Tory Tongue-Tiedness
Tory Tongue-Tiedness By SAMUEL GRAFTON (Columnist for The New York Evening Post) THE REAL REASON the Conservative Party of England declines to speak out on war aims to the German people, the...
...That is what they divided up with their stockholders after they paid their terrific salaries...
...IN THE REAR of the hall (it was an open meeting and admission was free) was Joe McWilliams, a young YorkviHe hoodlum who is crashing in on pro-German sentiment by anti-Semitic, Nazi soapbox meetings...
...I would like to voice my own opinion about it...
...200 years of eloquence on the topic of human liberty ends in a war in which freedom is being defended inarticulately by men who will die for a dream but will not speak it...
...this too was refused...
...Should the English' say to the Germans: "After we win, there will be no more unemployment in Europe...
...Instead of interfering in the affairs of other nations, the administration should attend to business at hand...
...The British are putting up a brave fight eshowing the metal they are made of and I admire and give them credit for it...
...And must our boys be slaughtered, too, To save decadent nations, who Have robbed the world consistently In guise of true democracy...
...Surrounding McWilliams were henchmen from his American Destiny party...
...Thomas promptly wrote Miss Thompson in reply...
...We have more ' to say than Hitler or Mussolini...
...With untold bravery the first famili j of England face the enemy's bombs and airplane machine guns...
...Thomas' defense...
...M. G. Kravjse Mellen, Wis...
...They have caught the future by the tail and they do not know what to do with it...
...No one can get rich unless he has a graft or can get more than he gi^es in return for his services...
...No rich or tory can understand what the common people has to go through with...
...The Conservative Party, after all, does not wish to be considered a wanton, spending on strangers what it denies to its own...
...I am sorry for the masses...
...If anyone takes more than he earns he is a criminal and crime does not pay...
...Our order is neither Christian or scientific...
...How it could speak to the Continent if it but dared...
...Two weeks ago, the conservative America First Committee and the more radical Keep America Out of War Congress sponsored a joint rally in New York City against the Lend-Lease Bill...
...In the last war the boys here had on their uniform somewhere the letters U. S. A. The way the English interpreted that, was "You silly ass...
...That's a touch of all right, that is...
...It is the way in which labor strives to solve its problems...
...But we refuse to be coerced By Hitler tactics, and be cursed By those who never have repaid The sacrifice Columbia made...
...We have no plan for anything...
...It is the purpose of labor to achieve its logical aspirations through the use of reasoning intelligence, counsel and collective bargaining...
...IDO NOT READ in the newspapers of any distinguished leader in the field of politics arising upon the floor of the federal Congress discussing the internal economic upheavals that are taking place in the United States today...
...Plenty of money for others but nothing for our own people( except holding the bag and paying the bills...
...Others thought we made a failure, but learned a lesson, so Hie United States could never again be drawn into any imperialist conflict in Europe...
...Our boys freely shed 'their red Mood (not blue) in the sincere belief that they were fighting a war to end war...
...But however much Miss Thompson may cry for free forums abroad, the closer they are to home the more caution she displays...
...I It seems to me since Gladstone's time the mistakes of the statesmen have been legion and they are now reaping the bitter fruit of those mistakes...
...American D. T/s UNITED STATES interventionist opinion either wants to save the British Empire from Hitler to continue the old capitalism (Henry Luce) or to insure Harold Laski's new Socialism (Freda Kirch-wey...
...The best it has offered to that continent so far is a return to the Thirties (a prospect which makes even the cats of Europe cry...
...HPHE WAR ASKS a question of each soul on earth, -I- and each, within, knows what he would like to see come out of it...
...AVhy any one can vote either one of the old party tickets I can't see unless they want office or just interested in their side beating the other side...
...Tory Tongue-Tiedness By SAMUEL GRAFTON (Columnist for The New York Evening Post) THE REAL REASON the Conservative Party of England declines to speak out on war aims to the German people, the Italian people and the other waiting peoples of the Continent is that the British people might overhear...
...And with God's help, whate'er betide, America shall not have died...
...Among the speakers were Senators Wheeler and Nye and Norman Thomas...
...For over three years I beseeched the federal Congress and the leaders of both branches of Congress to introduce legislation for the purpose of having the government commit itself to some system of economic planning to give to those idle million of able bodied citizens an opportunity to work in American industry and American .business—and for four years _ nothing has happened...
...All speakers made clear their opposition to all forms of totalitarianism—both domestic and foreign...
...Thomas "insists upon laying the faggots and hauling up the rope for the lynching of social democracy...
...It Looks Funny D^ar Sirs: I read so much about Germany ¦will come over to fight the U. S. if they lick England... shall have peaceful work, you shall be free to feed and clothe yourselves and to educate your children," the English people might say: "Hear...
...Yes, common sense and reason fled As millions have been overfed With British propaganda stuff, And goodness knows, that's bad enough...
...We believe in things made for use instead of profit...
...Burton K. Wheeler and Robert M. La Follette, Jr...
...Not billions for an arsenal To serve a bloody carnival, But all we have, for principle And armaments invincible...
...But mu: t v a now abandon peace, Suspend our liberties, and cease Our national integrity For nabobs, gold and royalty...
...So men fighting for liberty obstinately elose their lips and refuse to say what they are fighting for...
...There are plenty of improvements that this govern-lucnt can make before it attempts to offer itself as a model to follow...
...After the last world war most gveryone said it will never happen again...
...The problems are the most difficult of solution when owners of large industrial enterprises, in a state of complete defiance, ignore the problem of collective bargaining, and defy the worker's right to organize and summarily dismiss them when they join labor organizations . . . We all have a contribution to make to this nation—the big and the little alike—the mighty and the lowly...
...Hugo Foster Krause Chicago, 111...
...How it could talk to the men of Europe of what it means for a free farmer to hoe his own patch, and a free woman to love her own baby, with no state power to interfere with either patch or baby...
...We will have to pay in the days to come for the wrong we have done...
...William Larsen Racine, Wis...
...Petersburg, Fla...
...We'll 'ave a bit of that, too...
...By Uncensored The overwhelming majority of the audience in a crowded hall applauded these declarations as spiritedly as th.ey did the demand from the platform that the U. S. stay out of the war...
...So far as can be determined, Miss Dorothy Thompson was not present...
...It all came off the peo'ple...
...It looks funny to me that they could come 3000 miles over water and fight the U. S. and they have only 20 miles of water between England and them, and cannot get over the 20 miles to fight England...
...In the presence of this confusion would it not be well for the U. S. A., those leaders in the field of education, industry, government and agriculture, to do a little checking up with each other and find out what really is wrong—what our problems are, and if through the use of joint reasoning, we cannot apply some sensible solutions to the internal problems now confronting the U. S. A...
...H. S. Stovall Alma, Mich...
...We rush for gain through our blindness and ignorance...
...So England fights doggedly for a stable Europe without shaping a plan for a stable England, one in which, at the least, work would be guaranteed forever for each pair of hands...
...It is the understanding of labor that we are all striving for a common cause, struggling toward the achievement of a common ideal—the perfection of a better understanding between capital and labor...
...It looks funny that the people cannot see that...
...Very few did realize how easy it is to fool the people when the big war mongers get their propaganda going full blast...
...John Swanson St...
...It sure is worth anyone's time to read it...
...HPHERE IS IN THE United States today more con--¦- fused thinking than there has been at any time during the course of my life...
...if it told the tale rightly the men of Europe would understand that when they killed England they would kill their own futures, and themselves...
...If he says "This far shalt thou go" that is just as far as they will go and no further...
...BUT IT IS MUCH easier for the Conservative mind to pretend that this is one of those familiar ola-time wars, to be slugged out in antique style, body hurled against body, and the mind of no importance...
...Those are labor's methods...
...I think that perhaps By PHILIP E. MURRAY (President, Congress of Industrial Organizations) some of it is deliberately thrust upon us through the use of propaganda...
...Everything comes off the people...
...the strongly interventionist N. Y. Post declared that McWilliams had come to the hall intent upon breaking up the meeting...
...If this country is thrown int^ s revolution it will be because the snobs and aristocrats will not get off of the peoples' backs...
...It is only the Big Fellows who are stirring up the people that they should fight Germany so they can make more millions, as they did in the last war...
...Dog Eat Dog' Dear Sirs: We are enclosing $1 for the renewal of my subscription for six months...
...They say "get back to God...'s on those that the heaviest blow will fall, and they get the least thanks when all is over...
...To strum the guitar and sing to the continent of a future flowing with milk and money is to run a definite domestic risk...
...There is no difference in either of them... is terribly wrong that the one side in this war for which the angels speak and the stones cry out should be represented by men who seem frig"htened to their own cause...
...We're crong, resourceful, and can face A cause for which our fathers died, E'en though the world must be defied...
...e're not a molly-coddle race...
...Choke dcwn that dream of a better world, it might cost money...
...Thomas then asked that either she or the N. Y. Tribune Syndicate furnish him with a list of the newspapers which had carried her column of that day...
...The Crisis' Dear Sirs: Say, Franklin, has it come to this:— That freedom, in a parenthesis, Exacts belief in tommy-rot From every would-be patriot...
...The net of these unspoken answers is a great silence...
...I have just read the book "Soviet Power" by TJean Canterbury of the Church of England...
...Business At Hand Dear Sirs: The United States has no good reasons or right to undertake to tell the European nations how they should conduct their governments, than the European nations have any right how this country should conduct its affairs...
...Paying For Mistakes Dear Sirs: I have been reading in the People's Forum the different opinions on the war, etc...
...I understand Churchill said had we stayed at home and minded our own business the British would have made peace all right...
...The American Republican Party helps by setting up a running drum^ fire of attack on each small reform in England as "socialism...
...Labor's Methods IT IS NOT THE purpose of labor to create conflict or contribute in any way toward interruptions in the continuity of the production of any industry— military or not...
...His letter was released to the press...
...This makes it hard... tries to win a war with a social platform on which the G. O. P. in this country proved it could not even win an election...
...MORE FORUM We're Getting There Dear Sirs: We are getting there, don't worry...
...Shakespeare never wrote a prettier word than "bread" nor Virgil a handsomer one than "freedom," and a cobbler could be a poet with the material which now lies to England's hand...
...Please, God, make it like the first World War, when we did not have to think so much," is the Tory prayer of the day...
...but today's fourteen points must be concerned with bread, not boundaries any more...
...A. W. Kubica Colstrip, Mont...
...Seems like it is dog eat dog and to the strong belongs the spoils...
...That is what you paid for things you did not...
...However, Miss Thompson used McWilliams' presence at the meeting to launch a bitter personal attack upon Norman Thomas in her column of Feb...
...They do not care how many lives are lost as long as they get the money, but I would fight for the U. S. if they come over here...
...Don't let us interfere this time and have that insult thrown in our face...
...I do not notice any particular leader in the field of statecraft introducing bills or resolutions in the federal Congress to maintain a degree of stability in our internal national situations after national defense has passed...
...Some said we won the war "to end all wars, and saved democracy...
...when an adequate defense is completed our men and women should not become jobless...
...nothing makes them afraid except the aspirations of the human spirit for a better life, and these terrify them...
...We who love democracy have a right to reject this tongue-tiedness, to call for a voice that can speak for us...
...We need not be afraid of anyone...
...We are better than we sound...
...Too many yes-men representing the people in Washington, delegating the power to a few international bank representatives, who are in trouble with their old world investments...
...The unemployment is a very serious and important matter that needs immediate attention...
...Holding The Bag Dear Sirs: Why has America 29 years of controlled money with no action in Washington...
...get in value...
...Bread costs money, and the voice falters, and the head shakes, and Englishmen die for England when they might die for the world, and compel the world to understand the life-giving meaning of their deaths...
...It don't look to me like we have ever been to God yet...
...They both stand for the profit system...
...and the Tories try gallantly to win over the American Republicans (who always vote against England five-to-one in the end, anyway) rather than trying to win over the continent with which it is in battle...
...William H. Dalke Valley Center, Calif...
...Evidently individual newspaper publishers are not to be given the opportunity of knowing Mr...
...Employment makes^a prosperous and a contented citizen and less crime...
...The meeting was fairly reported in the daily press...
...Miss Thompson refused to permit him a forum in which to defend himself against her attacks...
...An inspiration to both schools is Dorothy Thompson— whose series of articles on the "miracle of Dunkirk" last summer remains the finest expression of British Labor's spirit of resistance, and who last month (February 21) bespoke with the fervor of a new convert the glories of Henry Luce's imperial "American Century...
...A plan should be worked out so that those desiring work can have it...
...I guess that poverty must be endured- in order to be understood...
...Well, if we allow ourselves to be drawn into malconcert in Europe, we will justify the name given us...
...It is do as they say or else...
...Last year about 3000 corporations declared four billion dollars in dividends...
...Yet freedom of dreams is as valid a liberty as freedom of speech...
...Too bad there are not a lot of papers like The Progressive, and more real patriots in Washington like Sen...
...God has not lost control yet...
...We had a Wilson once, who spoke for us, with Fourteen Points that were worth more than fourteen divisions...
...Call that appeasement, if you will, But we're for peace, with honor, still...
...24, in which she declared Mr...
Vol. 5 • March 1941 • No. 11