Setting the stage for repression
Judis, John
Setting the stage for repression A new red scare is waiting in the wings Johnjudis There have been two great red scares in America in our century—one after World War I, led by Attorney General A....
...Buckley and his magazine have repeatedly attacked the Institute for Policy Studies...
...But no publication has been as important a force for the internal security lobby or as entwined with the Chile lobby as William Buckley's National Review...
...With the communist Left all but invisible, it provides the internal security lobby with a reason for being...
...West Watch devoted its October 1980 issue to exposing the Institute for Policy Studies as a "KGB 'black propaganda' agency...
...The definition conveniently excludes actions by such anti-Soviet countries as Chile, and reduces such political movements as the Salvadoran Left to the status of Red Brigade fringe criminals...
...Second, there must be some important pinks and even purples, who can be discredited for their alleged ideological or personal links with the reds...
...This, it was supposi-tioned, was a new linguistic har-bingereii by NATO during the time he bellwethered it...
...Besides publishing glowing accounts of Chile, Guatemala, and other right-wing Latin American regimes, the Council publishes West Watch, edited by veteran witchhunter Phillip Abbott Luce, which is devoted to ferreting out subversives...
...President Reagan has always favored reestablishing the Congressional internal security committees...
...The other Republicans on the five-member committee are John East and Orrin Hatch...
...Experts in the Kremlin thought they could recognition the word-forms of American diplomacy...
...Liebman and Bouchey were named in a 1979 Justice Department suit that forced the Council to register as an agent of a foreign power...
...Now he has to communal like everybody else...
...In 1976, an IPS working group which developed a proposed new policy toward Latin America included several individuals who would go on to serve in the Carter Administration...
...In 1974, IPS set up the Transnational Institute, with Orlando Letelier, a former official of Chile's Allende government, as its first director...
...But under the banner of a campaign against international terrorism and Soviet "disinformation" fronts, the Reagan Administration and the Republican Senate could be laying the groundwork right now for a new inquisition...
...This designation is broad enough to include Americans for Democratic Action or the Congressional Black Caucus, and the authors do include in their list of potential "internal security problems" not only communist organizations but also IPS, Tom Hayden's, Campaign for Economic Democracy (CED), and "some anti-defense and anti-nuclear lobbies...
...It also creates a pretext for unleashing the FBI and CIA, as well as Congressional investigative bodies...
...There is just one missing ingredient: a credible group of domestic reds who can be blamed for the pinks' apostasy...
...But close observers have alternatived that idea...
...Robert Morris's National Committee to Restore Internal Security began holding public hearings in February 1980...
...Nuancing in the dark General Alexander Haig has con-texted the Polish watchpot somewhat nuancely...
...There is also a group of influential pinks and purples—among them Walter Mondale, Cyrus Vance, Andrew Young, and Senators Edward Kennedy and Paul Tsongas—who are likely to resist drastic changes in American foreign policy...
...Through the Transnational Institute, IPS led the opposition to the Pinochet regime...
...When National Review reviewed The Spike, it charged that IPS was "the single most effective antidemocratic organization in the United States" and that it was attempting a "camouflaged Finlandization of the U.S...
...If Reagan continues to enjoy widespread support, there will be little justification for a new red scare...
...It helped develop a Congressional opposition to the war in Vietnam...
...role toward Cuba," and the need to break the "nexus between official U.S...
...The group was chaired by former Senate Internal Security Subcommittee counsel Robert Morris, and its members included Murray Baron, president of Accuracy in Media...
...Saul Landau, who succeeded Letelier as head of the Transnational Institute, enraged the conservatives by defending Cuba and Michael Manley's Jamaican regime...
...These actions set the stage for a play that may, indeed, never be performed—or that may be opening sooner than most of us expect...
...While watchful, we have seen nothing substantive either in the setting up of the committee or its Staffings or its jurisdiction to indicate that it is about to launch a full-scale investigation of anyone...
...But this is no problem to the authors of the Heritage report...
...Since American reds have never had much power or influence, the only point of red scares has been to get at "liberals" or "progressives...
...Or they print false stories about a nation's military or intelligence services to weaken its resistance to the Soviet threat...
...The group's report, entitled "Southern Connection," stressed the desirability of a Panama Canal treaty, a "positive U.S...
...It is no coincidence that this crew has chosen the Institute as its main target...
...They call not only for renewed Congressional investigations of internal "subversion," but also for unleashing the CIA and FBI against groups and individuals protected by the reforms of the 1970s...
...During the first day of hearings, Denton had asked an FBI witness whether he agreed with the Heritage Foundation's recommendations...
...IPS has also been a focus for developing a new Latin American and Caribbean policy...
...At first it seemed that the general was impenetrabling what at basic was clear...
...But others wonder why the United States, which by the FBI's own admissions has experienced a steady decline in domestic terrorism, suddenly needs a special committee on security and terrorism, or why so notorious an opponent of human rights as South Africa apologist and IPS baiter Ernest Lefever should be placed in charge of human rights...
...Along with Morton Halperin's Center for National Security Studies, William Miller's Center for International Policy, and Mother Jones magazine, IPS is seen as what de Borchgrave and Moss call a "Soviet disinformation front...
...Many of his close advisers favor new internal security investigations...
...The Heritage report denies that the United States will "in the foreseeable future be overthrown by violence or conspiracy," but warns against those capable of "subverting and destabilizing social and political processes . . . and of covertly influencing the policies of the United States in ways contrary to the desires and best interests of the nation but beneficial to hostile foreign powers to which internal extremists may be sympathetic or allied...
...The new subcommittee has jurisdiction over the FBI...
...After Reagan's victory, the Heritage Foundation also issued its 1,093-page blueprint for the incoming Administration, Mandate for Change, which devoted a section to internal security policies...
...Angelo Codevilla, a staff member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Georgetown professor Roy Godson...
...While a recurrence of the McCarthy era is not imminent, the Republican Senate has already created a new Subcommittee on Internal Security and Terrorism, and the Reagan Administration has appointed several prominent members of the internal security lobby to key posts...
...If carried through, the recommendations would severely curtail the free-speech guarantee of the First Amendment, as well as the Fourth Amendment's ban on "unreasonable searches and seizures...
...With Reagan's Presidential victory and the Republican capture of the Senate, some of these conditions have been met: The zealots are now present John Judis is the political editor of In These Times and a contributing editor of The Progressive...
...Third, there must be a group of committed zealots outside and inside Congress and the Administration who want to go after the reds, either as an end in itself or as a means to discredit the pinks and purples...
...It is axiomatic," they assert, "that individual liberties are secondary to the requirements of internal security and internal civil order...
...In an introduction to the Isaac article, Lefever said IPS was "the hub of a revolutionary political network" that sought to transform America through "guerrilla politics...
...The hearings, which continued for the better part of a year, focused on the dangers of Soviet-American trade and the threat of internal subversion...
...assistance and repression in recipient countries...
...Reagan and Secretary of State Alexander Haig have also endorsed the attempt by de Borchgrave, Moss, and others to define international terrorism, which supposedly includes the Red Brigades and the El Salvadoran guerrillas, as a conspiracy directed by the Soviet Union...
...In anticipation of a Reagan victory, this lobby has been actively campaigning for some time to place internal security high on the new Administration's agenda...
...Morris's Committee also occupied the same office as Bouchey's CIS, whose president, Ronald T. Docksai, is Senator Orrin Hatch's chief legislative aide, and whose directors and advisers include such Republican luminaries as Hatch, John East, Jake Garn, Jack Kemp, and Peter Domenici...
...The future of Denton's subcommittee and of the Reagan Justice Department depends largely on the outcome of the Administration's diplomatic and economic initiatives...
...The membersof this lobby share an aversion to any form of detente between the United States and the Soviet Union...
...IPS fellow and later director Robert Borosage helped organize the National Center for Security Studies, which played an important role in exposing the antidemocratic excesses of the FBI and CIA...
...It has already encountered some success...
...Setting the stage for repression A new red scare is waiting in the wings Johnjudis There have been two great red scares in America in our century—one after World War I, led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, the other after World War II, led by Senator Joseph McCarthy...
...In its first meeting on February 20, Denton announced that after reviewing FBI responsibilities, the subcommittee would investigate "transfers of sophisticated technology and the export of strategic materials, including manufactured goods, to the U.S.S.R., Soviet bloc countries, and certain Third World countries which engage in or give support to terrorist activities...
...Ambassador to the United Nations), citing "Southern Connection," would later blame IPS for the Carter Administration's foreign policies...
...Both Codevilla and Godson also served on Reagan's intelligence transition team...
...The Heritage report recommends creation of new Congressional committees, a new vigilance by the Administration, and the removal of restrictions on the FBI's domestic surveillance...
...Both William F. Buckley and Robert Morris had rec-commended an investigation of technology transfers from the United States to the Soviet Union...
...Unless, that is, he schizophrenes his allies first...
...If that is how General Haig wants to nervous breakdown the Russian leadership he may be shrewding his way to the biggest diplomatic invent since Clausewitz...
...In her letter, Letelier's sister promised funds from the Chilean Socialist Party...
...In an interview with Scripps-Howard newspapers after Reagan's victory, Robert Morris called for reestablishing the House and Senate internal security committees...
...Speaking of recent efforts, de Borchgrave charges that "the primary objective was the sabotage of Western intelligence services through media exposure...
...Buckley was reportedly the go-between for Liebman and the Chilean regime...
...As one veteran witchhunter regretfully acknowledged, the American Communist Party, with 4,000 members at most, is virtually "useless" as an agent of Soviet intentions...
...Senator Denton is low-key and colorless, certainly not the type to turn the subcommittee into a media circus...
...Now they have to afreshly language themselves up before suddenly told to knight their bishops and rdok their pawns...
...The disinformation danger allows an expansion of the field of internal subversion, from the usual organizations that advocate the violent overthrow of the Government to think tanks, policy groups, and publications...
...And he suggested as objects for investigation IPS, Mother Jones magazine, and the Pacific News Service, which he charged with "weakening internal security...
...Last year, an ad hoc group, the National Committee to Restore Internal Security, was formed to lead the campaign for new repressive legislation...
...Isaac reported her allegation, based on a letter from Orlando Letelier's sister in Havana that was found in the assassinated man's briefcase, that Leteuer was "an agent of influence for the Cubans...
...It also includes key figures in Congress and the Administration...
...Herbert Romerstein, former counsel to the House Un-American Activities Committee and now a staff member of the House Intelligence Committee...
...A typical example, according to de Borchgrave, is the denial of Soviet military superiority over the United States...
...Other Reagan appointments also indicate a shift toward repression...
...Rogert Fontaine, a director of the Council on Inter-American Security and the author of a recent Washington Quarterly attack on IPS, has been appointed Richard Allen's deputy in the National Security Council, and Ernest Lefever, whose Ethics and Public Policy Center recently reprinted Isaac's Midstream article, has been named Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights...
...In an interview with The Progressive, he also appeared to be defensive about the subcommittee's aims...
...If opposition grows to either his foreign or his domestic policies, the Administration and the Republican Senate may use their powers to move against the centers of opposition...
...L. Francis Bou-chey, executive vice president of the Council on Inter-American Security (CIS), and former Ambassador John Davis Lodge...
...In his testimony, de Borchgrave, citing his intelligence sources, claimed that "over 1,000 major cases of espionage in the United States could be cracked if there were to be a restoration of internal security in any meaningful way...
...They profess some support for constitutional democracy, but in their attitudes toward human rights in the United States and abroad, they seem to favor authoritarian modes...
...In the Senate, Strom Thurmond, who succeeded Edward M. Kennedy as head of the Judiciary Committee, has created a new Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism headeci by retired Admiral, former Vietnamese prisoner of war, and Moral Majority Senate candidate Josiah Denton...
...Before embarking on the 1980 campaign, he devoted several of his radio commentaries to attacking IPS...
...And such neo-conservatives as Georgetown's Jeane Kirkpatrick (now U.S...
...Disinformation fronts plant false stories about Soviet or Soviet bloc intentions or capacities...
...These traditional red scare outfits have found support from the Heritage Foundation (which obtains much of its money from Reagan Kitchen Cabinet member Joseph Coors), the American Conservative Union, the Georgetown Center for Strategic and International Studies (which publishes The Washington Quarterly), and such conservative Zionist publications as Commentary and Midstream, whose opposition to a Palestinian role in a Middle East settlement has led them farther and farther to the Right on other issues...
...Buckley's sister, Priscilla, was a founder of the American-Chilean Committee...
...How, though, if the situation decontrols, can he stoppage it mountingly conflagrating...
...Among the authors of this section were Heritage fellow Samuel Francis...
...East, a protege of Jesse Helms, recently hired Sam Francis of the Heritage report as his legislative aide...
...Knowledgeable observers expect his Attorney General, William French Smith, to relax the curbs on the FBI...
...He techniqued a new way to vocabulary his thoughts so as to informationally uncertain anybody listening about what he had actually implicationed...
...Sensing some apparent reluctance on the part of the subcommittee and the Administration to move in an unconstitutionally repressive direction, some civil libertarians have counseled calm vigilance...
...What Haig is doing, they concept, is to decouple the Russians from everything they are moded to...
...These and other members of the Committee were also founders of the American Chilean Council, a group organized by Wiliiam F. Buckley's longtime associate, Marvin Liebman, to lobby for Pinochet's Chile in the United States...
...Among the witnesses called were de Borchgrave and Rael Jean Isaac, who attacked IPS in the June/July 1980 issue of Midstream...
...De Borchgrave and Moss's The Spike is a thinly disguised fictional account of how the "Institute for Progressive Reform" (that is, IPS) served as a Soviet disinformation front...
...IPS was founded in 1963 by former Kennedy Administration officials Marcus Raskin and Richard Barnet...
...Major components of the internal security lobby include the conservative Right, the agents and supporters of right-wing dictatorships, former intelligence officers ousted in the 1975-1978 cleanup, and intellectuals and journalists from conservative think tanks and publications...
...both in Congress and in the Administration, and they seem eager to use a red scare to ferret out presumed subversives or to discredit the Carter Administration's policies on detente and human rights...
...This new terrorism scare is intended to discredit detente and to replace human rights as a focus of American diplomacy...
...But with the aid of journalist-novelists Arnaud de Borchgrave and Robert Moss, authors of The Spike, the internal security lobby has hit upon a new menace: the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS...
...One of its heroes is ousted intelligence chief "Nick Flower" (that is, James Angle-ton, who was the head of the CIA's massive domestic counterintelligence program...
...The ACLU position is one of seeing is believing," ACLU Counsel Jerry Berman says...
...In fact, many members of the internal security lobby have a special link: They formerly engaged—or still engage—in activity on behalf of the Pinochet regime in Chile...
...While Landau, a democratic socialist, rejects Cuban socialism as a model for the United States, he insists that in its "redistribution of wealth and resources," Cuba remains a model for much of the Third World...
...According to the Palmer-McCarthy formula for red scares, there are three essential components: First, there must be some reds— preferably not so many as to mount an effective resistance, or so few as to make the red scare seem pointless or even laughable...
...Haig, in Congressional hearings before his confirmatory, paradoxed his auditioners by abnormalling his responds so that verbs were nouned, nouns verbed, and adjectives adverbized...
...The Guardian, London...
...Donald Devine, a member of Robert Morris's National Committee to Restore Internal Security, has been made chief of the Office of Personnel Management, which oversees hiring policy...
...And National Review's publisher, William A. Rusher, was a member of Morris's National Committee to Restore Internal Security...
...Mindful of warnings from such conservative newspapers as The Washington Star and Chicago Tribune, the subcommittee is expected to move cautiously in the area of internal security, first laying the groundwork by investigating Soviet espionage and such relatively easy targets as the Ku Klux Klan or the Communist Workers Party before moving against such organizations as IPS...
...The subcommittee's initial focus reflects a desire to make it a forum for opposition to detente...
...Several sessions were held in official Senate chambers, courtesy' of the taxpayers and Senator Hatch...
...An example was to obstacle Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin from personalizing the private elevator at Foggy Bottom...
...These efforts were especially repugnant to Buckley, the American-Chilean Committee, and Bouchey's Council for Inter-American Security...
...But when he himself was asked whether he agreed with those recommendations, he replied that he had not seen them...
...National Review has employed Robert Moss, whose first book, Chile's Marxist Experiment, was exposed as a CIA-financed effort by London's Guardian...
...When Letelier was murdered by Chilean agents in 1976, IPS was instrumental in exposing the links between the assassins and the Chilean government and in persuading the Carter Administration to impose economic sanctions on Chile— sanctions that were just recently lifted by the Reagan Administration...
Vol. 45 • April 1981 • No. 4