Phil Urges Tolerance / In America, Challenges Progressives To Action
Phil Urges Tolerance / In America, Challenges Progressives To Action PROGRESSIVES last week packed the comfortable old red brick home in Madison that is .now Progressive House at an informal open...
...A ROOM OF OUR OWN" by Isabel Bacon La Follette...
...The America First Committee has grown in six months from a small group with a one-room headquarters to an organization of 500,000 members in 650 chapters throughout the nation...
...America First Launches New An ti- War Drive A new and revitalized drive to prevent the involvement of the United States in foreign war was announced by the America First Committee this week close on the heels of Senate passage of the Lease-Lend Bill...
...I believe we can do the job best in the western hemisphere...
...The last campaign demonstrated that in a real sense we didn't have a political party that had a constructive program...
...But because we don't agree with others does not mean that they are not as good Progressives as we are, and may be better...
...Philip E. Nelson, Maple...
...Three Progressives, Sens...
...FRANK C. HANIGHEN . . . "TXISTINGUISHED au- | thority on military affairs and the munitions trust, will watch the vital scene in Washington for readers of The Progressive...
...Phil called on Progressives to join hands in the work of political realignment...
...One assembly Progressive, Andrew J. Biemiller, Milwaukee, an AFL organizer, accepted membership on the committee...
...I am willinng to concede," La Follette asserted, "that the great part of those who see this foreign policy differently are actuated by sincere motives...
...Phil predicted that the domestic problems of unemployment and agriculture and "all those problems that we had...
...Hanighen, coauthor of "Merchants of Death," the widely acclaimed study on the inter-* national arms traffic, was formerly special European correspondent for the New York Post and the Philadelphia Record...
...Subscribers to The Progressive can cooperate in making this greater enterprise a real success by getting at least one friend to subscribe NOW, in time for the first issue...
...Harper's Magazine, which has published many of his remarkable exposes on military affairs, described him as "the best informed newspaper man on the subject of arms and armaments...
...If democracy is going to survive, we are going to have that kind of a political party in America...
...The Allis-Chalmers plant is ClO-organized...
...Before the hundreds who jammed every first floor room, stood in hallways, on the stairs and even the front porch, to hear him, Phil predicted that, "if democracy is going to survive", America is going to have a political party "that believes profoundly in the American way of life...
...As Progressives thronged into the friendly rooms alive with friendly conversation, the odor of fresh coffee and gay entertainnment by the University of Wisconsin Young Progressives, the afternoon visitors passed under the American flag waving in the winter sun and at night were welcomed by a red and blue electric sign glowing in the window—the symbol of National Progressives of America, the "x" the American voter marks in a circle...
...The 1940 campaign, he illustrated, "demonstrated that we didn't have two political parties in America but only one political party...
...As he spurred Progressives on to the national program ahead, Phil referred to the founding of the NPA in 1938 after he had come to the conclusion that "the New Deal had been abandoned by the New Deal" and declared that nothing he said then or since has changed "this basic question of political realignment in America...
...Senate Progressives fought a determined battle against the measure, succeeded once in having it killed, and then were compelled to retreat in the face of superior numbers of the Republican steamroller...
...The Progressive will bring you these and other outstanding American writers . . . four extra pages of features and pictures . . . printed on' better paper . . .. and at no increase in subscription price...
...These and many more features will appear in the Bigger and Brighter Progressive beginning next week...
...whose brilliant articles won him thousands of friends in the East and Middle West, will contribute a regular column under the title of "The Man In The Alcove...
...Meyer will have a free hand to write as he pleases on topics of timely interest to readers of The Progressive...
...R. Douglas Stuart, Jr., national director, announced that the fight against war had only just begun, and that the committee would concentrate its energies on the campaign to prevent further involvement...
...La Follette's regret that they could not "be present to meet our friends...
...Chase is the author of "The New Western Frontier," "The | Economy of Abundance," "The Tragedy of Waste," ' The Tyranny of Words," and other notable books on the problems of today...
...Observers agreed that the bill's chief purpose was to permit a legis-i lative fishing committee to enter the Allis-Chalmers strike to ferret out alleged Communists...
...I hope that we Progressives set an example of genuine Americanism and show tolerance toward those who disagree with us...
...Some of u.s sincerely believe that we'can do that job best in Europe...
...Real Americans do not disagree that the American way of life is under attack," he went on...
...In addition you can .continue to enjoy such established features as: BOB LA FOLLETTE SAYS...
...Nationally known speakers will stump the nation during the next few weeks to rally public opinion against sending of American naval convoys to Europe and against other war-provoking movesr At the same time, all chapters will launch new membership drives immediately with the cooperation of field organizers assigned to form units in every state'in the union...
...Whatever differences of opinion exist between as are on where we Americans can best defend our way of life...
...His knowledge of wartime hysteria is firsthand, for he served in a concentration camp during the last World War and wrote of his experiences in a moving book called "Hey Yellowbacks...
...We Progressives who az'e isolationists and interventionists," Phil continued, "have very special and very grave responsibilities in this critical period...
...John E. Cash-man, Denmark, and Kenneth Green-quist, Racine, bore the brunt of the fight against the measure...
...STUART CHASE I "^TOTED AUTHOR and ^ economist, whose brilliant articles are eagerly ! sought by leading maga-| zines, whose wise counsel I on current affairs is known and valued by the highest j Government officials, will write special articles for The Progressive...
...Robert M. La Follette, Jr., expressing best wishes and his and Mrs...
...The Bigger and Brighter Progressive will also feature an entire page devoted to a review of the week's developments at home and abroad, illustrated by bright pictures, cartoons, and maps...
...Mr... September, 1939, are going to be back on our doorstep, no matter how this war crisis may develop" and urged Progressives "not to let differences on the question of foreign policy take their eyes off that fact...
...Wisconsin Gets A 'Little Dies' Sleuth Group Establishment of a "little Dies committee" to investigate unAmer-ican activities in factories handling national defense contracts was voted by the Wisconsin legislature last week after a bitter debate in the senate...
...PROGRESSIVE Proudly Presents a Distinguished Group of American Writers Who Will Contribute Regularly to the Bigger and Brighter Progressive Starting Next Week...
...Thousands and millions in America of our kind of people are going to have their coats off, • are going to stand together, and I believe they are going to win," he challenged...
...Surpassing all attendance estimates of the enthusiastic committees of Madison Progressive women who planned the open house, Progressives from all parts of Wisconsin and other states attended as well as local men and ¦Women...
...But don't get the idea that I am asking- for any quarter on my own account," he added, in emphasizing that his personal views are opposed to the President's foreign policy...
...Phil Urges Tolerance / In America, Challenges Progressives To Action PROGRESSIVES last week packed the comfortable old red brick home in Madison that is .now Progressive House at an informal open house, where they heard Philip F. La Fol-lette appeal for tolerance among those who differ on America's foreign policy and challenge Progressives to keep their "eyes on the goal" of a "constructive American solution for the problems of unemployment, agriculture and youth...
...ERNEST L. MEYER . . . AUTHOR and coiumn-ist...
...Among the messages of congratulations to Progressive House was a telegram from Sen...
Vol. 5 • March 1941 • No. 11