COMMENT Our endangered species Biologists have determined that the bald eagles and brown pelicans which inhabit the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge along Florida's Atlantic coast suffered...
...For all that can be known now, in light of present trends, the plant could be fully automated in ten years...
...And so the voyage of Columbia, far from being the scientific triumph that was so widely pictured, really marks another backward step on a journey into a perilous unknown...
...After a state constitution is drafted, and if it is approved, Congress will rule on the District's admission to statehood...
...Amidst today's attempts to roll back hard-won gains, the decisive year for women may turn out to be 1981—the year that brought Koop and his ilk into positions of national power...
...It hastens the day when the United States—to be followed eventually by the Soviet Union—will be capable of seeding the skies with satellites equipped with laser beams to destroy satellites, missiles, and other targets...
...Now that apparent reprisal is under investigation...
...The battles of Tina Hobson, an effective and tenacious citizens' advocate, are worth watching...
...In the euphoria that followed that move toward independence, one fact tended to be understated: Final control over the city's budgets, laws', courts, and taxing powers continued to rest with Congress...
...But when Hobson got back to her old post at Consumer Affairs, she found the staff of thirty had been reduced to fifteen and the annual budget of $6 million reduced to $200,000...
...Last November, D.C...
...Throughout most of its history, the District of Columbia has lacked any appreciable measure of self-government...
...Doctrine squads...
...And with our livelihoods in their hands, we can expect, like Detroit, to give in...
...There will be no public control whatsoever over the management, or operation, or conduct of the plant," he said...
...could also pick up as much as $3.5 million annually through property taxes on certain non-governmental buildings which Congress now is able to exempt through special bills...
...But a subcommittee chaired by black California Democrat Ronald V. Dellums, a long-time supporter of D.C...
...A truck in the sky might be worth paying for if it enhanced our knowledge, produced an economic dividend, provided people with useful work, or lifted our spirits with its nightly twinkle...
...Israel has been especially willing to supply Latin American regimes shunned by other exporters...
...Now, both the industry and Congress have settled for dismantling the Act piece by piece...
...As Judge Ryan pointed out in his dissenting opinion, General Motors has made no legal commitment on employment levels at the new plant...
...The heaviest blame should properly fall on an economic system which allows huge corporations to determine whether cities and towns live or die...
...Koop's impact on the 1979 crop of osteopathic practitioners is unknown, but his potential impact as Surgeon General is awesome...
...Ordered by one Reaganite to send an undercover "operative" in blue jeans and a flannel shirt to a meeting of a consumers' group in Denver, Hobson appealed the decision, won the round, and attended the meeting herself, properly identified as a DOE official...
...In the real world, of course, it is usually Koop's fellow conservatives—not abortion rights activists— who show contempt for the "unfit" and support for the polities that would make our country "pure": capital punishment, reductions in medical and food subsidies, and police harassment of dissenters, to name a few...
...Capital colony With little national fanfare, residents of the nation's capital have taken steps which could lead to making the District of Columbia the fifty-first state—and the first state with a majority black and totally urban population...
...For pelicans and bald eagles, the space shuttle's diversion of economic and human resources from more urgent tasks may be of little moment...
...From 1974 to 1979, according to the Washington-based Institute for Policy Studies, El Salvador purchased eighteen Israeli fighter bombers, six overhauled trainers, and twenty-five Arava short takeoff and landing tactical planes well-suited for counterinsurgency warfare...
...Since the 1950s, Guatemala consistently has been one of Israel's staunchest supporters in the United Nations...
...Delegate Fauntroy has dismissed statehood as "impractical from an economic and political frame of reference...
...But there has been no correlation between quality of life and the purchase of house paint, carpets, couches, cushions—or Redbook...
...The rest of us should be so lucky...
...Instead, they stress that the arms industry and its exports are necessary for Israel's military self-sufficiency...
...Can the embattled Jewish state afford further to tarnish its image with its arms sales...
...Magistrate Robert DiGiacomo denied them a court-appointed attorney because, he said, prison sentences were so unlikely for such a minor offense...
...But when introducing S. 270, Republican Senator Harrison Schmitt of New Mexico claimed that "administrative deregulation is not enough...
...The serious shortcomings of the Home Rule Act caused many working toward self-determination to see statehood as the only way the District would be able to control its local affairs...
...Even more to the point was Proxmire's estimate that the space shuttle program will wind up costing the American taxpayers $20 billion...
...Planned obsolescence A full-page Redbook ad in Advertising Age shows a solemn young woman painting her first home and making a wistful appeal: "Don't pass up the best sixteen years of my life...
...Media coverage simultaneously enhances and exaggerates Presidential power...
...Even without the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine, issue ads are certain to find a more prominent place in radio, now that radio stations no longer have to maintain program logs...
...If the broadcasters can get rid of the Fairness Doctrine, they can accept corporate advocacy ads without having to provide response time to citizen groups...
...He wants to deal only with scientists working on high technology and centralized energy projects, she said—not citizens "who are interested in all kinds of things but mostly in things they can do themselves...
...Home Rule Act, which gave the District power to elect its own mayor and city council...
...This perspective, which has our whole political life revolving around one individual, distorts reality and obscures some questions that might otherwise be asked, Should anyone, whether a President, a surrogate, or a usurper, have the power to decide whether millions of human beings live or die...
...Although Israel was severely criticized for aiding Somoza, Yoram Shapira, Israeli co-editor of Israeli-Latin American Relations, says the issue of arms sales to Nicaragua must be looked at in perspective: "We were repaying a friend...
...And for the price of that we could have bought any one of the following: H An alternative energy research and development program that might have ended the nation's dependence on nuclear power and imported oil...
...More than a third of the 400 shuttle flights planned over the next decade will have military missions...
...The Soviet Union, lagging behind in this as in other technological aspects of the nuclear arms race, will soon be making every effort to catch up...
...Menachem Karmi, the director of the Latin American division of Israel's foreign ministry, says, "To make the industry viable, we need the revenues from arms exports...
...f Substantial improvements in nutritional and medical care for the children of a nation that may now rank first in space but still finds itself a distant thirteenth in its infant mortality rate...
...Armand "Rock" Reiser, the aide who started the whole thing by ordering the undercover operation in Denver, has left the Department...
...Following these proposals, on April 1 the Commission released plans for another rule aimed at reducing or eliminating the delay between construction of a nuclear plant and issuance of an operating license...
...The shuttle gives American rockets five times the payload capacity of Soviet rockets...
...Voting Rights Amendment, a measure which would give the District two Senators and one House member but add no other new powers to the District government...
...Then the first of several dominoes fell in 1973 when the Supreme Court gave women the right to have an abortion on demand...
...At first, broadcasters tried to get Congress to rewrite the "antiquated" Communications Act of 1934...
...Following a mysterious logic, broadcasters have implied that the very regulations intended to safeguard the public interest are what keep broadcasters from offering high-quality programming...
...But in a complex world that all too often seems to follow no rational or comprehensible design, many of us seem to draw comfort from the notion that some human agent—even a very fallible President—is in control...
...Then, in what seemed to be a punitive transfer, she found herself assigned to another office...
...Who's really in charge...
...By reassuring us that the President has it all under control, the media subtly contribute to our own sense of declining political power—and to our deepening conviction that the decline is irreversible...
...Thanks to Israel, the Salvadoran military, closely allied with the country's right-wing death squads, has one of the best-equipped air forces in the region...
...In 1978, Israel sold a squadron of Dagger Mirage fighters to Argentina...
...Where was the famous "black box" during those fateful hours...
...Most Israeli military and government officials are reluctant to discuss the political implications of their arms sales...
...Then, at the end of the trial, he ordered them to pay $50 fines—and to serve thirty days in jail...
...The economic argument against statehood is also weak...
...But the assessment of Senator William Proxmire of Wisconsin, one of the few not swept off his feet, was closer to the mark: "We're putting a truck up in the sky, and we're told it's a second coming...
...The pattern is a familiar one by now, and has almost been standardarized: an obsessive fascination with every detail of a President's life and, especially in times of crisis, with every symbol and instrument of Presidential authority...
...When seventeen anti-draft activists came to trial for participating in a non-violent sit-in, U.S...
...General Motors simply held over Detroit the threat of building its new Cadillac plant in the Sunbelt—and Detroit gave in...
...Test case When President Reagan's appointees moved in to retool the Department of Energy (DOE), they failed to reckon on the stubborn integrity of such civil servants as Tina Hobson, director of DOE's Office of Consumer Affairs...
...Overthrowing the magistrate's decision is, therefore, important not only for the Boston Eighteen but also for demonstrators who may in the future face judges tempted to sacrifice civil liberties to encourage conformity...
...If A $100 tax rebate for every woman, man, and child in the United States...
...were a state and the special Federal payment were eliminated altogether, the lost revenue could be made up through tax on in- ' come earned in D.C...
...That is a fact which Congress has reluctantly faced little by little over the years...
...Indeed, Virginia Republican Representative Robert W. Daniel introduced a resolution to veto the initiative...
...The special Federal payment to the District, which is supposed to compensate for the Government's negative impact on the city, cannot by law rise above $300 million a year—yet the city government has estimated actual negative Federal impact as well over $400 million...
...Infanticide for defective babies...
...because it's 'too black.' " Self-government activists call the District of Columbia "the last colony...
...As the industry grew, so did arms exports...
...From that point, Koop's "dominoes" began to fall with a sickening clatter: "You will remember it was 1985 when it became illegal for an obstetrician to deliver a defective baby that could have been diagnosed before birth...
...I only hope I can finish before the Doctrine Squad hears of my misbehavior...
...So long as the space program remains the captive of narrow nationalism, so long as it is the creature of military minds that would destroy the planet in order to save it, no life will be safe while the metal birds still fly from Merritt Island...
...The hollow scepter As surgeons labored over President Reagan late Last March, could Vice President Bush have pushed the button that would send our intercontinental missiles toward their targets in the Soviet Union...
...But for humans, the money now committed to hauling objects back and forth from space could have supplied a variety of tangible, terrestrial public services... its colonial status...
...Unless last-ditch efforts rescue part of blue-collar Poletown, 1,000 homes, more than 100 small businesses, sixteen churches, two schools, and a hospital will be levelled to give GM the 465-acre site it demands as its price for staying in Detroit...
...Koop is wrong...
...Segregated from the other prisoners, he was thus prevented from giving them legal advice...
...The Stockholm Institute states that Israel supplied 98 per cent of Somoza's imports until the Sandinista takeover...
...The Fairness Doctrine requires broadcasters to offer opposing viewpoints when they present controversial issues...
...Thus, he said, the public power of eminent domain had been used— wrongly used—without the promise of public control...
...What could have become a "marketplace of ideas" will be definitively a marketplace for corporate opinion...
...Delegate Fauntroy, an amendment supporter, explains that some of the states, like some members of Congress, are "afraid of D.C...
...And Israel has continued to sell arms to Guatemala, the Latin American country most guilty of long-term systematic terror, according to Amnesty International...
...State-owned Israel Aircraft Industry is the nation's largest industrial enterprise and largest exporter...
...With unemployment in Detroit at 18 per cent—30 per cent among blacks—the loss of 6,000 jobs is a threat grave enough to tempt the city to promise to spend more than $200 million preparing a site which GM will buy for $8 million...
...As for population, the District has more residents than six other states already in the Union...
...Your grandparents knew something about the sanctity of life," he said...
...Does the President actually have such power—and if not, in whose behalf does he wield it...
...statutory deregulation is the most effective way to insure timely deregulation...
...Yet Israel, more than most nations, invokes a moral justification for its existence and for its policies...
...But a commencement address he delivered in 1979 at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine says it all...
...The most important event in American history since the Civil War was the Supreme Court decision about abortion-on-demand in 1973," Koop told his audience...
...Statehood supporters believe by that time the legal, fiscal, and moral case for statehood will have been so forcefully demonstrated that Congress will not be able to keep D.C...
...The Radio Deregulation Act would grant radio stations virtually "permanent" licenses while eliminating requirements for maintaining program logs or for ascertaining the problems, needs, and interests of the community...
...Ironically, earlier this year, the FCC voluntarily took significant steps to deregulate radio—steps which included many of the provisions outlined in the Radio Deregulation Act...
...Energy Secretary James Edwards (who stopped release of 12,000 copies of the Department's monthly magazine because of complaints it was anti-nuclear) "envisions this agency as another Atomic Energy Commission," she told us...
...In providing that small comfort, however, the media exact a heavy price...
...And for all species—pelicans and people alike— Columbia's "success" is, in another important respect, little short of an unmitigated disaster...
...voters approved an initiative that will lead to the election of delegates to a state constitutional convention...
...The organization called Concern for Dying, which was called the Euthanasia Council in my day, knew that if they repeated the term 'Death with Dignity' often enough, you would buy it, and you did...
...Broadcasters estimate that these and other corporate issue campaigns could provide them with an additional $100 million each year...
...when the police were escorting him out, he sat down in the elevator—and soon was himself behind bars...
...So far, Koop has been unwilling to testify in preliminary Congressional hearings on his eligibility for the job...
...Under that review process, an operating license might not be issued until eighty days after a favorable decision by a licensing board...
...By the seventies, that kind of talk was almost passe...
...Israelis also point out that the arms industry, which employs one fourth of Israel's work force, is important to their failing economy...
...Already, broadcasters are looking ahead to a legislated elimination of the Fairness Doctrine, possibly the last legal tool which citizens can use to assure a measure of public responsibility from broadcasters...
...Life began to be cheapened when several states in the late sixties and early seventies liberalized the abortion laws...
...But Hobson is angry—not only about her personal experience but also about what is happening at the Department of Energy...
...That is the overriding significance of Columbia's flight...
...Now, perceiving "unwarranted and expensive delays," the NRC plans to gut its earlier regulation either by allowing a licensing board decision to take immediate effect or by drastically reducing the length of time before a decision becomes effective...
...If adopted, the new rules will make even less responsive a process already weighted heavily in favor of utility companies and against the public...
...All's fair For the last several years, the broadcast industry has been increasingly uncomfortable with the notion that it has some duty, since it uses public airwaves, to operate in the public interest...
...No tea party In rock-ribbed Boston, a Federal magistrate has done his part to discourage rebellion...
...Two key measures have already been introduced and are being rushed through the Senate: the Radio Deregulation Act of 1981 (S...
...And Israel sold 150 Shafrir missiles to Chile in 1976, even though the U. S. Government had officially stopped all military aid to Chile because of its human rights record...
...The Washington Post remained editorially neutral and—like The Washington Star—gave more coverage to an initiative to establish a city lottery than to the statehood initiative...
...statehood, rejected the veto resolution in a cliff-hanging 5-to-4 vote...
...Or, left in the pockets of the taxpayers, it could have satisfied some substantial private needs...
...Attempts to do so, however, were bogged down in subcommittees as public interest groups and broadcasters argued over which protections for the public should remain, and which should be eliminated... people living in Maryland and Virginia suburbs...
...During the 1947-1948 period, Tacho Somoza, the father of the late dictator Anastasio, helped support the pre-state, Zionist underground movement...
...Ironically, the national capital is the one place where Americans can be certain of not having the full rights of self-government...
...An eighteenth defendant was given the same sentence later: Not even a demonstrator, he had come to the lockup after the arrests to check on the others...
...It began with the living will...
...they say that if Israel doesn't sell arms to Latin America, someone else will, perhaps a non-Western power...
...11 Mass transportation assistance that could have gone a long way toward restoring America's rail passenger service to economic viability...
...Congress, historical overseer for the District, could have blocked the statehood move...
...Israelis who take a pragmatic view of their arms sales don't deny that Israel may be supplying repressive regimes...
...Although the haste with which the city complied was unseemly, the greatest blame lies not with the city, nor even with the Michigan Supreme Court which agreed to the city's use of eminent domain for private purposes, a decision that dissenting Judge James L. Ryan said "seriously jeopardized the security of all private property ownership...
...270) and the TV Licensing and Renewal Act (S...
...While the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and most press commentators ignore or downplay the military significance of the space shuttle, that aspect does not escape the notice of the players themselves...
...Those best years, Redbook tells advertisers, are eighteen to thirty-four, the years when a woman is choosing products for "a lasting lifestyle...
...The shuttle marks a giant step in the militarization of outer space...
...It has enabled such groups as the Safe Energy Communications Council to air public service announcements in response to the nuclear industry's recent multi-million-dollar advertising campaign...
...The Stockholm International Peace Research institute not only singles out Israel as El Salvador's principal arms source, but it also reports that last year, most of Israel's $1 billion worth of arms exports were sold to Latin America...
...What the space shuttle does do, we are told, is lengthen our lead in space...
...Israel's Latin American customers also include Panama, Honduras, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Mexico, where Israel has a licensed assembly plant for the Arava aircraft...
...Contributions to pay for the appeals may be sent to the Boston Anti-Draft Legal Defense Fund, 56 Winslow Street, Cambridge, MA 02138...
...James Murray (James Murray, a free-lance media consultant, teaches broadcasting at the Chillicothe Correctional Institute in southeast Ohio...
...Prior to the 1967 Six Day War, Israel relied almost exclusively on French weapons...
...The treatment of the Boston Eighteen was by far the harshest meted out as a consequence of recent draft protests...
...In the city's poorest and predominantly black areas, approval ran 75 per cent and up...
...Dominoes In his zeal to appoint a Surgeon General who would go to any extreme to make motherhood mandatory, Ronald Reagan has named Philadelphia pediatrician C. Everett Koop—a man with no experience in public health, but plenty in anti-abortion crusading...
...In fact, the Constitution states that Congress shall have exclusive legislative control over a Federal district "not exceeding ten miles square...
...If Congress effectively eliminates the public's right to respond to corporate opinion ads, and if it eliminates any requirements for news and public affairs, it will have dropped all pretense of protecting the public interest...
...As those impressions become ever more deeply imbedded in public consciousness, it is not surprising that increasingly we find in our midst those for whom the only adequate expression of personal frustration is a senseless act 6f violence directed at a President...
...Before the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israel was exporting only about $10 million in arms annually...
...Secular humanism became the state anti-religion in 1989.1 will be punished for speaking of the Lord, I know...
...Longevity tests...
...Nuclear fast track In an effort to get the nuclear industry back on the track, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has proposed measures to speed up the licensing process...
...No child was declared alive until seventy-two hours after birth to let its parents decide whether they wanted a baby or not...
...Responding to concerns after the Three Mile Island accident, the NRC decided that when one of its licensing boards authorizes operation of a reactor, the authorization would not become effective until both an appeal board and the full commission reviewed and approved the decision...
...Then, in 1987, the Nobel Prize winner, Watson, famous for discovering the double helix of DNA, had his way...
...Then in 1973, Congress finally passed the D.C...
...In reality, information realized through discovery often forms a key part of the cross-examination strategy of citizen groups...
...Some of the Pentagon satellites on the shuttle's manifest are so big they could not be lifted into orbit by other means...
...Some years have been better than others, the women report...
...Without logs, it may be hard for the public to substantiate claims that the Fairness Doctrine has been violated...
...It puts the United States so far ahead that it raises the question of whether there is a serious race in space between the two superpowers, particularly when the military applications of the space shuttle are considered...
...Statehood advocates have been opposed by the D.C...
...The whole sorry episode illustrates corporate capacity for blackmailing cities and citizens into submission...
...Many Israelis complain that criticism of their arms sales is discriminatory...
...Or, at some point, we, as a nation, can say no, and begin to dismantle the corporate state...
...The ad budgets for the Edison Electric Institute and the pro-nuclear Committee for Energy Awareness alone are about $8.5 million a year...
...That decision and all that followed it has made your life what it is today and will determine how you die and perhaps when...
...Other changes eyed by the Commission would have the similar effect of speeding up the process while setting citizen groups at a disadvantage...
...Was Secretary of State Alexander Haig really in command down in the White House Situation Room...
...It was intended to serve as a warning to activists: The District Attorney asked for prison sentences as a "deterrent" to future protests...
...A representative of Israel's foreign ministry put it this way: "Expecting Israel to be more ethical than other nations is one way of expressing anti-Semitism...
...Elsewhere, old loyalties also seem to carry great weight...
...These were among the questions that began to preoccupy the news media as soon as the first shock of the attempt on Reagan's life had passed...
...League of Women Voters, The Washington Star, and Walter E. Fauntroy, the District's non-voting delegate in Congress for the last fen years...
...The most serious obstacle to statehood for the District is likely to be racism...
...John Hanrahan (John Hanrahan is a free-lance writer in Washington...
...But even such modest feats, it seems, are beyond the ability of this latest space spectacular...
...From the ballyhoo that accompanied it, one would think the launching and recovery of Columbia, the world's first reusable space vehicle, was on a par with Sir Isaac Newton's discovery of the laws of motion or, at the least, the invention of the internal combustion engine...
...Because of the Palestinian question, all Israeli actions are carefully scrutinized by the world community...
...One of the amendments would exempt the NRC staff from formal "discovery"—a process by which citizen groups can request information on vital safety and environmental issues...
...Under the amendment, the NRC staff would respond to requests for information "whenever practicable...
...Profits from exports are funneled into development of more sophisticated weaponry...
...Blackmailing Detroit In a compelling demonstration of what "reindustrialization" may mean for America, the city of Detroit is using its power of eminent domain to clear away an entire neighborhood to make room for a new General Motors plant...
...She appealed that decision, too—this time to the House Civil Service Subcommittee...
...They include prohibiting motions to reconsider pre-hearing orders and authorizing the chair of the three-member licensing board to make crucial prehearing decisions...
...What happens to Tina Hobson may tell us how well consumer interests are holding up at the Reagan Department of Energy...
...In fact, throughout the last decade, Israel has been arming Latin American countries in crisis...
...The NRC believes "most of discoverable information can ultimately be produced at the hearing on cross-examination of staff witnesses...
...As our economy faces tests ever more difficult, we can expect corporations to make ever greater demands...
...the initiative was rejected only in the predominantly white areas of upper Northwest Washington, Georgetown, and Foggy Bottom...
...Since then, exports have risen to $1 billion...
...Sadly, the expenditure of millions and the sacrifice of a tightly knit neighborhood still may not guarantee Detroit the prize it is seeking...
...The TV Act would extend television station licenses to five years, would assure a station renewal of its license if it "substantially meets" the needs and interests of the public and if it doesn't "seriously violate" regulations, and would prevent the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from considering any other applicant for the license unless it had already determined that the present license-holder was undeserving of renewal...
...An office poll of women at The Progressive revealed widespread disagreement with Redbook's choice of the prime years... is indeed time to force a full confrontation...
...The second domino that fell was infanticide, and the third was euthanasia...
...In a flight of fancy, Koop took the graduates twenty years into the future...
...The police also arrested and later released observers at the sit-in, including a legal observer from the National Lawyers' Guild...
...Congress will have another chance farther down the road to deny full citizenship to those who live in the nation's-capital...
...As aerospace writer Thomas O'Toole has pointed out in The Washington Post, the stakes in space are essentially geopolitical and military: "The spectacular maiden flight of our space shuttle Columbia puts the United States at least ten years ahead of the Soviet Union in the race for supremacy in outer space...
...Subcommittee Chairwoman Pat Schroeder, Colorado Democrat, used the hearings to warn all new Reagan officials not to play "fast and loose with the law...
...Christine Dugas (Christine Dugas, a journalist who specializes in Latin American affairs, recently returned from a trip to Israel...
...District residents could not even vote for President until ratification of a Constitutional amendment in 1961...
...COMMENT Our endangered species Biologists have determined that the bald eagles and brown pelicans which inhabit the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge along Florida's Atlantic coast suffered no ill effects from the April blast-off of the space shuttle from nearby launchpad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center...
...The first round of proposed changes was released in mid-March...
...Statehood for D.C., with its 70 per cent black population, means more black power—and more black power in Congress...
...That prospect has probably hindered ratification of the D.C...
...If D.C...
...This, says Andrew Schwartzman at Media Access Project, is "the most cynical part of the deregulation" because it "cripples citizens' ability to enforce the tools which supposedly are left to them...
...Again she won, under a law that prohibits involuntary reassignment of a career executive within the first four months of a new administration...
...We're back in space again after several years," said Air Force Secretary Verne Orr...
...It also does away with any requirements for providing news, public affairs, or locally produced programs and prevents the FCC from restricting the length or number of commercials...
...We can expect more of the same in the future...
...Other opponents have suggested that the District is too small to be a state and that, besides, the Constitution bars District statehood...
...Arms from Israel The major arms supplier to El Salvador is not—as the Reagan Administration wanted us to believe—the Soviet Union: It is Israel...
...Then the living will was, by their own later acknowledgement, the thin edge of the wedge that brought in the Supreme Court decision on voluntary euthanasia, which, of course, led to the compulsory euthanasia decision of the Supreme Court for the infirm, the senile, and finally for those over eighty who failed the comprehensive test for longevity...
...General Motors will be accountable not to the public but to its stockholders...
...The Constitution says nothing about a minimum size for the Federal district, and the statehood initiative would exempt the White House, Capitol, Mall, and other monument areas from inclusion in the new state...
...His nomination has come at a time when Congress is scrambling to give the fetus complete rights of citizenship, when the White House doors are thrown open to anti-abortion marchers, and when various state laws limiting abortion rights are being upheld by the Supreme Court, which granted those rights in the first place...
...In 1978, after the United States stopped economic and military aid to the Anastasio Somoza government in Nicaragua, Israel stepped in with shipments of heavy mortars* machine guns, and helicopters...
...the French arms embargo at the start of the war quickly underscored Israel's military vulnerability, and prompted it to pour more effort into establishing a domestic arms industry...
...The Pentagon, which constantly accuses the Soviets of designing the very military advances that are on its own drawing boards, is now consolidating its lead in space weaponry...
...Tom Galazen (Tom Galazen, a writer in Turtle Lake, Wisconsin, has participated in licensing hearings...
...And colonial status it truly is...
...The cumulative impact is simple and direct: The President—any President—holds awesome power, and therefore his every move is automatically high drama...
...Only nine of the necessary thirty-eight states have ratified the amendment, and the deadline for ratification is 1985...
Vol. 45 • June 1981 • No. 6