NO Comment Or Just Plain Carelessness News item from The Portland Oregonian: "Repeated searches of a section of the Mount Hood National Forest have failed to locate additional remains of a man...
...According to an Associated Press account, "Mike Morse, an associate professor of electrical engineering at Auburn University, was called in to conduct the test...
...A vat of salty water, approximating the amount of electrical resistance posed by the human body, lay astride the arms of the chair...
...Operation Al Jolson* Since the police department in Naples, Florida, has only one African-American officer, authorities have put white cops into blackface and bright clothes to trap drug dealers...
...No Cholesterol...
...Sexual Politics From an account of a "brief and fascinating debate at the recent session of all the chambers of the Slovenian Parliament" in the English-language edition of the Yugoslav newspaper Politika: "Minister of Culture...
...It costs $16.95, and the manufacturer, Banning Enterprises, Ltd., says more than half a million have been sold...
...Northrop says the Stealth Condom name "may falsely suggest a connection with" or bring "disrepute" to the military contractor...
...Kill 'em with Kindness After botching an execution last spring—it took three tries to take the life of a condemned prisoner— the state of Florida called in an expert to check out its electric chair...
...Frontiers off Technology News item from Computerworld magazine: "Casey Klimasauskas, president of Neuralware, Inc., in Pittsburgh, develops software used to design non-learning chips...
...Readers are invited to submit No Comment items...
...Frontiers of Free Enterprise "The Final Word" is an electronic voice synthesizer that utters obscene insults at the push of a button...
...Nobody Here But Us Environmentalists From an ad in Utne Reader for a conference to be held in Chicago: "The Role of Company Image & Marketing in the Green Consumer Revolution with Speakers from the Following Companies: Coors Brewing Company, Patagonia, Green Seal/ Earth Day, The Quaker Oats Company, Del Monte Foods, J. Walter Thompson, 3M, Nutrasweet, U.S...
...The delegates of the opposition paid back in kind saying they did not ejaculate but that they had only contributed to the rape committed by the ruling DEMOS coalition with a bit of penetration...
...Please send original clippings or photocopies and give name and date of publication...
...Submissions cannot be acknowledged or returned...
...Virgin Islands...
...The chameleon was induced to change colors in an ad designed to show that the rival New Democratic Party changed its position on issues...
...Oregon State Police are investigating the case as a probable death...
...The military needs to be able to write somebody's name on a bullet, fire it—fire it anyplace in the world—and have it hit that person in the head or the heart,' he said...
...Foods People Eat Available at fine groceries everywhere: "Carmel Kosher Imitation Chicken Flavored Fat (Schmaltz-e-dige) manufactured under strict Orthodox supervision...
...We are not ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur...
...The electric chair works as it is supposed to, Morse said.'" Make Love, Not War The Northrop Corporation, manufacturer of the Air Force's B-2 Stealth Bomber, has asked the U.S...
...NO Comment Or Just Plain Carelessness News item from The Portland Oregonian: "Repeated searches of a section of the Mount Hood National Forest have failed to locate additional remains of a man whose lower leg was found on a Forest Service Road...
...A Heartbeat Away Vice President Dan Quayle, in an interview with the Cleveland Plain Dealer...
...Make War, Not Love Editor Tina Brown of Vanity Fair magazine, explaining why Maria Maples was replaced by Cher as the cover subject of the November issue: "In light of the Gulf crisis, we thought a brunette was more appropriate...
...With Liberty and justice for All In Lorain, Ohio, students at Catholic High School were directed to add the words "for the born and unborn" to the Pledge of Allegiance...
...In Berea, Ohio, students at Berea High School were required to contribute fifty cents each to the United Way if they wanted to attend a homecoming pep rally...
...It took eight hours to film the spot...
...Colorful Campaigning A chameleon featured in a commercial for the Social Credit Party of British Columbia was worked to death, according to Canadian animal-rights activist Peter Hamilton...
...Patent and Trademark Office to deny a trademark to the manufacturer of red-white-and-blue Stealth Condoms, which come in a box shaped like the B-2...
...The head electrodes were attached to a metal colander and the leg electrodes to a pipe...
...Andrej Capuder charged the parliamentary opposition of inciting by their arguments and activities a political ejaculation...
Vol. 54 • December 1990 • No. 12