_ASSOCIATIONS_ ECOLOGISM POLITICAL PARTY (USA), 1801 E. Wilshire, Fullerton, CA 92631._ BERTRAND RUSSELL SOCIETY. Information; PR, RD1, Box 409, Coopersburg, PA 18036._ THE SOCIETY OF...
...312) 627-8659 or Box 302, Villa Park, IL 60181...
...For a complimentary booklet, Disarmament in Attitude and Action, write World Goodwill, Dept...
...SHELTERFORCE, a national housing publication, features special issues on Condo Conversions and carries information on housing policies, rent control, displacement, and tenant organizing...
...NATURAL PRESS, Box 75, Manitowoc, Wl 54220._ FREE MAGAZINE featuring 500 books...
...Write for a free first issue...
...1948 advertisement poster...
...120 pages...
...Doubled in size, up-dated, over popular 1974 edition: "Consumer cooperation: Heritage and dream," by Sekerak/Danforth...
...Educational Research Associates, 506 Citizens Trust Bank Tower, Atlanta, GA 30303...
...Guardian Tours, 33 West 17 Street, New York, NY 10011...
...Send for price list...
...C. Berresford, P.O...
...3 postpaid...
...Resource persons include: Berit & George Lakey, Deanna Francis, Joanna Macy, Jeanne Gallo, Russell Johnson, Special children's program...
...302, Box 163, Athens, OH 45701...
...FOR SALE_ "THE INTELLIGENCE NETWORK"—A 16 mm, 35 minute, color documentary translating the widely scattered revelations of abuses by intelligence agencies into a personal chilling story about violations of political rights at home and abroad...
...A Periodical Retreat...
...Garth did wait for our midwife...
...Detailed Instructions...
...Box M-3, Valley Stream, NY 11582...
...ASPASIA'S GALLERY, Box 547P, Sebastopol, CA 95472._ VEGETARIAN DOG FOOD...
...ATTN: COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS and Housing Activists...
...COMMUNITY JOBS, Box 113, 1704 R Street, NW, Washington, D.C...
...Rainbow, Honokaa, Hawaii 96727._ GAY...
...FIGHTING THE FOOD GIANTS—A former Corporate Insider reveals how America's huge food conglomerates are ripping you off...
...Harrison Research, P.O...
...Out of El Salvador" bumperstickers $1.50 each, $75.00 per 100...
...Constructive non-violent efforts toward an open society...
...No Nukes," Bumperstickers $1.00 each, 10/$6.00...
...Resort area...
...Complete instructions...
...For itinerary and more information write: Marcy Fink, D.C...
...because it's made by elves in a hollow tree!' T-shirt, S-M-L $6.50...
...From $610 all inclusive...
...Nonprofit Revenge, Dept...
...2.50 each, 3 for $5.50...
...15 postpaid...
...If not, write "cancel" on the bill and keep the free issue...
...Write for "Friends and the Seeker...
...Let us begin to contact one another, exchange views and information and develop an Alaskan agenda for the '80s...
...Box 23691P, Washington, D.C...
...rental information: Campaign for Political Rights, 201 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, D.C...
...Rips, Box 341164, Coral Gables, FL 33114._ MARIJUANA AS MEDICINE...
...Philosophy of all kinds...
...History, principles, achievements, current status, and more...
...DISARMAMENT is the most important problem facing humanity today...
...Standard Industrial type radiation measuring devices now available to the general public...
...Box 17711, Denver, CO 80217...
...Catharines 557, Ontario, Canada L2R 7C9.__ SUCCESS IS KILLING CAPITALISM...
...Send $1 to Imity, Box i071, Hays, KS 67601.___ We can custom print your message...
...60 pages...
...You have nothing to lose but your cabin fever...
...Write: The Charpen-tiers, Golden Arrow, Georges Mills, NH 03751...
...Includes three chapters on ventriloquism, humor in Africa, humor in the art class, etc...
...C, 2138 Sommers, Madison, Wl 53704._ "EXXON SUXX" plus three other anticorporate buttons, $2...
...All figures were taken from reports of American Telephone and Telegraph, the parent company...
...Free copy of journal on request...
...Provoker Press, St...
...Write Peter Sperling Books, Dept...
...Information: DeBolt, 222 Harbour Drive, Naples, FL 33940._ COFFEES & TEAS...
...The Humbug Co., Box 71-B, College Comer, OH 45003...
...PERSONALS_ ORIENTAL WOMEN want to write you...
...Nutritious, easy, and Fido loves it...
...Write Dept B, World Issues Program, SIT, The Experiment in International Living, Brattleboro, VT 05301...
...For itinerary and cost contact: Promoting Enduring Peace, Box 5103, Woodmont, CT 06460.__ CUBA—EXPERIENCE IT YOURSELF...
...5.00 and we'll rush you a copy postpaid...
...Educational, legal, political, support group for adult-youth relationships...
...1000-year durability powerpaks for agriculture, etc...
...20010.___ PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF MONGOLIA AND SIBERIA 3 week exploratory tour beginning July 5 can accept limited number of interested people...
...PUBLICATIONS_ ORGANIZING NOTES, the newsletter for people who want to know what the intelligence agencies are doing...
...Send SASE to the Alliance for Cannabis Thera-peutics, P.O...
...HYLAND ROOFING & CHIMNEY REPAIRS... Karl Grossman (12/80) 302 pages, hard cover...
...BOOK PUBLISHING_ BOOK PUBLISHING—manuscripts and inquiries invited...
...If you like it, pay just $8.88 (40% off) for nine more issues...
...Sample issue $1.00...
...Samarkand, Rt.tP, Gleason, Wl 54435...
...For information contact Libby Barnett, Wilton Center.NH 03086 (603) 654-6474...
...A revealing book by one of our leading Investigation and aviation experts...
...Box 60, Batavia, N.Y...
...Ellen Ingber, Box 752-B, Valley Stream, NY 11582._ "RESIST THE REAGANAUTS," "RECALL REAGAN," "U.S...
...1, Box 621, Weslaco.TX 78596.__ KANNON Bodhisattva of Compassion Notecards, $3.50 package of ten...
...NEWLY PUBLISHED PAPERBACK—"Laugh or Get A Refund...
...336 1/2 S. State, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104.__ "ECONOMICS AND POLITICS OF, BY, AND FOR THE PEOPLE...
...Schola Press, Box 14317, Austin, TX 78761._ CO-OP COOKBOOK...
...Angeles, WA 98362.__ NEW COMPUTER DESIGNED LENS gives you 7 foot diagonal pictures from your t.v...
...Sa-markand, Rt...
...Light, entertaining with humor...
...Top quality freeze-dried and dehydrated—single serving pouches to multi-case survival units...
...Info, subscription or advertising rates...
...566, New York, NY 10017...
...Group living...
...Plaza, no...
...20002.__ HUMAN ECONOMY NEWSLETTER, "Economics as if People Mattered...
...Multina-tional Monitor, Box 19312, Washington, D.C...
...Limited to 20 students...
...The Equally Moral Minority...
...Call CONTACT...
...5 cash or $10 check for Perfect Fact Pak with standing offer of proof and S Day report...
...Free catalogue and swatches...
...Box 945, Muskegon, Ml 49443._ COUNTY-BY-COUNTY VOTER RETURNS of major and minor Presidential candidates, with percentages...
...receive ON regularly for a donation of $10 or more, Campaign for Political Rights, Suite 316B, 201 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, D.C...
...Write or call for a brochure...
...Review copy: $1.00 Special group rates...
...EMERGENCY CHILDBIRTH was a great help when I went into labor with my midwife out of town (candlelit reading between contractions...
...Apple of the Earth, P.O...
...Box 88, Falls Village, CT 06031...
...Box 242, Beaver, PA 15009._ SEA SILK SPONGES $2.25...
...70 low cost, whole-food recipes...
...Send $11.95 to P.R., Box 18191, Atlanta, GA 30316...
...S-M-L $fr.5Q...
...Meet intelligent, interesting people locally or nationwide...
...Work independently...
...Box 1044, Alexandria, VA 22313...
...Larry Fox, P.O...
...Try our fresh roasted gourmet coffees and quality teas...
...DSOC/Alaska, Box 80967, College, AK 99708...
...Box 721 -P, New Vernon, NJ 07976...
...Our 19 page rubber stamp catalog features over 325 different designs...
...P, Box 300, Old Chelsea Station, New York, NY 10113.__ THE TRUTH ABOUT AMERICAN TACTICAL FIGHTERS...
...Sample copy available free...
...CORPORATE CONTROL OF FOOD, a new book by Susan George, will be sent to you post-paid the same day our bookshop receives your check for $4.80...
...1912 Presidential campaign poster, with Debs portrait, reproduced in black and red on white, 23" by 28", $4.00 each, postpaid from Debs Foundation, Box 843, Terre Haute, IN 47808...
...State hip/waist measurements...
...12-WONTH SERVICE-LEARNING PROGRAM in rural Georgia...
...With Friends, religion is experiential—not creed, nor outward sacrament, nor ritual...
...Wide variety...
...1,000 or $300 year around...
...Subscriptions: $15/year Personal, $20/year Non-profit institution, $30/year Business institution...
...35.00 each...
...212) 232-5500._ SINGLE BOOKLOVERS gets cultured, single, widowed, or divorced persons acquainted...
...Natural, white, black, plum, navy, pecan...
...Box 551, Amherst, MA 01004._ MULTINATIONAL MONITOR—Monthly magazine sponsored by Ralph Nader, focusing on the global power of large corporations and their effects on Third World development...
...The Loving Spoonful, 307 S. Roan St., Johnson City, TN 37601._ ECOLOGY-DECORATED STATIONERY: Sheet and envelope, 35 cents...
...BB, Box 7732, Madison, Wl 53707.__ QUESTION AUTHORITY buttons 2/$1, bumperstickers $1, T-shirts (S-M-L-XL), $6...
...Free catalog...
...Emphasis on • low-income .community development, organizing and community educations non-elitist setting integrated with strong academic component...
...Oil Leases," Box 3252, Evansville, IN 47731._ CHANGE JOBS...
...The Resistance, Dept...
...PE, 1520 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102._ NEW SINGLES PUBLICATION for writers, thinkers, progressives...
...What must be done to end unemployment and inflation and who must do it...
...Sell portable radiation monitor-alarm for commissions averaging $30 per unit...
...Box 86PR, Cutten, CA 95534...
...10 ($12 regularly...
...1, Lake Winnipeasaukee, NH...
...ORGANIZATIONS_ ALASKAN PROGRESSIVES UNITE (Also socialists, radicals, democrats, etc...
...Send to Word Enterprise, Box 535-F, Fairview, NJ 07022...
...Facts, factions, recent changes analyzed...
...Purchase price $75...
...Small wonders, #73A, Endeavor, Wl 53930_ WATER DISTILLER...
...Box 515P, Auberry, CA 93602...
...1P, Gleason, Wl 54435...
...Write Dorrance & Company, Dept: D9, Cricket Terrace Center, Ardmore, PA 19003...
...TRAVEL_ NICARAGUA TOUR FOR educators, July 4-14...
...postage, 28 cents per order...
...any ten, $3.78...
...Free estimate, 20 years of experience...
...Only $5...
...Order recycled paper if desired...
...American Perspectives on Asia and the Pacific" brings you up-to-date with a balanced picture of Asia...
...Lowest prices anywhere on custom-made or stock items...
...FIAT MONEY, the American people deceived...
...ORANGE CAT, 442-P Church Street, Garberville, CA 95440...
...Info $1, SBA, Inc., B-REMS, Box 325, Cambridge, MA 02138...
...Send SASE to IRLP, Box S, Timberville, VA 22853...
...Box 271 -P, New Vernon, NJ 07976...
...Unlimited pollution and tax-free energy...
...P, 886 U.N...
...NICA, 1704 Kilbourne Place N.W., Washington, D.C...
...Include 75 cents for postage and handling...
...Brochure from AFSC, 2161 Mass...
...CONSCIOUSNESS-RAISING PARAPHERNALIA for Safe Energy Activists: Original buttons, records, bumperstickers, T-shirts, books...
...DEVA-P3, Burkitts-ville, MD21718...
...Informative brochure...
...Price $5.95 including sales tax and mailing costs...
...The life one lives expresses one's religion...
...PR, RD1, Box 409, Coopersburg, PA 18036._ THE SOCIETY OF EVANGELICAL AGNOSTICS...
...Progresiv Publishr, Dept.P, 401 East 32 #1002, Chicago, IL 60616...
...Staff Headquarters, Rt...
...The quality of life—in fact, life itself—hangs in the balance...
...Serious analysis, light features, columns, book reviews, bulletin board of exhibits and performances, and a list of contributing editors that reads like a "who's who" in American-Asian affairs...
...380, Main St., East Orange, NJ 07018...
...Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140._ ACTIVIST SEEKS sponsor for self-directed education in "Social Change Management...
...Write for our free catalog of Birth & Parenting books...
...Write Box AE, Swarthmore, PA 19081, or call (215) 566-2132.__ BE Healthy, Wealthy, Wise...
...Ellen Ingber, Box752-C, Valley Stream, NY 11582...
...Both for $9, postpaid...
...Donnelly/Colt, P.O...
...Health, nutrition, organic gardening, environment, energy...
...Sepia ink on fine paper...
...Linton Enterprises, 29630 Richland, Livonia, Ml 48150._______ "COVER-UP" What You Are Not Supposed to Know about Nuclear Power...
...Ph (608) 835-3484, Oregon, Wl...
...Free Search, a service...
...Fiction, nonfiction, and poetry...
...Tasteful Products, Dept...
...Lg 3 bedroom house, Washington Is., Door County, Wise...
...BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES_ INSTRUCTORS NEEDED to conduct personal development programs, Pt./Ft...
...Specify S-M-L-XL...
...For information write: NAMBLA, Box 174-F, New York, NY 10018._ JOIN NEGATIVE POPULATION GROWTH, INC., 16 East 42nd St., Suite 1042(P), New York, NY-10017 and help us reduce the population by at least 50 per cent...
...OUT OF EL SALVADOR," "Stop the Draft," "Impeach Reagan," "Member— Immpral Minority...
...Send stamps for catalog...
...Send only $3.98 to: Aviation Investigation, Box 647, Ogden, UT 84402...
...4.50 postpaid...
...Bennett, 1852 Cross, Little Rock, AR 72206...
...Guaranteed, "Projector," Box 3252, Evansville, IN 47731._ THE H-BOMB SECRET: To Know How Is To Ask Why, a slide show by Howard Morland on the arms race with 160 slides, script and cassette tape...
...Specialized tours...
...Over 600 Movement groups currently use our union-made buttons and bumper stickers to raise money...
...Lens and easy instructions, $19.95...
...Every year, COMMUNITY JOBS, a monthly journal, lists over 2,000 job/internship openings in social change work nationwide...
...Consumers Cooperative Publishing Association, 841 Pomeroy Avenue, #20, Santa Clara, CA 95051._________ FEEDING THE FEW...
...Free personal advertising...
...FIGHT BAOKi Order your "Charter Member: IMMORAL MINORITY" T-shirt, $6 ppd...
...FGC, Dept...
...Public Concern Foundation, Box 442A, Merrifield, VA 22116...
...Established 1970...
...Now available from The Progressive Foundation, 315 W. Gorriam, Madison, Wl 53703...
...Info $1...
...POLITICAL_ POLITICAL PARTIES, Libertarian, Communist, over 20 parties with addresses, candidates, $2...
...Details: Box 500-P, Mendocino, CA 95460...
...In-(ormation and logo...
...Bullock, 5072 Stoneboat, Columbia, MD 21044...
...Original line drawings from "Series: Coupling" by de Shirland...
...Interested in professional work abroad in intercultural communication, Third World development, economics, environment, peace...
...Donnelly/Colt, P.O...
...Free list...
...CAMPS____ THE SUNAPEE ARTS CAMP—For children 7-14 offers instrumental music, drama, creative crafts and an outstanding waterfront program in the beautiful Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region...
...June, July, August...
...Ultimate weaponry for world order... care, education, arts, economic planning, women, labor...
...five designs, $2 postpaid...
...No Linens...
...CANCER SCIENCE to the Humanity Christ...
...Send $1.50, Bizzaro Inc., Box 126-P, Providence, Rl 02901...
...Plus snow removal off roofs...
...212) 691-0404...
...OUT OF EL SALVADOR," "No More Viet-nams," "Member—Immoral Minority," "Impeach Reagan," "Stop Pollution—Nuke the Trees," buttons 2/$1.00...
...lam Corp., 407 Rogers Street, Madison, Wl 53703...
...Free catalog...
...Write for more, information on our unique selection of books and periodicals...
...3, Box 101, Fayetteville, PA 17222._ BELL IS PHONY, by Bryan Sloan, is a study by a CPA of twenty years—overall—of the Bell telephone system (it has 80 percent of all phones in America) and how, by unique bookkeeping, profits are concealed, expenses stacked, and plant investment figures constantly padded...
...World Issues Program combines internship abroad with study on multicultural campus at the School for International Training...
...JOIN STUDS TERKEL, William Winpisinger, Izzy Stone, and other leading thinkers and doers who look to the Washington Spectator as a timely source of factual information on national and international happenings: 22 issues for $10.00...
...FUNCTIONAL GOVERNMENT READY with higher technology...
...Uow prices...
...Bachelor's program...
...FREE BROCHURE._ KOREAN HUMAN RIGHTS INFORMATION, 625 Post #888J, San Francisco, CA 94109...
...Delling, R.D...
...Alternative to the Corporate Food System...
...Free copy on request...
...214 pages, $4.94...
...OPPORTUNITIES_ LEARN HOW YOU CAN COMPETE WITH BIG OIL COMPANIES for drilling rights on federally leased land...
...EDUCATION______ AVON INSTITUTE—A gathering focused on issues of peace and social justice sponsored by American Friends Service Committee, July 25-Aug...
...Bumper stickers $1...
...Help address nuclear concerns in your area...
...Total cost $900...
...GET Out OF YOUR JEANSi Pure cotton drawstring pants crafted in our cottage industry of durable, domestic fabrics...
...Mini-Star Vehicules for stress-free travel...
...Kathryn Skott, c/o The Progressive, 408 W. Gorham St., Madison, Wl 53703._ RADIATION PROTECTION...
...SURVIVE WITH long term storage foods...
...KAHAWAI, Journal of Women and Zen, 2119 Kaloa Way, Honolulu, HI 96822...
...Enerson, Box 1375, Pt...
...this, and trading with itself, made true profits 29 per cent a year for the twenty years...
...I came, I saw, I left!' T-shirt...
...You may strike it rich...
...RAD-ALERT, Box 302, Pasadena, CA 91102...
...Accredited senior college (junior and senior years...
Vol. 45 • June 1981 • No. 6