LETTERS to the Editor Catty and Misplaced Adolph Reed Jr.'s parenthetical aside sneering at Jesse Jackson ("Lessons from a Demonstration," August issue) not only did nothing to support his...

...No one knows if Jesse Jackson can play that role...
...Carol Griffin Lexington, Kentucky Cult of Seinfeld Iam one of those people who think Seinfeld is funny (Elayne Rapping, "The Seinfeld Syndrome," September issue...
...LETTERS to the Editor Catty and Misplaced Adolph Reed Jr.'s parenthetical aside sneering at Jesse Jackson ("Lessons from a Demonstration," August issue) not only did nothing to support his thesis, it stained an otherwise meaningful argument with something personal and unattractive...
...citizens who have not joined the cult of Seinfeld...
...Stan Goff Fayetteville, North Carolina The author replies: Wow...
...There are at least two of us left-leaning U.S...
...If you're watching a TV sitcom for an affirmation of life, a reflection of life, or a moral about life, you need to get a life...
...And I suspect there are others...
...Steve Buechler Eden Prairie, Minnesota The editors welcome correspondence from readers on all topics, but prefer to publish letters that comment directly on material previously published in The Progressive...
...and his views on crime—against the death penalty but tough on violent criminals...
...I found myself saying "right on" at several points Herbert makes in the interview: his view that the Republicans and their frightened Democratic allies are playing with fire...
...Some of us are willing to believe that he might...
...Dan Freiberg Minneapolis, Minnesota You are not alone...
...But I've never heard anyone capture so concisely the unnerving quality of the "life-as-spare-time" world of Seinfeld as you do...
...Right On It was a pleasure to read Scott Sherman's interview with Bob Herbert (August issue...
...I'm reminded of how much I've enjoyed your columns over the years...
...Certainly, many of us believe that Reed's derision of Jackson seems catty and misplaced...
...That the situations have anything to do with real life...
...his urging of a strengthened Democratic Party, representing the working people...
...All letters may be edited for clarity and conciseness...
...That I should lead my life this way...
...How many times is Jackson going to have to sell out the left before some people figure out the deal...
...While Jackson may have some defects, he remains the most visible and powerful articulator of progressive principles on the national scene...
...For one who so freely acknowledges the power of personality in advancing the agenda of the far right, Reed is unaccountably myopic about Jackson's potential to mobilize manifold interests for the progressive cause...
...Given the inevitability of a profound social and economic crisis created by the corporations and their Republican pawns, and the public frustration and rage that will escort it, a popular leader who can clearly communicate an alternative may provide an essential unity...
...That my kids should lead their lives this way...
...So many, including those who write for The Progressive, decry our leaders but offer no alternatives...
...Your writing combines common sense, uncommon insight, and a deft feel for the double-edged nature of mass culture...
...Do I think the Seinfeld story lines are frequently insipid, the banter dumb, the situations irritating...
...That there's anything profound going on here...
...I know, because I find myself laughing...
...Herbert comes across as one of the very few political writers who seems to be thinking seriously...
...Do I think the people portrayed are sensitive, useful members of society...
...Yet another true believer...

Vol. 59 • November 1995 • No. 11

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