, Madison, Wis., New York, Pittsburgh, Seattle, and Washington, D. C, the seven stations of the California Radio System, and seven stations of the Michigan Radio Network...
...Reed (Rep., Kan...
...If 500,000 tons of neutral shipping laid up in our harbors should be turned over to the British they would get that much more, or a total of only 2,275,000 tons, which is certainly less than half of this year's probable sinkings, especially if Hitler is telling the truth when he says that within a few weeks some 600 submarines will be unleashed of a new and dangerous kind, and that the air will be filled with thousands of bombers at a time...
...H. W. MacKenzie, commission director...
...i Hill (Ala...
...If the recent bulletins of the Germans, announcing tremendous successes in sinking" vessels shot out of convoys, and in different parts of the globe, at all approximate the facts, Great Britain's situation is getting much worse...
...Hatch (N...
...It would provide new surtax rates of one per cent on the first $1,000—two per cent on the second thousand, and up to 9 per cent on $14,000 and all over that at the rate of 10 per cent...
...George (Ga...
...Bunker (Nev...
...Thomas Begins 13- Week Series Of Broadcasts Norman Thomas, national chairman of the Socialist Party and vigorous foe of American intervention in war, will launch a 13-week series of nationally broadcast radio addresses Sunday, Mar...
...Gerry (R...
...Van Nuys, (Dem., Ind...
...Smathers (N...
...J'ass This Paper On...
...First, as to the ships belonging to other countries in our harbors...
...Over 600 delegates from all over the state heard Claude Lyons and K. W. Hones explain the tax measure and voted endorsement after several hours of thorough discussion...
...Numbered among the top-ranking conservation officials marked for dismissal by Frey were James A. Corcoran, commission chairman...
...Hayden (Ariz...
...Again, it is very easy for flyers, both English and German, to be deceived as to the effects of their bombing...
...Appropriations total $73,858,278, or $2,64(3,303 more than the Heil administration's 1939-1941 budget which was the highest budget' in state history up to that time...
...The War's Outcome May Be Decided In Next Few Months HP HE QUESTION THEN is whether England can possibly hold out for ¦*¦ a year and a half or two years before we can get mass production of ships under way...
...C.) Guffey (Pa...
...D.) Brewster (Me...
...Truman (Mo...
...In the state senate, which was asked to spread Frey's report on the record, Sen...
...J.) Gurney (S...
...The bill would lower exemptions from $1600 to $1400 for married couples and from $400 to $300 for dependents...
...D.) Gillette (la...
...Smith (S...
...H.) Butler (Neb...
...Frey, whose report even attacked Gov...
...Ships Are The War's Crux By OSWALD GARRISON V1LLARD EVERY DAY THAT passes makes it clearer that victory for one' side or the other in this war may depend wholly upon the question ! of cargo ships...
...Bankhead (Ala...
...The Nazis know that ships are the weak spot...
...Well, that is an interesting topic of conversation these days: at the corner grocery stores, Chambers of Commerce meetings, luncheon clubs, and country cheese factories...
...O'Mahoney (Wyo...
...Two things more...
...Johnson (Colo...
...The board, whose studies are confined to urban employment, placed total January unemployment at 7,664,000, as compared with its figure of 9,163,000 for January, 1940...
...Even so, the most pressing question is: "What are the actual German sinkings today...
...THE 12th Biennial Legislative Conference of the Wisconsin State Federation of Labor, which met in Madison, Wis., March 5 and 6, endorsed the Farmers Union tax program...
...I.) Murray (Mont...
Vol. 5 • March 1941 • No. 11