LETTERS Toxic shock Thank you so much for your articles on women and health in the December issue. I was particularly grateful for the article by Mary Williams on toxic shock syndrome. After...
...If I did so, I would have to reject such people as Father Daniel Berrigan and Senator Mark Hatfield...
...This clearly was not the intention of the Founders, who wished merely to prevent persecution (and taxation) by a state church of dissenting sects...
...Only when the majority of us will accept moral responsibility for our own actions, rather than plead religious or civic irresponsibility, can such obscenities as war be purged from our world...
...We are all animals...
...The squeals were loud...
...They did this in recognition that the war was morally wrong, but not that God had forbidden it to Quakers...
...Many Americans have long il-logically held that this provides for "freedom of religion," by which they mean that membership in certain religious groups gives members privilege with respect to obeying or not obeying the law...
...Anne Holzinger Minneapolis, Minnesota Animals Now that Ronald Reagan is President-to-be, I'll bet you guys will ease up a bit on good ole America...
...We should realize that we have too much affinity forcultist ideologies...
...Our touted "principles" too often consist of nothing more than simplistic cliches, and we should be more willing to question them...
...Yessir, the people have herded to the gymnasiums of America and grunted their choice...
...Problem is, now we all have to go to the stockyards...
...To those narrow-minded bigots who are canceling their subscriptions, I can only feel sorry for you...
...The Democrats, instead of looking again to the tired old "liberal" anemics, are more likely to experiment with "conservative" rhetoric, as some in Congress are now doing...
...Fortunately for America and Southeast Asia, the American Friends labored heroically during the Vietnam war era to protect from military service not only their own members but everyone...
...Roy G. Kidwell El Dorado, Arkansas...
...Terry W. Puckett Angel Fire, New Mexico Religion While I am grateful to Diana McGinnis for her courageous stand against draft registration ("A Clerk's Objection," December issue), as a secularist I must protest her apparent conviction that it is "freedom of religion" which justifies her action...
...Bob Hayes Martin, Tennessee The Left I agree, in essence, with the thrust of your December editorial, "And Now Reagan...
...It is an issue on which there is a serious need for dialogue and debate, and on which people of good will can have honest differences of opinion...
...However, some are more easily herded than others...
...But our big question is unity on the Left...
...Once again The Progressive has stood up for the principle of freedom of thought and speech...
...After reading innumerable times in daily newspapers that doctors were mystified by the occurrence of toxic shock, it was a pleasure to have the facts laid before me...
...More women need to become aware of the attitude of the industries, which have been so indifferent to our safety all these years...
...I used to think that only the "pro-life" people were narrow-minded and illiberal on the subject, but some of the letters to the editor on "Abortion and the Left" (November and December issues) convince me that both sides have their narrow-minded people who can't think clearly...
...There is still so much chronic disunity on the Left— the bickering between Gus Hall and The Progressive (December letters) being an excellent example...
...I wish every woman in the country could read Mary Williams's article...
...I respect Diana McGinnis for her self-sacrifice on behalf of peace...
...I would respect her even more, however, if she would justify herself on the basis of the repugnance of war to the conscience of all decent human beings, and not on the basis of a special dispensation from God...
...The Progressive is a publication for thinking people...
...Our Constitution prohibits the "establishment of religion...
...Kathleen Callahan Martin Chelmsford, Massachusetts Abortion I am pro-choice, but I refuse to drum people who feel abortion is morally wrong out of all movements for peace, social justice, and a sane world...
...And when the mud cleared, there was horror written on their snouts...
...But others will perceive the bankruptcy of such a recourse and will start to ask some basic questions about our economic system...
Vol. 45 • January 1981 • No. 1