Bob LaFollette Says: First Round Lost But Fight Against War Will Go On
Bob LaFollette Says: First Round Lost But Fight Against War Will Go On THE FIGHT AGAINST the President's bill has been lost. Despite an extraordinary response from the people who registered their...
...The unanimously-adopted resolution served blwnt warning on the Axis powers that the United States will not recognize the transfer of any territory in this hemisphere from one non-American power to another non-American power...
...Under terms of the act, President Roosevelt needs the approval of no one to strip American defense supplies of $1,300,000,000 worth of equipment at once...
...In speeches following passages of the bill, Sen...
...Before passing the bill, the Senate, in effect, told the President not to feel tied down by any- restrictions whatsoever in pursuing his foreign policy...
...Hiram Johnson, California, sought to include in the bill a prohibition against the use of future appropriations for the maintenance of military forces outside of the Western Hemisphere, or in combat areas fixed by the President...
...Just before it passed the...
...Some of the Administration's supporters have expressed alarm because the measure did not receive united support...
...Taft to substitute an immediate credit of $f!,000,-000,000 to Britain in place of the bill was pounded down by 61 to 28...
...Under terms of H. R. 1776, on which final action was completed this week, President Roosevelt and he alone is authorized to align the United States with any nation anywhere whose defense he deems vital to the defense of this nation...
...Eliot declared, "and if they (the Axis powers) think they are acts of war, let them act accordingly...
...The Senator suggested that this lopsided distribution of dividends was one reason why "small business finds it difficult to obtain the capital necessary for its life...
...Final passage of the bill paved the way for shipment of huge stores of military and naval materials to Great Britain...
...Its passage this year focuses world attention "on the determination of the American people to prevent foreign meddling in the Western Hemisphere...
...We have lost the first round of the struggle to stay out of war but we must not give up...
...The amendment was slaughtered, mostly by Democrats, 59 to 32...
...The people know now that the President has power to strip our Army and our Navy without getting the approval previously required by law from our military ancl naval experts...
...Robert Taft, Ohio Republican and critic of the President's foreign policy, urged that the act be administered so as to assure the ends of American peace...
...George Fielding Eliot, noted military writer, told school superintendents in convention at Atlantic City...
...The effort by Sen...
...It now becomes the duty and responsibility of those who are unalterably opposed to our getting into foreign war to' register tljat opposition with the President...
...They realize that this hazard to our own security and our ability to defend this nation an/I this hemisphere permits the President to play a hand in the most gigantic game of power politics the world has ever seen, that our future can be staked on the turn of a card three to six thousand miles away from our shores...
...Despite an extraordinary response from the people who registered their determined opposition to the measure and to our entering the war—the ties of party loyalty combined with terrific Administration pressure proved too great...
...Eliot Sees U. S, Convoys, War American "delay" in declaring war on the Axis is necessary "in order to educate the public mind" which at present is "confused," Maj...
...The Senate version cleared the House 317 to 71...
...After four hours of debate, the amendment was killed 56 to 33...
...She depends upon the United States to preserve it...
...There is not the slightest doubt South America will cooperate 100 per cent in hemispheric defense," he reported...
...R. 1776) short circuits the Senate's constitutional power to ratify or reject treaties by giving the Chief Executive alone the power to decide which nation's defense is vital to our own, to proceed on his own initiative, without securing the approval of anyone, to supply those nations with help that he and he alone decides they need, and to decide alone the terms and conditions Robert M. La Follette, Jr...
...A bill to give material aid to Great Britain and to promote the national defense eould have been passed in a week after it was introduced...
...upon which they are to receive such aid...
...The people realize that he has acquired authority to take complete control of our entire national economy and to hook it up to war "everywhere in the world...
...Congress has passed bills for national defense totalling billions and billions almost overnight and with united support...
...They see that the Senate has been put in the position where it can only use a rubber stamp to place its "O...
...He predicted that the United States "soon" will begin convoying merchant .vessels carrying war materials to Britain...
...Millions of citizens have now come to understand that we cannot have our cake and eat it too...
...Congress must appropriate additional billions for subsequent shipments, and President Roosevelt fixed $7,000,000,000 for a starter after hurry-up signing of the bill Tuesday...
...The Lease-Lend Bill authorizes the President to manufacture and procure defense articles, defined to mean practically everything, including farm products, and to sell, transfer, lease, lend, or give tnem away to the government of any nation whose defense he deems vital to the defense of the United States...
...The President has shown in the past that he is keenly aware of public opinion...
...Bob LaFollette Says: First Round Lost But Fight Against War Will Go On THE FIGHT AGAINST the President's bill has been lost...
...Administration*forces even beat down an amendment by one of their most ardent colleagues, Sen Scottx Lucas, Illinois Democrat, who sought unsuccessfully to require the President to consult with a joint congressional committee on defense matters...
...A similar resolution passed both houses of Congress last year, but a difference in the two versions was never adjusted and^ the legislation died...
...Nation Is Hooked Up To World Struggle Under Lease Measure FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE, the United States is today the arsenal of democracy "everywhere in the world...
...I shall continue to do all in my power to keep this country out of foreign war...
...Instead of following a policy upon which the country and Congress would unite at the drop of the hat, the Administration chose to drive through a measure giving the President war-like and war-provoking powers—a law which permits him to get us into war by the back door...
...Thus it is," he said, "that the profits of modern industry accumulate in the hands of a few persons, who, in turn, have not found a way to invest these profits in new enterprises...
...David I. Walsh, Massachusetts Democrat, which would have prohibited the transfer of naval vessels or aircraft which could not be replaced by "a better or more satisfactory craft" in three months...
...They ^ know now that the Congress has given the President supreme power over the foreign policy of the United States...
...25,000 Persons Pocket 35% Of All U. S. Dividends About 35 per cent of all the dividends paid by American corporations go to only 25,000 individuals, Sen...
...The debate in Congress and the country made the issues crystal clear...
...Claude Pepper, Florida Democrat, and warm supporter of H. R. 1776, described it as "a mandate thrust upon President Roosevelt to defend the freedom of the world," while Sen...
...So far as I am concerned I shall keep the promise I made to the people of Wisconsin in the last campaign...
...The President may move with as much secrecy as he desires, for he is required to report to Congress only after 90 days have elapsed from the time of the transfer of materials, and even ther he may withhold information if be deems such continued secrecy in the public interest...
...rT"'HE PEOPLE KNOW now that these are in essence treaty-¦*- making powers...
...The Lease-Lend Bill, about which an historic struggle had raged for 57 days in Congress, became law in exactly the form demanded by the Administration—barren of any restrictions on the President's authority to use armed force wherever he may deem it necessary...
...measure by a 60 to 31 vote which cut across party lines, the Senate rejected by sizeable majorities every attempt to throw a rein over the runaway powers granted in the bill...
...The anti-convoy amendment was defeated by a bigger vote, 63 to 28...
...rpHE PLAIN FACT is that while the Congress and the country ~ are united for an impregnable national defense, neither the Congress nor the country is united on the policy involved in H. R. 1776...
...The first was killed 55 to 33 and the second 54 to 35...
...We should proceed with measures that are in accordance with the interests of the United States," Maj...
...K." on far-reaching commitments affecting the whole future of our country...
...The responsibility for creating disunity in the Congress rests squarely on the Administration...
...Bennett Clark, Missouri Democrat, sponsored an amendment which would have written into the bill the 1940 Democratic national platform pledge that "we will not participate in foreign wars and we will not send our army, n.ivai, or air forces to fight in foreign lards...
...Although the bill requires the President to consult with army and navy officials, it leaves him free to do as he pleases after consulting with them—to take their counsel or reject it...
...Senate Unites On Hemisphere Arms Solidarity Although torn across party and sectional lines on the Lease-Lend Bill and the President's overseas foreign policy, the United States Senate showed unanimous support for the doctrine of Western Hemisphere solidarity when it voted without a dissenting vote this week to write a major concept of Monroe Doctrine into law...
...They know now that the passage of this measure (H...
...Longest Senate debate centered over the amendment by Sen...
...Guy Gillette, Iowa Democrat, made a determined effort to secure two major amendments, one prohibiting American vessels from carrying passengers or materials into combat areas, and the other proposing to strike from the bill the section which permits the President to carry out his foreign program "nothwithstanding the provisions of any other law...
...56 to 35...
...James A. Farley, former postmaster general, returned from a two months tour of South America this week to report our southern neighbors heartily in support of a policy of hemisphere solidarity...
...The amendment was killed...
...Joseph O'Mahoney, chairman of the Senate Monopoly Investigating Committee, pointed out last week...
...Those republics realize their best interests lie with the United States...
...Our traditional policy," the resolution read, "has been to consider any attempt on the part of non-American powers to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to the peace and safety not only of this country but of the other American republics...
Vol. 5 • March 1941 • No. 11