Books briefly
Books briefly A collection of protest Peace Is Our Profession, edited by Jan Berry (East River Anthology, 75 Gates Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey 07042. 320 pp. $5.95). In his introduction, Jan...
...He gets both before an assassin cuts short his triumphs...
...Two selections from The Progressive are included: "To Learn from Hiroshima" by William G. Kelsey, originally published in 1977, and "What the Army Builds," by Milton Mayer, which first appeared in 1947 and was reprinted in 1980...
...In his introduction, Jan Berry calls this wide-ranging collection "a sort of reader of revolt...
...Fallaci devotes more of the book to describing Panagoulis's unspeakable tortures than to exploring her own feelings...
...Before an assassin strikes A Man, by Oriana Fallaci (Simon and Schuster...
...Berry, a Vietnam veteran and peace activist, has assembled verse and prose whose common theme is war protest—all wars, and especially Vietnam...
...The contributors range from six to eighty-six and include Tran Van Dinh, Daniel Berri-gan, Wendell Berry, Gloria Emerson, Daniel Ellsberg, Ron Kovic, Don Luce, and Grace Paley...
...He tried to sabotage her independent and glamorous career as an international journalist, and she in response offered him blind loyalty...
...It is an eloquently written but familiar story of a hero whose political persona is as well-developed as his personal relationships are immature...
...This "novel" is about the jail experiences of Greek resistance fighter Alexander Panagoulis and Fallaci's subsequent love affair with him...
...Most interesting is Fallaci's commitment to this arrogant, selfish man...
...463 pp...
...A classic story of love between a man and a woman...
...So it is...
...Panagoulis emerges from prison eager for revenge and hungry for a woman's devotion...
...These moving protests not only recall the peace marches and other vigils of the Vietnam years but bugle a warning against the threat of nuclear holocaust...
Vol. 45 • June 1981 • No. 6